Palestinians to go directly to UN SC ?


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
That's according to Turkish PM. He says, that Palestinians will go directly to UN Security Council. The declared VETO of USA isn't nice, and if the UN SC approach does not yield results after a certain time, the Palestinians will go to UN General Assembly and seek a status similar to that of the Vatican, which will enable the Palestinians to join other international organizations like UNICEF or the International Criminal Court. They have secured enough support for this 2nd approach. The 2nd approach is enough to annoy the Israelis and push them into troubles.
Filistin vetosu sik degil - Hürriyet Gündem
UN Security Council will be a PR disaster for USA bigger than Abu-Ghraib.
A good dose of Anti-Americanism will be injected into Arab Spring and will not be confined to Arabs alone.
Doesn't your rogue Islamic entity of turkey have enough bad shit going on for you to be concerned about the Fakestinians, Islamonazi?

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Turkey's Illegal Blockade of Armenia,25,124&itemid=284

In an annual report released on Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the top judicial body to rule on human rights violations in Europe, found that Turkey is by far the worst violator of human rights among the 47 signatory states of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Human rights violations in Turkey « European Court of Human Rights

US criticizes 'human rights violations' in Turkey
Unlawful killings, poor prison conditions, excessively long trials and limits on freedom of expression are among the alleged human-rights violations in Turkey that the U.S. State Department denounced in a recent report.

“Security forces committed unlawful killings; the number of arrests and prosecutions in these cases was low compared to the number of incidents, and convictions remained rare,” the State Department said late Friday in the section devoted to Turkey in its annual report on the status of human rights throughout the world.

U.S. officials also commented on the recent arrests of Turkish journalists, which came too late to be included in this report, saying they would be monitored and addressed in next year’s survey.

During the year human-rights organizations reported cases of torture, beatings and abuse by security forces. Prison conditions improved but remained poor, with overcrowding and insufficient staff training,” the State Department said in its 2010 human-rights report.

“The overly close relationship between judges and prosecutors continued to hinder the right to a fair trial. Excessively long trials were a problem. The government limited freedom of expression through the use of constitutional restrictions and numerous laws,” the State Department said.

“Press freedom declined during the year. There were limitations on Internet freedom. Courts and an independent board ordered telecommunications providers to block access to Web sites on numerous occasions,” it said in the report. “Violence against women, including honor killings and rape, remained a widespread problem.”

US criticizes 'human rights violations' in Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News

Human Rights Watch: Turkey does not protect rights of Kurds and women and places restrictions on internet
Turkey: Make Rights Reform a Priority | Human Rights Watch

Journalists detained in Turkey Without Due Process
Journalists held without due process in Turkey - Committee to Protect Journalists

Turkey's Occupation of Cyprus
[ame=]The Turkish Invasion of Cyprus - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]George Eugeniou denounces Turkey's occupation of Cyprus - YouTube[/ame]
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JStone said:
No, the International Criminal Court doesn't have authority over the Palestine issue so far. Issues like bulldozing Palestinian homes or attacking Gaza City with phosphor bombs and Airforce.

The USA is longing for Israel's position and wants to join Israel in terms of regional isolation.

written by Saudi Royal Family member
Veto a State, Lose an Ally
Saudi Arabia would no longer be able to cooperate with America in the same way it historically has. With most of the Arab world in upheaval, the “special relationship” between Saudi Arabia and the United States would increasingly be seen as toxic by the vast majority of Arabs and Muslims, who demand justice for the Palestinian people.

Saudi leaders would be forced by domestic and regional pressures to adopt a far more independent and assertive foreign policy. Like our recent military support for Bahrain’s monarchy, which America opposed, Saudi Arabia would pursue other policies at odds with those of the United States, including opposing the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Iraq and refusing to open an embassy there despite American pressure to do so. The Saudi government might part ways with Washington in Afghanistan and Yemen as well.
JStone said:
No, the International Criminal Court doesn't have authority over the Palestine issue so far. Issues like bulldozing Palestinian homes or attacking Gaza City with phosphor bombs and Airforce.

When might the ICC investigate your rogue entity of turkey's illegal blockade of Armenia and illegal occupation of Cyprus?
written by Saudi Royal Family member

The Saudi Arabia that teaches IslamoNazis to hate America in their madrassas and whose IslamoNazis perpetrated 9/11?

Islam is one dirty cesspool
Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has expressed its opposition to a unilateral move by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to try and gain a seat in the United Nations next week, saying that the party rejects any step that concedes Palestinian territories or the rights of the Palestinians.

In an official statement on Friday, Hamas stressed that the decision to go to the UN was a unilateral step by Abbas in contravention of the Hamas-Fatah unity agreement.

The step “also lacks guarantees and is based on the ‘experimentation and expectations approach’, the same previous settlement approach that has caused harm to the Palestinians,” Hamas added, emphasizing that statehood and self-determination are the right of the people.

Hamas opposes Abbas
UN Security Council will be a PR disaster for USA bigger than Abu-Ghraib.
A good dose of Anti-Americanism will be injected into Arab Spring and will not be confined to Arabs alone.

The biggest PR disaster is your rogue Islamic entity of Turkey being friendly to Sudan which is perpetrating the genocide in Darfur

Turkey aims to increase trade volume with Sudan - Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month.

Since February 2003, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.

Genocide in Darfur, Sudan | Darfur Scorecard

[ame=]The Genocide In Darfur - YouTube[/ame]
Islam is one dirty cesspool

The move by the Palestinians to go to UN shows you how much world really has changed, and is still changing whether Jews, who have occupied Washington, like it or not.
Interesting times.
Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has expressed its opposition to a unilateral move by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

The same Hamas that demolishes homes in Gaza? LOL, the Muslims are all one massive shithole.

Hamas violently kick Palestinians out of homes and destroy them in Gaza
[ame=]Hamas violently kick Palestinians out of homes and destroy them in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
Islam is one dirty cesspool

The move by the Palestinians to go to UN shows you how much world really has changed, and is still changing whether Jews, who have occupied Washington, like it or not.
Interesting times.

Islamonazi, always remember that America is a Judeo-Christian nation, not a Muhammadan sharia shithole.

America values the Jews and their many contributions and despises the Muhammadan who perpetrated 9/11.

US President John Adams...
I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe, or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization.

George Washington Letter to the Hebrew Congregation at Newport, August 1790, the first synagogue in America called the Touro, acknowledging the role of the Jewish American community in the American Revolutionary War, including financing the war.
May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants--while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid.

May the father of all mercies scatter light, and not darkness, upon our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in His own due time and way everlastingly happy.

G. Washington

Torah Inscribed On Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, US: "Proclaim Liberty Throughout The Land" Independence National Historical Park - Liberty Bell Center (U.S. National Park Service)
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No love for the millions of men, women and children slaughtered in Darfur by the Muslim Sudanese government your rogue Islamic entity of turkey is friends with?:eek:

Turkey aims to increase trade volume with Sudan:eek:
Turkey aims to increase trade volume with Sudan - Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan

Islam the religion of peace? :lol:

The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month.

Since February 2003, the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.

Genocide in Darfur, Sudan | Darfur Scorecard

[ame=]The Genocide In Darfur - YouTube[/ame]
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