Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border

Israel does not depend on the UN for its sovereignty. That was granted by the League of Nations in the early 1920, along with Iraq, Lebanon and Syria getting the other Three Mandates. Remember them?

There is NO such things as a Right of Return for ANY people, much less for the Palestinians who only want to flood Israel with Arabs and eventually become the majority and therefore dismantling Israel and doing away with it.

What sane country would agree to so many people to come to their country and changing everything that it is?
Are you aware of any? Name it.

900,000 Jews were driven out of Arab controlled countries from 1948 on. They are definitely NOT given the right of return by any of those countries, the same way as many Jews who survived the Nazi Holocaust were not allowed to return to their countries, much less their homes after 1945.

You keep inventing things as being a RIGHT for Palestinians, when that RIGHT does not exist for ANY other people on the planet, and it does not actually exist for the Palestinian Arabs, and much less to the descendants of those who were urged to leave by their leader, or expelled because they were fighting against the Jewish groups.

They were told the Jews would be defeated in 2 weeks. Bad planning on the leaders' part.

Israel is NOT responsible for what the Arab leaders created:

Why they demand to continue to be refugees, when no other group continues to be called refugees, much less with all of its descendants added to the list?

Israel is NOT the Palestinian Arabs homeland. Arabia is.
TranJordan is not the Hashemite Kingdom's homeland. Arabia is.

RETURN ALL of the Mandate for Palestine to its rightful owners.
The Jewish People/Nation.
Wake up. You're dreaming again.
Use more words, please !!!!

What exactly happened with the "Eisenhower Movement " and in which way will it help the Arab Palestinians with their "Right of Return" and making their dream come true.....of destroying Israel?
The Eisenhower moment is about you and average Israeli's. Right after WWII ended, average German's refused to believe the Holocaust. And they kept refusing to believe the Holocaust until Eisenhower made them bury the dead.

That is your fate. I guarantee it.
Use more words, please !!!!

What exactly happened with the "Eisenhower Movement " and in which way will it help the Arab Palestinians with their "Right of Return" and making their dream come true.....of destroying Israel?
The Eisenhower moment is about you and average Israeli's. Right after WWII ended, average German's refused to believe the Holocaust. And they kept refusing to believe the Holocaust until Eisenhower made them bury the dead.

That is your fate. I guarantee it.
To guarantee something one needs to have integrity,
not sound like a crackpot at the end of cash, who will sell his mother for a dose.

Did Eisenhower also make the Brits bury the dead of Dresden?
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All kinds of wrong in this paragraph. Let's see if we can walk you through this.

Germany and Poland are two separate states. We all agree that one state can not take territory from another state by force.

Jordan, then, had absolutely no right to hold the territories it held between 1948 and 1967 as it had "conquered by conquest" a territory which belonged to another state. Jordan unilaterally ceded all claim to the territories it held in Western Palestine between 1948 and 1967.

With me so far? Jordan had and has no claim to the territory. We agree?

In 1948, then, which States had a claim to that territory in Western Palestine?
Israel seized these lands in the '67 war. You cannot hold onto land seized in a war.
Yes, Egypt does control the Rafa crossing.
Are you saying that you are not aware that Egypt does not allow anything into Gaza?
And that Egypt sometimes ends up keeping Arabs from Gaza from returning home for a long time. Or does not let those from Gaza to go into Egypt, for any reason.
How many days does it stay open?
After the Israeli disengagement in 2005, the monthly average number of entries and exits through Rafah Crossing reached about 40,000. After the capture of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in June 2006, the crossing was closed 76% of the time and after Hamas' takeover of the Gaza Strip it was closed permanently except for infrequent limited openings by Egypt.[11]

From June 2010 to January 2011, the monthly average number of exits and entries through Rafah reached 19,000. After May 2011, when Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak was replaced with Mohamed Morsi, the number grew to 40,000 per month. When Morsi was deposed by the army in July 2013, the Crossing was again almost completely shut down.

In August 2014, for the first time since the start of the Gaza blockade in 2007 Egypt allowed the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to bring food through the Rafah crossing. It provided food to feed around 150,000 people for 5 days.[12] In 2014, an average of 8,119 exits and entries of people were recorded at the crossing monthly. In September 2015, it was circa 3,300, while the Gaza population numbered 1.8 million people.[11] Between 24 October 2014 and September 2015, the crossing had been opened for only 34 days.[13]

On 22 January 2015, Egypt closed the border crossing.[37] In March, it declared that it would only open the border crossing if the Palestinian side is staffed by Palestinian Authority employees under the full authority of the Presidential Guard and no Hamas personnel are present

Rafah Border Crossing - Wikipedia
Are you on crack? Go back and read what I said.
Did you watch the video? Its UN WATCH, not the UN. Do you know what UN WATCH is?

The UN has nothing to do with Israeli sovereignty, other than that it has accepted Israel's membership. UN resolutions to do not form international law and UN resolutions do not give the right of return to Arab Palestinians.

1. The refugees in Gaza ARE ALREADY in their homeland. They never left. They are internally displaced. Not refugees by definition.

2. Descendants of "refugees" are not refugees. That status is not passed down through generations.

3. There is no international law in the world which requires displaced people to return to the exact place, town or building that they were displaced from. In fact, that is contrary to the point of IHL concerning (true) refugees.
I watched it and I heard that Israeli bitch talk a lot of shit.
Israel believes (and I think she is right) that ending the blockade would result in an escalation of war.

THAT is the entire point I've been trying to make. So here's the thing. Let's assume that you are right and I am wrong and that the cessation of the blockade will lead to peace, goodwill and brotherhood between Israel and Gaza. How are you going to convince Israel that this peace will happen? Do you think massing hundreds of thousands of protesters at the border, armed with guns, grenades, knives, IEDs, firebomb balloons and stones is going to convince Israel of Gaza's peaceful vision of the future?

Do you see how that is irrational thinking? Let's prove to Israel how peaceful we are! With guns, grenades, knives, IEDs, firebombs and stones!
This is not a war. And the occupation is the reason for all the violence.
No sane person should read anything you write.

It comes straight from the pit of Hell.
Yes, Egypt does control the Rafa crossing.
Are you saying that you are not aware that Egypt does not allow anything into Gaza?
And that Egypt sometimes ends up keeping Arabs from Gaza from returning home for a long time. Or does not let those from Gaza to go into Egypt, for any reason.
How many days does it stay open?
After the Israeli disengagement in 2005, the monthly average number of entries and exits through Rafah Crossing reached about 40,000. After the capture of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in June 2006, the crossing was closed 76% of the time and after Hamas' takeover of the Gaza Strip it was closed permanently except for infrequent limited openings by Egypt.[11]

From June 2010 to January 2011, the monthly average number of exits and entries through Rafah reached 19,000. After May 2011, when Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak was replaced with Mohamed Morsi, the number grew to 40,000 per month. When Morsi was deposed by the army in July 2013, the Crossing was again almost completely shut down.

In August 2014, for the first time since the start of the Gaza blockade in 2007 Egypt allowed the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to bring food through the Rafah crossing. It provided food to feed around 150,000 people for 5 days.[12] In 2014, an average of 8,119 exits and entries of people were recorded at the crossing monthly. In September 2015, it was circa 3,300, while the Gaza population numbered 1.8 million people.[11] Between 24 October 2014 and September 2015, the crossing had been opened for only 34 days.[13]

On 22 January 2015, Egypt closed the border crossing.[37] In March, it declared that it would only open the border crossing if the Palestinian side is staffed by Palestinian Authority employees under the full authority of the Presidential Guard and no Hamas personnel are present

Rafah Border Crossing - Wikipedia
Are you on crack? Go back and read what I said.
Yes and The Jews caused The Armenian Genocide and The Holocaust.

Your soul is accursed.

Israel believes (and I think she is right) that ending the blockade would result in an escalation of war.

THAT is the entire point I've been trying to make. So here's the thing. Let's assume that you are right and I am wrong and that the cessation of the blockade will lead to peace, goodwill and brotherhood between Israel and Gaza. How are you going to convince Israel that this peace will happen? Do you think massing hundreds of thousands of protesters at the border, armed with guns, grenades, knives, IEDs, firebomb balloons and stones is going to convince Israel of Gaza's peaceful vision of the future?

Do you see how that is irrational thinking? Let's prove to Israel how peaceful we are! With guns, grenades, knives, IEDs, firebombs and stones!
This is not a war. And the occupation is the reason for all the violence.
Zionists declared independence over 70% of the land .

It's like You want to get caught lying...


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