Palestinians did a 1929 anti-Jewish pogrom, but didn't exist until 1967.

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Apparently, the mentally ill are allowed to frequent this message board.
Can’t Shit4Brains simply stick to insulting anti-American Jewish neo-Cons?
Heck, I can’t stand them either.

Thank goodness I'm a pro-American Jewish paleo-Con.

I'm a gentile neo-con.

You're racial trash, and should be treated as such.

Anybody who's a gentile, who supports Israel must be dumb as a box of rocks.

You admit you Hate Jews and I’m racial trash? You were born Racial trash and you will die Racial trash. The Pollack hate started way before 1948; it’s in your blood
A bit harsh there Bru; a friend told me that she had a good life in Poland before the war. I think Sol is about justifying the Poles and suggests that those who did take part in Massacres of Jews were Nazi sympathisers with axes to grind. That is true to a certain degree but there were long standing enmities that were exploited by the Nazis as well. I find it difficult to actually follow his argument; it seems somewhat...confused.


This thread is about Palestine & Israel, not about Poles.

What justifies Deir Yassin Massacre by Israeli terrorists against Palestinians?

Jedwabne region had Jewish Soviet collaborators, they had kept going to the NKVD to send Poles to GULAGS in mass, it's no wonder why a small minority of Poles there had snapped against Jews.
Apparently, the mentally ill are allowed to frequent this message board.
Can’t Shit4Brains simply stick to insulting anti-American Jewish neo-Cons?
Heck, I can’t stand them either.

Poland’s nationalists are burying their antisemitic past – this is dangerous | Przemyslaw Wielgosz

I can continue. The Pollack is too stupid to understand it

Poland's not killing anybody, Israel on the other hand is still killing Palestinians.

Here's a partial list of the evils that some Poles did vis-a-vis the Jewish People:

In July 1941, in the Polish village of Jedwabne, 340 Jews of all ages were burned alive in a barn by their Polish neighbors. In 2004, the Polish journalist Anna Bikont published “The Crime and the Silence” (English edition, 2015), which contains interviews with eyewitnesses, murderers and survivors connected to this pogrom.

The following incidents happened when no German soldiers were on Polish soil:

"On May 20, 1945, Henry Slamovich, one of the Jews from Plaszow who had been saved by Oscar Schindler, returned with about twenty-five other young Jews, all of them survivors, to his home town of Dzialoszyce. 'We thought to ourselves,' he later recalled, 'we had survived. We are alive, we are going to enjoy freedom.' Even though his own home was now lived in by non-Jews, Slamovich was determined somehow to rebuild his life in his own town. But, within a week, four of the twenty-five Jews who had returned were murdered by Polish anti-Semites. The rest of the Jews realized they would have to leave. 'It was sad, very sad,' Slamovich recalled, thirty-five years later, in his home in San Francisco."

Ben Helgott, a fifteen-year-old Jewish survivor, and his twelve-year-old cousin Gershon were close to being killed by Polish policemen, when they reached Czestochowa, their first stop in Poland. Only by pleading for their lives with the policemen of their common nationality and that they both, Jews and Poles, were victims of the Nazis, did the Polish policemen relent, and holstered their pistols. 'Let's leave them. They are after all still boys. 'You can consider yourselves very lucky. We have killed many of your kind. You are the first ones we have left alive,' " the policemen told the young cousins.

"On August 20 anti-Jewish riots broke out in Cracow . . . Sosnowiec on October 25 and in Lublin on November 19. Within seven months of the end of the war in Europe . . . 350 Jews had been murdered in Poland" There were more. In October, eight Jews were killed in Boleslawiec by a Polish underground group that was still killing Jews. In December, eleven Jews were murdered in Kosow-Lacki. "In February 1946, nine months after the Allied victory in Europe, four Jewish delegates to a Jewish communal convention in Cracow were murdered on the train from Lodz."

On February 1, 1946, "the Manchester Guardian published a full report of the situation of the Jews still in Poland." The four headlines to the report read:

Still the murders and attacks against the Jews of Poland continued. In Radom, a hospital for Jewish orphans came under attack; in Lublin, two Jews who were attacked on a bus were tracked down by the Polish thugs to the hospital and murdered there. In Parczew, four Jews were murdered. On February 1946, Chaim Hirszman, a survivor of the death camp Belzec was murdered. "Five days before Hirszman's murder, the British Ambassador in Poland, Victor Cavendish Bentinck, reported about four Polish Jews, one who was a woman, had been stopped in the car they were riding, 'taken out and shot by the roadside for being Jews'. " On March 28, a group of Jewish leaders travelling from Cracow to Lodz, were "seized, tortured and murdered."

"On Easter Sunday, April 21, five Jews were driving along the main road towards the southern Polish town of Nowy Targ. All five were survivors of Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Mauthausen. The oldest, Benjamin Rose, was thirty-five, Leon Lindenberger was twent-five. Ludwig Hertz, Henrych Unterbruck, and the only girl among them, Ruth Joachimsman were twenty-two."

On July 4, 1946, 42 Jews were slain in the town of Kielce. The Polish mob "attacked the building of the Jewish Committee in Kielce. Almost all the Jews who were inside the building, including the Chairman of the Committee, Dr Seweryn Kahane, were shot, stoned to death, or killed with axes and blunt instruments. Elsewhere in Kielce, Jews were murdered in their homes, or dragged into the street and killed by the mob. Two, Duczka and Adas Fisz, were children. Four, Bajla Gernter, Rachel Zander, Fania Szumachar and Naftali Teitelbaum, were teenagers on their way to Palestine."

(Source: Martin Gilbert, The Holocaust, New York, 1985, pp. 812-821)

What about Jewish Zionists doing the Deir Yassin Massacre?

That would be more along the topic of the thread, the topic isn't Poles, or Poland.

Only 12 Poles were convicted for the Jedwabne Pogrom, let's judge the entire Polish nation for that.

Then I can judge Jews for the Skidel Revolt, The massacre Brzostowica Mała, the Kunichy Massacre,
Jakub Berman, and Salomon Morel, butchering thousands of Poles.

Skidel was a Communist massacre, Brzostowica Mała was a Communist massacre, Burman a Communist, Morel a Communist...................see the trend? Deir Yassin? It was a battle for a strategic town! Reports of a massacre were somewhat in LIES!!

Old canards...get a grip, Sol!!


Communist killings with strong Jewish cooperation.

Israel refused to apprehend Salomon Morel to justice for his crimes, BTW.
I hear this over, and over again from Zionists.

Oh Palestinians did this before 1967, but somehow never existed until 1967.

No wonder why much of the World doesn't take Zionists seriously, anymore.

Whatever...Palestinians have been a pain in the ass in the entire region for a century.
Indeed, more Palestinians have been displaced by other Arab nations before 1960's than Israel.
Not saying Israel is exactly fair, their not, but the Palestinians have had NUMEROUS opportunities to find peace/land but always hold out for "we get everything or nothing"...which is never going to happen. Never.
So the conflict will continue for generations to come as stupid is as stupid does.

Really how could Israel be anymore fair in this circumstance?
I partially agree with Your conclusion, just want to notice one dimension that is usually overseen.
The Arab miscalculation is not only the demand for complete domination over minorities in the middle east, eventually a self-defeating argument, but they also don't understand the proportion between size of a nation and its actual power, and the distance to which one can stretch the rope with such a nation.

Israeli govt. wasn't fair to Jews when it gave away national territories for the sake of compromises.
We can argue for days about whether they were strategically smart in the long run, but it is a mistake to think that if Arabs don't get all of it, they'll still get a part. There's just no such reality anymore, Arabs made sure to polarize every aspect to the extreme opposite by blind default, that no other options are left long run, but the exact reverse of their every political demand from the river to the sea.

I am not an expert, but will certainly agree that Israel is by far the "good guys" as overwhelmingly most Americans do. Despite the left media's attempt to constantly paint Israel in a bad light.
I have watched this conflict for decades, and have seen multiple times Isreal took the high road in negotiations only to face the all or nothing attitude of Palestinian "leaders".
As far as I know, maybe the Palestinian people are good people just like everyone else.... but at the same time, you would think they would get tired of being constantly used as pawns by Arab nations in their hatred of Jews.

The good guys don't declare their nation upon another people, and then ethnic cleanse those people since the Nakba.
Apparently, the mentally ill are allowed to frequent this message board.
Can’t Shit4Brains simply stick to insulting anti-American Jewish neo-Cons?
Heck, I can’t stand them either.

Thank goodness I'm a pro-American Jewish paleo-Con.

I'm a gentile neo-con.

You're racial trash, and should be treated as such.

Anybody who's a gentile, who supports Israel must be dumb as a box of rocks.

You admit you Hate Jews and I’m racial trash? You were born Racial trash and you will die Racial trash. The Pollack hate started way before 1948; it’s in your blood

You're a maniac, who can't even have a discussion about Israel vs Palestine with me, without foaming at the mouth with off topic anti-Polish flames.

You're a complete piece of trash.
Apparently, the mentally ill are allowed to frequent this message board.
Can’t Shit4Brains simply stick to insulting anti-American Jewish neo-Cons?
Heck, I can’t stand them either.

Thank goodness I'm a pro-American Jewish paleo-Con.

I'm a gentile neo-con.

You're racial trash, and should be treated as such.

Anybody who's a gentile, who supports Israel must be dumb as a box of rocks.

You admit you Hate Jews and I’m racial trash? You were born Racial trash and you will die Racial trash. The Pollack hate started way before 1948; it’s in your blood

You're a maniac, who can't even have a discussion about Israel vs Palestine with me, without foaming at the mouth with off topic anti-Polish flames.

You're a complete piece of trash.

You’re a piece of filth; You initiated the post inferring Anti Zionism was all about the Palestinians . Don’t like it because I expose the Pollacks for what they are; Long history of Antisemitism gleefully killing Jews during the Holocaust? Too bad
You’re a complete piece of filth and human waste
Apparently, the mentally ill are allowed to frequent this message board.
Can’t Shit4Brains simply stick to insulting anti-American Jewish neo-Cons?
Heck, I can’t stand them either.

Thank goodness I'm a pro-American Jewish paleo-Con.

II can’t believe how stupid he is declaring there is no such thing as Antisemitism
My current working theory is that this poster has a deep_seated hatred of Poles, so is portraying them as the most cretinous creatures on the face of God's green Earth.

The avatar is the real giveaway. I mean, really now - the low brow ridge, beady little eyes, and thuggish expression HAD to be chosen with a specific purpose in mind .
So, in other words you support murdering Jewish people because
you consider their purchasing of land as an act of theft.

Have you ever considered taking that first step towards becoming human, instead?


No, I support the right of any people whose homeland is subjected to a process of colonization and who find themselves under foreign military occupation, prevented by the foreign army to humanely deport the colonists trying to create a separate society in their homeland, I support their right to fight the invaders.

The blame for all the violence falls squarely on the shoulders of the foreign army of occupation preventing the natives from carrying out the non-violent expulsion of the settlers from another continent.

I support their right to defend their homeland and society from foreign colonization... be they american Indians, black South Africans, australian Aborigenals or palestinian Arabs.

I support the exact same right a card-carrying super patriotic american clown like you would undoubtedly support if the US was placed under the same desperate situation... even though America herself is the result of foreign colonization and subjugation of natives.
Apparently, the mentally ill are allowed to frequent this message board.
Can’t Shit4Brains simply stick to insulting anti-American Jewish neo-Cons?
Heck, I can’t stand them either.

Thank goodness I'm a pro-American Jewish paleo-Con.

II can’t believe how stupid he is declaring there is no such thing as Antisemitism
My current working theory is that this poster has a deep_seated hatred of Poles, so is portraying them as the most cretinous creatures on the face of God's green Earth.

The avatar is the real giveaway. I mean, really now - the low brow ridge, beady little eyes, and thuggish expression HAD to be chosen with a specific purpose in mind .

You caught me, I'm an anti-Polish, Polish Jew.
(Rolls eyes)

You Zionists make anybody look good?
So, in other words you support murdering Jewish people because
you consider their purchasing of land as an act of theft.

Have you ever considered taking that first step towards becoming human, instead?


No, I support the right of any people whose homeland is subjected to a process of colonization and who find themselves under foreign military occupation, prevented by the foreign army to humanely deport the colonists trying to create a separate society in their homeland, I support their right to fight the invaders.

The blame for all the violence falls squarely on the shoulders of the foreign army of occupation preventing the natives from carrying out the non-violent expulsion of the settlers from another continent.

I support their right to defend their homeland and society from foreign colonization... be they american Indians, black South Africans, australian Aborigenals or palestinian Arabs.

I support the exact same right a card-carrying super patriotic american clown like you would undoubtedly support if the US was placed under the same desperate situation... even though America herself is the result of foreign colonization and subjugation of natives.

Your gee-had of none.
Apparently, the mentally ill are allowed to frequent this message board.
Can’t Shit4Brains simply stick to insulting anti-American Jewish neo-Cons?
Heck, I can’t stand them either.

Thank goodness I'm a pro-American Jewish paleo-Con.

II can’t believe how stupid he is declaring there is no such thing as Antisemitism
My current working theory is that this poster has a deep_seated hatred of Poles, so is portraying them as the most cretinous creatures on the face of God's green Earth.

The avatar is the real giveaway. I mean, really now - the low brow ridge, beady little eyes, and thuggish expression HAD to be chosen with a specific purpose in mind .

You caught me, I'm an anti-Polish, Polish Jew.
(Rolls eyes)

You Zionists make anybody look good?

YOU are a Polish Jew? You have my permission to pour gasoline on yourself, and light a match

Polish Collobaters with Nazi Germany - Google Search

Understanding the Polish Obsession with Salomon Morel

The Day We Burned Our Neighbors Alive
Last edited:
So, in other words you support murdering Jewish people because
you consider their purchasing of land as an act of theft.

Have you ever considered taking that first step towards becoming human, instead?


No, I support the right of any people whose homeland is subjected to a process of colonization and who find themselves under foreign military occupation, prevented by the foreign army to humanely deport the colonists trying to create a separate society in their homeland, I support their right to fight the invaders.

The blame for all the violence falls squarely on the shoulders of the foreign army of occupation preventing the natives from carrying out the non-violent expulsion of the settlers from another continent.

I support their right to defend their homeland and society from foreign colonization... be they american Indians, black South Africans, australian Aborigenals or palestinian Arabs.

I support the exact same right a card-carrying super patriotic american clown like you would undoubtedly support if the US was placed under the same desperate situation... even though America herself is the result of foreign colonization and subjugation of natives.
Yes, you are a subhuman who supports the murder of Jews .

I already knew that .
I hear this over, and over again from Zionists.

Oh Palestinians did this before 1967, but somehow never existed until 1967.

No wonder why much of the World doesn't take Zionists seriously, anymore.

It’s hard to take whinny faggots like you seriously.

You applaud kicking Jews out of Poland and Europe in general, yet oppose them having their own nation so they can flee to it.

So which is it? Would you rather they stay in your country, or go to their own country?
I hear this over, and over again from Zionists.

Oh Palestinians did this before 1967, but somehow never existed until 1967.

No wonder why much of the World doesn't take Zionists seriously, anymore.

It’s hard to take whinny faggots like you seriously.

You applaud kicking Jews out of Poland and Europe in general, yet oppose them having their own nation so they can flee to it.

So which is it? Would you rather they stay in your country, or go to their own country?

No; if he had his way Pearl Harbor wouldn’t have happened and we wouldn’t have been involved in it. Every Jew in Europe would have been killed. Poland had a LONG history of Antisemitism before 1941
I hear this over, and over again from Zionists.

Oh Palestinians did this before 1967, but somehow never existed until 1967.

No wonder why much of the World doesn't take Zionists seriously, anymore.

It’s hard to take whinny faggots like you seriously.

You applaud kicking Jews out of Poland and Europe in general, yet oppose them having their own nation so they can flee to it.

So which is it? Would you rather they stay in your country, or go to their own country?

Israel was indeed good in that it got Europe's Jews out of Europe.
But, that doesn't mean I have to accept their crimes.
I hear this over, and over again from Zionists.

Oh Palestinians did this before 1967, but somehow never existed until 1967.

No wonder why much of the World doesn't take Zionists seriously, anymore.

It’s hard to take whinny faggots like you seriously.

You applaud kicking Jews out of Poland and Europe in general, yet oppose them having their own nation so they can flee to it.

So which is it? Would you rather they stay in your country, or go to their own country?

No; if he had his way Pearl Harbor wouldn’t have happened and we wouldn’t have been involved in it. Every Jew in Europe would have been killed. Poland had a LONG history of Antisemitism before 1941

Poland was actually one of Europe's most tolerant nations of Jews, you dunce.

If we hate Jews, it's because you deserve it, look at you a barbarian who supports mass murders of Poles, and Palestinians.
I hear this over, and over again from Zionists.

Oh Palestinians did this before 1967, but somehow never existed until 1967.

No wonder why much of the World doesn't take Zionists seriously, anymore.

It’s hard to take whinny faggots like you seriously.

You applaud kicking Jews out of Poland and Europe in general, yet oppose them having their own nation so they can flee to it.

So which is it? Would you rather they stay in your country, or go to their own country?

No; if he had his way Pearl Harbor wouldn’t have happened and we wouldn’t have been involved in it. Every Jew in Europe would have been killed. Poland had a LONG history of Antisemitism before 1941

Poland was actually one of Europe's most tolerant nations of Jews, you dunce.

If we hate Jews, it's because you deserve it, look at you a barbarian who supports mass murders of Poles, and Palestinians.

You are so stupid you actually believe it. Apparently you don’t know how to read any of the threads . Jews support mass murdered of Pollacks? Your brethren ACTUALLY MURDERED massive numbers of Jews
I hear this over, and over again from Zionists.

Oh Palestinians did this before 1967, but somehow never existed until 1967.

No wonder why much of the World doesn't take Zionists seriously, anymore.

It’s hard to take whinny faggots like you seriously.

You applaud kicking Jews out of Poland and Europe in general, yet oppose them having their own nation so they can flee to it.

So which is it? Would you rather they stay in your country, or go to their own country?

No; if he had his way Pearl Harbor wouldn’t have happened and we wouldn’t have been involved in it. Every Jew in Europe would have been killed. Poland had a LONG history of Antisemitism before 1941

Poland was actually one of Europe's most tolerant nations of Jews, you dunce.

If we hate Jews, it's because you deserve it, look at you a barbarian who supports mass murders of Poles, and Palestinians.

You are so stupid you actually believe it. Apparently you don’t know how to read any of the threads . Jews support mass murdered of Pollacks? Your brethren ACTUALLY MURDERED massive numbers of Jews

Jews like Salomon Morel & Jakub Berman killed lots of Poles.

There you go as an Israeli calling for more Polish blood.
I hear this over, and over again from Zionists.

Oh Palestinians did this before 1967, but somehow never existed until 1967.

No wonder why much of the World doesn't take Zionists seriously, anymore.

It’s hard to take whinny faggots like you seriously.

You applaud kicking Jews out of Poland and Europe in general, yet oppose them having their own nation so they can flee to it.

So which is it? Would you rather they stay in your country, or go to their own country?

No; if he had his way Pearl Harbor wouldn’t have happened and we wouldn’t have been involved in it. Every Jew in Europe would have been killed. Poland had a LONG history of Antisemitism before 1941

Poland was actually one of Europe's most tolerant nations of Jews, you dunce.

If we hate Jews, it's because you deserve it, look at you a barbarian who supports mass murders of Poles, and Palestinians.

You are so stupid you actually believe it. Apparently you don’t know how to read any of the threads . Jews support mass murdered of Pollacks? Your brethren ACTUALLY MURDERED massive numbers of Jews

Jews like Salomon Morel & Jakub Berman killed lots of Poles.

There you go as an Israeli calling for more Polish blood.

I provided a link of Pollacks who conspired with the Nazis to kill as many Jews as possible
I also provided a link Re: Salomon More
You’re too stupid to read them
Jakob Bergman killed Poles? Another lie. However, even if he did, so what? Why should the killing go one way?
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