Palestinian NGOs refuse EU funds after being told not to fund terror


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Over a hundred of Palestinian civil society organizations refused to request European Union funds after the body insisted that the money not go to terrorist organizations, the Algemeiner reported.

According to Shawan Jabarin, director of the BDS organization Al-Haq, the 100-plus NGOs "demanded to include conditions stipulating that we do not have to recognize the criteria listed regarding terrorist groups."

According to the Strategic Affairs Ministry, the NGOs insisted that the terrorist organizations are simply political parties, Jewish News Syndicate reported.

The organizations sent a letter of protest to a meeting between Jabarin, Palestinian National Initiative secretary-general Mustafa Barghouti and EU representatives in the PA.

Over the past year, the Strategic Affairs Ministry and NGO Monitor have been exposing the ties between the civil society organizations and Palestinian terrorist groups, such as the PFLP and Hamas.

According to the ministry's report entitled "Terrorists in Suits," the NGOs act as a medium for funds for the terrorist groups, which allows them to raise money through legitimate entities, such as the EU.

Palestinian NGOs refuse EU funds after being told not to fund terror

What's the difference between a Palestinian and a terrorist?

No one knows.
"Palestinian Hamas is the Boko Haram against Jews"

Sufi-Muslim-raised, Shariff Hazan, appears at Support Israel Rally in L.A.; he clarifies that Israel is under attack by Islamist Hamas not merely for Palestinian nationalism- but, like Boko Haram, to conquer the Jews & Christians of Israel under Islam.

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Palestinian Pay for Slay

The Palestinian Authority pays over 350 million dollars annually to Palestinians who stab, run over, or shoot Jews for the entire duration of their imprisonment. If the terrorist is killed, his family will receive a monthly payment for life.

Over a hundred of Palestinian civil society organizations refused to request European Union funds after the body insisted that the money not go to terrorist organizations, the Algemeiner reported.

According to Shawan Jabarin, director of the BDS organization Al-Haq, the 100-plus NGOs "demanded to include conditions stipulating that we do not have to recognize the criteria listed regarding terrorist groups."

According to the Strategic Affairs Ministry, the NGOs insisted that the terrorist organizations are simply political parties, Jewish News Syndicate reported.

The organizations sent a letter of protest to a meeting between Jabarin, Palestinian National Initiative secretary-general Mustafa Barghouti and EU representatives in the PA.

Over the past year, the Strategic Affairs Ministry and NGO Monitor have been exposing the ties between the civil society organizations and Palestinian terrorist groups, such as the PFLP and Hamas.

According to the ministry's report entitled "Terrorists in Suits," the NGOs act as a medium for funds for the terrorist groups, which allows them to raise money through legitimate entities, such as the EU.

Palestinian NGOs refuse EU funds after being told not to fund terror

What's the difference between a Palestinian and a terrorist?

No one knows.

Shocking.... the EU is giving money to Palestinian NGOs, who are funneling it to Hamas, a well documented terrorist group.

Shocking I say. Shocking.

Predictable really.
What's the difference between a Palestinian and a terrorist?
One is an Israeli?

Really? You expect me to believe there are Israelis in Palestine right now? Because that's the context. Don't think so buddy.

CNM is an antisemitic sheepherder from WAAAAAAAY back!!


He/she actually posted a picture once of Jesus being crucified, and repeated the 2000 year old blood libel that the Jews killed Jesus, a blood libel that caused the deaths of hundreds of Jews thru the centuries. Meanwhile, the only ones who have crucified Christians most recently have been the Muslims.
Over a hundred of Palestinian civil society organizations refused to request European Union funds after the body insisted that the money not go to terrorist organizations, the Algemeiner reported.

According to Shawan Jabarin, director of the BDS organization Al-Haq, the 100-plus NGOs "demanded to include conditions stipulating that we do not have to recognize the criteria listed regarding terrorist groups."

According to the Strategic Affairs Ministry, the NGOs insisted that the terrorist organizations are simply political parties, Jewish News Syndicate reported.

The organizations sent a letter of protest to a meeting between Jabarin, Palestinian National Initiative secretary-general Mustafa Barghouti and EU representatives in the PA.

Over the past year, the Strategic Affairs Ministry and NGO Monitor have been exposing the ties between the civil society organizations and Palestinian terrorist groups, such as the PFLP and Hamas.

According to the ministry's report entitled "Terrorists in Suits," the NGOs act as a medium for funds for the terrorist groups, which allows them to raise money through legitimate entities, such as the EU.

Palestinian NGOs refuse EU funds after being told not to fund terror

What's the difference between a Palestinian and a terrorist?

No one knows.
Thanks to obama terrorists have other sources to fund their murders

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook
An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.
Really? You expect me to believe there are Israelis in Palestine right now?
The West Bank is full of them.

There are about a half-million Jews/Israelis in the West Bank right now, as opposed to 2 or 3 million Arabs, and there's nothing wrong with that. The West Bank is known as Judea and Samaria in Jewish tradition, and Jews come from Judea, just like the Arabs come from Arabia.
STOP illegal EU settlements

EU asks Jihadists they funded for decades to not participate in terrorism, and they refuse.
Then goes EU saying "Jews shouldn't be allowed in Judea Samaria/West Bank".
Who would have imagined, prepare your 'surprised' look.

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