‘Palestinian’ Is a Roman Name for Jews


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Rome renamed Israel to Palestine as punishment for revolting.
Jews were then referred to as Palestinians.

So stop with the BS that Palestinians were there first thinking they were Muslims.

Rome renamed Israel to Palestine as punishment for revolting.
Jews were then referred to as Palestinians.

So stop with the BS that Palestinians were there first thinking they were Muslims.

families lived in palestine : christians, muslims, and jews. they lived there peacefully under the ottomans for centuries, until wwi when the british supplanted the ottomans by promising independence to the arabs.

what does your history say of terrorism between versailles and 1947? or were those jewish terrorists really "freedom fighters? "
families lived in palestine : christians, muslims, and jews. they lived there peacefully under the ottomans for centuries, until wwi when the british supplanted the ottomans by promising independence to the arabs.

what does your history say of terrorism between versailles and 1947? or were those jewish terrorists really "freedom fighters? "
Whatever fantasy or grudge you carry hardly relates to 2023
Rome renamed Israel to Palestine as punishment for revolting.
Jews were then referred to as Palestinians.

So stop with the BS that Palestinians were there first thinking they were Muslims.

Genocide is another word for mass murder.

Israel must cease its criminal holocaust.

But your irrelevant/fallacious antisemitic semantic apologism is noted.
Rome renamed Israel to Palestine as punishment for revolting.
Jews were then referred to as Palestinians.

So stop with the BS that Palestinians were there first thinking they were Muslims.
Total nonsense

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century BCE occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel-Aviv and Gaza. The name was revived by the Romans in the 3nd century BCE in “Syria-Palaestina,” which included parts of today's Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

In order to designate areas that were predominately settled by Jews, e.g. Jerusalem - the Romans referred to that territory as the Province of Judea. And appointed those leaders like Herod or his father (BTW Palestinian-Arabs who had converted to Judaism) as Kings of Judea. After the Romans had completely destroyed Judea - eradicating around 60% of the Jewish population - and the rest wandering off in majority - the Palestinian-Arabs took over the "vacancy" for 2000 years.

Those partially predominately Jewish inhabited areas in 1917 - were designated as Jewish Homeland, that the British had allocated to them. Ignoring the right of Palestinian-Arabs on a whole and also ignoring the fact, that even in these partially predominately Jewish inhabited areas - the overall majority constituted Palestinian-Arabs.

E.g. Woodland Park in Col. has a population of around 7000 people - it is located in Teller county with a total population of around 24,000 people. So because the population of e.g. Woodland Park consists to e.g. 80% of Jews - the entire Teller county is being designated as Jewish homeland - ignoring the fact that e.g. 16,000 of Teller counties 24,000 total population are Christian Americans.

Why the USA (or people like you, who supposedly care sooo much) doesn't simply allocate some shitty 15000mls2 to Jews to set up their own country within the USA - beats me. E.g. there are already approx. 1.8 million Jews living in the state of New-York + 9 million coming from Israel - I say give it to them. After all who cares about those other 18 million Americans living in the State of New-York - just Christian squatters who stole the land from them Injuns anyway.
Total nonsense

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who in the 12th century BCE occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel-Aviv and Gaza. The name was revived by the Romans in the 3nd century BCE in “Syria-Palaestina,” which included parts of today's Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

In order to designate areas that were predominately settled by Jews, e.g. Jerusalem - the Romans referred to that territory as the Province of Judea. And appointed those leaders like Herod or his father (BTW Palestinian-Arabs who had converted to Judaism) as Kings of Judea. After the Romans had completely destroyed Judea - eradicating around 60% of the Jewish population - and the rest wandering off in majority - the Palestinian-Arabs took over the "vacancy" for 2000 years.

Those partially predominately Jewish inhabited areas in 1917 - were designated as Jewish Homeland, that the British had allocated to them. Ignoring the right of Palestinian-Arabs on a whole and also ignoring the fact, that even in these partially predominately Jewish inhabited areas - the overall majority constituted Palestinian-Arabs.

E.g. Woodland Park in Col. has a population of around 7000 people - it is located in Teller county with a total population of around 24,000 people. So because the population of e.g. Woodland Park consists to e.g. 80% of Jews - the entire Teller county is being designated as Jewish homeland - ignoring the fact that e.g. 16,000 of Teller counties 24,000 total population are Christian Americans.

Why the USA (or people like you, who supposedly care sooo much) doesn't simply allocate some shitty 15000mls2 to Jews to set up their own country within the USA - beats me. E.g. there are already approx. 1.8 million Jews living in the state of New-York + 9 million coming from Israel - I say give it to them. After all who cares about those other 18 million Americans living in the State of New-York - just Christian squatters who stole the land from them Injuns anyway.
You should read what you copy and past.
The name was revived by the Romans
You should read what you copy and past.
No you need to learn and start to read history books.

Then you maybe, just maybe might be able to understand that the term Palestine/Palestinian drives from the Greek Philistines/Philistine, that was in use 900 years already before the Romans took over "revived" the term Philistine into Palestine.

Who did this Hebrew squatter and slingshot fellow David fight? upon Hebrews trying to grab other peoples land? don't say Giant now - please.
No you need to learn and start to read history books.

Then you maybe, just maybe might be able to understand that the term Palestine/Palestinian drives from the Greek Philistines/Philistine, that was in use 900 years already before the Romans took over "revived" the term Philistine into Palestine.

Who did this Hebrew squatter and slingshot fellow David fight? don't say Giant now - please.
The name was revived by the Romans

Your post, not mine.
No you need to learn and start to read history books.

Then you maybe, just maybe might be able to understand that the term Palestine/Palestinian drives from the Greek Philistines/Philistine, that was in use 900 years already before the Romans took over "revived" the term Philistine into Palestine.

Who did this Hebrew squatter and slingshot fellow David fight? upon Hebrews trying to grab other peoples land? don't say Giant now - please.
BTW, Robert Wardlow was 9 feet tall when he died.
Just how ignorant are you?
REVIVE - restore to life, or consciousness, restore interest in, or the popularity of.
What’s the topic?

‘Palestinian’ Is a Roman Name for Jews​

Did the Romans call the Jews Palestinians in the first century AD?

Per your own post, you validated that yes indeed they did.
Whatever fantasy or grudge you carry hardly relates to 2023
nor dies yours. palestine exists. palestinians exist. the romans did not make up a non latin name for non existent people .
What’s the topic?

‘Palestinian’ Is a Roman Name for Jews​

Did the Romans call the Jews Palestinians in the first century AD?

Per your own post, you validated that yes indeed they did.

titus destroyed and enslaved the rebellious jews in 70 ad. who was left for the succeeding romans to punish? the non rebellious jews? did the sign on the cross read "behold the king of the palestinians?

the romans were very good record keepers.
Some of the earliest Photography (mid 1800s) shows Jews in Jerusalem

there are plenty of photographs of evangelical tours of the holy land. what does that prove?

is your position that the book of genesis is a title deed?
nor dies yours. palestine exists. palestinians exist. the romans did not make up a non latin name for non existent people .

titus destroyed and enslaved the rebellious jews in 70 ad. who was left for the succeeding romans to punish? the non rebellious jews? did the sign on the cross read "behold the king of the palestinians?

the romans were very good record keepers.

there are plenty of photographs of evangelical tours of the holy land. what does that prove?

is your position that the book of genesis is a title deed?
I find all Leftards are oblivious to history.
You hold that observation true.
No you need to learn and start to read history books.

Then you maybe, just maybe might be able to understand that the term Palestine/Palestinian drives from the Greek Philistines/Philistine, that was in use 900 years already before the Romans took over "revived" the term Philistine into Palestine.

Who did this Hebrew squatter and slingshot fellow David fight? upon Hebrews trying to grab other peoples land? don't say Giant now - please.

Not many so called Palestinians today would share much DNA with that giant. They have since then interbred with Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese, Turks, Iraqis, you name it. Those people have also traveled around, many of them being nomadic. If there is anyone still with a pure line to the region, it would be those still indigenous Jews who had never left the area.
nor dies yours. palestine exists. palestinians exist. the romans did not make up a non latin name for non existent people .

titus destroyed and enslaved the rebellious jews in 70 ad. who was left for the succeeding romans to punish? the non rebellious jews? did the sign on the cross read "behold the king of the palestinians?

the romans were very good record keepers.

there are plenty of photographs of evangelical tours of the holy land. what does that prove?

is your position that the book of genesis is a title deed?
I’m talking the first 100 Photographs that ever existed outside of a Workshop in France or wherever the process was first invented around 1850
Not many so called Palestinians today would share much DNA with that giant. They have since then interbred with Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese, Turks, Iraqis, you name it. Those people have also traveled around, many of them being nomadic. If there is anyone still with a pure line to the region, it would be those still indigenous Jews who had never left the area.
What does supposed genetic originality have to do with this? - nothing

According to archeological digs, this area has been inhabited since around 5000 BCE by various groups of Semitic people. All sharing the same genetics.
Around 1150 BCE a small group of Semitic people converted into a monotheistic sect, inspired by an Egyptian Dynasty - henceforth calling themselves Israelite's and their religion Judaism. aka Jew.
Since then, the various Israelite controlled cities, the so called Kingdom of Israel, were in continuous wars with it's neighbors and being destroyed and conquered various times (therefore intermixed) - till around 70-120 CE, when Judea was wiped out by the Romans. Killing off around 60% of the Jewish population and the rest dispersing across the Globe for the next 1900 years. (Therefore intermixed for another 1900 years).

This disputed area was inhabited by various ethnic groups, after 120 CE, whereby the Jews constituted an absolute minority to a near nonresistant Jewish population.

The Ottoman census of 1878 indicated the following demographics: incl. todays Lebanon

400,000 Palestinian-Arabs
140,000 Bedouin-Arabs
42,000 Christians
15,000 Jews

According to British Mandate figures

1933 - 30,000 Jews
1934 - 45,000 Jews
1935- 61,000 Jews
1936- 380,000 Jews

By the time WWII had begun, tens of thousands of Jewish immigrants had arrived illegally in Palestine by ship. This illegal shipping of immigrants continued well into the 1940s. While the British intercepted some of the ships, almost all of the immigrants were eventually able to settle in Palestine

The British Mandate census of 1948 - the same year the Zionists declared an independent Israel, indicates the following demographics

1.400,000 Palestinian-Arabs and Bedouin-Arabs
780,000 Jews
150,000 Christians&others

It's obvious to anyone that the "invaders" of Palestine since 1920 were the Jews.

And absolutely no one with common sense and living in a real world, gives a shit about what was supposedly 2000 years before. If so, e.g. Rome/Italy could claim approx. 60% of today's Europe. And the remaining Injuins (Manitou's chosen people) could reclaim all of North-America and so on.

Fact is: The State of Israel exists - they number around 7 million Jews - and there are around 14 million Palestinian-Arabs with no home and country. And that is why Palestinian-Arab terrorists exist - constituting less then 1% of the total Palestinian-Arab population.

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