Palestinian identity ?

Really Front Page Mag, a hate mag by Horowitz, Zionist commie who turned right wing after the cold war. Good for starting fires, also the writer is also a Zionist Islam hater right winger. Of course the Palestinians were living in Palestine, 70% arabs in Palestine at turn of the century.
Funny, how quick arabs-muslims manage to crowd into a country, eh? Just look at Europe! A wink of an eye, and hordes upon hordes of them are in!

Any churches or synagogues still left in Dearborn MI?

Might want to write to the RC mayor and see what he says, I'm sure there are. See the only problem in Dearborn is when evangelical Christians come and start preaching to the Muslims.
Really Front Page Mag, a hate mag by Horowitz, Zionist commie who turned right wing after the cold war. Good for starting fires, also the writer is also a Zionist Islam hater right winger. Of course the Palestinians were living in Palestine, 70% arabs in Palestine at turn of the century.
Funny, how quick arabs-muslims manage to crowd into a country, eh? Just look at Europe! A wink of an eye, and hordes upon hordes of them are in!

I am positive the arabs said the same about the zionist, one blink and the land was full of Zionist.
The Mufti, Hitler and the Palestinians: The Facts
The father of the modern Palestinian movement and his role in the Final Solution.
October 22, 2015
David Bedein



The affidavit of one of Eichmann’s subordinates, SS Hampsturmfuerer Dieter Wisliceny, who appeared as a witness for the Nuremberg prosecution, speaks for itself:

The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry for the Germans and had been the permanent collaborator and advisor of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of the plan…According to my opinion, the Grand Mufti, who had been in Berlin since 1941, played a role in the decision of the German government to exterminate the European Jews, the importance of which must not be disregarded. He had repeatedly suggested to the various authorities with who[m he] had been in contact, above all before Hitler, Ribbentrop and Himmler, the extermination of European Jewry. He considered this as a comfortable solution of the Palestinian problem. In his messages broadcast from Berlin, he surpassed us in anti-Jewish attacks. He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures…

In 1961, when Eichmann was brought to justice in Jerusalem, Israel’s then foreign minister, Golda Meir, called for the Mossad to apprehend the Mufti and to sit him alongside Eichmann on trial in Jerusalem.

Maurice Pearlman traces the Mufti’s escape to Cairo, where Pearlman reported how the Mufti influenced the newly formed Arab League to spawn the charter of the Arab League, with an explicit statement that its purpose was to wipe out any Zionist entity that would soon come about.

Indeed, the Mufti-inspired charter of the Arab League would soon form the basis of the Arab league declaration of war to destroy the nascent state of Israel in 1948.

The refusal of the UK to arrest the Mufti in Cairo, described by Pearlman, caused the head of the Zionist revisionists in the United States at the time, Ben Zion Netanyahu, father of Israel’s current Prime Minister, to launch an unsuccessful campaign to push the US to demand the arrest of the Mufti in Cairo.

A little known fact concerns the Mufti’s special relationship with a young relative in Cairo, to whom the Mufti would affectionately give the name “Yassir Arafat.” In December 1996, Haaretz interviewed Yassir Arafat’s younger brother and sister, who said that the Mufti performed the role of a surrogate father figure and mentor to the young Arafat.

The failure of the Arab League, in 1948, to mobilize the Arabs of Palestine into an active war against the newly formed Jewish state led the Mufti to urge the Arab League, in 1964, to launch the PLO, the Palestine Liberation Organization, whose stated covenant of purpose was almost identical in language to the charter of the Arab League: to exterminate the new state of Israel. Yet the focus of the PLO was to organize Arabs who remained in Israel along with the Arab refugees who languished in UNRWA refugee camps to organize an effective grass roots effort to liberate Palestine, all of Palestine, from Jewish rule.

Today, the new curriculum of the Palestinian Authority is imbued with the legacy of the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al Husseini, whose vision of a Jew-free Palestine is taught in every educational institution of the Palestinian Authority, together with the armed struggle to liberate Palestine, as an ideal for Palestinian Arab students.

On January 4, 2013, Mahmoud Abbas, spoke glowingly of the legacy of the Godfather of the PLO, the Mufti of Jerusalem, via video link on a wide screen to the masses in Gaza, who gathered to celebrate the founding of Fatah (Arabic word for "conquest"), otherwise known as the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Abbas praised the Mufti as a man whose ways should be emulated by all Palestinian Arabs. "We must remember the pioneers, the Grand Mufti of Palestine, Hajj Muhammad Amin Al-Husseini, as well as Ahmad Al-Shukeiri, the founder of the PLO," Abbas said, according to a translation of the speech made by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

The Mufti, Hitler and the Palestinians: The Facts
"Meretz leader Zehava Galon also criticized Netanyahu's comments: "This is not a Jörg Haider speech. It's not a part of [Mahmoud] Abbas' doctorate. It's a real quote from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu," she said. "Maybe the 33,771 Jews murdered in Babi Yar in September 1941 – two months before the Mufti and Hitler met - should be exhumed and updated that the Nazis didn't mean to destroy them." Those who can't change the future, she said, "are left with rewriting the past."

read more: Opposition blasts Netanyahu for 'distorting' Holocaust history - Israel News
Crazy Like a Fox
What Netanyahu's "gaffe" about the Mufti and the Holocaust accomplished.
October 23, 2015
Caroline Glick


Originally published by the Jerusalem Post.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is crazy like a fox.

Netanyahu’s assertion on Tuesday before the World Zionist Congress that the founder of the Palestinian people, Haj Amin al-Husseini, convinced Adolf Hitler to eradicate rather than expel the Jews of Europe was an overstatement of Husseini’s role.

No, the Holocaust was not Husseini’s idea.

But he was a partner in perpetrating and promoting it. He also made it inevitable.

As I detailed in my book The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, during the course of Husseini’s meeting with Hitler in Berlin in November 1941, Hitler told the Arab leader of his plan to eradicate European Jewry.

Husseini told Hitler that he would support the Nazis, and rally the Arab world to their side, if Hitler agreed to two conditions: that Hitler support his bid to rule over a postwar Arab state comprised of present-day Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel; and that Hitler support the genocide of Middle Eastern Jewry.

As both the official Nazi record and Husseini’s summary of the meeting in his diary report, Hitler accepted Husseini’s demands.

And it makes sense that he did.

Husseini proved his loyalty to the Nazis long before he arrived in Berlin. His romance with them began with Hitler’s election victory in 1933. From then on, Husseini’s followers in Mandatory Palestine greeted one another with the Nazi salute. Swastikas festooned their towns. The Nazis began directly funding Husseini’s terror war against the Jews of Israel and British Mandatory officials in 1937.

In 1937, the British forced Husseini to flee the country. In 1941, he organized and incited a pro-Nazi military coup in Iraq. The British were forced to invade Iraq in response to the coup.

Husseini then fled to Rome where he met with Mussolini and went on the Berlin, where he remained for the duration of the war.

As the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Husseini invented and shaped the Palestinian national ethos in a manner that aligned with his pathological hatred of the Jews. Rather than providing the Palestinian Arabs with a positive vision of a future state that would safeguard and cultivate them as a distinct Arab nation, he shaped Palestinian society as a wholly negative phenomenon. It was seeded in a hybrid hatred of Jews that fused Koranic hostility to Jews with racism-based annihilationist European anti-Semitism rooted in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which Husseini translated and published in Arabic.

The goal of Husseini’s nationalist drive was not to form a Palestinian Arab state, but to prevent the establishment of a Jewish state and to annihilate all aspects of the Jewish national liberation movement through a campaign a terror and political warfare.

Husseini’s goal of leading an Arab state that encompassed Iraq and the entire Levant shows that the founding father of the Palestinian national project did not view “Palestine” as a distinct territorial entity.

After Hitler agreed to both of Husseini’s conditions, Husseini began his active collaboration in the Nazi war effort. He participated in the Holocaust directly. In 1943, he formed the SS Handschar Division comprised of Bosnian Muslims. His troops exterminated 90 percent of Bosnia’s 14,000-member Jewish community.

Husseini used his position as well to scuttle British attempts to trade German prisoners of war for Jews. In one such documented episode, in 1943 Husseini appealed to SS commander Heinrich Himmler to cancel a deal to exchange 4,500 Jewish children and 500 Jewish adults from Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria to cancel the deal and send the Jews to Auschwitz.

Himmler bowed to his appeal. The Jews were sent to the gas chambers.

Husseini contributed to the Holocaust indirectly.


By exaggerating Husseini’s importance in the Holocaust, Netanyahu gave the media a means of attacking him. But by doing so, he forced the Times to report on the Palestinians’ founding father’s role in destroying European Jewry and his desire to carry out the Final Solution in the Middle East. They would have ignored the issue if Netanyahu had not exaggerated his actual role.

Due to his “gaffe,” every Western media outlet reported on Husseini’s actions. Some even mentioned that in his PhD dissertation, current Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas said the Holocaust was both a myth and a joint Zionist-Nazi project. For most Westerners, this is the first they’ve heard of the fact that the Palestinian’s George Washington was a Nazi war criminal.

Like I said, crazy as a fox.

Crazy Like a Fox

Check this out... Amin Al Husseini: Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood wanna post horseshit?

The " palestinians" are arab outcast from surrounding arab countries...

The Middle East and Orwellian Historical Arguments
When lies are the foundation of policies.
October 16, 2015
Bruce Thornton

Many of our policy debates and conflicts both domestic and foreign call on history to validate their positions. At home, crimes from the past like slavery and legal segregation are used to justify present policies ranging from racial set asides to housing regulations long after those institutions have been dismantled. Abroad, our jihadist enemies continually evoke the Crusades, “colonialism,” and “imperialism” as justifications for their violence. Yet the “history” used in such fashion is usually one-sided, simplistic, or downright false. Nor is the reason hard to find: as we read in 1984, “Who controls the past . . . controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” Bad history is a powerful instrument for gaining political power.

Nowhere is the abuse of history more rampant than in the Middle East. Since World War II all the problems whose origins lie in dysfunctional tribal and religious beliefs and behaviors have been laid at the feet of “colonialism” and “imperialism.” Western leftists––besotted both by a marxiste hatred of liberal democracy, and by juvenile noble-savage Third-Worldism–– have legitimized this specious pretext, which now for many has become historical fact.
Boy did that set the record for the most words that said nothing at all!

Everything about this narrative is false. There is no such thing as a “Palestinian” people, an idea that arose only after the Six Day War of 1967. The bulk of the people mistakenly called “Palestinians” are ethnically, religiously, and linguistically indistinguishable from Arab Muslims in Lebanon, Jordan, or Syria. Numerous comments by Arab leaders before 1967 emphasized this fact. For example, Zouhair Muhsin, a member of the Executive Council of the PLO, said, “There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity… Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel.”
Their "identity", doesn't matter. What name they go by, or name you call them, has nothing to do with this issue. In fact, you can completely take "them" out of this equation, because it all boils down to Israel occupying land they have no clear title to.

Finally, the charge of an “illegal occupation” of the “occupied West Bank” is a canard. Those territories, comprising the heartland of the ancient Jewish nations of Judea and Samaria, are disputed, their final disposition awaiting a peace treaty.
That is total horseshit! This is just Israel trying to re-frame the debate into "disputed" territories. I'm sorry, they've been occupied territories since 1967 and you fuckers are not going to redefine it now.

There are no “borders” thought to define the mythical Palestinian nation. Those lines on the map are armistice lines, created after Israel defeated the armies of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt in 1967.
Why bring this up? Israel refuses to honor the '67 borders, which they will be eventually forced to.

By all rights as the victor, Israel could have incorporated the so-called West Bank into the state of Israel, on the same eternal wages of war that led to the American Southwest being incorporated into the U.S. after the 1846-48 war with Mexico, or of Prussian Germany into Poland after World War II.
Except for the fact that "Conquer by Conquest" has been outlawed since the end of WWII.

Indeed, since the territory in question was for thousands of years the homeland of the Jewish people, Israel would have had a better case for restoring Judea and Samaria to Israel. Instead, in the Orwellian history created by Muslims and accepted by the West, the indigenous peoples are considered the “occupiers” of their own lands, and conquerors, invaders, and colonizers considered the disenfranchised victims.
The "indigenous peoples" are Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews, who had been living in that area for the last 2000 years.

The recent suicide-murders of random Israelis by Palestinians have been analyzed in terms that perpetuate this false history. Our intellectually challenged Secretary of State, John Kerry, referred to this false history when he said at Harvard, “There’s been a massive increase in settlement over the course of the last years and there’s an increase in the violence because there’s this frustration that’s growing,” he said.
The occupation is the cause of all the violence, recent or otherwise.

“Settlements” is nothing more than a mindless mantra, like “cycle of violence” or “checkpoints” or the “sanctity of the al-Aqsa mosque,” for the pusillanimous West, while for Muslims they are the pretexts for practicing their traditional Jew-hatred and sacralized violence.
The over 500 checkpoints and roadblocks are "...nothing more than a mindless mantra"?

Does this look like something in your mind?

Horowitz, you scumbag liar, does this look like its only in your mind?

The shit you say gets more ridiculous every time you open your fucked up mouths.

The history this reporting on the Temple Mount ignores is the great forbearance, and to be sure tactical pragmatism, of the Israelis in leaving the Temple Mount under the management of the Arabs; while a mosque created as a triumphalist boast over conquered Christians and Jews, in a city never mentioned in the Koran, is respected more by the West than its own empty cathedrals. Meanwhile the travails of Muslim immigrants are hyped and agonized over more than the crucifixions, torture, rape, and murder of Christians in the greatest mass persecution of Christians in history.
Looks like you're the ones trying to wipe them off the map?

These are the wages of historical ignorance and the acceptance of a history made up by an adversary who can “thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that event, it never happened,” as Orwell says of the Party in 1984. Our foreign policy has often been predicated on these lies, and the outcome has been predictable when lies are the foundation of policies––the abject failure we are witnessing in the region today.

The Middle East and Orwellian Historical Arguments
And yours are ramblings of hysterical assholes, who are heading for their own beat down, just like the world did to Nazi Germany.
Last edited:
Really Front Page Mag, a hate mag by Horowitz, Zionist commie who turned right wing after the cold war. Good for starting fires, also the writer is also a Zionist Islam hater right winger. Of course the Palestinians were living in Palestine, 70% arabs in Palestine at turn of the century.
Funny, how quick arabs-muslims manage to crowd into a country, eh? Just look at Europe! A wink of an eye, and hordes upon hordes of them are in!
Any churches or synagogues still left in Dearborn MI?
Might want to write to the RC mayor and see what he says, I'm sure there are. See the only problem in Dearborn is when evangelical Christians come and start preaching to the Muslims.
Indeed, it interferes with their hijra antics, doesn't it?
Really Front Page Mag, a hate mag by Horowitz, Zionist commie who turned right wing after the cold war. Good for starting fires, also the writer is also a Zionist Islam hater right winger. Of course the Palestinians were living in Palestine, 70% arabs in Palestine at turn of the century.
Funny, how quick arabs-muslims manage to crowd into a country, eh? Just look at Europe! A wink of an eye, and hordes upon hordes of them are in!
I am positive the arabs said the same about the zionist, one blink and the land was full of Zionist.
Arabs have said muuuucho bullish, so far, it's difficult to try and keep track of it all, of course.
"Meretz leader Zehava Galon also criticized Netanyahu's comments: "This is not a Jörg Haider speech. It's not a part of [Mahmoud] Abbas' doctorate. It's a real quote from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu," she said. "Maybe the 33,771 Jews murdered in Babi Yar in September 1941 – two months before the Mufti and Hitler met - should be exhumed and updated that the Nazis didn't mean to destroy them." Those who can't change the future, she said, "are left with rewriting the past."read more: Opposition blasts Netanyahu for 'distorting' Holocaust history - Israel News
Funny, what's her leftist nazi problem this time?
That is total horseshit! This is just Israel trying to re-frame the debate into "disputed" territories.
Israel is, indeed, generous. Others wouldn't be doing same and would boot palistanians, that haven't had any land to bray occupation in the first place, outtttt instead, of course.
I'm sorry, they've been occupied territories since 1967 and you fuckers are not going to redefine it now.
Clearly the lands are palistan-occupied, whatever the date, of course.
Really Front Page Mag, a hate mag by Horowitz, Zionist commie who turned right wing after the cold war. Good for starting fires, also the writer is also a Zionist Islam hater right winger. Of course the Palestinians were living in Palestine, 70% arabs in Palestine at turn of the century.
Funny, how quick arabs-muslims manage to crowd into a country, eh? Just look at Europe! A wink of an eye, and hordes upon hordes of them are in!
Thanks to SA for putting ISIS in and us bombing the crap out of Syria, I'd run too. (I believe Israel was also involved) What a waste, all the destruction, which will go into landfills, and so many dead. Big waste for a planet with finite resources.
Oh, bog off.
Part of the US special operations folks hadn't flown home after a "withdrawal" from Iraq, landing in the nothern Jordan instead to train the alleged "syrian opposition", and the rest is history.
The US is "bombing" isis with free ammo.
And last, but not least, we learn from our dear penelope, albeit indirectly that, if Israel were in fact doing to palistanians, what palistanians allege being done to them and to suffer from, palistanians would be on their way to Europe by now. hehehehe
Conclusion: palistanians and penelopes are lying.
right where are they going to go, ...
Oh, eurohypocrites have found ways to accomodate, lybians, pakistanis, moroccans, algerians, etc., described collectively as "syrian refugees", what then makes palistanians the "chosen people"?
... and the other issue is , they do not want to move.
Dreams of driving jews out and of plundering jewish property won't die overnight, of course.
Really Front Page Mag, a hate mag by Horowitz, Zionist commie who turned right wing after the cold war. Good for starting fires, also the writer is also a Zionist Islam hater right winger. Of course the Palestinians were living in Palestine, 70% arabs in Palestine at turn of the century.
Funny, how quick arabs-muslims manage to crowd into a country, eh? Just look at Europe! A wink of an eye, and hordes upon hordes of them are in!
Thanks to SA for putting ISIS in and us bombing the crap out of Syria, I'd run too. (I believe Israel was also involved) What a waste, all the destruction, which will go into landfills, and so many dead. Big waste for a planet with finite resources.
Oh, bog off.
Part of the US special operations folks hadn't flown home after a "withdrawal" from Iraq, landing in the nothern Jordan instead to train the alleged "syrian opposition", and the rest is history.
The US is "bombing" isis with free ammo.
And last, but not least, we learn from our dear penelope, albeit indirectly that, if Israel were in fact doing to palistanians, what palistanians allege being done to them and to suffer from, palistanians would be on their way to Europe by now. hehehehe
Conclusion: palistanians and penelopes are lying.
right where are they going to go, ...
Oh, eurohypocrites have found ways to accomodate, lybians, pakistanis, moroccans, algerians, etc., described collectively as "syrian refugees", what then makes palistanians the "chosen people"?
... and the other issue is , they do not want to move.
Dreams of driving jews out and of plundering jewish property won't die overnight, of course.

That Hebrew property use to belong to the Palestinians less than 75 years ago as as late as 1 year ago as the Hebrews are still stealing land.
Funny, how quick arabs-muslims manage to crowd into a country, eh? Just look at Europe! A wink of an eye, and hordes upon hordes of them are in!
Thanks to SA for putting ISIS in and us bombing the crap out of Syria, I'd run too. (I believe Israel was also involved) What a waste, all the destruction, which will go into landfills, and so many dead. Big waste for a planet with finite resources.
Oh, bog off.
Part of the US special operations folks hadn't flown home after a "withdrawal" from Iraq, landing in the nothern Jordan instead to train the alleged "syrian opposition", and the rest is history.
The US is "bombing" isis with free ammo.
And last, but not least, we learn from our dear penelope, albeit indirectly that, if Israel were in fact doing to palistanians, what palistanians allege being done to them and to suffer from, palistanians would be on their way to Europe by now. hehehehe
Conclusion: palistanians and penelopes are lying.
right where are they going to go, ...
Oh, eurohypocrites have found ways to accomodate, lybians, pakistanis, moroccans, algerians, etc., described collectively as "syrian refugees", what then makes palistanians the "chosen people"?
... and the other issue is , they do not want to move.
Dreams of driving jews out and of plundering jewish property won't die overnight, of course.
That Hebrew property use to belong to the Palestinians less than 75 years ago as as late as 1 year ago as the Hebrews are still stealing land.
I know that palistanian folklore, I know, of course. wanna post horseshit?

The " palestinians" are arab outcast from surrounding arab countries...

The Middle East and Orwellian Historical Arguments
When lies are the foundation of policies.
October 16, 2015
Bruce Thornton

Many of our policy debates and conflicts both domestic and foreign call on history to validate their positions. At home, crimes from the past like slavery and legal segregation are used to justify present policies ranging from racial set asides to housing regulations long after those institutions have been dismantled. Abroad, our jihadist enemies continually evoke the Crusades, “colonialism,” and “imperialism” as justifications for their violence. Yet the “history” used in such fashion is usually one-sided, simplistic, or downright false. Nor is the reason hard to find: as we read in 1984, “Who controls the past . . . controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” Bad history is a powerful instrument for gaining political power.

Nowhere is the abuse of history more rampant than in the Middle East. Since World War II all the problems whose origins lie in dysfunctional tribal and religious beliefs and behaviors have been laid at the feet of “colonialism” and “imperialism.” Western leftists––besotted both by a marxiste hatred of liberal democracy, and by juvenile noble-savage Third-Worldism–– have legitimized this specious pretext, which now for many has become historical fact.
Boy did that set the record for the most words that said nothing at all!

Everything about this narrative is false. There is no such thing as a “Palestinian” people, an idea that arose only after the Six Day War of 1967. The bulk of the people mistakenly called “Palestinians” are ethnically, religiously, and linguistically indistinguishable from Arab Muslims in Lebanon, Jordan, or Syria. Numerous comments by Arab leaders before 1967 emphasized this fact. For example, Zouhair Muhsin, a member of the Executive Council of the PLO, said, “There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity… Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel.”
Their "identity", doesn't matter. What name they go by, or name you call them, has nothing to do with this issue. In fact, you can completely take "them" out of this equation, because it all boils down to Israel occupying land they have no clear title to.

Finally, the charge of an “illegal occupation” of the “occupied West Bank” is a canard. Those territories, comprising the heartland of the ancient Jewish nations of Judea and Samaria, are disputed, their final disposition awaiting a peace treaty.
That is total horseshit! This is just Israel trying to re-frame the debate into "disputed" territories. I'm sorry, they've been occupied territories since 1967 and you fuckers are not going to redefine it now.

There are no “borders” thought to define the mythical Palestinian nation. Those lines on the map are armistice lines, created after Israel defeated the armies of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt in 1967.
Why bring this up? Israel refuses to honor the '67 borders, which they will be eventually forced to.

By all rights as the victor, Israel could have incorporated the so-called West Bank into the state of Israel, on the same eternal wages of war that led to the American Southwest being incorporated into the U.S. after the 1846-48 war with Mexico, or of Prussian Germany into Poland after World War II.
Except for the fact that "Conquer by Conquest" has been outlawed since the end of WWII.

Indeed, since the territory in question was for thousands of years the homeland of the Jewish people, Israel would have had a better case for restoring Judea and Samaria to Israel. Instead, in the Orwellian history created by Muslims and accepted by the West, the indigenous peoples are considered the “occupiers” of their own lands, and conquerors, invaders, and colonizers considered the disenfranchised victims.
The "indigenous peoples" are Palestinian-Arabs and Palestinian-Jews, who had been living in that area for the last 2000 years.

The recent suicide-murders of random Israelis by Palestinians have been analyzed in terms that perpetuate this false history. Our intellectually challenged Secretary of State, John Kerry, referred to this false history when he said at Harvard, “There’s been a massive increase in settlement over the course of the last years and there’s an increase in the violence because there’s this frustration that’s growing,” he said.
The occupation is the cause of all the violence, recent or otherwise.

“Settlements” is nothing more than a mindless mantra, like “cycle of violence” or “checkpoints” or the “sanctity of the al-Aqsa mosque,” for the pusillanimous West, while for Muslims they are the pretexts for practicing their traditional Jew-hatred and sacralized violence.
The over 500 checkpoints and roadblocks are "...nothing more than a mindless mantra"?

Does this look like something in your mind?

Horowitz, you scumbag liar, does this look like its only in your mind?

The shit you say gets more ridiculous every time you open your fucked up mouths.

The history this reporting on the Temple Mount ignores is the great forbearance, and to be sure tactical pragmatism, of the Israelis in leaving the Temple Mount under the management of the Arabs; while a mosque created as a triumphalist boast over conquered Christians and Jews, in a city never mentioned in the Koran, is respected more by the West than its own empty cathedrals. Meanwhile the travails of Muslim immigrants are hyped and agonized over more than the crucifixions, torture, rape, and murder of Christians in the greatest mass persecution of Christians in history.
Looks like you're the ones trying to wipe them off the map?

These are the wages of historical ignorance and the acceptance of a history made up by an adversary who can “thrust its hand into the past and say of this or that event, it never happened,” as Orwell says of the Party in 1984. Our foreign policy has often been predicated on these lies, and the outcome has been predictable when lies are the foundation of policies––the abject failure we are witnessing in the region today.

The Middle East and Orwellian Historical Arguments
And yours are ramblings of hysterical assholes, who are heading for their own beat down, just like the world did to Nazi Germany.

Yet international laws show that the Jews do in fact have clear title to the land

they have been occupied territories since 1948 when the arab muslims evicted 1 million Jews and occupied their homes and property, It was not until 1988 that the arab muslims declared Palestine as a state on land they had no right to claim.

Who agreed to these 1967 borders then, and why wont the world accept them as borders. You cant be forced to accept borders that would put your citizens in danger, so who will enforce your attacks on the Jews.

Try again as it was not brought into force until after the 6 days war in UN res 242.

Only the Jews have lived there for over 2000 years , the rest are recent arrivals as the arab muslims were forcibly evicted in 1099 and never returned until late in the 19C

So what caused the violence in 1966 that led to the occupation in 1967. Or the violence in 1947 that led to the nakba. Or how about the violence in 1931 that was the start of the civil war lastly what caused the violence in 1929 when the arab muslims mass murdered Jews is Safed and Hebron ? In none of these cases was their an occupation.
Funny, how quick arabs-muslims manage to crowd into a country, eh? Just look at Europe! A wink of an eye, and hordes upon hordes of them are in!
Thanks to SA for putting ISIS in and us bombing the crap out of Syria, I'd run too. (I believe Israel was also involved) What a waste, all the destruction, which will go into landfills, and so many dead. Big waste for a planet with finite resources.
Oh, bog off.
Part of the US special operations folks hadn't flown home after a "withdrawal" from Iraq, landing in the nothern Jordan instead to train the alleged "syrian opposition", and the rest is history.
The US is "bombing" isis with free ammo.
And last, but not least, we learn from our dear penelope, albeit indirectly that, if Israel were in fact doing to palistanians, what palistanians allege being done to them and to suffer from, palistanians would be on their way to Europe by now. hehehehe
Conclusion: palistanians and penelopes are lying.
right where are they going to go, ...
Oh, eurohypocrites have found ways to accomodate, lybians, pakistanis, moroccans, algerians, etc., described collectively as "syrian refugees", what then makes palistanians the "chosen people"?
... and the other issue is , they do not want to move.
Dreams of driving jews out and of plundering jewish property won't die overnight, of course.

That Hebrew property use to belong to the Palestinians less than 75 years ago as as late as 1 year ago as the Hebrews are still stealing land.

And who did the "Palestinians steal it from as they were not born to the land.
Thanks to SA for putting ISIS in and us bombing the crap out of Syria, I'd run too. (I believe Israel was also involved) What a waste, all the destruction, which will go into landfills, and so many dead. Big waste for a planet with finite resources.
Oh, bog off.
Part of the US special operations folks hadn't flown home after a "withdrawal" from Iraq, landing in the nothern Jordan instead to train the alleged "syrian opposition", and the rest is history.
The US is "bombing" isis with free ammo.
And last, but not least, we learn from our dear penelope, albeit indirectly that, if Israel were in fact doing to palistanians, what palistanians allege being done to them and to suffer from, palistanians would be on their way to Europe by now. hehehehe
Conclusion: palistanians and penelopes are lying.
right where are they going to go, ...
Oh, eurohypocrites have found ways to accomodate, lybians, pakistanis, moroccans, algerians, etc., described collectively as "syrian refugees", what then makes palistanians the "chosen people"?
... and the other issue is , they do not want to move.
Dreams of driving jews out and of plundering jewish property won't die overnight, of course.

That Hebrew property use to belong to the Palestinians less than 75 years ago as as late as 1 year ago as the Hebrews are still stealing land.

And who did the "Palestinians steal it from as they were not born to the land.

Koran Says Land Belongs To Israel | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


by Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi



"To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: 'Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.' 'You know full well,' he [Moses] replied, 'that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.'"

"Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: 'Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel]."

"We [Allah] have revealed the Qur'an with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you [Muhammed] forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning."

[Qur'an, "Night Journey," chapter 17:100-104]


God wanted to give Avraham a double blessing, through Ishmael and through Isaac, and ordered that Ishmael's descendents should live in the desert of Arabia and Isaac's in Canaan.

The Qur'an recognizes the Land of Israel as the heritage of the Jews and it explains that, before the Last Judgment, Jews will return to dwell there. This prophecy has already been fulfilled.




The Qur'an and the Land of Israel


Koran Says Land Belongs To Israel | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Netanyahu’s Mufti Firestorm
Last century’s Islamist ideologues drew on both Communism and Nazism. The Palestinian cause likewise fuses Islamist and Nazi ambitions with Soviet psychological warfare.
November 2, 2015
Melanie Phillips


Reprinted from Jerusalem Post.

When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about the role played in the Holocaust by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, he cannot have imagined the reaction he would detonate.

What he said was this: “He [Husseini] flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time; he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here.’ ‘So what should I do with them?’ he [Hitler] asked.

He [Husseini] said, ‘Burn them.’” In the subsequent global firestorm, Netanyahu was denounced for exonerating Hitler. It was said he had claimed the mufti had given Hitler the idea of exterminating the Jews when the two met in November 1941; that he was cynically trying to tarnish today’s Palestinians; even that he was a Holocaust denier.

His subsequent protest that he had no intention of absolving Hitler of responsibility fell on deaf ears. Even those who acknowledged that the mufti had allied with the Nazis insisted Netanyahu had turned history back to front.

Most of this reaction, however, is at best wide of the mark and at worst quite obscene. For Netanyahu was fundamentally correct.

There can be no doubt he spoke too loosely. He has provided no source for the words he quoted from both Husseini and Hitler at that November 1941 meeting. And he should have acknowledged that the mass murder of European Jews was already well under way, and that Hitler had talked about exterminating the Jews since the 1920s.

But mass murder is not the same as genocide. And the precise moment when Hitler decided to exterminate the whole of European Jewry – the “Final Solution” – has long been disputed by historians.

For even while the Nazis were rounding up Jews for slaughter they were also deporting them – more than 500,000 between 1933 and 1941. And recently unearthed documentary evidence suggests that the mufti and Hitler egged each other on in a mutual genocidal frenzy.

A book published last year, Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East, by Barry Rubin and Wolfgang Schwanitz, argues that the mufti’s alliance with Hitler turned the extermination of the whole of European Jewry into a strategic imperative.

As late as July 1941, according to Hermann Göring, Hitler thought the last of the Jews could be removed from Germany by “emigration or evacuation.”


These enemies react with fury to evidence of the grand mufti’s Nazi enthusiasm because this destroys the fiction that the Palestinian cause so dear to their hearts is noble. This cause is in fact the direct heir to a genocidal project.

We know that Nazi doctrine whipped millions of Germans into murderous frenzy. We also know Soviet propaganda turned truth and lies inside out and brainwashed millions.

Yasser Arafat learned from the Soviet Union how to rewrite history and capture the minds of the credulous. Mahmoud Abbas, whose doctoral thesis denied the Holocaust, hero-worships Husseini. Palestinian propaganda reproduces vile Nazi tropes of Jew-hatred.

Last century’s Islamist ideologues drew on both Communism and Nazism. The Palestinian cause likewise fuses Islamist and Nazi ambitions with Soviet psychological warfare. This explains not just the frenzied war against Israel, but why so many in the West are cheering it on.

That is the context of Netanyahu’s mufti firestorm.

Netanyahu’s Mufti Firestorm
Abbas’ Religious Incitement
The PA intensifies its appeals to Islam in its war against Israel.
November 2, 2015
Joseph Puder


Since its independence, the Jewish state has been under siege by the Arab states. The secular, nationalist, Arab dictatorships waged three major wars on Israel in 1948, 1967, and 1973. Alongside the wars that meant to destroy the Jewish state and drive its inhabitants into the sea, was an Arab League economic boycott. Since the founding of the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1964, a terror war against Israel has ensued. The First Palestinian Intifada (uprising) occurred in 1987, the Second intifada, much bloodier, began in September, 2000. Both ran out of steam and failed to break the spirit of Jewish Israel, just as the Arab nationalist wars and the economic boycotts failed to dismantle the Jewish state. In 1979, Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel, and Jordan followed in 1994. The Palestinians continued to employ terror against Jews but added law-fare to the menu, and the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement, which seeks to delegitimize, demonize, and ultimately destroy the Jewish state.

In the last few months a far more insidious campaign was launched by the Palestinians, aided by Islamist elements in the Arab and Muslim world - to damage the Jewish state. It is a religious incitement campaign which seeks to awaken anti-Jewish religious grievances against the Jews of Israel, with worldwide implications for Jews everywhere.

The Islamic Wakf (endowment) Ministry, under the Palestinian Authority (PA), in charge of the mosques on Temple Mount or the Noble Sanctuary (Haram el Sharif), has claimed that the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu has altered the status quo (Mahmoud Abbas incited Palestinians by repeating the false charge) that existed since 1967 when Israel gained control over all of Jerusalem. The status quo gave Jews the right to visit the Temple Mount but not to pray there. The Western Wall was and remains the Jewish place of prayer.


Abbas’ Religious Incitement

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