Palestinian aggression continues, the events of December 24th

Hmmm. OK Bill, nice list from the London Review of Books blog. As we know, all bloggers never put their own spin to anything that they post, do they?

However, did you personally investigate all the stories and links provided there for accuracy? Or do you just take the author's word for it? It looks to me like you did, hook line and sinker as you folks always do.

You chastise Daniyel for "starting and stopping" at just the one; do we really need to take the time to refute every single one for you? No. I don't believe that is possible, nor necessary.

And for the refute that Daniyel made about the one picture with a pallet of ready mix concrete that is supposed to be on the main street in Silwan, well I can say with a surety that it is false. It was taken exactly where Daniyel said it was, just outside the City of David National Park and few hundred meters south of the Dung Gate to the Old City of Jerusalem. Daniyel would know because he lives there, I know because I've been there and seen those flags.
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Your original link took me straight to alternative news, anus mouth.
There was no "original" link; there's only been the "only" link. And how come when I clicked "your" alternativenews link, that list is no where to be found?

And the link you just provided doesn't even work.
Then how did you get to alternativenews, if it didn't work?

London Book Review also carries some Mooooooslem guy named Omar's book? How impressive. That must make all the allegations true then. Ha ha ha ha ha.
It doesn't make them false.

Your original link took me to alternative news, and your second link doesn't work. News flash to anus mouth, nobody gives a shit what a Moooslem named Omar says. Well not exactly, not if you count other Mooooslems and big mouth morons like you.
Hmmm. OK Bill, nice list from you London Review of Books blog. As we know, all bloggers never put their own spin to anything that they post, do they?

However, did you personally investigate all the stories and links provided there for accuracy? Or do you just take they author's word for it? It looks to me like you did, hook line and sinker as you folks always do.

You chastise Daniyel for "starting and stopping" at just the one; do we really need to take the time to refute every single one for you? No. I don't believe that is possible, nor necessary.

And for the refute that Daniyel made about the one picture with a pallet of ready mix concrete that is supposed to be on the main street in Silwan, well I can say with a surety that it is false. It was taken exactly where Daniyel said it was, just outside the City of David National Park and few hundred meters south of the Dung Gate to the Old City of Jerusalem. Daniyel would know because he lives there, I know because I've been there and seen those flags.

He's yet to say anything credible and I doubt he ever will. He's just a big mouth attention whore who enjoys broadcasting his utter stupidity and ignorance on the Internet.
He's yet to say anything credible and I doubt he ever will. He's just a big mouth attention whore who enjoys broadcasting his utter stupidity and ignorance on the Internet.

I gotta admit that he has given it a college try to make his posts more than one liner "fuck yous" of late though. Makes it easier to expose his foolish sources as the lies that they are.
Hmmm. OK Bill, nice list from the London Review of Books blog. As we know, all bloggers never put their own spin to anything that they post, do they?
And did you know, ad hominems are not valid rebuttals?

However, did you personally investigate all the stories and links provided there for accuracy?
Did you?

Or do you just take the author's word for it? It looks to me like you did, hook line and sinker as you folks always do.
Then it shouldn't be too hard to present evidence to the contrary.

Where is it?

You chastise Daniyel for "starting and stopping" at just the one;
I tore his entire bullshit post to shreds and exposed it for what it was, just conjecture and innuendo, kind of like your post here.

do we really need to take the time to refute every single one for you? No. I don't believe that is possible, nor necessary.
If you could refute it, you would. Since you can't, you don't.

And for the refute that Daniyel made about the one picture with a pallet of ready mix concrete that is supposed to be on the main street in Silwan, well I can say with a surety that it is false. It was taken exactly where Daniyel said it was, just outside the City of David National Park and few hundred meters south of the Dung Gate to the Old City of Jerusalem. Daniyel would know because he lives there, I know because I've been there and seen those flags.
Discredit the source and character assassination are you fuckers favorite responses and we all know why.
Your original link took me to alternative news, and your second link doesn't work. News flash to anus mouth, nobody gives a shit what a Moooslem named Omar says. Well not exactly, not if you count other Mooooslems and big mouth morons like you.
There was no original link. There was no 2nd link. There was just the one link.

You didn't answer my question. How come the bullshit link you keep pushing, doesn't produce the list?
Your original link took me to alternative news, and your second link doesn't work. News flash to anus mouth, nobody gives a shit what a Moooslem named Omar says. Well not exactly, not if you count other Mooooslems and big mouth morons like you.
There was no original link. There was no 2nd link. There was just the one link.

You didn't answer my question. How come the bullshit link you keep pushing, doesn't produce the list?

Each of the items on your stupid list by Omar the Moooslem was linked to alternate news from an alternate universe. It's hard explaining the basics to someone like you who's illiterate in every way.
I gotta admit that he has given it a college try to make his posts more than one liner "fuck yous" of late though. Makes it easier to expose his foolish sources as the lies that they are.
So the truth or falsehood of a claim, rests solely on the website from which it came.

What are you, 13 years old? Do you really believe that?

Does anus mouth ever shut up?

One thing about you Pali Nazi lovers, you have no shame, even when you get embarassed and humiliated, you keep coming back with your big mouth for more.
Here is the list that dipstick anus mouth posted. The first one takes you to alternate universe and the rest are bullshit Islamist sites like Maan news and Palestine Intifarta.

1. Annexed another 1500 acres of West Bank land
Seized $56 million of PA tax revenue
Not lifted the illegal blockade (as required by the ceasefire)
4. Broken the ceasefire by
firing at fishermen on four separate occasions
5. Detained six fishermen
Killed a 22-year-old, Issa al Qatari, a week before his wedding
Killed 16-year-old Mohammed Sinokrot with a rubber bullet to the head
Tortured a prisoner to the point of hospitalisation
Refused 13 members of the European Parliament entry into Gaza
Detained at least 127 people across the West Bank, including a seven-year-old boy in Hebron and two children, aged seven and eight, taken from the courtyard of their house in Silwad – and tear-gassed their mother
11. Continued to
hold 33 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in prison
12. Continued to
hold 500 prisoners in administrative detention without charge or trial
Destroyed a dairy factory in Hebron whose profits supported an orphanage
Destroyed a family home in Silwan, making five children homeless
Destroyed a house in Jerusalem where aid supplies en route to Gaza were being stored
Destroyed a well near Hebron
Set fire to an olive grove near Hebron
Raided a health centre and a nursery school in Nablus, causing extensive damage
Destroyed a swathe of farmland in Rafah by driving tanks over it
Ordered the dismantling of a small monument in Jerusalem to Mohamed Abu Khdeir, murdered in July by an Israeli lynch mob
Continued building a vast tunnel network under Jerusalem
Stormed the al Aqsa mosque compound with a group of far right settlers
Assisted hundreds of settlers in storming Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus
Prevented students from entering al Quds University, firing stun grenades and rubber bullets at those who tried to go in
Earned unknown millions on reconstruction materials for Gaza, where 100,000 people need their destroyed homes rebuilt. The total bill is estimated at $7.8 billion
Here is the list that dipstick anus mouth posted. The first one takes you to alternate universe and the rest are bullshit Islamist sites like Maan news and Palestine Intifarta.

1. Annexed another 1500 acres of West Bank land
Seized $56 million of PA tax revenue
Not lifted the illegal blockade (as required by the ceasefire)
4. Broken the ceasefire by
firing at fishermen on four separate occasions
5. Detained six fishermen
Killed a 22-year-old, Issa al Qatari, a week before his wedding
Killed 16-year-old Mohammed Sinokrot with a rubber bullet to the head
Tortured a prisoner to the point of hospitalisation
Refused 13 members of the European Parliament entry into Gaza
Detained at least 127 people across the West Bank, including a seven-year-old boy in Hebron and two children, aged seven and eight, taken from the courtyard of their house in Silwad – and tear-gassed their mother
11. Continued to
hold 33 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in prison
12. Continued to
hold 500 prisoners in administrative detention without charge or trial
Destroyed a dairy factory in Hebron whose profits supported an orphanage
Destroyed a family home in Silwan, making five children homeless
Destroyed a house in Jerusalem where aid supplies en route to Gaza were being stored
Destroyed a well near Hebron
Set fire to an olive grove near Hebron
Raided a health centre and a nursery school in Nablus, causing extensive damage
Destroyed a swathe of farmland in Rafah by driving tanks over it
Ordered the dismantling of a small monument in Jerusalem to Mohamed Abu Khdeir, murdered in July by an Israeli lynch mob
Continued building a vast tunnel network under Jerusalem
Stormed the al Aqsa mosque compound with a group of far right settlers
Assisted hundreds of settlers in storming Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus
Prevented students from entering al Quds University, firing stun grenades and rubber bullets at those who tried to go in
Earned unknown millions on reconstruction materials for Gaza, where 100,000 people need their destroyed homes rebuilt. The total bill is estimated at $7.8 billion
That's 26 violations of the ceasefire agreement since August by the Israeli's.

Prove they didn't occur!
Here is the list that dipstick anus mouth posted. The first one takes you to alternate universe and the rest are bullshit Islamist sites like Maan news and Palestine Intifarta.

1. Annexed another 1500 acres of West Bank land
Seized $56 million of PA tax revenue
Not lifted the illegal blockade (as required by the ceasefire)
4. Broken the ceasefire by
firing at fishermen on four separate occasions
5. Detained six fishermen
Killed a 22-year-old, Issa al Qatari, a week before his wedding
Killed 16-year-old Mohammed Sinokrot with a rubber bullet to the head
Tortured a prisoner to the point of hospitalisation
Refused 13 members of the European Parliament entry into Gaza
Detained at least 127 people across the West Bank, including a seven-year-old boy in Hebron and two children, aged seven and eight, taken from the courtyard of their house in Silwad – and tear-gassed their mother
11. Continued to
hold 33 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in prison
12. Continued to
hold 500 prisoners in administrative detention without charge or trial
Destroyed a dairy factory in Hebron whose profits supported an orphanage
Destroyed a family home in Silwan, making five children homeless
Destroyed a house in Jerusalem where aid supplies en route to Gaza were being stored
Destroyed a well near Hebron
Set fire to an olive grove near Hebron
Raided a health centre and a nursery school in Nablus, causing extensive damage
Destroyed a swathe of farmland in Rafah by driving tanks over it
Ordered the dismantling of a small monument in Jerusalem to Mohamed Abu Khdeir, murdered in July by an Israeli lynch mob
Continued building a vast tunnel network under Jerusalem
Stormed the al Aqsa mosque compound with a group of far right settlers
Assisted hundreds of settlers in storming Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus
Prevented students from entering al Quds University, firing stun grenades and rubber bullets at those who tried to go in
Earned unknown millions on reconstruction materials for Gaza, where 100,000 people need their destroyed homes rebuilt. The total bill is estimated at $7.8 billion
That's 26 violations of the ceasefire agreement since August by the Israeli's.

Prove they didn't occur!
One does not prove a Negative.

One proves an Assertion.

You claim that these things occurred.

The burden of proof is upon you as the party making the Assertions.
Here is the list that dipstick anus mouth posted. The first one takes you to alternate universe and the rest are bullshit Islamist sites like Maan news and Palestine Intifarta.

1. Annexed another 1500 acres of West Bank land
Seized $56 million of PA tax revenue
Not lifted the illegal blockade (as required by the ceasefire)
4. Broken the ceasefire by
firing at fishermen on four separate occasions
5. Detained six fishermen
Killed a 22-year-old, Issa al Qatari, a week before his wedding
Killed 16-year-old Mohammed Sinokrot with a rubber bullet to the head
Tortured a prisoner to the point of hospitalisation
Refused 13 members of the European Parliament entry into Gaza
Detained at least 127 people across the West Bank, including a seven-year-old boy in Hebron and two children, aged seven and eight, taken from the courtyard of their house in Silwad – and tear-gassed their mother
11. Continued to
hold 33 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in prison
12. Continued to
hold 500 prisoners in administrative detention without charge or trial
Destroyed a dairy factory in Hebron whose profits supported an orphanage
Destroyed a family home in Silwan, making five children homeless
Destroyed a house in Jerusalem where aid supplies en route to Gaza were being stored
Destroyed a well near Hebron
Set fire to an olive grove near Hebron
Raided a health centre and a nursery school in Nablus, causing extensive damage
Destroyed a swathe of farmland in Rafah by driving tanks over it
Ordered the dismantling of a small monument in Jerusalem to Mohamed Abu Khdeir, murdered in July by an Israeli lynch mob
Continued building a vast tunnel network under Jerusalem
Stormed the al Aqsa mosque compound with a group of far right settlers
Assisted hundreds of settlers in storming Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus
Prevented students from entering al Quds University, firing stun grenades and rubber bullets at those who tried to go in
Earned unknown millions on reconstruction materials for Gaza, where 100,000 people need their destroyed homes rebuilt. The total bill is estimated at $7.8 billion
That's 26 violations of the ceasefire agreement since August by the Israeli's.

Prove they didn't occur!

1 to 26 are total bullshit, lies, or never even occurred.

"Israeli forces Stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque with settlers". One blood libel lie after another.

Eat Shiite, anus mouth.
Each of the items on your stupid list by Omar the Moooslem was linked to alternate news from an alternate universe. It's hard explaining the basics to someone like you who's illiterate in every way.
I went back and checked every link on the list. Only 3 were to alternatenews.

Just keep telling your lies, buckwheat.

Like I said in my subsequent post, anus mouth, the first one linked to alternate universe, and the rest either linked to Maaan News or Palestinian IntiFARTA. Sorry Achmed, but those sources are for laughter only. You might as well have quoted Onion News.

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