Palestinian aggression continues, the events of December 24th

I Deliberately start with number 22.
You deliberately end with 22 as well and we both know why?

22. Continued building a vast tunnel network under Jerusalem
This is the link you posted to base the alleged 'violation'

Israel 8217 s very own tunnels of dread in Jerusalem 972 Magazine

What do we have here, lets take a look
I'll begin with two pictures
"An ancient sewer in Silwan (photo: Emek Shaveh)"
-This is another misleading lie made by - LEFTISTS! THAT'S RIGHT! -
What's the lie?

in Emek Shaveh the picture is commented with "Ancient Sewege channel beneath homes of Silwan residents" but this doesn't sound so good for a conspiracy so they decided to edit this one,
How so?

so you might happen to believe this is actually an ancient sewer of Silwan residents - which is not.
We also might happen to believe you're just making this up as you go along (more on that later).

-They also avoided the pictures of the full Herodian street which is all underground - take a look this is the full report.
From Silwan to the Temple Mount Archaeological Excavations as a Means of Control in the Village of Silwan and in Jerusalem s Old City Developments in 2012 Emek Shaveh
And your point is what?

."Bags of cement at the entrance to the tunnel on the main street of Silwan. (photo: Emek Shaveh)"

-This picture is nowhere to be found on Emek Shaveh web ( except in similar links describing Israel's "DREADFUL TUNNELS".
What's weird, is you saying its nowhere to be found, after you found it.

-This picture is also just a picture of the upper entrance to one of the streets leading to the old city(right behind the photographer) which shows us an incomplete part of the City of David - as wasn't mentioned -
Why should it have been?

reconstruction and examination is still in process while its also open for visitors(this flag next to the flag of Israel is the flag of nature and parks authority), and this is not even Silwan, this is barely even close to be Silwan which can be seen on the right upper side of the picture..anyway the photographer is still standing in the sidewalk right behind the old city so - that's another small lie you fell for..Check the picture here - the photographer is about the upper left point of 6#.
Your picture shows an underground tunnel in Silwan.

This is just the beginning - I can go on all day long
But you didn't. You began and ended with 22.

debunking this ridiculous conspiracy
This looks more like a strawman, than a conspiracy. And you haven't debunked shit. Conjecture and innuendo, are not good debunking techniques.

and if you want you can freely ask for more points,
Ask for what?

however I believe that's enough,
I agree. This post is getting ridiculous.

somehow you people seem to blindly believe Israel's very own "dread tunnels" ever caused death of innocents like the Gazans tunnels did,
Did I miss something? When was that said?

and so goes the stories viral, just imagine how many lies you fell for..
Or how many you told?

but that's what happen when you read trash like 972mag/haaretz/electronicintifada and common wastage of toilet paper.
Aw, the big ad hominem finish!

I Can also go on and give you more food for thought about the other 25 violations you mentioned
No you can't.

and don't be mistaken they are just as terrible as 22# which is probably the most ridiculously "violation" made - Israel is plotting to take over Jerusalem out of the hands of Israel, nehehe :lol:
So you're saying the fishermen were not shot at and Israel did increase the fishing limits?

But tell me, what the !@#$ do you care what Israel is doing inside of Israel? hmmm..hypo.
I don't.

Better luck next time.
Didn't need luck.
After Gaza terrorists breached the truce last Friday with a rocket attack, they broke it again on Wednesday morning with a round of sniper fire targeting IDF forces in the vicinity of Kibbutz Nirim and Nir Oz.

The IDF soldiers were guarding work on the security barrier with Gaza in the southern part of the Hamas stronghold when they came under fire. Apparently one soldier was wounded and evacuated for medical treatment, although the extent of the wound remains unclear.

After being shot at, the soldiers returned fire at the sources of the gunfire. According to Palestinian Arab reports, there is a heavy exchange of fire going on, which reportedly includes tank shell fire from the IDF and airstrikes by the IAF.

In the IDF barrage targeting east of Khan Younis in response, Tayseer al-Ismary (33), head of the surveillance unit in Hamas's "armed wing" Al-Qassam Brigades, was killed by a bullet according to local medical sources, and two other Gazans were wounded.

Gaza Terrorists Open Fire on IDF Forces - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
Before that rocket attack, this is what you fuckers did...

1. Annexed another 1500 acres of West Bank land
Seized $56 million of PA tax revenue
Not lifted the illegal blockade (as required by the ceasefire)
4. Broken the ceasefire by
firing at fishermen on four separate occasions
5. Detained six fishermen
Killed a 22-year-old, Issa al Qatari, a week before his wedding
Killed 16-year-old Mohammed Sinokrot with a rubber bullet to the head
Tortured a prisoner to the point of hospitalisation
Refused 13 members of the European Parliament entry into Gaza
Detained at least 127 people across the West Bank, including a seven-year-old boy in Hebron and two children, aged seven and eight, taken from the courtyard of their house in Silwad – and tear-gassed their mother
11. Continued to
hold 33 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in prison
12. Continued to
hold 500 prisoners in administrative detention without charge or trial
Destroyed a dairy factory in Hebron whose profits supported an orphanage
Destroyed a family home in Silwan, making five children homeless
Destroyed a house in Jerusalem where aid supplies en route to Gaza were being stored
Destroyed a well near Hebron
Set fire to an olive grove near Hebron
Raided a health centre and a nursery school in Nablus, causing extensive damage
Destroyed a swathe of farmland in Rafah by driving tanks over it
Ordered the dismantling of a small monument in Jerusalem to Mohamed Abu Khdeir, murdered in July by an Israeli lynch mob
Continued building a vast tunnel network under Jerusalem
Stormed the al Aqsa mosque compound with a group of far right settlers
Assisted hundreds of settlers in storming Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus
Prevented students from entering al Quds University, firing stun grenades and rubber bullets at those who tried to go in
Earned unknown millions on reconstruction materials for Gaza, where 100,000 people need their destroyed homes rebuilt. The total bill is estimated at $7.8 billion
Don't even talk to me about aggression.

You people are fucked!

"Don't even talk to me about aggression."

"You people are fucked.."

After Gaza terrorists breached the truce last Friday with a rocket attack, they broke it again on Wednesday morning with a round of sniper fire targeting IDF forces in the vicinity of Kibbutz Nirim and Nir Oz.

The IDF soldiers were guarding work on the security barrier with Gaza in the southern part of the Hamas stronghold when they came under fire. Apparently one soldier was wounded and evacuated for medical treatment, although the extent of the wound remains unclear.

After being shot at, the soldiers returned fire at the sources of the gunfire. According to Palestinian Arab reports, there is a heavy exchange of fire going on, which reportedly includes tank shell fire from the IDF and airstrikes by the IAF.

In the IDF barrage targeting east of Khan Younis in response, Tayseer al-Ismary (33), head of the surveillance unit in Hamas's "armed wing" Al-Qassam Brigades, was killed by a bullet according to local medical sources, and two other Gazans were wounded.

Gaza Terrorists Open Fire on IDF Forces - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
Before that rocket attack, this is what you fuckers did...

1. Annexed another 1500 acres of West Bank land
Seized $56 million of PA tax revenue
Not lifted the illegal blockade (as required by the ceasefire)
4. Broken the ceasefire by
firing at fishermen on four separate occasions
5. Detained six fishermen
Killed a 22-year-old, Issa al Qatari, a week before his wedding
Killed 16-year-old Mohammed Sinokrot with a rubber bullet to the head
Tortured a prisoner to the point of hospitalisation
Refused 13 members of the European Parliament entry into Gaza
Detained at least 127 people across the West Bank, including a seven-year-old boy in Hebron and two children, aged seven and eight, taken from the courtyard of their house in Silwad – and tear-gassed their mother
11. Continued to
hold 33 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in prison
12. Continued to
hold 500 prisoners in administrative detention without charge or trial
Destroyed a dairy factory in Hebron whose profits supported an orphanage
Destroyed a family home in Silwan, making five children homeless
Destroyed a house in Jerusalem where aid supplies en route to Gaza were being stored
Destroyed a well near Hebron
Set fire to an olive grove near Hebron
Raided a health centre and a nursery school in Nablus, causing extensive damage
Destroyed a swathe of farmland in Rafah by driving tanks over it
Ordered the dismantling of a small monument in Jerusalem to Mohamed Abu Khdeir, murdered in July by an Israeli lynch mob
Continued building a vast tunnel network under Jerusalem
Stormed the al Aqsa mosque compound with a group of far right settlers
Assisted hundreds of settlers in storming Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus
Prevented students from entering al Quds University, firing stun grenades and rubber bullets at those who tried to go in
Earned unknown millions on reconstruction materials for Gaza, where 100,000 people need their destroyed homes rebuilt. The total bill is estimated at $7.8 billion
Don't even talk to me about aggression.

You people are fucked!

Here goes the deadbeat terrorist lover with his stupid fake list from some Mooooslem site. What a friggin big mouth.
Also there is no proof the rocket attack was even real, some pics on the net don't make me believe and the timing was the most suspicious, also Israel managed to bomb Gaza again for it. That siren sounds means nothing. These dirty tricks are expected from Israel now.

Will you shut the fuck up, already? The proof is us southerners.

All one needs to do is watch the events and one knows that Israel will claim some event. Israel creates the news, it doesn't report it.

Ah yes, and I bet you have it from a good source, those voices in your head.
After Gaza terrorists breached the truce last Friday with a rocket attack, they broke it again on Wednesday morning with a round of sniper fire targeting IDF forces in the vicinity of Kibbutz Nirim and Nir Oz.

The IDF soldiers were guarding work on the security barrier with Gaza in the southern part of the Hamas stronghold when they came under fire. Apparently one soldier was wounded and evacuated for medical treatment, although the extent of the wound remains unclear.

After being shot at, the soldiers returned fire at the sources of the gunfire. According to Palestinian Arab reports, there is a heavy exchange of fire going on, which reportedly includes tank shell fire from the IDF and airstrikes by the IAF.

In the IDF barrage targeting east of Khan Younis in response, Tayseer al-Ismary (33), head of the surveillance unit in Hamas's "armed wing" Al-Qassam Brigades, was killed by a bullet according to local medical sources, and two other Gazans were wounded.

Gaza Terrorists Open Fire on IDF Forces - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
Before that rocket attack, this is what you fuckers did...

1. Annexed another 1500 acres of West Bank land
Seized $56 million of PA tax revenue
Not lifted the illegal blockade (as required by the ceasefire)
4. Broken the ceasefire by
firing at fishermen on four separate occasions
5. Detained six fishermen
Killed a 22-year-old, Issa al Qatari, a week before his wedding
Killed 16-year-old Mohammed Sinokrot with a rubber bullet to the head
Tortured a prisoner to the point of hospitalisation
Refused 13 members of the European Parliament entry into Gaza
Detained at least 127 people across the West Bank, including a seven-year-old boy in Hebron and two children, aged seven and eight, taken from the courtyard of their house in Silwad – and tear-gassed their mother
11. Continued to
hold 33 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in prison
12. Continued to
hold 500 prisoners in administrative detention without charge or trial
Destroyed a dairy factory in Hebron whose profits supported an orphanage
Destroyed a family home in Silwan, making five children homeless
Destroyed a house in Jerusalem where aid supplies en route to Gaza were being stored
Destroyed a well near Hebron
Set fire to an olive grove near Hebron
Raided a health centre and a nursery school in Nablus, causing extensive damage
Destroyed a swathe of farmland in Rafah by driving tanks over it
Ordered the dismantling of a small monument in Jerusalem to Mohamed Abu Khdeir, murdered in July by an Israeli lynch mob
Continued building a vast tunnel network under Jerusalem
Stormed the al Aqsa mosque compound with a group of far right settlers
Assisted hundreds of settlers in storming Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus
Prevented students from entering al Quds University, firing stun grenades and rubber bullets at those who tried to go in
Earned unknown millions on reconstruction materials for Gaza, where 100,000 people need their destroyed homes rebuilt. The total bill is estimated at $7.8 billion
Don't even talk to me about aggression.

You people are fucked!

"Don't even talk to me about aggression."

"You people are fucked.."

Yup, anus mouth strikes again with "good" information from Islamist sites.
Little Israeli kiss-ass pricks to pussy to deal with the 26 ceasefire violations committed by the fascist state prior to the alleged rocket attack.

If Hamas didn't fire a rocket, they should have! Because Israel deserved it!

What happened to the other 68 alleged breaches then...............

And if Israel does not flatten gaza they should do as hamas deserve it
Yup, anus mouth strikes again with "good" information from Islamist sites.
Any site not in your anus, is an Islamist site.

Nope, it's a bullshit site for asshole like you. Pretty much filled with lies, false accusations, and propoganda. Here is its home page. They call themselves "Alternative News". Alternative to what? The truth? Ha ha ha ha.
Yup, anus mouth strikes again with "good" information from Islamist sites.
Any site not in your anus, is an Islamist site.

Nope, it's a bullshit site for asshole like you. Pretty much filled with lies, false accusations, and propoganda. Here is its home page. They call themselves "Alternative News". Alternative to what? The truth? Ha ha ha ha.

"Alternative to what? The truth?..."

he knows "the truth."

"...the truth..."

no coloring books and crayons for you son, just strap this BOMB around your waist
and smile for the camera...

need i say mo'

we massacre children who want to read books...

look at me ? are they kidding ? (help)


"...the truth..."

shut up...
Yup, anus mouth strikes again with "good" information from Islamist sites.
Any site not in your anus, is an Islamist site.

Nope, it's a bullshit site for asshole like you. Pretty much filled with lies, false accusations, and propoganda. Here is its home page. They call themselves "Alternative News". Alternative to what? The truth? Ha ha ha ha.

"Alternative to what? The truth?..."

he knows "the truth."

"...the truth..."

no coloring books and crayons for you son, just strap this BOMB around your waist
and smile for the camera...

need i say mo'

we massacre children who want to read books...

look at me ? are they kidding ? (help)


"...the truth..."

shut up...

Alternative to sanity.
Nope, it's a bullshit site for asshole like you. Pretty much filled with lies, false accusations, and propoganda. Here is its home page. They call themselves "Alternative News". Alternative to what? The truth? Ha ha ha ha.
You don't have a clue as to what truth is and you certainly don't care to. If you did, you wouldn't be deliberately lying about the websites I use.

It wasn't I was using, you fuckin' liar, it was the London Review of Books!

You don't have a clue as to what truth is and you certainly don't care to. If you did, you wouldn't be deliberately lying about the websites I use. It wasn't I was using, you fuckin' liar, it was the London Review of Books!
Still drivel.
Nope, it's a bullshit site for asshole like you. Pretty much filled with lies, false accusations, and propoganda. Here is its home page. They call themselves "Alternative News". Alternative to what? The truth? Ha ha ha ha.
You don't have a clue as to what truth is and you certainly don't care to. If you did, you wouldn't be deliberately lying about the websites I use.

It wasn't I was using, you fuckin' liar, it was the London Review of Books!

Your original link took me straight to alternative news, anus mouth.

And the link you just provided doesn't even work.

London Book Review also carries some Mooooooslem guy named Omar's book? How impressive. That must make all the allegations true then. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Last edited:
Your original link took me straight to alternative news, anus mouth.
There was no "original" link; there's only been the "only" link. And how come when I clicked "your" alternativenews link, that list is no where to be found?

And the link you just provided doesn't even work.
Then how did you get to alternativenews, if it didn't work?

London Book Review also carries some Mooooooslem guy named Omar's book? How impressive. That must make all the allegations true then. Ha ha ha ha ha.
It doesn't make them false.

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