Pakistan: Woman stoned to death by her family for marrying man she loved


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Lahore, Pakistan — A woman was stoned to death by her own family in front of a Pakistani high court on Tuesday for marrying the man she loved, police and a defense lawyer said.

Nearly 20 members of the woman’s family, including her father and brothers, attacked her and her husband with batons and bricks in broad daylight before a crowd of onlookers in front of the high court of Lahore, said police official Naseem Butt. He said Farzana Parveen, 25, had married Mohammad Iqbal, with whom she had been engaged for years in opposition to her family.

Her father had filed an abduction case against her husband, which the couple was contesting, her lawyer Mustafa Kharal said.

Arranged marriages are the norm among conservative Pakistanis, who view marriage for love as a transgression.

Hundreds of women are killed every year in Muslim-majority Pakistan in so-called “honor killings” carried out by husbands or relatives as a punishment for alleged adultery or other illicit sexual behavior.

Kharal said Parveen’s relatives waited outside the court, which is located on a main downtown thoroughfare. As the couple walked up to the court’s main gate, the family members fired shots in the air and tried to snatch her from Iqbal, he said.

When she resisted, her father, brothers and other relatives started beating her, eventually pelting her with bricks from a nearby construction site, Iqbal said.

Iqbal, 45, said he started seeing Parveen after the death of his first wife, with whom he had five children.

“We were in love,” he told The Associated Press. He alleged that the woman’s family wanted to fleece money from him before marrying her off.

“I simply took her to court and registered a marriage,” infuriating the family, he said.

Butt, the police official, said Parveen’s father surrendered after the incident and called the murder an “honor killing.”

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, a private organization, said in a report last month that some 869 women were murdered in so-called honor killings in 2013.

I don't know about you, but I am blaming America and Israel for this.
These people are MidEVIL............Perhaps they are inbreeds..................

But there will NEVER come a day when I respect this BS.................
Man only a completely backwards race of people would prevent someone from marrying the person they loved

Yeah, we get it. Gays are so mistreated here. Of course they stone them there.

I blame America and Israel for that too.
This is just another reason Islam and Muslims have no business migrating to western countries !!!

How in the world is this a religion that is embraced by millions.
And the left mocks Christians at every opportunity.
And they are oh so quiet about Muslims when they do this crazy shit.
See Loving v. Virginia. Until then, mixed race marriages were banned in several states here in the USA!
See Loving v. Virginia. Until then, mixed race marriages were banned in several states here in the USA!

We evolved.......Show me that over there as they've gone to a 7th century mentality...............

What if we were like them..............

Imagine this..............I go over there and say CONVERT TO GOD OR DIE................and they don't and we start killing in those days of the Knights Templar.............................

Then we would be the ones who would be MidEVIL.................
This incident has zero to do with Islam.

The men who stoned her were arrested by the Pakistani Police, put in jail, and charged for the crime of murder. .. :cool:
Sure, sure. None of the barbaric things Muslims do has anything to do with Islam, does it? Ha ha ha.
Man only a completely backwards race of people would prevent someone from marrying the person they loved

Many races/cultures have arranged marriages today.
Indians, Greeks, Asians etc.

Rejecting your parents'/family's orders to marry whomever they choose for you often only results in your being cast out by them, and disowned though.
"Love grows" they quote the children.

Might be ok if you were love and society's reject...and your family arranged for a fine and beautiful girl or a fine and handsome man for you to marry. :)

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