Pacifism and the Left


Got your example of it right here: Those Sesame Street thugs!!

"A new documentary released by Al Jazeera exposes the use of children’s songs and heavy metal music to torture prisoners at Guantanamo Bay — a tactic that came about not long after President George W. Bush created the camp to detain prisoners in the “war on terror” against Al Qaeda."

Read more: ‘Sesame Street’ songs and heavy metal blasted to torture Guantanamo detainees: reportÂ*Â* - NY Daily News

There never was a civil rights movement the Right liked. Instead, those on the Right attempt to marginalize, discriminate and belittle those American citizen wishing for what everyone else is supposed to have~ equality.

There never was a war the Right disliked. Not the meat grinder that was Vietnam. Not the invasion and occupation of Iraq which had nothing to do with the attacks on September 11. Whatever the cause, from propping up a brutal dictator to 'securing' resources from a foreign people, the Right dutifully falls in line drumming the war beat and criticizing those who would reconsider.

What about the wage disparity? The Right has no problem keeping the poor poor and making the rich richer, in spite of the brutality of such disparities.

Yup! The Right favors brutality over equality, brutality over diplomacy and brutality over the ability to make an honest wage for an honest day's work.

Bring the Sesame Street example again.

Based on your post, the Left favors ignorance.

You don't know nuttin.'

My poor, sad friend. You are clearly the product of the 'Liberal echo chamber' babble inaccuracies, and none of the other Libs correct you.

I will.

1. "There never was a civil rights movement the Right liked."

"...Civil Rights Act of 1964? That’s where the Democrats showed their mettle and Republicans were proven to be racists. Right? Wrong. 82% of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 versus only 64% of Democrats. Furthermore, a few years later, it was Republican Richard Nixon who first put teeth behind affirmative action."
Racist Democrats vs. Colorblind Republicans - Conservative News, Views & Books

Strike one.

2. "There never was a war the Right disliked. Not the meat grinder that was Vietnam."

a. In late 1962, Kennedy was still fully committed to supporting the Diem regime,
though he had some doubts even then. When Senator Mike Mansfield advised
withdrawal at that early date:

The President was too disturbed by the Senator's unexpected argument to reply to
it. He said to me later when we talked about the discussion, "I got angry with
Mike for disagreeing with our policy so completely, and I got angry with myself
because I found myself agreeing with him (Kenneth O'Donnell and Dave Powers,
Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye, Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1970, p. 15).

b. Lyndon Johnson succeeded John F Kennedy as president. Like many ‘hawks’ in the White House, Johnson was a fervent supporter of the ‘Domino Theory’ and he was keen to support South Vietnam against the NLF:

“If we quit Vietnam tomorrow we’ll be fighting in Hawaii and next week we’ll have to be fighting in San Francisco.”
Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam

c. BTW...right up until his last day in office, the rapist, Clinton, was touting WMD's in Iraq.

Strike two!

3. "What about the wage disparity? The Right has no problem keeping the poor poor and making the rich richer, in spite of the brutality of such disparities."

Any difference in earnings, if that is what you are frothing about, is due to productivity.

Income and wealth inequality…or demographics. In Alan Reynold’s “Income and Wealth,” he studied the data, and found the following. Certainly the top fifth of households has a far greater proportion of same, but it also has six times as many full-time workers as the bottom fifth, heavily composed of two-earner couples with older children or other relatives who work. The bottom fifth is heavily composed of aged or younger couples, the retired or the still in school. Also, some in the bottom fifth because they are part of the underground economy, or in crime, so income is not reported. Or suffer addictions which preclude work.

a. In 2004, 56.4% of households in the bottom fifth featured no work by anyone for the entire year.

b.The total number of full time, year round workers in the bottom fifth for 2004 was less than 3 million…which compares to 16.4 million in the top fifth of households. Ibid.

The difference in income does not reflect inequality, but rather, productivity. The fact that the lowest fifth are neither starving, nor living in the streets reflects the intrinsic generosity of our society, and the transfer of incomes via government programs. 80% of income in the bottom fifth is from such transfers; it is only 2% for the top fifth.

c. Other pertinent factors include age and experience of head of household, educational differences, the rise of working women, which increased the number of two-earner families, increased in college educated workers, percent of immigrants in the workforce, which also give the impression of inequality.

Strike three!!

Aren't you embarrassed at how wrong you are in every case...of course not. Water off a duck's back.

Now, even though my post is true, logical, and documented, I have no expectation that it will influence what passes for thinking in your existence....

...'cause you're a Liberal.

You're citing all those bellicose statements by Liberals in a thread that you started that was originally supposed to convince us all Liberals are Pacifists.

It's fun to see you join us proving you wrong, but we really don't need your help.
Carby, "the Perfect Foil", enters, stage right.

BAGHDAD — American and Iraqi officials have completed nearly the last chapter in dismantling Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program with the removal of hundreds of tons of natural uranium from the country’s main nuclear site.

American military personnel helped move about 600 tons of uranium in the form called yellowcake. It had been stored at Tuwaitha, an installation 12 miles south of Baghdad, which had been the site of Iraq’s nuclear program.

There were no WMD's and all the non sequiturs in the world can't refute that.

I know you can't think....but can't you read, either?

Is yellow cake uranium not a danger as WMD?

Found in the Iraq nuclear program?


Friendly advice: Read the links you post.

"...the material cannot be used in its current form for a nuclear weapon or even a so-called dirty bomb..."

"The yellowcake removed from Iraq — which was not the same yellowcake that President Bush claimed, in a now discredited section of his 2003 State of the Union address, that Mr. Hussein was trying to purchase in Africa...."

And this, from

"The yellowcake removed from Iraq in 2008 was material that had long since been identified, documented, and stored in sealed containers, under the supervision of UN inspectors." Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

Try to get past getting your information from the rightwing propaganda machine and wacky pass-around emails...

There were no WMD's and all the non sequiturs in the world can't refute that.

I know you can't think....but can't you read, either?

Is yellow cake uranium not a danger as WMD?

Found in the Iraq nuclear program?


Friendly advice: Read the links you post.

"...the material cannot be used in its current form for a nuclear weapon or even a so-called dirty bomb..."

"The yellowcake removed from Iraq — which was not the same yellowcake that President Bush claimed, in a now discredited section of his 2003 State of the Union address, that Mr. Hussein was trying to purchase in Africa...."

And this, from

"The yellowcake removed from Iraq in 2008 was material that had long since been identified, documented, and stored in sealed containers, under the supervision of UN inspectors." Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

Try to get past getting your information from the rightwing propaganda machine and wacky pass-around emails...


How come you ignored this:

"The Wall Street Journal today reveals that Muammar Gaddafi has not destroyed weapons of mass destruction in Tripoli, Libya – namely Mustard Gas, Uranium Yellowcake and Scud Missiles."
Gaddhafi WMD: Mustard Gas, Yellowcake, Scud Missiles | Maggie's Notebook

Oh, yeah...'cause it destroys your fabrications...

There never was a civil rights movement the Right liked. Instead, those on the Right attempt to marginalize, discriminate and belittle those American citizen wishing for what everyone else is supposed to have~ equality.

There never was a war the Right disliked. Not the meat grinder that was Vietnam. Not the invasion and occupation of Iraq which had nothing to do with the attacks on September 11. Whatever the cause, from propping up a brutal dictator to 'securing' resources from a foreign people, the Right dutifully falls in line drumming the war beat and criticizing those who would reconsider.

What about the wage disparity? The Right has no problem keeping the poor poor and making the rich richer, in spite of the brutality of such disparities.

Yup! The Right favors brutality over equality, brutality over diplomacy and brutality over the ability to make an honest wage for an honest day's work.

Bring the Sesame Street example again.

Based on your post, the Left favors ignorance.

You don't know nuttin.'

My poor, sad friend. You are clearly the product of the 'Liberal echo chamber' babble inaccuracies, and none of the other Libs correct you.

I will.

1. "There never was a civil rights movement the Right liked."

"...Civil Rights Act of 1964? That’s where the Democrats showed their mettle and Republicans were proven to be racists. Right? Wrong. 82% of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 versus only 64% of Democrats. Furthermore, a few years later, it was Republican Richard Nixon who first put teeth behind affirmative action."
Racist Democrats vs. Colorblind Republicans - Conservative News, Views & Books

Strike one.

2. "There never was a war the Right disliked. Not the meat grinder that was Vietnam."

a. In late 1962, Kennedy was still fully committed to supporting the Diem regime,
though he had some doubts even then. When Senator Mike Mansfield advised
withdrawal at that early date:

The President was too disturbed by the Senator's unexpected argument to reply to
it. He said to me later when we talked about the discussion, "I got angry with
Mike for disagreeing with our policy so completely, and I got angry with myself
because I found myself agreeing with him (Kenneth O'Donnell and Dave Powers,
Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye, Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1970, p. 15).

b. Lyndon Johnson succeeded John F Kennedy as president. Like many ‘hawks’ in the White House, Johnson was a fervent supporter of the ‘Domino Theory’ and he was keen to support South Vietnam against the NLF:

“If we quit Vietnam tomorrow we’ll be fighting in Hawaii and next week we’ll have to be fighting in San Francisco.”
Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam

c. BTW...right up until his last day in office, the rapist, Clinton, was touting WMD's in Iraq.

Strike two!

3. "What about the wage disparity? The Right has no problem keeping the poor poor and making the rich richer, in spite of the brutality of such disparities."

Any difference in earnings, if that is what you are frothing about, is due to productivity.

Income and wealth inequality…or demographics. In Alan Reynold’s “Income and Wealth,” he studied the data, and found the following. Certainly the top fifth of households has a far greater proportion of same, but it also has six times as many full-time workers as the bottom fifth, heavily composed of two-earner couples with older children or other relatives who work. The bottom fifth is heavily composed of aged or younger couples, the retired or the still in school. Also, some in the bottom fifth because they are part of the underground economy, or in crime, so income is not reported. Or suffer addictions which preclude work.

a. In 2004, 56.4% of households in the bottom fifth featured no work by anyone for the entire year.

b.The total number of full time, year round workers in the bottom fifth for 2004 was less than 3 million…which compares to 16.4 million in the top fifth of households. Ibid.

The difference in income does not reflect inequality, but rather, productivity. The fact that the lowest fifth are neither starving, nor living in the streets reflects the intrinsic generosity of our society, and the transfer of incomes via government programs. 80% of income in the bottom fifth is from such transfers; it is only 2% for the top fifth.

c. Other pertinent factors include age and experience of head of household, educational differences, the rise of working women, which increased the number of two-earner families, increased in college educated workers, percent of immigrants in the workforce, which also give the impression of inequality.

Strike three!!

Aren't you embarrassed at how wrong you are in every case...of course not. Water off a duck's back.

Now, even though my post is true, logical, and documented, I have no expectation that it will influence what passes for thinking in your existence....

...'cause you're a Liberal.
You hide behind the skirts of political party and not ideology. If the consistent linking of Democrat to Liberal and Conservative to Republican was true, George Wallace and Lester Maddox would be steeped in patchouli oil while singing "We shall overcome" and "If I had a hammer, I'd hammer out justice" simply because they were members of the Democrat party. And the Republicans would be refuting Teddy Roosevelt as a big government over regulator instead of "Trust Buster".

If I had to defend a political ideology, Conservatism is the one I'd use such ham handed ruses for, because it is indefensible otherwise. Always on the wrong side of the curve of history, running a party smoke screen to cover the tracks of Conservatism is the only, if least intellectually noble course of all.

You're out. checked my work?

...and it was error-free?

I get an A+?

Did you learn anything from it?

No, huh....

Would it be poor form if I really rub it in?
Aw, what the heck:

1. While our Liberal colleagues are not susceptible to debate, logic of any kind, data, or even their own experience, one should not be led to believe that they actually believe the ideas they propound, or the officeholders that they support.

2. The Left must bear a Sisyphean burden having to suspend reason and accountability, in order to rationalize the positions that they claim to espouse:

a. They support higher taxes and government intervention to grow the economy, when all evidence historical and current (Greece) records the disastrous folly of such a course.

b. The President’s view that a woman’s right to have recreational sex and enjoy cost-free access to pregnancy prevention/termination trumps the constitutional right to act according to one’s religious beliefs.

c. Eisenhower famously said ‘public opinion wins wars,’ yet the Left won’t allow the terms ‘Islamofascism’ or ‘Radical Islam.’

d. Belief in Global Warming, in the face of the East Anglia emails…

e. The government sues the state of Arizona for the enforcement of laws the passage of which are not only the right of the state under the Constitution, but the content of which is virtually identical with federal law.

f. The state of California sentences the farmers of the Central Valley to drought and their farms to destruction because a small fish called the delta smelt has been declared endangered.

g. A baby born alive as a result of a botched abortion should be left to die.

h. That some 400 Liberal journalists have been revealed as involved in a cabal to distort that which they offer as news, in aid of Liberalism, makes no difference to the Liberal. National - Jeffrey Goldberg - Meet the New Journolist, Smaller Than the Old Journolist - The Atlantic

i. That the government gives billions in taxpayer funds to supposed businesses that turn around and kick part back to the party that gave it to them.

How'd ya' like them apples?

I realize that vapid, empty bumper-stickers are your speciality...but I double dog dare you to defend those Liberal positions...

OK...I admit it...slappin' you guys around is my guilty pleasure.
I know you can't think....but can't you read, either?

Is yellow cake uranium not a danger as WMD?

Found in the Iraq nuclear program?


Friendly advice: Read the links you post.

"...the material cannot be used in its current form for a nuclear weapon or even a so-called dirty bomb..."

"The yellowcake removed from Iraq — which was not the same yellowcake that President Bush claimed, in a now discredited section of his 2003 State of the Union address, that Mr. Hussein was trying to purchase in Africa...."

And this, from

"The yellowcake removed from Iraq in 2008 was material that had long since been identified, documented, and stored in sealed containers, under the supervision of UN inspectors." Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

Try to get past getting your information from the rightwing propaganda machine and wacky pass-around emails...


How come you ignored this:

"The Wall Street Journal today reveals that Muammar Gaddafi has not destroyed weapons of mass destruction in Tripoli, Libya – namely Mustard Gas, Uranium Yellowcake and Scud Missiles."
Gaddhafi WMD: Mustard Gas, Yellowcake, Scud Missiles | Maggie's Notebook

Oh, yeah...'cause it destroys your fabrications...

The fact that I'm right and that writer is wrong is not my problem.
Barry Goldwater voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and promptly won the REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT.

He then proceeded to win almost all of the so-called Solid (Democratic) South, as Southern white voters abandoned the Democratic Party in droves because of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

And then he got dubbed the father of modern conservatism and became an inspiration to an entire generation on the Right...

...the guy who believed that state's rights trumped human rights.
Friendly advice: Read the links you post.

"...the material cannot be used in its current form for a nuclear weapon or even a so-called dirty bomb..."

"The yellowcake removed from Iraq — which was not the same yellowcake that President Bush claimed, in a now discredited section of his 2003 State of the Union address, that Mr. Hussein was trying to purchase in Africa...."

And this, from

"The yellowcake removed from Iraq in 2008 was material that had long since been identified, documented, and stored in sealed containers, under the supervision of UN inspectors." Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

Try to get past getting your information from the rightwing propaganda machine and wacky pass-around emails...


How come you ignored this:

"The Wall Street Journal today reveals that Muammar Gaddafi has not destroyed weapons of mass destruction in Tripoli, Libya – namely Mustard Gas, Uranium Yellowcake and Scud Missiles."
Gaddhafi WMD: Mustard Gas, Yellowcake, Scud Missiles | Maggie's Notebook

Oh, yeah...'cause it destroys your fabrications...

The fact that I'm right and that writer is wrong is not my problem.

1. "The fact that I'm right and that writer is wrong..."

I find it difficult to put in words the volume of amusement that you provide.

And, you march lock-step with every Leftist meme your handlers program in you...

2. In the light of the essential nature of emotion to the Left, it makes perfect sense that they have created the (highly destructive) self-esteem movement, based on how one feels about oneself. Of course, it is always quite a high number for Leftists, convinced that they are brighter, kinder, finer, more sophisticated, more enlightened, more selfless, and, of course, more intellectual.
From chapter two of Prager's "Still The Best Hope."

a. “A 1989 study of mathematical skills compared students in eight different countries. American students ranked lowest in mathematical competence and Korean students ranked highest. But the researchers also asked students to rate how good they were at mathematics. The Americans ranked highest in self-judged mathematical ability, while the Koreans ranked lowest….There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything.”
The Problem with Self-Esteem

3. And, here you are, propounding the thesis that you know more than the folks at the Wall Street Journal....

"... I'm right and that writer is wrong..."

"There is no evidence that high self-esteem reliably causes anything."

4. I'm certain that there is some mote or iota of knowledge where you actually know more than those folks....
...sadly, at the moment, the world's scientists are tied up in answering questions about global warming.

But as soon as they solve that conundrum, they'll get right onto the question of your knowledge.
Now you are not being honest.

The 'punishment' for the Right in not agreeing to find a solution to the debt ceiling is to penalize the military.

This is in comparison to punishing the Left vis-a-vis entitlements...

But, you are aware of that....aren't you.

It's a "punishment" because each side considers those respective issues as high funding priorities. To say that actually harms the military is laughable. Even with the cuts, we're still spending around the same amount as the rest of the world combined. That's absurd in and of itself, until you then add on that most of the other big spenders are our allies.

This post is beyond tap's Hip Hop!

1. "...still spending around the same amount as the rest of the world combined."
And that
A discussion of the importance to world stability of the United States military is for another day.

BTW...Obama?s 2011 Budget Proposal: How It?s Spent - Interactive Graphic -

$3.69 trillon budget proposal

1. Social Security $738 20%

2.National Defense $738 20%

3. Income Security $567

4. Medicare $498

5.Net Interest $251

6. Health $381

7. Education $122

8. Veteran’s Benefits $122

9. Transportation $91.55

10. International Affairs $67.39
The same 20% as Social Security.

The fact that the Left threatens the military because the Right "considers those respective issues as high funding priorities" is strong evidence for the OP.

It's only evidence for the OP if you have a mistake belief that such a high level of spending is necessary for the defense of the nation.
It's a "punishment" because each side considers those respective issues as high funding priorities. To say that actually harms the military is laughable. Even with the cuts, we're still spending around the same amount as the rest of the world combined. That's absurd in and of itself, until you then add on that most of the other big spenders are our allies.

This post is beyond tap's Hip Hop!

1. "...still spending around the same amount as the rest of the world combined."
And that
A discussion of the importance to world stability of the United States military is for another day.

BTW...Obama?s 2011 Budget Proposal: How It?s Spent - Interactive Graphic -

$3.69 trillon budget proposal

1. Social Security $738 20%

2.National Defense $738 20%

3. Income Security $567

4. Medicare $498

5.Net Interest $251

6. Health $381

7. Education $122

8. Veteran’s Benefits $122

9. Transportation $91.55

10. International Affairs $67.39
The same 20% as Social Security.

The fact that the Left threatens the military because the Right "considers those respective issues as high funding priorities" is strong evidence for the OP.

It's only evidence for the OP if you have a mistake belief that such a high level of spending is necessary for the defense of the nation.

"...necessary for the defense of the nation."

Since you seem oblivious to the current geopolitics, no doubt convinced that our two natural borders, the Atlantic and the Pacific, will insulate us from problems in the world at large, perhaps you can learn from history, a la George Santayana.

The following from "FDR Goes To War," by Folsom and Folsom:

1. While the FDR administration won the war, there is reason to believe that military decisions made things worse.
a. Due to cuts in military spending through the 30’s as a percentage of the federal budget, the United States was woefully unprepared for war. The US was 17th in the world in military strength, and this ultimately let us into a two-ocean war.

2. FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone. To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence.

In the introduction, M. Stanton Evans says…

3. “Though FDR is treated in many histories as a far-seeing statesman waging a great crusade for freedom, the record provided by the Folsoms, backed by their extensive researches, shows us something different. In lack of preparedness during the run-up to the war (while contriving to get us into it), thereafter in many phases of its conduct, and most of all in the end game played out with the Soviet dictator Stalin at Teheran and Yalta, Roosevelt made countless tragic blunders, … In particular, by various wartime stratagems he pursued and postwar policies he favored, he materially increased the strength of the Soviet Union and so helped consign untold numbers of suffering victims to its despotic rule.”
Except who is proposing "defense budgets [be] cut to the bone"? The answer is no one. Even under the lower funding scenario, we're still talking about a world where we're vastly outspending all potential enemies.
Idiot isolationist Pubs ruined the League of Nations, started the Great Depression that led to militarists in Germany and Japan, let them run wild until we were attacked (luckily). Blaming FDR for the USSR keeping their area of control after 25 million dead is STUPID. Nobody with a brain thought any different. The stupidity of your revisionism is consistent with the rest of your Pub duperie.
Except who is proposing "defense budgets [be] cut to the bone"? The answer is no one. Even under the lower funding scenario, we're still talking about a world where we're vastly outspending all potential enemies.

And we should continue to do so.

You seem to suggest that we know how much said enemies are spending...and how to calculate the amounts we are transferring to these enemies via:

1. "Bat-winged, high-flying and hard to detect, America's RQ-170 Sentinel plane is the perfect stealth drone for peering into another country's secret sites without being caught.

One was used in May to feed back live footage of the US Navy Seal raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan.

So probably not the sort of hardware the CIA would ever like to fall into the hands of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps? Oops."
BBC News - Why Iran's capture of US drone will shake CIA

Of course, a different President might have blown it up....


2. "A newly released document from the U.S. State Department reveals that the most successful Chinese espionage operation in recent history occurred during the Clinton administration.

The document accuses Hughes Space and Communications Company of violating U.S. national security 123 times by knowingly sending detailed missile and space technology directly to the Chinese army."
Clinton and Chinese Missiles

Did you subtract the values of above from defense spending, and add it to the phantom-defense-spending of the above nations?

Atomic bomb experimentation and research didn't cost Soviet Union much, either...

And all three under Democrat administrations.....
Idiot isolationist Pubs ruined the League of Nations, started the Great Depression that led to militarists in Germany and Japan, let them run wild until we were attacked (luckily). Blaming FDR for the USSR keeping their area of control after 25 million dead is STUPID. Nobody with a brain thought any different. The stupidity of your revisionism is consistent with the rest of your Pub duperie.

Is there any truth to the rumor that Merriam-Webster is adding the word "franco," meaning "ineducable and immune to learning"?

As in, "Why is that drunken, old reprobate so franco?"
The word you're looking for is not pacifism, it's intelligence, in opposition to chicken hawk, jingoist, warmongering. See Booosh's 2 stupidest wars ever.
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See, BEFORE WWII, pubs thought money was in isolationism and THAT bubble and bust, AFTER in warmongering. But always easy money...Which their dupes DON'T get lol. Stick with the Masters in history, honey.
Some liberals are pussies that dislike any kind of war, but most liberals are just self-centered assholes that only support military action if it somehow supports them. Like say 9/11, after that event many liberals were gung-ho to send the US military against islamic terrorists but eventually many of them got bored with it and then protested the wars.

Many liberals view themselves as part of the world, not the USA so they are not supportive of the USA standing up and defending itself against China, Russia, etc. Leftist countries like Russia and China appeal to the hearts of liberals, so they oppose any military action that counters their left-wing buddies in those countries.

So at the the end of the day, most liberals don't give a shit if China and Russia split the world in half as long as they get their needs met here in the USA. The joke is they are too stupid to realize that Russia and China would eventually ruin their lives here in the USA just like they've ruined their own citizen's lives.

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