Overall, the media does not have a liberal bias contrary to republican belief


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Republicans have this fallacious, emotional opinion that any media that is the least bit critical of Trump is automatically a leftwing, radical source. It's a completely irrational cult mentality, but the media they watch such as Fox or Newsmax does nothing but coddle their precious, preconceived notions about rightwing beliefs they already have. That kind of saturation is what fuels their "fake news" beliefs. Cognitive dissonance is just not something they are not able to stomach. It makes life more confusing for them.

Contrary to what republicans believe, most of the news they call fake, such as CNN, have a long history of criticizing democrats like Obama, Hillary, and Biden. If you actually watch these networks, you see this on a daily basis. Republicans choose to ignore this because they only watch media that sucks Trump dick regardless of what he said or did as president.

Now, this isnt to say there is not biased leftwing sources. MSNBC is clearly an example of bias. The problem is lumping this source in with any other news source that was critical of Trump.
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Republicans have this fallacious, emotional opinion that any media that is the least bit critical of Trump is automatically a leftwing, radical source. It's a completely irrational cult mentality, but the media they watch such as Fox or Newsmax does nothing but coddle their precious, preconceived notions about rightwing beliefs they already have. That kind of saturation is what fuels their "fake news" beliefs.

Contrary to what republicans believe, most of the news they call fake, such as CNN, have a long history of criticizing democrats like Obama, Hillary, and Biden. If you actually watch these networks, you see this on a daily basis. Republicans choose to ignore this because they only watch media that sucks Trump dick regardless of what he said or did as president.

Now, this isnt to say there is not biased leftwing sources. MSNBC is clearly an example of bias. The problem is lumping this source in with any other news source that was critical of Trump.

Can you put me in touch with your dealer?
Now, this isnt to say there is not biased leftwing sources. MSNBC is clearly an example of bias. The problem is lumping this source in with any other news source that was critical of Trump.
Without Fox News and News Max, Democrats would have 100% control of all televised Media. Democrats already control most of Social Media, the military, the intelligence agencies, the majority of the US courts, the entertainment industry, and all branches of government.
Republicans have this fallacious, emotional opinion that any media that is the least bit critical of Trump is automatically a leftwing, radical source. It's a completely irrational cult mentality, but the media they watch such as Fox or Newsmax does nothing but coddle their precious, preconceived notions about rightwing beliefs they already have. That kind of saturation is what fuels their "fake news" beliefs. Cognitive dissonance is just not something they are not able to stomach. It makes life more confusing for them.

Contrary to what republicans believe, most of the news they call fake, such as CNN, have a long history of criticizing democrats like Obama, Hillary, and Biden. If you actually watch these networks, you see this on a daily basis. Republicans choose to ignore this because they only watch media that sucks Trump dick regardless of what he said or did as president.

Now, this isnt to say there is not biased leftwing sources. MSNBC is clearly an example of bias. The problem is lumping this source in with any other news source that was critical of Trump.

The left wing media in the U.S has damaged the credibility of their profession, and, they are thoroughly out of touch with the average American. That to me is the biggest difference. Only the elites and the most fringe people are able to openly support MSNBC.

Consider your southern border "policy". It's as if someone just said "here's an idea, let me handle it. we will allow EVERYONE to come on over. Then we will push for amnesty and rule America forever!". CNN and MSNBC have been largely silent. How is THAT responsible journalism?

If the Afghanistan pullout without evacuation first came from bad advisors, I want to see who is advising Biden on your southern border. As a Canadian I see ZERO benefit for Americans, especially during a pandemic. This while you already have 20M illegally in the U.S.

It's a nice way to ensure socialism becomes the future though...
Of course, it doesn't have a liberal bias.

It has an authoritarian left bias.


It's not a bias it's a devotion.


Republicans have this fallacious, emotional opinion that any media that is the least bit critical of Trump is automatically a leftwing, radical source. It's a completely irrational cult mentality, but the media they watch such as Fox or Newsmax does nothing but coddle their precious, preconceived notions about rightwing beliefs they already have. That kind of saturation is what fuels their "fake news" beliefs. Cognitive dissonance is just not something they are not able to stomach. It makes life more confusing for them.

Contrary to what republicans believe, most of the news they call fake, such as CNN, have a long history of criticizing democrats like Obama, Hillary, and Biden. If you actually watch these networks, you see this on a daily basis. Republicans choose to ignore this because they only watch media that sucks Trump dick regardless of what he said or did as president.

Now, this isnt to say there is not biased leftwing sources. MSNBC is clearly an example of bias. The problem is lumping this source in with any other news source that was critical of Trump.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Are you serious or just seriously stupid?
Republicans have this fallacious, emotional opinion that any media that is the least bit critical of Trump is automatically a leftwing, radical source. It's a completely irrational cult mentality, but the media they watch such as Fox or Newsmax does nothing but coddle their precious, preconceived notions about rightwing beliefs they already have. That kind of saturation is what fuels their "fake news" beliefs. Cognitive dissonance is just not something they are not able to stomach. It makes life more confusing for them.

Contrary to what republicans believe, most of the news they call fake, such as CNN, have a long history of criticizing democrats like Obama, Hillary, and Biden. If you actually watch these networks, you see this on a daily basis. Republicans choose to ignore this because they only watch media that sucks Trump dick regardless of what he said or did as president.

Now, this isnt to say there is not biased leftwing sources. MSNBC is clearly an example of bias. The problem is lumping this source in with any other news source that was critical of Trump.

You overdosed on Stupid Pills, call 911

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