Over A Dozen Arrested After Sending Threats To ‘Lynch’ Election Workers

These violent right wing sore losers took their cue from the worst president of all time. And now they are collecting their prizes.


Over a dozen people have been arrested and nine convicted for sending threats to election workers, the United States Justice Department said.

On Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the sentencing of two more people for threatening poll workers, including threats of to ‘lynch’ or ‘hang’ election officials.

The convictions are the result of a Justice Department task force convened in 2021 to examine more than 1,000 ‘hostile or harassing’ messages or contacts with election workers.


On Monday, a man from Iowa was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for threatening to ‘lynch’ and ‘hang’ Republican elected officials for not overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Mark Rissi, 64, was arrested after leaving death threats in voicemails sent to two Arizona officials: Clint Hickman, a member of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and Mark Brnovich, the former Attorney General of Arizona.

Check out just how far this sicko was willing to go:

Earlier this month, Frederick Francis Goltz was sentenced to three and a half years in prison with three years of probation after threatening a ‘mass shooting of poll workers.’

Goltz, a 52-year-old from Texas, also targeted officials and private citizens in Maricopa County, Arizona after the 2020 election.

In November 2022, he posted the name, home address, and telephone numbers of a lawyer working for the Maricopa County Attorney’s office to far-right social media platforms Gab and Patriots.win.

‘It would be a shame if someone got to [sic] this children. There are some crazies out there. This kind of info shouldn’t be readily available on the internet,’ he wrote. He quickly followed it up with: ‘Someone needs to get these people AND their children. The children are the most important message to send.’

When another user told him the official’s children should be off-limits, he said: ‘NOTHING is off limits. It’s people like you that are supposedly with us, who don’t have the stomach to do what it takes to get our country back.’

Wow. And of course Traitor Trump takes no responsibility for any of this.

Bullshit , they are responsible for their own actions. Otherwise if a politicians rant can make them liable for what some fool does… you would need to investigate and arrest many of them right now.
It really IS all about hating Trump and has caused democrats to regress into little bratty children
Zzz. But not your always dishonest words? :itsok:


Except when I deny your lies and when I speak on other things. It’s called being honest.

You’d never understand.

Sucks to be you, Bunker.

ahh yea anyways back in the real world and the big boy world the fact based world, the facts prove what I say and the facts destroy you.

You post empty words that have no factual basis at all.

Get back to me when you can actually post facts like I do.
Moving beyond the sarcasm, insults, and partisan nutjobbery......there is a bigger overarching issue with the behavior of these jackasses doing the threats.

And that is the need for America to have poll workers, and for those poll workers to feel secure.

I attended a lake party recently where I sat with a recently retired poll worker. I woman I have known since the 2nd grade. She retired ...not because of threats, but she's old and tired of the very long days on voting days.
But she spoke earnestly and knowledgeably that her colleagues feel increased pressure from critics who feel free to unload on them at social gatherings. What used to be a very part-time occasional gig that made them feel engaged with their communities and our political process (virtually all of the poll workers at my voting precinct are women, and many of them retired teachers). In short, they enjoyed the gig. It made them feel good. Now they are questioning on whether it is worth the aggravation....and maybe their safety.

With the ramping up of criticism about 2020 and cheating....as if these retired teacher poll-workers in our rural communities would cheat on votes......well, what used to be and intense and long day but kinda enjoyable, is now hinting at becoming an ordeal.

So, if these crews of local ladies decide it ain't worth the small amount of money they earn, and not worth anyone accusing them of cheating the vote......well, they'll quit.

And then who organizes, mans, and runs the several elections our precincts have each year?
In short, all of us who believe we are responsible American citizens should be of one voice....a full throated condemnation of any partisan Dick or Karen who threatens our poll workers.

Find the jerks, arrest 'em, convict 'em, imprison 'em.

And publicize it so the perps are condemned in their communities and that other Dicks/Karens will get the message.
Your aren't doing a service with this statement unless you make it clear where all the death threats and attacks are coming from. These all belong to the hate group the right calls a party. They are simply this countrys biggest threat and enemy. It is the scum ball right this person is talking about. Simple as that.
When racist Democrat BLM members were promoting this .. how many were arrested?

What do we want?
Dead Cops!
When do we want it ?

.. and they murdered many..
This is a guy who supported the atack and attempted killing of cops at the capital. 5 died 140 were hospitalized. and this piece of shit is trying to wave the police banner like it belongs to him.this supporter of cop killing. This person is scum.
And you think the perverted, mentally unfit sniffer is the answer? I can see that not everyone learns from experience.
What ever you say Biden is , it is put into order and logic by the simple fact that no matter how bad Biden is or could be He is 100 times the man Scum Bag is. Trump and his followers tried to bring down our democracy and country and are literally traitors to this country , sand I support the death penalty for traitors in this country. All patriots do. There use to be a few patriots from the right, that is no longer the case, if you support Trump or jan 6th you are traitors to this great country.
That's you leftist scum

I'm not running around spreading russian propaganda about how our voting system doesn't work, how democracy is a sham etc. you're doing that. You idiots are now threatening to lynch election workers. You're basically screaming for totalitarianism. I believe in democracy, you want it overturned, just like those idiots who rioted at the capitol building, so say again?
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This is a guy who supported the atack and attempted killing of cops at the capital. 5 died 140 were hospitalized. and this piece of shit is trying to wave the police banner like it belongs
Who you talking about ..?
What does Trump have to do with what some nut from Arizona says or does
Trump and his team accused Election workers in multiple states, including arizona, arizona of working to rig the election by sneaking in fake ballots. These false accusations are why his supporters have been sending in death rest to these same workers.
In my experience, when some tough guy pops off about beating someone's ass (like this lynching comment) or when some Democrat brags about all the women he had sex with (actually zero), they're both usually lying.
Your aren't doing a service with this statement unless you make it clear where all the death threats and attacks are coming from. These all belong to the hate group the right calls a party.
Well, your point is not without merit. And it is true that most...if not all....of these threats against election workers are concentrated among Trump supporters, or uber-Right Nut Jobs.

But I'm not convinced it is a 'Party' affiliation thing. It is my belief that a huge share of today's Trump supporters weren't regular voters before he came along. They are Johnny-Come-Lately to American governance and politics. Trump appealed to their grievance-mindset as their paladin. And they flocked to him like rockstar fangirls would. In short, they are grievance-ridden mean-spirited Swifties or Parrotheads. Star-struck celebrity groupies.

And their passion for a game show host, like the passion of a teenage fan club, has led too many of them to believe everything their chosen celebrity says or does.....and to over-react, maliciously overreact, when they perceive anyone --even retired librarians serving as poll-workers --- seemingly hinder their hero in anyway.


They're not false accusations.....
You know, poster Sea7, you have been caterwauling that whine for months, yet.............when asked to show the forum proof, you disappear.

Or, when asked to describe what you've done about this perceived outrage of a stolen election....if you have taken your complaints, your proofs, to the FBI, to the DOJ, to your state's election authorities, hell, even to your local sheriff ....well, you have shown zero effort other than to frequently whine and cry about it anonymously while using a fake name on social media.

So, to be politely blunt, SeaMajor7......you are all hot air. All blow, no go. A frustrated and ineffective ne'er-do-well.


These violent right wing sore losers took their cue from the worst president of all time. And now they are collecting their prizes.


Over a dozen people have been arrested and nine convicted for sending threats to election workers, the United States Justice Department said.

On Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the sentencing of two more people for threatening poll workers, including threats of to ‘lynch’ or ‘hang’ election officials.

The convictions are the result of a Justice Department task force convened in 2021 to examine more than 1,000 ‘hostile or harassing’ messages or contacts with election workers.


On Monday, a man from Iowa was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for threatening to ‘lynch’ and ‘hang’ Republican elected officials for not overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Mark Rissi, 64, was arrested after leaving death threats in voicemails sent to two Arizona officials: Clint Hickman, a member of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and Mark Brnovich, the former Attorney General of Arizona.

Check out just how far this sicko was willing to go:

Earlier this month, Frederick Francis Goltz was sentenced to three and a half years in prison with three years of probation after threatening a ‘mass shooting of poll workers.’

Goltz, a 52-year-old from Texas, also targeted officials and private citizens in Maricopa County, Arizona after the 2020 election.

In November 2022, he posted the name, home address, and telephone numbers of a lawyer working for the Maricopa County Attorney’s office to far-right social media platforms Gab and Patriots.win.

‘It would be a shame if someone got to [sic] this children. There are some crazies out there. This kind of info shouldn’t be readily available on the internet,’ he wrote. He quickly followed it up with: ‘Someone needs to get these people AND their children. The children are the most important message to send.’

When another user told him the official’s children should be off-limits, he said: ‘NOTHING is off limits. It’s people like you that are supposedly with us, who don’t have the stomach to do what it takes to get our country back.’

Wow. And of course Traitor Trump takes no responsibility for any of this.
Trumpers are sick violent people

And they're paying for it
Well, your point is not without merit. And it is true that most...if not all....of these threats against election workers are concentrated among Trump supporters, or uber-Right Nut Jobs.

But I'm not convinced it is a 'Party' affiliation thing. It is my belief that a huge share of today's Trump supporters weren't regular voters before he came along. They are Johnny-Come-Lately to American governance and politics. Trump appealed to their grievance-mindset as their paladin. And they flocked to him like rockstar fangirls would. In short, they are grievance-ridden mean-spirited Swifties or Parrotheads. Star-struck celebrity groupies.

And their passion for a game show host, like the passion of a teenage fan club, has led too many of them to believe everything their chosen celebrity says or does.....and to over-react, maliciously overreact, when they perceive anyone --even retired librarians serving as poll-workers --- seemingly hinder their hero in anyway.



You know, poster Sea7, you have been caterwauling that whine for months, yet.............when asked to show the forum proof, you disappear.

Or, when asked to describe what you've done about this perceived outrage of a stolen election....if you have taken your complaints, your proofs, to the FBI, to the DOJ, to your state's election authorities, hell, even to your local sheriff ....well, you have shown zero effort other than to frequently whine and cry about it anonymously while using a fake name on social media.

So, to be politely blunt, SeaMajor7......you are all hot air. All blow, no go. A frustrated and ineffective ne'er-do-well.

Oh, pretentious one, can even YOU name any laws or statutes cited in the bullshit indictments?
Of course you cannot, so kindly go fuck yourself.
Oh, pretentious one, can even YOU name any laws or statutes cited in the bullshit indictments?
Of course you cannot, so kindly go fuck yourself.
You think making death threats is not illegal?
Ya know, nobody has ever answered the question of how that got there. As many people were there that day, between the news cameras, the police, the secret service, the thousands of people with cell phone cameras, nobody got any video of someone lugging some lumber and tools that spot and building a gallows, or nobody got video of anyone hauling a pre built gallows on the back of a truck and dropping it off and dragging it up onto the grass. The police didn’t stop them and says “what are you building here and do you have a permit to build it?”

Don’t they have cameras all around that area? It’s odd, we have a photo of it, yet, nobody knows who built it, and apparently nobody seems interested in answering that question. You’d think with all the cameras, we’d have video of evidence.

That picture is one that has always made me wonder, how did that happen?
An interesting question.
Why should they investigate?

It's not illegal to build a gallows.

….the left says an insurrection took place, they had videos and photos of everything, there were threats made against members of congress…and you think they said “oh hey, someone built a gallows here…meh no big deal….”

Nobody is even the slightest bit interested in that…that’s not a bit curious to you?

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