Outside the White House


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town

An old man walks up to a Marine guarding the White House and says, “I’m here to see Trump.”

The Marine replies, “Sir, Donald Trump isn’t President anymore.”

The old man walks away, smiling.

The Next day, the same old man walks up to the same Marine and says, “I’m here to see Trump.”

Slightly annoyed, Marine replies, “Donald Trump isn’t President anymore.”

The old man walks away again.

The third day, he walks up to the same Marine and says, “I’m here to see Trump.”

The Marine replies, “Come on, I’ve told you three days in a row, Trump isn’t President anymore.”

The old man replies, “Yes, but I never get tired of hearing it!”

The Marine smiles and says, “See you tomorrow, then.”
You won't be able to walk up to the Whitehouse anymore. The Democrypts put their fence up. And you thought Trump was a Facist:auiqs.jpg:You haven't seen anything yet.
And the name of that old man is Joe Biden. Joe has to be reminded each day that Trump isn't president anymore.
The only violence in the country were leftist in Oregon.
So... yeah.

And I noticed CNN didn't bother to put this fact anywhere on their front page.

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