Outcry kills anti protest law in Arizona, but troubling trendy continues nationwide


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Outcry Kills Anti-Protest Law in Arizona, but Troubling Trend Continues Nationwide
Outcry Kills Anti-Protest Law in Arizona, but Troubling Trend Continues Nationwide

This is actually good news power of the people this is what you can do when you make your voices heard!!
This would have been a law used and abused by the Government. Luckily ppl connected the dots on this issue.
Think about it they already used this on people caught with drugs, example of being innocent and falling into this trap................. 1. If you were lets say on your way to buying a home and you just wanted to use cash as a down payment so you have 5, 000 cash on you do you realize if you were pulled over and the cops found it they would and could claim it was drug money. You lose your money, your car, your home, then all the cost to pay for an attorney.........

Thank gawd this failed.
I'm sorry, but I am totally in favor of the anti-protest laws. This idiotic has got to stop. I with some trucker had accidentally run those people over.

Protesting something, doesn't mean screwing up everyone's day. Your moron-march is fine with me, until you prevent me from doing my job, or going to work, or picking up my kids.

See, the problem is the vast majority of the public, doesn't support these protesters, and they know this.

If they just protested on the city hall square, no one would notice, and no one would care.

So instead they have to lay down in the street and piss off everyone. Screw up everyone's day, because the spoiled worthless brats, are not getting enough attention.

No writers of our constitution intend for the right to peaceably assemble, to mean they can peaceable ruin the peace for everyone in the city.

So I am all for the anti-protest laws, I hope they pass all of them, and jail every single one of these useless human debris.
Protesting is fine, I am all for allowing this form of political expression. However, there are two prevailing problems we need to deal with as a society. First, something needs to be done to address the condition protests sites are often left in. The DAPL protest site is disgraceful. Hundreds of volunteer man hours are going into clean up... and these were supposedly "environmentalists!" The women's march in DC... same thing, they left the place like a trash dump. Do protesters think that whoever they are protesting has to clean up after them? I think protest organizers should be responsible for clean up costs.

The other problem is protests which turn into riots. There's no way to prove whether a particular protest was designed or intended to turn into rioting. But someone needs to be held accountable for property damage when this happens and I think protest organizers have a responsibility in maintaining civility. Organizers need to be held financially liable if not criminally liable for property damage.

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