I was just beginning to look into how wide spread of a problem it is... DAMN! it's all over the US.

This is a national security threat. And its INTENTIONAL! WTF!!!
Yeah, the vegetable has made good on that campaign promise. I guarantee you, we are going to end fossil fuel." Joe Biden, New Castle, N.H. on 9/6/19.
And once again almost all of the stations in central Wyoming are again out of fuel.

As of 10:00 AM MST all of the local Loaf & Jug stores and Pilot Truck stops were out of motor fuels.

View attachment 665605
Note the bags over the pump handles.

This was the scene repeated over and over again while I went looking for fuel. The Truck stops were out. The local convenience stores are out. I finally found gas at a grocery store (Albertson) fuel station who told me that they are near the bottom and expected to be out within the hour.

People with RV's are panicking. This kind of thing will destroy our states tourism in short order.

Happy Fourth of July weekend courtesy of JOE BIDEN and Democrats...

How did the Dems stop WY from getting gasoline?
No one wants to move to Indiana.

No one.
We don’t want you EITHER
Home of The Greatest Spectacle in Racing
A world famous CHILDREN’S MUSEUM
Brown County
Madison has an annual regatta

You need help
Enjoy paying 10 dollars a gallon.... Moron....

I love the Jr High level taunt... fitting... When this comes crashing down on your leftist head, I will be the one laughing.
You WON’T be laughing

I don't like this answer, but it is what it is..

A plant employee with knowledge just gave me the info.

Due to the plants age and the fact the Obama administration and EPA made it impossible to build new refineries, we are forced to fix the old plants. They are rapidly becoming outdated and dangerous to operate. When they replace one part, that is no longer made, it must be machined from scratch. This takes time. Once the new part is made and installed the next weakest link fails. This refinery is having cascade failures, keeping it offline.

They no longer have any reserve left on site.

This goes back to the Obama-Biden era of intentionally killing oil refineries and making it impossible to get permits to build new ones. Looks like old Joe and the enviro wackos had this planned for a long time... It is now looking like this plant is doomed for shut down without a complete rebuild, that it is currently impossible to get a permit for.

Make the plants unsafe, kill them because they cannot meet regulatory standards, and do not give permits to build new ones... What could go wrong?

Thanks JOE.... Self-inflicted holes in both feet...

Well done, you found a way to blame it on Obama!

That is awesome!
IT is... Ask any of your refining plant operators about these regulations. I'm getting a crash course on them today form people who know...

Nope, not a single station around here with no gas, asked my daughter in Cali and she said the same thing. Family in NC said the same thing.

Seems to just be WY

"I can't actually name any Biden policies causing the global rise in prices and demand. I won't even attempt to explain it or to understand it. Even though a simple Google search would provide me with the explanation."
He put Victoria Nuland back in the cabinet. She was responsible for orchestrating the coup, that led to the whole mess between Ukraine and Russia, and gave the green light to Ukraine's border build-up.

The price of gas, and the supply chain shortages, along with some of the inflation, can all be laid at the feet of this war. The war? Was the making of the neo-lib/neo-con world order and expansion of NATO into Russia's sphere of influence, against their wishes to resolve it peacefully.

We had these same problem with inflation and fuel shortages at the height of the Vietnam war. . . how short your memory is, how little your understanding of Geo-politics.
Nope, not a single station around here with no gas, asked my daughter in Cali and she said the same thing. Family in NC said the same thing.

Seems to just be WY
LOL... You asked about regulations and then switch to availability in your area. Love that bait and switch. We were discussing what these plants are being required to do to stay in operation. While your plant may not be having problems now, it soon will be as they age. That is what we in Wyoming are facing today. That is the regulations fiasco going on...
LOL... You asked about regulations and then switch to availability in your area. Love that bait and switch. We were discussing what these plants are being required to do to stay in operation. While your plant may not be having problems now, it soon will be as they age. That is what we in Wyoming are facing today. That is the regulations fiasco going on...

I asked you what the Dems did to WY, you still cannot give a real answer.

Why did these rules not get fixed during the 4 years of Trump?

Seems that should have been a high priority for him


I asked you what the Dems did to WY, you still cannot give a real answer.

Why did these rules not get fixed during the 4 years of Trump?

Seems that should have been a high priority for him

A friend assured him it is Obama's fault.

You can't trump that.

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