Ousted Border Chief: U.S. Border Security 'Worse Than Ever' Under Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Thus is all deliberate on the part of Biden and his awful administration. It is Cloward-Piven in action.

Are you Biden supporters happy?

In his first in-depth interview since his “retirement” and a frightening letter to Congress, ousted U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott sounded the alarm about “the avoidable and rapid disintegration” of our nation’s border security. Finally free to speak out, Scott, a 29-year veteran of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), had much to say about President Joe Biden’s “worse than ever” immigration policies, which are contributing to the increasingly dangerous situation not only at the southwestern U.S. border but deep inside the country’s interior. Scott claims the situation is much worse than the administration has told Congress and the American public.

After objecting to the inconsistency of Biden’s immigration policies, Scott was “pushed out” of his position as chief. “I was told in June that I was going to be moved out of the chief’s position,” explained Scott. “I was told that they … really wanted me to stay, really wanted me to be part of the team, and that they would give me any field leadership position that I wanted if I was willing to stay.” When he asked why they would trust him in one of those alternate positions when they clearly no longer trusted him as chief, Scott said he “got a very weird nonsensical answer.” As a result, Scott felt if he stayed on, the Biden Administration would “control [his] voice” and he knew “the threat of what was going on was too severe,” concerning national security. After 29 years, Scott chose to retire so he could be free to sound the alarm bells to both Congress and the American people about what’s really going on at our southern border.


I want to know WTF is the Republican leadership doing? This border free for all has been going on since February but nothing is done about it. We need to get rid of the Turtle and McCarthy and replace them with America firsters. I know Marjorie Taylor Green wouldn't let this happen. She's someone who could lead the party.
I want to know WTF is the Republican leadership doing? This border free for all has been going on since February but nothing is done about it. We need to get rid of the Turtle and McCarthy and replace them with America firsters. I know Marjorie Taylor Green wouldn't let this happen. She's someone who could lead the party.

YOu work under the delusion the Republican Leadership wants to stop undocumented immigration.

We can stop it very easily. Go after the white people who hire them, from the sweatshop owner, to the rich yuppies who let Lupe raise their kid, to the idiot who picks up a truckload of Day-Laborers at the Home Depo when his DIY project takes longer than he thought it would.

None of these things will happen. Ever.
YOu work under the delusion the Republican Leadership wants to stop undocumented immigration.

We can stop it very easily. Go after the white people who hire them, from the sweatshop owner, to the rich yuppies who let Lupe raise their kid, to the idiot who picks up a truckload of Day-Laborers at the Home Depo when his DIY project takes longer than he thought it would.

None of these things will happen. Ever.
1. wrong very wrong....and dumb--you don't kill a weed at the top, you pull the root = don't let them over the border DUH!!!!!!!
2. you are a WHITE hater = you are racist and a bigot
1. wrong very wrong....and dumb--you don't kill a weed at the top, you pull the root = don't let them over the border DUH!!!!!!!
2. you are a WHITE hater = you are racist and a bigot

The problem is, half of the undocumented immigrants here don't sneak over the border. They come here on work visas, tourist visas, student visas, marriage visas and then just stay.

If you really want to get at the root of the problem, the root is people who want to hire them. And that's white people who want work done, but don't want to pay a fair wage to get it done.

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