Our President calls Parkland Deputy a coward

Trump and others don't realize it but they are trashing their own brilliant idea that guards will solve the problem.

Guards will solve the problem, as long as they are not Beta Cuck Faggots who just stand there and crap themselves while a maniac kills peoples.

Well be prepared for the cost. I'm guessing, conservatively, that a full time well trained armed guard would cost a school district about 80,000 a year, in pay and benefits.
A good sized high school would need, I'm going to guess, at least 5 to make this effective.

Do the math.

I bet that Veterans of the Military and there are millions of them, I bet they would guard those schools for next to nothing and they are already fully trained and a lot of them are retired already.

lol, so now we're to all this happening for free!!!!

I did not say that, but they certainly would not expect this 80,000 a year you mentioned. Of course what is your solution, being a Leftist thats right you have no solution, Leftists never do.

He was there:
President Bone Spurs was not

He is a lone, 54 year old "Resource Officer" armed with a handgun and half a dozen bullets
He is at a location where he hears 170 gunshots in a rapid fire, he has no idea how many shooters there are and what weapons they possess
Waiting for backup is prudent

For our President to turn the wrath of the country against him and call him a coward is despicable from a leader

Trump and others don't realize it but they are trashing their own brilliant idea that guards will solve the problem.

Guards will solve the problem, as long as they are not Beta Cuck Faggots who just stand there and crap themselves while a maniac kills peoples.

Well be prepared for the cost. I'm guessing, conservatively, that a full time well trained armed guard would cost a school district about 80,000 a year, in pay and benefits.
A good sized high school would need, I'm going to guess, at least 5 to make this effective.

Do the math.
-------------------------------------- might be expensive , you have your checkbook ready Carbineer .
and the fact that Donald is a sniveling coward is ok?
Trump is the coward? really? he has tackled more politically heavy issues in one year than the fearless Obama had in 8 years...Please...Obama was the biggest political coward in history...
he could of had amnesty...new gun laws...he could of had anything he wanted if he were brave enough to spend that political capitol when he had a majority in both houses but he was afraid he would lose a second term...that is what a coward looks like Jillian...

Why don't you look up the oath that officer swore when he became a cop and post it for us. Did he swear to serve and PROTECT? fucking libtardos

Show me the oath where he is expected to charge into a reign of fire like Butch and Sundance without cover

What part of PROTECT do you not understand. He obviously lied. Kids died. Got in now, libtardo?

Trump and others don't realize it but they are trashing their own brilliant idea that guards will solve the problem.

Guards will solve the problem, as long as they are not Beta Cuck Faggots who just stand there and crap themselves while a maniac kills peoples.

Well be prepared for the cost. I'm guessing, conservatively, that a full time well trained armed guard would cost a school district about 80,000 a year, in pay and benefits.
A good sized high school would need, I'm going to guess, at least 5 to make this effective.

Do the math.

I bet that Veterans of the Military and there are millions of them, I bet they would guard those schools for next to nothing and they are already fully trained and a lot of them are retired already.

probably, but we don't have militarized polices forces, so don't get too nostalgic for the gestapo
---------------------------- don't want militarized police but as time goes by thats what you are going to get . And hey , this 'careful' cop didn't do his job so its got nothing to do with militarized police Jillian .

If I was that deputy and I knew kids were getting shot and i did nothing to stop it, I wouldn't be able to live with myself!

He will probably live with it for the rest of his life
President Bone Spurs calling him a coward does not help

Police are expected to put their lives on the line....they are not expected to recklessly risk them
even now this 'careful' cop and family is being guarded by cops in his home .

Our President is an asshole for turning on an officer without knowing the facts
Why are you such a liar?

President Trump said Friday the Florida sheriff's deputy who failed to stop last week's mass shooting at a high school was a either a "coward" or froze under extreme pressure.

Why don't you look up the oath that officer swore when he became a cop and post it for us. Did he swear to serve and PROTECT? fucking libtardos

Show me the oath where he is expected to charge into a reign of fire like Butch and Sundance without cover
He was armed, the kids weren’t. He let them die.

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