Our most excellent POTUS Biden has forgiven student debt

They wont be saddled with debt and will be able to more easily purchase bigger ticket items like cars and homes.

7% of student debt is never paid off anyway. This crisis is actually worse than the housing crisis ever was.

Personally it's a non-issue for me currently. What the future holds if nothing is done about the debt if nothing is done, that probably should be a concern. I'm not going to sit here though and pretend to be educated on the intricacies of how debt affects the economy and possible answers because I'm not an economist.

Great! They won't be saddled with debt SO THEY CAN TAKE ON EVEN MORE DEBT!! Logic!
There is good debt and bad debt.
and when you take it beyond the point of ability to pay off, any debt is bad after that.

currently our debt is $86k per person in this country. can you pay off your share of it?


1 trillion is all you'd get if you took all the money from all the billionaires, leaving 27+ trillion to pay off.

this the "good" debt you speak of?
and when you take it beyond the point of ability to pay off, any debt is bad after that.

currently our debt is $86k per person in this country. can you pay off your share of it?


1 trillion is all you'd get if you took all the money from all the billionaires, leaving 27+ trillion to pay off.

this the "good" debt you speak of?
According to the article you posted, one of the causes of debt is healthcare costs which can be directly related to how much government (or in America's case lack thereof) role in controlling costs. 6 Reasons Healthcare Is So Expensive in the U.S.. We need universal healthcare like every other 1st world country.

Also according to the article you posted, revenue is lacking. So yes, tax the rich more.
Colleges and universities charge what the market will bear...
And as long as government backed student loans and state scholarships from lottery proceeds continues to pay for educations the cost is going to keep increasing.

Why not just limit the dollar amount of government backed student loans and only back the ones for career paths that are needed and reasonable? This way a person doesn't have $80,000 in student loans for acting classes or a degree in carnival/circus clown. (These are actual things kids have gone to college for and incurred these debts)

Let's stick to supporting the basics like nursing, doctoring, teaching, and accounting. Even computer engineering and IT technology careers....but graphic design is not paying...dying field for professionals.
A PHD in Medieval French literature is something that I don't want to see school loans supported by our government.

Limits are always a good thing.
According to the article you posted, one of the causes of debt is healthcare costs which can be directly related to how much government (or in America's case lack thereof) role in controlling costs. 6 Reasons Healthcare Is So Expensive in the U.S.. We need universal healthcare like every other 1st world country.

Also according to the article you posted, revenue is lacking. So yes, tax the rich more.

Because the government is so good at "controlling costs" on everything it touches, like the military, education, pork projects, diplomatic missions, etc.

Typical mindless democrat nonsense. Still can't figure out that 'other peoples money' is the most finite resource we have.
Who decides what those are?
There are actual real studies on these things...ones uninfluenced by politics. Done by real economist and not the politicized ones always in the media.

There are plenty of higher skilled jobs going empty or staffed by people without half of the requisite skills.

But really....a degree in carnival clown?
Next thing it will cost $180,000 for a degree in YouTube influencer.
Because the government is so good at "controlling costs" on everything it touches, like the military, education, pork projects, diplomatic missions, etc.

Typical mindless democrat nonsense. Still can't figure out that 'other peoples money' is the most finite resource we have.
Are you denying the statistics that were provided in the link?
What else besides education should be free?
Healthcare for starters.
And roads, military defense, police, fire service. Oh wait those are already free.
Paid for by taxes...if you consider that "free". Most people do not because they pay those taxes.
Can we assume you are a deadbeat that pays nothing for the things you use?
Why do you dumb fucks have a problem with getting a return on your tax dollar? Sure it's too late for us to take advantage of the post high school free education, but so what. Let future generations have what other 1st world countries have.

Bottom line is you dont want to pay taxes. You just dont want to admit that.
The misconception you labor under is if everyone could go to college for nothing suddenly
the nation would bloom like the desert after the rains.

And that is just a ridiculous assumption and the exact opposite is more likely. People place little value on something that costs them nothing. Ever seen public housing, for example?

I"m sure lots of people would go to college, just because they can and Liberal Arts degrees would
proliferate like crabgrass. The value of a college degree would drop precipitously as suddenly
worthless woke degrees with no marketplace value would be one of the results of free
college. Sounds good to you though, right?

And dopes like you would be happy but the nation would be worse off, overall.
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I asked you "who decides what those are?"
As always a "bipartisan commission" .

Actually neither Democrats, Republicans or Universities should have the final say.

Medical staff I know is short. Nursing educators are in short supply too.
So are biological chemists...
So are teachers especially in the fields of science and math. (Geologists for finding more petroleum would be nice)

But limits are always needed.

And I'm sure that the people I listed above can come to some sort of agreement...when they actually get along and work out an agreement we usually get decent regulations.
According to the article you posted, one of the causes of debt is healthcare costs which can be directly related to how much government (or in America's case lack thereof) role in controlling costs. 6 Reasons Healthcare Is So Expensive in the U.S.. We need universal healthcare like every other 1st world country.

Also according to the article you posted, revenue is lacking. So yes, tax the rich more.

healthcare costs which can be directly related to how much government (or in America's case lack thereof) role in controlling costs.

Healthcare costs rising faster since the government got more involved? Like college costs?

And now you want the government to get MORE involved?

Shit son, you aren't too bright.
healthcare costs which can be directly related to how much government (or in America's case lack thereof) role in controlling costs.

Healthcare costs rising faster since the government got more involved? Like college costs?

And now you want the government to get MORE involved?

Shit son, you aren't too bright.

There's still hope obviously. But right now he's definitely at the 'feels over facts' point that most of us went thru at some point in our lives. Well, that I did anyways. :/
healthcare costs which can be directly related to how much government (or in America's case lack thereof) role in controlling costs.

Healthcare costs rising faster since the government got more involved? Like college costs?

And now you want the government to get MORE involved?

Shit son, you aren't too bright.
No you stupid fuck heathcare costs are rising because government isnt involved enough in controlling those costs like they do in Europe.

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