Our House Divided: Multiculturalism vs. America


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This might be the biggest problem facing our nation.While Left/Right hatred and violence appears constantly in the news, I wonder if the underlying differences above are not at the root of it?

Many conservatives did not see that Trump had framed the 2016 election as a choice between two mutually exclusive regimes: multiculturalism and America. What I call “multiculturalism” includes “identity politics” and “political correctness.” If multiculturalism continues to worm its way into the public mind, it will ultimately destroy America. Consequently, the election should have been seen as a contest between a woman who, perhaps without quite intending it, was leading a movement to destroy America and a man who wanted to save America. The same contest is being played out in the upcoming midterm elections.

Multiculturalism = the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation. From the definition of multiculturalism

In other words, break America up into little communities isolated by their ethnic and racial differences. States to no longer matter.

What is wrong with that?

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