Our great candidate Trump will work for term limits on Congress


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Trump is suggesting an amendment to force term limits on Congress.

The line is pretty much drawn in the sand.

You're either for Trump and reform, or you're for government corruption.
This is the message that has been lost. The reason that both the GOP and DEMs are against Trump is he isn't one of them. They are the Republocrat alliance of career politicians scared to death of a President who doesn't belong to the "club".
This is the message that has been lost. The reason that both the GOP and DEMs are against Trump is he isn't one of them. They are the Republocrat alliance of career politicians scared to death of a President who doesn't belong to the "club".

The reason why both Democrats and Republicans are against him is because he's a crazy person.

Now, it used to be when a major party shit the bed and nominated a crazy person (Goldwater, McGovern), their voters had the good sense to not drink the koolaid. Even if the other party nominated a person they didn't like and had flaws (LBJ, Nixon), they did what was best for the country and actually voted for the person who was qualified to run it.

The scary thing is that although Trump will lose and lose badly, he's still going to win almost all the same states that McCain (A decent an honorable man) won in 2008. He might pick up Indiana and lose Arizona, but otherwise it's looking like the same map.
This is the message that has been lost. The reason that both the GOP and DEMs are against Trump is he isn't one of them. They are the Republocrat alliance of career politicians scared to death of a President who doesn't belong to the "club".
Deviant Donald is an incompetent boob who isn't qualified for the job. He would be an absolute disaster. That's the message.
Several amendments are needed to correct the rampant corruption and lawlessness in government.
Good idea. Why don't you get the ball rolling and draw up "several amendments" and submit them to congress.


Awe are you filled with anger and bitterness again today lib, we'll pray for you. :itsok:

I see why they may have some value, but Trump wants them limited to two terms from what I've heard. This would severely damage the checks and balances in favor of the president, and would make it harder for Congress to gather together opposition to a dictatorial president.

The next thing, I would expect him to abolish the term limits for president.

I would be in favor of term limits for Congress if it was 4 or 5 terms for the House, and maybe 4 terms for the Senate.

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