Our Biden Problem

The ugliness that is Trumpism must be defeated and thrown in the trash heap of history with other white nationalist regimes.

Then we turn to the ridiculous mess that has become of liberalism. That will be a large enough undertaking on its own.
Shove it up you ass....Trump wold chart as a democrat using criteria of a mere 30 years ago.

You moonbats really need to knock of off the cartoonishly overwrought hyperventilation about "white nationalism"....Nobody with a shred of sense is buying it.
Yeah.... in late February Pelosi and a crowd of other Democrats went to Chinese towns telling everyone is was perfectly safe to go to these heavily crowded events. DeBlasio mid-March was telling people they should go to restaurants, theaters "it's all good" within one week of the national shutdown.
Another good reason why neither Pelosi nor Deblasio should ever become POTUS. The problem for your side is simply this: Donald Trump was POTUS when this global pandemic erupted, and he failed completely to respond in ways to protect the American people. Sorry if that makes you unhappy, but anyone paying attention knew Trump was an ignorant, arrogant, malignant, and incompetent narcissist long before he became the Republican nominee.

Trump administration communication during the COVID-19 pandemic - Wikipedia

Do you think he'll leave DC as a loser or a quitter?:auiqs.jpg:
Only the brain damaged believe Trump is in any way responible for this epidemic. Granted, that's the only card Dims have to play, but intelligent people aren't buying it.
Anyone listening to Pence???? Will he ever get his head out of Trumps ass ? Trump has done this and Trump has done that makes me sick
It warms my heart to learn the Pence makes you sick.
And it'll warm my heart when Pence Trump and McConnell,scumbags 3 get the virus And Pelosi becomes President
Does it ever occur to you that Pelosi who is around 80, is far from her family? Very strange.
Anyone listening to Pence???? Will he ever get his head out of Trumps ass ? Trump has done this and Trump has done that makes me sick
It warms my heart to learn the Pence makes you sick.
And it'll warm my heart when Pence Trump and McConnell,scumbags 3 get the virus And Pelosi becomes President
Does it ever occur to you that Pelosi who is around 80, is far from her family? Very strange.
How close do you think she should be?
understand the criticism of neoliberalism, but it has nothing to do with Trump v. Biden, which. is why imo your thread is irrelevant to the board at this time and place.
If we're understanding "neoliberalism" as a modified form of liberalism favoring "free market" capitalism, Trump and Biden have spent their lives endorsing its tenets.

Trump is a classical crony-capitalist who fortune stems largely from bribing corrupt politicians like Biden:

Joe Biden, Neoliberal

"Biden also spent years fighting off attempts to prohibit companies from filing for bankruptcy in states where they were incorporated but didn’t do business — a measure that would have hit the big fees racked up by law firms in Delaware, where many major companies are incorporated.

"There’s also Biden’s history of close relationships to lobbyists. A number of Biden’s longtime staffers passed through the revolving door that led from Biden’s office to the lobbying industry — and back.

"He’s been known to attend weekend retreats with lobbyists, and from 1989 to 2008 the industry donated $344,400 to him, a little more than the $300,000 given by finance and credit card companies.

"Mega-lobbyist Gerald Cassidy says he and Biden are 'good friends.'"
understand the criticism of neoliberalism, but it has nothing to do with Trump v. Biden, which. is why imo your thread is irrelevant to the board at this time and place.
If we're understanding "neoliberalism" as a modified form of liberalism favoring "free market" capitalism, Trump and Biden have spent their lives endorsing its tenets.

Trump is a classical crony-capitalist who fortune stems largely from bribing corrupt politicians like Biden:

Joe Biden, Neoliberal

"Biden also spent years fighting off attempts to prohibit companies from filing for bankruptcy in states where they were incorporated but didn’t do business — a measure that would have hit the big fees racked up by law firms in Delaware, where many major companies are incorporated.

"There’s also Biden’s history of close relationships to lobbyists. A number of Biden’s longtime staffers passed through the revolving door that led from Biden’s office to the lobbying industry — and back.

"He’s been known to attend weekend retreats with lobbyists, and from 1989 to 2008 the industry donated $344,400 to him, a little more than the $300,000 given by finance and credit card companies.

"Mega-lobbyist Gerald Cassidy says he and Biden are 'good friends.'"
And still Obama chose him??
I'm not positive that's true. No one is getting elected who is "anti-corporate." Not here and not in Europe (outside quasi one party states) I suspect Biden will run with Harris, making her the nominee in 2024 if they win. And she too is a neoliberal.
That's my worst nightmare. Harris is a law and order former prosecutor with Silicon Valley in her corner who will continue to divide Americans into haves and have-nots. If Trump doesn't make fundamental changes to his campaign between now and November, his defeat may split the GOP into two factions. Hopefully. four years of Biden will have the same effect for Democrats in 2024? Imho. we need a Workers/Renters Party that will begin by repealing Taft-Hartley:

taft-hartley act – Today in Labor History
No, he won't. Just like w and o were never hagued. Lol
Trump will pay for the same crimes his former fixer went to prison for, remember?

Michael Cohen: "Individual 1 is Donald J. Trump"

"When Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in November 2018 to lying to Congress, the documents filed with his plea deal didn’t explicitly name the person on whose behalf he had lied.

"It called him 'Individual 1.'

"There was never any doubt that “Individual 1” was President Donald Trump.

"But now, in his testimony before the House Oversight Committee Wednesday, Cohen has confirmed it."
Only the brain damaged believe Trump is in any way responible for this epidemic. Granted, that's the only card Dims have to play, but intelligent people aren't buying it.
The UK and US had similar numbers of Covid-19 cases in April. Since then UK numbers have declined from 30,000 to 4000 while US number are higher today than they were in April (when Trump predicted it would disappear)

That failure is entirely Trump's doing.

It speaks volumes when the corporate establishment seems like the better alternative...
If Biden's apparent dementia turns out to be as real as Trump's malignant narcissism, whoever he picks for VP might be more important than replacing one doddering old fool with another. Four years of Trump followed by four years of Biden could inspire millions of voters to start demanding more from their POTUS candidates?

So... does someone buy that this person changed his stance from being a hardcore socialist partisan?
It speaks volumes when the corporate establishment seems like the better alternative...
If Biden's apparent dementia turns out to be as real as Trump's malignant narcissism, whoever he picks for VP might be more important than replacing one doddering old fool with another. Four years of Trump followed by four years of Biden could inspire millions of voters to start demanding more from their POTUS candidates?

So... does someone buy that this person changed his stance from being a hardcore socialist partisan?

Only the brain damaged believe Trump is in any way responible for this epidemic. Granted, that's the only card Dims have to play, but intelligent people aren't buying it.
The UK and US had similar numbers of Covid-19 cases in April. Since then UK numbers have declined from 30,000 to 4000 while US number are higher today than they were in April (when Trump predicted it would disappear)

That failure is entirely Trump's doing.

There is no "failure," moron.
No, he won't. Just like w and o were never hagued. Lol
Trump will pay for the same crimes his former fixer went to prison for, remember?

Michael Cohen: "Individual 1 is Donald J. Trump"

"When Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in November 2018 to lying to Congress, the documents filed with his plea deal didn’t explicitly name the person on whose behalf he had lied.

"It called him 'Individual 1.'

"There was never any doubt that “Individual 1” was President Donald Trump.

"But now, in his testimony before the House Oversight Committee Wednesday, Cohen has confirmed it."
When did Trump lie to Congress?

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