Our America Is Dying The Slow Death


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Something my wife said this morning kindled the thought (or stoked it to a roaring blaze): America is without doubt dying, but dying very slowly, in relative real-time, and we are witnessing its death throes in countless manifestations of anti-American action. On seemingly every level our great republic is being dismantled. Anyone who in crowded public spaces or online shows or speaks support for our sitting President is immediately attacked, either verbally or physically or their lives could be cancelled, depending the chosen venue of their destruction. Lawyers and others who as we speak fight to shed spotlights on systemic election fraud are being intimidated into concession, certification of bad results and capitulation; never has more common Third World election thuggery existed and never has it before happened on this scale in our America.

And the list goes on—the list of the symptoms of America's dying state. Free speech is no longer a thing. Certain fools who masquerade here as American citizens but who are something else will shout from rooftops reaffirming big tech's right to censor you and I on their hallowed electronic platforms. But it goes much deeper than that. Americans had always had the ability to say or write controversial things without fear of political reprisal. Gone are those days; long, long gone. You want to keep your job or protect your child's professional future? They you'd better shut up and refrain from free speech and thought—even offline in restaurants and other businesses; even your body language could give you away as a Trump supporter.

Big tech is mass censoring only one side of the American political debate. That is key to understanding the how of the democrats pulling off a mostly bloodless coup d'état. See, it doesn't really matter if Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election because all the entirety of the mainstream media must do is in unison report that Biden won. And therein lies the source of my wife's fear this morning. She was thinking about how the media all aligned its output in lockstep within the span of a few hours on election night. She's an amazing person. I hate that she's afraid. But she's also brutally brilliant and will come around, no matter the inevitability of America's impending doom.
Something my wife said this morning kindled the thought (or stoked it to a roaring blaze): America is without doubt dying, but dying very slowly, in relative real-time, and we are witnessing its death throes in countless manifestations of anti-American action. On seemingly every level our great republic is being dismantled. Anyone who in crowded public spaces or online shows or speaks support for our sitting President is immediately attacked, either verbally or physically or their lives could be cancelled, depending the chosen venue of their destruction. Lawyers and others who as we speak fight to shed spotlights on systemic election fraud are being intimidated into concession, certification of bad results and capitulation; never has more common Third World election thuggery existed and never has it before happened on this scale in our America.

And the list goes on—the list of the symptoms of America's dying state. Free speech is no longer a thing. Certain fools who masquerade here as American citizens but who are something else will shout from rooftops reaffirming big tech's right to censor you and I on their hallowed electronic platforms. But it goes much deeper than that. Americans had always had the ability to say or write controversial things without fear of political reprisal. Gone are those days; long, long gone. You want to keep your job or protect your child's professional future? They you'd better shut up and refrain from free speech and thought—even offline in restaurants and other businesses; even your body language could give you away as a Trump supporter.

Big tech is mass censoring only one side of the American political debate. That is key to understanding the how of the democrats pulling off a mostly bloodless coup d'état. See, it doesn't really matter if Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election because all the entirety of the mainstream media must do is in unison report that Biden won. And therein lies the source of my wife's fear this morning. She was thinking about how the media all aligned its output in lockstep within the span of a few hours on election night. She's an amazing person. I hate that she's afraid. But she's also brutally brilliant and will come around, no matter the inevitability of America's impending doom.
Good thing Trump can only dismantle our country for a few more months.
Something my wife said this morning kindled the thought (or stoked it to a roaring blaze): America is without doubt dying, but dying very slowly, in relative real-time, and we are witnessing its death throes in countless manifestations of anti-American action. On seemingly every level our great republic is being dismantled. Anyone who in crowded public spaces or online shows or speaks support for our sitting President is immediately attacked, either verbally or physically or their lives could be cancelled, depending the chosen venue of their destruction. Lawyers and others who as we speak fight to shed spotlights on systemic election fraud are being intimidated into concession, certification of bad results and capitulation; never has more common Third World election thuggery existed and never has it before happened on this scale in our America.

And the list goes on—the list of the symptoms of America's dying state. Free speech is no longer a thing. Certain fools who masquerade here as American citizens but who are something else will shout from rooftops reaffirming big tech's right to censor you and I on their hallowed electronic platforms. But it goes much deeper than that. Americans had always had the ability to say or write controversial things without fear of political reprisal. Gone are those days; long, long gone. You want to keep your job or protect your child's professional future? They you'd better shut up and refrain from free speech and thought—even offline in restaurants and other businesses; even your body language could give you away as a Trump supporter.

Big tech is mass censoring only one side of the American political debate. That is key to understanding the how of the democrats pulling off a mostly bloodless coup d'état. See, it doesn't really matter if Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election because all the entirety of the mainstream media must do is in unison report that Biden won. And therein lies the source of my wife's fear this morning. She was thinking about how the media all aligned its output in lockstep within the span of a few hours on election night. She's an amazing person. I hate that she's afraid. But she's also brutally brilliant and will come around, no matter the inevitability of America's impending doom.
Well said but only the tip of the iceburgh. The world has so many problems too many to fix. It has come down to every man/woman for himself/herself. You can only manage your own house and do your best to avoid allowing the world problems to control you because in a word we have no control over what the powers in control and the elite are doing. There is no defense to their agendas.
I think the clearest indicator of decline is the problems that you have in wearing a face mask. If you cant cope with a little paper mask you will be screwed when Fu Manchu comes calling.

You know, Tommy, it ain't just me, friend. My wife's uncle lives in Scotland. He's a physician and he is not going along with the official party line, either—at least to his closest family members. Beyond that, being an American is something one must experience for oneself before one can mourn the loss if its foundational spirit. It's an American thing, you see.

As for the jab about masking up. I spent many years serving my country in the US Army. There were times throughout where for both training and while on deployment purposes we wore full MOPP suits for many hours at a time in all manner of extreme climatic and environmental conditions. Ever try wearing a sealed gas mask and full body charcoal lined suit in hundred plus degree heat? How about skydiving with a mask on? Or while driving a buttoned up APC? That particular taunt, the one about cowboy up and wear the damn mask? It will never hold even a drop of water.
Something my wife said this morning kindled the thought (or stoked it to a roaring blaze): America is without doubt dying, but dying very slowly, in relative real-time, and we are witnessing its death throes in countless manifestations of anti-American action. On seemingly every level our great republic is being dismantled. Anyone who in crowded public spaces or online shows or speaks support for our sitting President is immediately attacked, either verbally or physically or their lives could be cancelled, depending the chosen venue of their destruction. Lawyers and others who as we speak fight to shed spotlights on systemic election fraud are being intimidated into concession, certification of bad results and capitulation; never has more common Third World election thuggery existed and never has it before happened on this scale in our America.

And the list goes on—the list of the symptoms of America's dying state. Free speech is no longer a thing. Certain fools who masquerade here as American citizens but who are something else will shout from rooftops reaffirming big tech's right to censor you and I on their hallowed electronic platforms. But it goes much deeper than that. Americans had always had the ability to say or write controversial things without fear of political reprisal. Gone are those days; long, long gone. You want to keep your job or protect your child's professional future? They you'd better shut up and refrain from free speech and thought—even offline in restaurants and other businesses; even your body language could give you away as a Trump supporter.

Big tech is mass censoring only one side of the American political debate. That is key to understanding the how of the democrats pulling off a mostly bloodless coup d'état. See, it doesn't really matter if Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election because all the entirety of the mainstream media must do is in unison report that Biden won. And therein lies the source of my wife's fear this morning. She was thinking about how the media all aligned its output in lockstep within the span of a few hours on election night. She's an amazing person. I hate that she's afraid. But she's also brutally brilliant and will come around, no matter the inevitability of America's impending doom.
Well said but only the tip of the iceburgh. The world has so many problems too many to fix. It has come down to every man/woman for himself/herself. You can only manage your own house and do your best to avoid allowing the world problems to control you because in a word we have no control over what the powers in control and the elite are doing. There is no defense to their agendas.

Yes, I get it. My grandfather once told me all about how I must focus on my own backyard and release my death grip on worrying about the rest of the world at large. Of course, that was long before I had a family of my own. But the world worrying never really went away and the thought of cutting the media mainline and burying my head deep in sands only elevates that deep sense of paranoia. Still, I agree with you in that family comes first and everyone and everything else must sort itself out. However, the death of our civilization is like a monolithic drain pulled from an even more colossal bath; we are swirling toward oblivion right along with everyone else.
Something my wife said this morning kindled the thought (or stoked it to a roaring blaze): America is without doubt dying, but dying very slowly, in relative real-time, and we are witnessing its death throes in countless manifestations of anti-American action. On seemingly every level our great republic is being dismantled. Anyone who in crowded public spaces or online shows or speaks support for our sitting President is immediately attacked, either verbally or physically or their lives could be cancelled, depending the chosen venue of their destruction. Lawyers and others who as we speak fight to shed spotlights on systemic election fraud are being intimidated into concession, certification of bad results and capitulation; never has more common Third World election thuggery existed and never has it before happened on this scale in our America.

And the list goes on—the list of the symptoms of America's dying state. Free speech is no longer a thing. Certain fools who masquerade here as American citizens but who are something else will shout from rooftops reaffirming big tech's right to censor you and I on their hallowed electronic platforms. But it goes much deeper than that. Americans had always had the ability to say or write controversial things without fear of political reprisal. Gone are those days; long, long gone. You want to keep your job or protect your child's professional future? They you'd better shut up and refrain from free speech and thought—even offline in restaurants and other businesses; even your body language could give you away as a Trump supporter.

Big tech is mass censoring only one side of the American political debate. That is key to understanding the how of the democrats pulling off a mostly bloodless coup d'état. See, it doesn't really matter if Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election because all the entirety of the mainstream media must do is in unison report that Biden won. And therein lies the source of my wife's fear this morning. She was thinking about how the media all aligned its output in lockstep within the span of a few hours on election night. She's an amazing person. I hate that she's afraid. But she's also brutally brilliant and will come around, no matter the inevitability of America's impending doom.
LIKE ROME death over many years....
Something my wife said this morning kindled the thought (or stoked it to a roaring blaze): America is without doubt dying, but dying very slowly, in relative real-time, and we are witnessing its death throes in countless manifestations of anti-American action. On seemingly every level our great republic is being dismantled. Anyone who in crowded public spaces or online shows or speaks support for our sitting President is immediately attacked, either verbally or physically or their lives could be cancelled, depending the chosen venue of their destruction. Lawyers and others who as we speak fight to shed spotlights on systemic election fraud are being intimidated into concession, certification of bad results and capitulation; never has more common Third World election thuggery existed and never has it before happened on this scale in our America.

And the list goes on—the list of the symptoms of America's dying state. Free speech is no longer a thing. Certain fools who masquerade here as American citizens but who are something else will shout from rooftops reaffirming big tech's right to censor you and I on their hallowed electronic platforms. But it goes much deeper than that. Americans had always had the ability to say or write controversial things without fear of political reprisal. Gone are those days; long, long gone. You want to keep your job or protect your child's professional future? They you'd better shut up and refrain from free speech and thought—even offline in restaurants and other businesses; even your body language could give you away as a Trump supporter.

Big tech is mass censoring only one side of the American political debate. That is key to understanding the how of the democrats pulling off a mostly bloodless coup d'état. See, it doesn't really matter if Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election because all the entirety of the mainstream media must do is in unison report that Biden won. And therein lies the source of my wife's fear this morning. She was thinking about how the media all aligned its output in lockstep within the span of a few hours on election night. She's an amazing person. I hate that she's afraid. But she's also brutally brilliant and will come around, no matter the inevitability of America's impending doom.

Trump actually lost the 2020 election. If your wife was brilliant, she would be able to pound that into your concrete cranium.

As for keeping your job? Your blob just fired someone for speaking the truth.
Something my wife said this morning kindled the thought (or stoked it to a roaring blaze): America is without doubt dying, but dying very slowly, in relative real-time, and we are witnessing its death throes in countless manifestations of anti-American action. On seemingly every level our great republic is being dismantled. Anyone who in crowded public spaces or online shows or speaks support for our sitting President is immediately attacked, either verbally or physically or their lives could be cancelled, depending the chosen venue of their destruction. Lawyers and others who as we speak fight to shed spotlights on systemic election fraud are being intimidated into concession, certification of bad results and capitulation; never has more common Third World election thuggery existed and never has it before happened on this scale in our America.

And the list goes on—the list of the symptoms of America's dying state. Free speech is no longer a thing. Certain fools who masquerade here as American citizens but who are something else will shout from rooftops reaffirming big tech's right to censor you and I on their hallowed electronic platforms. But it goes much deeper than that. Americans had always had the ability to say or write controversial things without fear of political reprisal. Gone are those days; long, long gone. You want to keep your job or protect your child's professional future? They you'd better shut up and refrain from free speech and thought—even offline in restaurants and other businesses; even your body language could give you away as a Trump supporter.

Big tech is mass censoring only one side of the American political debate. That is key to understanding the how of the democrats pulling off a mostly bloodless coup d'état. See, it doesn't really matter if Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election because all the entirety of the mainstream media must do is in unison report that Biden won. And therein lies the source of my wife's fear this morning. She was thinking about how the media all aligned its output in lockstep within the span of a few hours on election night. She's an amazing person. I hate that she's afraid. But she's also brutally brilliant and will come around, no matter the inevitability of America's impending doom.
Yes indeed, blame it on someone else, instead of the toddler in the WH. He is abhorrent for America. Get your blinders off and live in reality. Fox amd other conservative sites are mainstream media, as much as the others. It’s over.
I think the clearest indicator of decline is the problems that you have in wearing a face mask. If you cant cope with a little paper mask you will be screwed when Fu Manchu comes calling.

You know, Tommy, it ain't just me, friend. My wife's uncle lives in Scotland. He's a physician and he is not going along with the official party line, either—at least to his closest family members. Beyond that, being an American is something one must experience for oneself before one can mourn the loss if its foundational spirit. It's an American thing, you see.

As for the jab about masking up. I spent many years serving my country in the US Army. There were times throughout where for both training and while on deployment purposes we wore full MOPP suits for many hours at a time in all manner of extreme climatic and environmental conditions. Ever try wearing a sealed gas mask and full body charcoal lined suit in hundred plus degree heat? How about skydiving with a mask on? Or while driving a buttoned up APC? That particular taunt, the one about cowboy up and wear the damn mask? It will never hold even a drop of water.
If you can manage that then you will have no problem adapting to change in your society. A lot of change is needed in the World and the pace of it is too slow.
America is changing. The world is changing. It's going to happen.

So we can either be smart and carefully manage the change, or we can pretend it's a "war" and go for all or nothing.

Seems to me that the former would be the far more intelligent approach.
What makes you think that we have to change for the worse........change is good if it is beneficial. Stupid if harmful like the communists libs want making us a banana republic. No, its time to fight back.........time to get rid of the trash and corruption. People---the workers, patriots, the contributors are finally getting their own woke.

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