Organizers of the “uprising of ships” against the Israeli blockade...

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
ISTANBUL, (PIC)-- Organizers of the “uprising of ships” against the Israeli blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip attended a conference held Tuesday in Istanbul by the Turkish IHH relief foundation aboard its Mavi Marmara aid ship slated to sail for Gaza earlier next month.

Yildirim noted that more than one thousands pro-Palestinian activists will be distributed aboard eight ships as human shields protecting the humanitarian aid until it reaches Gaza, stressing that all plans were set to get the aid to Gaza at all costs.

The campaign said that lawmakers from many European countries confirmed their intention to take part in the convoy and confront any Israel attempt to attack the ships.

Uprising of ships organizers hold conference in Istanbul
What is Israel going to do?


This is what Israel has already been doing in your fictional blockade that you lie about, as you are prone to do...

In 2009, 760,000 tons (30,600 truckloads) of humanitarian commodities were transferred to Gaza.

115,000 tons (5,200 truckloads) of food and 5,000 tons (570 truckloads) of medical equipment and medicine were delivered to Gaza.

10,544 Pallie patients, many of whom are terrorist sympathizers, and their families received medical treatment in Israel.

21,200 international aid and other staff members entered Gaza.

1,500,000 liters of heavy diesel were imported for Gaza’s power station and 3,300,000 liters of fuel and diesel were transferred for UN activities.

During the Gaza war, Israel made unprecedented efforts for the administration of humanitarian aid, including 1,500 truckloads of humanitarian aid and 45 ambulances entered the Gaza Strip.

125 IDF humanitarian officers were deployed to coordinate humanitarian efforts in combat zones, allowing for the evacuation of 1,300 Palestinians from combat zones, 400 medical evacuations and 40 deployments of infrastructure repair teams.

As part of its humanitarian efforts, Israel deployed an unprecedented measure, initiating a daily “humanitarian break” for 3 hours, during which the IDF took enemy fire from Hamas.

H1N1 (Swine Flu): As part of the assistance given to the PA, meetings were held between Israeli and Palestinian health officials to prepare for an epidemic in the Gaza Strip. 3 patients left Gaza for medical care in Israeli hospitals and 44,500 doses of vaccine were transferred to Gaza by the World Health Organization.

2 elevators for hospitals in the Gaza Strip were transferred in 2009.

Mammogram equipment for breast cancer diagnosis and the first CT machine were transferred into Gaza hospitals.

Over the years, Israel has tried to keep humanitarian infrastructure issues separate from the conflict. Israel works with the PA water authority, assisting it by sharing knowledge and experience and coordinating the transfer of equipment for the Gaza’s water and sewage systems.

100 truckloads of equipment for water and sewage systems, as well as 3,700 tons of chloride for water purification were transferred.

Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant Project: In 2009, 50 truckloads of equipment entered Gaza for the project, which improved the level of wastewater in the Beit Lahiya lagoon.

In 2009, Israel continued to supply electricity to the Gaza Strip from its Ashkelon power station.

In addition, 40 truckloads of equipment for the maintenance of the electricity network were transferred.

Maintenance work was conducted on Gaza’s power station.

Oover 100 million liters of diesel were delivered to the power station.

45 truckloads of equipment for communication systems were delivered to Gaza.

A 30 ton generator engine was delivered to Gaza.

A 1 ton turbine engine was delivered.

Approximately $300 million was transferred to the Gaza Strip to fund salaries and the activities of international organizations.

Approximately $10 million of worn banknotes were replaced.

In February 2010, $80 million were transferred to the Bank of Israel, in conjunction with a request by the Palestinian Monetary Fund.
Israel and the PA reached an agreement on the transfer of social security payments and pensions to beneficiaries in Gaza who have worked in Israel. The money will be transfered to Palestinian banks in the West Bank, then the PA will deliver the money to beneficiaries in Gaza.

International organizations operating in Gaza have an important role in the humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

International staff entered the Gaza Strip: 21,200 foreign staff members and over 400 diplomatic delegations entered Gaza. 2,200 Palestinian staff members exited the Gaza Strip.

147 students exited the Gaza Strip for academic studies abroad, according to requests made by the international community.

Erez Crossing held a convention to mark the end of 2009 with the heads of international organizations operating in Gaza. Meetings of the joint coordination forum are held with representatives of the international community.

Equipment for UN's summer camps, including arts-and-craft materials, swimming pools, ice-cream machines, music instruments and sport games were transferred to Gaza.

Israel approved humanitarian efforts for the benefit of Gazans, including the export of flowers and strawberries from Gaza as part of a joint project with the Dutch government. Since the beginning of the project’s implementation, more than 7 million flowers and 54 tons of strawberries were exported.

370 Christians exited Gaza to spend Christmas in Israel and Bethlehem,
while 100 Christians exited Gaza to participate in the Pope’s visit to the Holy Land in May 2009.

17 representatives exited Gaza to participate in Fatah‘s 6th Convention in Bethlehem.

3,600 tons of glass (100 truckloads) were transferred to Gaza. This project will continue during 2010.

11,000 heads of cattle were brought into Gaza for the Ramadan and Eid al-Adha holidays.

The Palestinian football team left Gaza for training and friendship games in the West Bank and abroad.
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What is Israel going to do?


This is what Israel has already been doing in your fictional blockade that you lie about, as you are prone to do...

In 2009, 760,000 tons (30,600 truckloads) of humanitarian commodities were transferred to Gaza.

115,000 tons (5,200 truckloads) of food and 5,000 tons (570 truckloads) of medical equipment and medicine were delivered to Gaza.

10,544 Pallie patients, many of whom are terrorist sympathizers, and their families received medical treatment in Israel.

21,200 international aid and other staff members entered Gaza.

1,500,000 liters of heavy diesel were imported for Gaza’s power station and 3,300,000 liters of fuel and diesel were transferred for UN activities.

During the Gaza war, Israel made unprecedented efforts for the administration of humanitarian aid, including 1,500 truckloads of humanitarian aid and 45 ambulances entered the Gaza Strip.

125 IDF humanitarian officers were deployed to coordinate humanitarian efforts in combat zones, allowing for the evacuation of 1,300 Palestinians from combat zones, 400 medical evacuations and 40 deployments of infrastructure repair teams.

As part of its humanitarian efforts, Israel deployed an unprecedented measure, initiating a daily “humanitarian break” for 3 hours, during which the IDF took enemy fire from Hamas.

H1N1 (Swine Flu): As part of the assistance given to the PA, meetings were held between Israeli and Palestinian health officials to prepare for an epidemic in the Gaza Strip. 3 patients left Gaza for medical care in Israeli hospitals and 44,500 doses of vaccine were transferred to Gaza by the World Health Organization.

2 elevators for hospitals in the Gaza Strip were transferred in 2009.

Mammogram equipment for breast cancer diagnosis and the first CT machine were transferred into Gaza hospitals.

Over the years, Israel has tried to keep humanitarian infrastructure issues separate from the conflict. Israel works with the PA water authority, assisting it by sharing knowledge and experience and coordinating the transfer of equipment for the Gaza’s water and sewage systems.

100 truckloads of equipment for water and sewage systems, as well as 3,700 tons of chloride for water purification were transferred.

Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant Project: In 2009, 50 truckloads of equipment entered Gaza for the project, which improved the level of wastewater in the Beit Lahiya lagoon.

In 2009, Israel continued to supply electricity to the Gaza Strip from its Ashkelon power station.

In addition, 40 truckloads of equipment for the maintenance of the electricity network were transferred.

Maintenance work was conducted on Gaza’s power station.

Oover 100 million liters of diesel were delivered to the power station.

45 truckloads of equipment for communication systems were delivered to Gaza.

A 30 ton generator engine was delivered to Gaza.

A 1 ton turbine engine was delivered.

Approximately $300 million was transferred to the Gaza Strip to fund salaries and the activities of international organizations.

Approximately $10 million of worn banknotes were replaced.

In February 2010, $80 million were transferred to the Bank of Israel, in conjunction with a request by the Palestinian Monetary Fund.
Israel and the PA reached an agreement on the transfer of social security payments and pensions to beneficiaries in Gaza who have worked in Israel. The money will be transfered to Palestinian banks in the West Bank, then the PA will deliver the money to beneficiaries in Gaza.

International organizations operating in Gaza have an important role in the humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

International staff entered the Gaza Strip: 21,200 foreign staff members and over 400 diplomatic delegations entered Gaza. 2,200 Palestinian staff members exited the Gaza Strip.

147 students exited the Gaza Strip for academic studies abroad, according to requests made by the international community.

Erez Crossing held a convention to mark the end of 2009 with the heads of international organizations operating in Gaza. Meetings of the joint coordination forum are held with representatives of the international community.

Equipment for UN's summer camps, including arts-and-craft materials, swimming pools, ice-cream machines, music instruments and sport games were transferred to Gaza.

Israel approved humanitarian efforts for the benefit of Gazans, including the export of flowers and strawberries from Gaza as part of a joint project with the Dutch government. Since the beginning of the project’s implementation, more than 7 million flowers and 54 tons of strawberries were exported.

370 Christians exited Gaza to spend Christmas in Israel and Bethlehem,
while 100 Christians exited Gaza to participate in the Pope’s visit to the Holy Land in May 2009.

17 representatives exited Gaza to participate in Fatah‘s 6th Convention in Bethlehem.

3,600 tons of glass (100 truckloads) were transferred to Gaza. This project will continue during 2010.

11,000 heads of cattle were brought into Gaza for the Ramadan and Eid al-Adha holidays.

The Palestinian football team left Gaza for training and friendship games in the West Bank and abroad.

Drop in the bucket.
What is Israel going to do?


This is what Israel has already been doing in your fictional blockade that you lie about, as you are prone to do...

In 2009, 760,000 tons (30,600 truckloads) of humanitarian commodities were transferred to Gaza.

115,000 tons (5,200 truckloads) of food and 5,000 tons (570 truckloads) of medical equipment and medicine were delivered to Gaza.

10,544 Pallie patients, many of whom are terrorist sympathizers, and their families received medical treatment in Israel.

21,200 international aid and other staff members entered Gaza.

1,500,000 liters of heavy diesel were imported for Gaza’s power station and 3,300,000 liters of fuel and diesel were transferred for UN activities.

During the Gaza war, Israel made unprecedented efforts for the administration of humanitarian aid, including 1,500 truckloads of humanitarian aid and 45 ambulances entered the Gaza Strip.

125 IDF humanitarian officers were deployed to coordinate humanitarian efforts in combat zones, allowing for the evacuation of 1,300 Palestinians from combat zones, 400 medical evacuations and 40 deployments of infrastructure repair teams.

As part of its humanitarian efforts, Israel deployed an unprecedented measure, initiating a daily “humanitarian break” for 3 hours, during which the IDF took enemy fire from Hamas.

H1N1 (Swine Flu): As part of the assistance given to the PA, meetings were held between Israeli and Palestinian health officials to prepare for an epidemic in the Gaza Strip. 3 patients left Gaza for medical care in Israeli hospitals and 44,500 doses of vaccine were transferred to Gaza by the World Health Organization.

2 elevators for hospitals in the Gaza Strip were transferred in 2009.

Mammogram equipment for breast cancer diagnosis and the first CT machine were transferred into Gaza hospitals.

Over the years, Israel has tried to keep humanitarian infrastructure issues separate from the conflict. Israel works with the PA water authority, assisting it by sharing knowledge and experience and coordinating the transfer of equipment for the Gaza’s water and sewage systems.

100 truckloads of equipment for water and sewage systems, as well as 3,700 tons of chloride for water purification were transferred.

Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant Project: In 2009, 50 truckloads of equipment entered Gaza for the project, which improved the level of wastewater in the Beit Lahiya lagoon.

In 2009, Israel continued to supply electricity to the Gaza Strip from its Ashkelon power station.

In addition, 40 truckloads of equipment for the maintenance of the electricity network were transferred.

Maintenance work was conducted on Gaza’s power station.

Oover 100 million liters of diesel were delivered to the power station.

45 truckloads of equipment for communication systems were delivered to Gaza.

A 30 ton generator engine was delivered to Gaza.

A 1 ton turbine engine was delivered.

Approximately $300 million was transferred to the Gaza Strip to fund salaries and the activities of international organizations.

Approximately $10 million of worn banknotes were replaced.

In February 2010, $80 million were transferred to the Bank of Israel, in conjunction with a request by the Palestinian Monetary Fund.
Israel and the PA reached an agreement on the transfer of social security payments and pensions to beneficiaries in Gaza who have worked in Israel. The money will be transfered to Palestinian banks in the West Bank, then the PA will deliver the money to beneficiaries in Gaza.

International organizations operating in Gaza have an important role in the humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

International staff entered the Gaza Strip: 21,200 foreign staff members and over 400 diplomatic delegations entered Gaza. 2,200 Palestinian staff members exited the Gaza Strip.

147 students exited the Gaza Strip for academic studies abroad, according to requests made by the international community.

Erez Crossing held a convention to mark the end of 2009 with the heads of international organizations operating in Gaza. Meetings of the joint coordination forum are held with representatives of the international community.

Equipment for UN's summer camps, including arts-and-craft materials, swimming pools, ice-cream machines, music instruments and sport games were transferred to Gaza.

Israel approved humanitarian efforts for the benefit of Gazans, including the export of flowers and strawberries from Gaza as part of a joint project with the Dutch government. Since the beginning of the project’s implementation, more than 7 million flowers and 54 tons of strawberries were exported.

370 Christians exited Gaza to spend Christmas in Israel and Bethlehem,
while 100 Christians exited Gaza to participate in the Pope’s visit to the Holy Land in May 2009.

17 representatives exited Gaza to participate in Fatah‘s 6th Convention in Bethlehem.

3,600 tons of glass (100 truckloads) were transferred to Gaza. This project will continue during 2010.

11,000 heads of cattle were brought into Gaza for the Ramadan and Eid al-Adha holidays.

The Palestinian football team left Gaza for training and friendship games in the West Bank and abroad.

Drop in the bucket.

You lied in suggesting there is a blockade.

Israel provides humanitarian aid to Gaza while Hamas steals it...
U.N.: Hamas seized Gaza food aid and blankets -
This is what Israel has already been doing in your fictional blockade that you lie about, as you are prone to do...

In 2009, 760,000 tons (30,600 truckloads) of humanitarian commodities were transferred to Gaza.

115,000 tons (5,200 truckloads) of food and 5,000 tons (570 truckloads) of medical equipment and medicine were delivered to Gaza.

10,544 Pallie patients, many of whom are terrorist sympathizers, and their families received medical treatment in Israel.

21,200 international aid and other staff members entered Gaza.

1,500,000 liters of heavy diesel were imported for Gaza’s power station and 3,300,000 liters of fuel and diesel were transferred for UN activities.

During the Gaza war, Israel made unprecedented efforts for the administration of humanitarian aid, including 1,500 truckloads of humanitarian aid and 45 ambulances entered the Gaza Strip.

125 IDF humanitarian officers were deployed to coordinate humanitarian efforts in combat zones, allowing for the evacuation of 1,300 Palestinians from combat zones, 400 medical evacuations and 40 deployments of infrastructure repair teams.

As part of its humanitarian efforts, Israel deployed an unprecedented measure, initiating a daily “humanitarian break” for 3 hours, during which the IDF took enemy fire from Hamas.

H1N1 (Swine Flu): As part of the assistance given to the PA, meetings were held between Israeli and Palestinian health officials to prepare for an epidemic in the Gaza Strip. 3 patients left Gaza for medical care in Israeli hospitals and 44,500 doses of vaccine were transferred to Gaza by the World Health Organization.

2 elevators for hospitals in the Gaza Strip were transferred in 2009.

Mammogram equipment for breast cancer diagnosis and the first CT machine were transferred into Gaza hospitals.

Over the years, Israel has tried to keep humanitarian infrastructure issues separate from the conflict. Israel works with the PA water authority, assisting it by sharing knowledge and experience and coordinating the transfer of equipment for the Gaza’s water and sewage systems.

100 truckloads of equipment for water and sewage systems, as well as 3,700 tons of chloride for water purification were transferred.

Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant Project: In 2009, 50 truckloads of equipment entered Gaza for the project, which improved the level of wastewater in the Beit Lahiya lagoon.

In 2009, Israel continued to supply electricity to the Gaza Strip from its Ashkelon power station.

In addition, 40 truckloads of equipment for the maintenance of the electricity network were transferred.

Maintenance work was conducted on Gaza’s power station.

Oover 100 million liters of diesel were delivered to the power station.

45 truckloads of equipment for communication systems were delivered to Gaza.

A 30 ton generator engine was delivered to Gaza.

A 1 ton turbine engine was delivered.

Approximately $300 million was transferred to the Gaza Strip to fund salaries and the activities of international organizations.

Approximately $10 million of worn banknotes were replaced.

In February 2010, $80 million were transferred to the Bank of Israel, in conjunction with a request by the Palestinian Monetary Fund.
Israel and the PA reached an agreement on the transfer of social security payments and pensions to beneficiaries in Gaza who have worked in Israel. The money will be transfered to Palestinian banks in the West Bank, then the PA will deliver the money to beneficiaries in Gaza.

International organizations operating in Gaza have an important role in the humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

International staff entered the Gaza Strip: 21,200 foreign staff members and over 400 diplomatic delegations entered Gaza. 2,200 Palestinian staff members exited the Gaza Strip.

147 students exited the Gaza Strip for academic studies abroad, according to requests made by the international community.

Erez Crossing held a convention to mark the end of 2009 with the heads of international organizations operating in Gaza. Meetings of the joint coordination forum are held with representatives of the international community.

Equipment for UN's summer camps, including arts-and-craft materials, swimming pools, ice-cream machines, music instruments and sport games were transferred to Gaza.

Israel approved humanitarian efforts for the benefit of Gazans, including the export of flowers and strawberries from Gaza as part of a joint project with the Dutch government. Since the beginning of the project’s implementation, more than 7 million flowers and 54 tons of strawberries were exported.

370 Christians exited Gaza to spend Christmas in Israel and Bethlehem,
while 100 Christians exited Gaza to participate in the Pope’s visit to the Holy Land in May 2009.

17 representatives exited Gaza to participate in Fatah‘s 6th Convention in Bethlehem.

3,600 tons of glass (100 truckloads) were transferred to Gaza. This project will continue during 2010.

11,000 heads of cattle were brought into Gaza for the Ramadan and Eid al-Adha holidays.

The Palestinian football team left Gaza for training and friendship games in the West Bank and abroad.

Drop in the bucket.

You lied in suggesting there is a blockade.

Israel provides humanitarian aid to Gaza while Hamas steals it...
U.N.: Hamas seized Gaza food aid and blankets -

Well, if there is no blockade then the ships should just sail in.
Drop in the bucket.

You lied in suggesting there is a blockade.

Israel provides humanitarian aid to Gaza while Hamas steals it...
U.N.: Hamas seized Gaza food aid and blankets -

Well, if there is no blockade then the ships should just sail in.

Just so you know, dimwit, the UN placed a blockade on Iraq dduring the Saddam years and chocked their economy

So, too, the US has an economic blockade on Syria and has had a blockade on Cuba for over 50 years, based on being state sponsors of terrorism.

Gaza is a terrorist base and, thus, any blockades Israel should conduct are entirely compliant with international law.

Though, given your diminished mental faculties, this will be immediately lost on you.
You lied in suggesting there is a blockade.

Israel provides humanitarian aid to Gaza while Hamas steals it...
U.N.: Hamas seized Gaza food aid and blankets -

Well, if there is no blockade then the ships should just sail in.

Just so you know, dimwit, the UN placed a blockade on Iraq dduring the Saddam years and chocked their economy

So, too, the US has an economic blockade on Syria and has had a blockade on Cuba for over 50 years, based on being state sponsors of terrorism.

Gaza is a terrorist base and, thus, any blockades Israel should conduct are entirely compliant with international law.

Though, given your diminished mental faculties, this will be immediately lost on you.

You lied in suggesting there is a blockade.

any blockades Israel should conduct are entirely compliant with international law.

You are always this confused.
Well, if there is no blockade then the ships should just sail in.

Just so you know, dimwit, the UN placed a blockade on Iraq dduring the Saddam years and chocked their economy

So, too, the US has an economic blockade on Syria and has had a blockade on Cuba for over 50 years, based on being state sponsors of terrorism.

Gaza is a terrorist base and, thus, any blockades Israel should conduct are entirely compliant with international law.

Though, given your diminished mental faculties, this will be immediately lost on you.

You lied in suggesting there is a blockade.

any blockades Israel should conduct are entirely compliant with international law.

You are always this confused.

Fail, as always.
You're through.
Just so you know, dimwit, the UN placed a blockade on Iraq dduring the Saddam years and chocked their economy

So, too, the US has an economic blockade on Syria and has had a blockade on Cuba for over 50 years, based on being state sponsors of terrorism.

Gaza is a terrorist base and, thus, any blockades Israel should conduct are entirely compliant with international law.

Though, given your diminished mental faculties, this will be immediately lost on you.

any blockades Israel should conduct are entirely compliant with international law.

You are always this confused.

Fail, as always.
You're through.

Confused, as always.
You're through.

The Rampant starvation... the lack of food, oh, the humanity!
Greek MP Giorgio Anastopoulos said that the ships are of European nationality and officially registered, and will be sailing in international waters, so Israel has no right to intercept them or else this will be considered international piracy.

“Legally, if Israel intercepted the ships, we can prosecute it in the courts of Europe,” Anastopoulos stated.

That is the part I like.
Greek MP Giorgio Anastopoulos said that the ships are of European nationality and officially registered, and will be sailing in international waters, so Israel has no right to intercept them or else this will be considered international piracy.

Complete nonsense.

Gaza is not sovereign Arab territory, nor does it have maritime sovereignty.

Legally, if Israel intercepted the ships, we can prosecute it in the courts of Europe,” Anastopoulos stated.

That's "Greek" to me.

Any blockade of Gaza, a verified terrorist base, would be fully compliant with international law, similar to the US's blockade of Cuba and the UN's past blockade of Iraq.
Greek MP Giorgio Anastopoulos said that the ships are of European nationality and officially registered, and will be sailing in international waters, so Israel has no right to intercept them or else this will be considered international piracy.

Complete nonsense.

Gaza is not sovereign Arab territory, nor does it have maritime sovereignty.

Legally, if Israel intercepted the ships, we can prosecute it in the courts of Europe,” Anastopoulos stated.

That's "Greek" to me.

Any blockade of Gaza, a verified terrorist base, would be fully compliant with international law, similar to the US's blockade of Cuba and the UN's past blockade of Iraq.

Oooooohh, terrorists.

A meaningless, bullshit, political term.
Greek MP Giorgio Anastopoulos said that the ships are of European nationality and officially registered, and will be sailing in international waters, so Israel has no right to intercept them or else this will be considered international piracy.

Complete nonsense.

Gaza is not sovereign Arab territory, nor does it have maritime sovereignty.

Legally, if Israel intercepted the ships, we can prosecute it in the courts of Europe,” Anastopoulos stated.

That's "Greek" to me.

Any blockade of Gaza, a verified terrorist base, would be fully compliant with international law, similar to the US's blockade of Cuba and the UN's past blockade of Iraq.

Oooooohh, terrorists.

A meaningless, bullshit, political term.

Fail, as always.

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