Oregon's Governor Kitzhaber, resigns, environmental, green corruption


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
With $36 Trillion dollars to be spent, ($1 Trillion already gone) these stories are going to become more frequent. This is obviously just the tip of the Iceberg. Our entire government is corrupt, promoting and implementing Green Clean Renewable Environmental total government control over life.

Oregon's Governor must resigned because the, "First Lady" of Oregon was receiving lots of money so that she could then lobby the man she sleeps with, the Governor of Oregon, to pass laws forcing Green, Clean, Renewable energy on the public.

Of course the politicians are still in favor of everything that was promoted illegally, they do not question the merit of spending trillions on what has failed in Europe, Spain, Greece and Germany. It is simply that the Governor was paid off, everything else was fine?

At least Obama's payoff will come like Al Gore's and Bill Clinton's, Obama will get made a millionaire through speeches.

Everything about Global Warming and Clean Renewable Green Sustainable Energy is a lie, except the extreme cost.

How Green Cronyism Ended Oregon 8217 s Governor The Daily Caller

Just one month after beginning his fourth term, Oregon Democratic Gov. John Kitzhaber announced he will be resigning from office. The final moments of Kitzhaber’s tenure have been marred by scandals involving his fiancee and environmental interests vying to push green energy policies on Oregonians.

“I am announcing today that I will resign as Governor of the State of Oregon,” Kitzhaber said in a statement. “It is not in my nature to walk away from a job I have undertaken – it is to stand and fight for the cause.”

This is what CONSENSUS Is... He wanted a piece of ass and she was taking millions to be selective in giving it up.. There is another profession that does this too...
How many more reasons do we need to prove the failure of green clean renewable energy. In Oregon, the people are getting bribed, my 1st ion is who paid them middlemen?:How rich and how much of our tax dollars got funneled into the Green, Clean, Renewable "lobbyist".

If they are willing to risk jail, bribing government officials, would they lie about the performance, the merits of Green, Clean, Renewable, "energy", the answer is yes, corrupt people who bribe, also lie.

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