Oprah and The Rock get a smack down....

Why would anybody trust that Oprah bitch or that Johnson clown? Both are mega rich Hollywood Libtard shitheads.

For instance, that dumbass Oprah bitch supported Queer Barry for President. That is as dishonest and bat shit crazy as it gets. Why give any money to anything those jackasses are connected with?
Ah, I have dealt with enough juveniles to recognize this pattern. You will continue to post drivel hoping to get in the last word to feel you have somehow won something. I will be magnanimous and let you get in the last post. By the way, when you go upstairs your mother wants you to set out the trash.
In other words, you got nothing and so going to run away? Got it. Not to worry, I never expect retards to prove their bullshit. So, you didn't disappoint. Buh-bye.
No one giving cares. Why do you? Afraid he'll win?
Nope, I don't care that the orange douchebag exploits you mouth-breathing ever-gullible trumptards. Heck, what else are you retards good for, amIright?

As for afraid he will win? LOL. You know what is better than Biden beating him like a rented mule in the last election? Beating him all over again. :auiqs.jpg:
Wow... she is worth $2.5 BILLION and gave a measly $5 million. .002 of her worth.
So if you had $10,000 in the bank, that would be like you giving $20 and making a video about it.
Probably the charity tax break she gets produces more benefits than $5 mil in cash.

Just thinks of the write offs she can clam in addition to the cash. Like taking a deduction for her time in doing the videos or flying all over the place. It would make Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary envious.

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