Opinion: Trump didn't over reach, let Seattle deal with their local issues, now city is being sued, Trump wins with Independents and Libertarians


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Unlike some in media and even former police guests on Fox who suggested Trump send in the troops to Seattle and other locations, Trump wisely refused to take the bait of a "centralized system" approach. A system of government which America has rejected since your inception. Instead, he wisely allowed them to deal with their local issue, with local police, as it should be.

From now on out everything is political. Trump can defend statues of American icons and historic figures, he can talk about supporting peaceful protest while confronting rioters and violent agitators. He doesn't look "soft" by telling Seattle, or any other city to deal with their problems.

A win/win for Trump when some were just hoping they could produce some videos of the National Guard rushing in and blaming any carnage on Trump. Now the carnage can rightfully be blamed on local leadership.

Even CNN can't hide it:

Residents and businesses sue Seattle over protest zone
Unlike some in media and even former police guests on Fox who suggested Trump send in the troops to Seattle and other locations, Trump wisely refused to take the bait of a "centralized system" approach. A system of government which America has rejected since your inception. Instead, he wisely allowed them to deal with their local issue, with local police, as it should be.

From now on out everything is political. Trump can defend statues of American icons and historic figures, he can talk about supporting peaceful protest while confronting rioters and violent agitators. He doesn't look "soft" by telling Seattle, or any other city to deal with their problems.

A win/win for Trump when some were just hoping they could produce some videos of the National Guard rushing in and blaming any carnage on Trump. Now the carnage can rightfully be blamed on local leadership.

Even CNN can't hide it:

Residents and businesses sue Seattle over protest zone
Someone started a thread about this awhile back with a poll about what should Trump do about Seattle I said nothing the local leaders created the problem let them deal with it. If these liberal cities want to let people take over blocks of their city and defund the police and so on I say let them do it. I'm reminded of the quote attributed to Oscar Wilde there are only two tragedies in life one is not getting what one wants the other is getting it.
You forgot to tell the Independents and Libertarians that they are supposed to vote for Trump... because they aren't going to.
Yes... Yes they are. The past is a great predictor of the future.
Unlike some in media and even former police guests on Fox who suggested Trump send in the troops to Seattle and other locations, Trump wisely refused to take the bait of a "centralized system" approach. A system of government which America has rejected since your inception. Instead, he wisely allowed them to deal with their local issue, with local police, as it should be.

From now on out everything is political. Trump can defend statues of American icons and historic figures, he can talk about supporting peaceful protest while confronting rioters and violent agitators. He doesn't look "soft" by telling Seattle, or any other city to deal with their problems.

A win/win for Trump when some were just hoping they could produce some videos of the National Guard rushing in and blaming any carnage on Trump. Now the carnage can rightfully be blamed on local leadership.

Even CNN can't hide it:

Residents and businesses sue Seattle over protest zone
Someone started a thread about this awhile back with a poll about what should Trump do about Seattle I said nothing the local leaders created the problem let them deal with it. If these liberal cities want to let people take over blocks of their city and defund the police and so on I say let them do it. I'm reminded of the quote attributed to Oscar Wilde there are only two tragedies in life one is not getting what one wants the other is getting it.

To me, as I try to be apolitical as much as I can while openly and clearly supporting Trump and his policies. I believe history shows us how the world looks without real, powerful leadership in the world: the fascist and tyrants kill people. This is why there is no better nation than America to lead the world and those who despise them, do so only because of some poor leadership at times, and/or their own agendas. Certainly China or some other nation wouldn't ensure peace, while also human rights around the world.

So, this stated, to me it doesn't matter if it's a Dem or a GOP who is running a city, outside of clear abuses and violations of federal law, the Constitution etc. Presidents should stay out of local issues as much as possible. Not entirely of course, but again, only when the aforementioned condition of abuses of federal law exists. As a Canadian and general citizen of the world, that's how I personally view a stronger America. Division of power and local responsibility.

This is a great strength of America, a union of states which allows independence of jurisdictions and ensures a diverse, impossible to pin down economy which isn't reliant on just one industry or area. This makes it difficult for foreign spy agencies, who might make some inroads in major cities or some industries/political ranks, but they can't get in the pocket of everyone.
Unlike some in media and even former police guests on Fox who suggested Trump send in the troops to Seattle and other locations, Trump wisely refused to take the bait of a "centralized system" approach. A system of government which America has rejected since your inception. Instead, he wisely allowed them to deal with their local issue, with local police, as it should be.

From now on out everything is political. Trump can defend statues of American icons and historic figures, he can talk about supporting peaceful protest while confronting rioters and violent agitators. He doesn't look "soft" by telling Seattle, or any other city to deal with their problems.

A win/win for Trump when some were just hoping they could produce some videos of the National Guard rushing in and blaming any carnage on Trump. Now the carnage can rightfully be blamed on local leadership.

Even CNN can't hide it:

Residents and businesses sue Seattle over protest zone
Lol, tRump say on his ass and bitched, made a few empty threats, blustered a bit, and whined a lot.

Like he always does.
The media is hiding the amount of disgust the average person is developing of liberals and far left democrats..... this will backfire and the media will have themselves to blame.....

The irony of course, is after Hillary lost in 2016, all the media came out and basically said "hey, we have been wrong to ignore this and that, we were wrong to just go after Trump instead of understanding America outside our bubbles". That lasted for about 2 weeks, until the "Russia, Russia" ball got rolling, and it's been the same and constant attacks ever since, their elite owners refusing to accept that they aren't needed anymore.

Nothing could be more punishing of the MSM and their global socialist patsy handlers than to have Trump win in 2020. I imagine they will start cleaning house and bringing in people who actually care about America and journalistic principles.
You forgot to tell the Independents and Libertarians that they are supposed to vote for Trump... because they aren't going to.

In the 2020 presidential election, the Libertarian Party candidate, Jo Jorgensen, gained 1.2 percent of the vote, less than half the party’s 2016 election result. Jeffrey Michels and Olivier Lewis write that despite signs that pointed towards the potential for libertarian voters to be king makers in the 2020 election, their dislike of Donald Trump turned many to Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

What percent of Americans call themselves libertarians? Something like 15%? If so, a lot of libertarians must have voted for Trump.
Unlike some in media and even former police guests on Fox who suggested Trump send in the troops to Seattle and other locations, Trump wisely refused to take the bait of a "centralized system" approach. A system of government which America has rejected since your inception. Instead, he wisely allowed them to deal with their local issue, with local police, as it should be.

From now on out everything is political. Trump can defend statues of American icons and historic figures, he can talk about supporting peaceful protest while confronting rioters and violent agitators. He doesn't look "soft" by telling Seattle, or any other city to deal with their problems.

A win/win for Trump when some were just hoping they could produce some videos of the National Guard rushing in and blaming any carnage on Trump. Now the carnage can rightfully be blamed on local leadership.

Even CNN can't hide it:

Residents and businesses sue Seattle over protest zone

In this regard, the Donald was very, very measured!
Also in many other regards, too!

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