Opinion---The TWO main questions that Mueller MUST answer under oath.....


"Mr. Mueller, as an experienced and renowned prosecutor, and based on your thorough report, would the evidence on obstruction of justice be enough to indict ANYONE if that individual were not the sitting president and shielded by the current DOJ policy?....................................Yes or No?


"Mr. Mueller, as a respect American citizen, would you conclude, based on your report, that although the evidence was "insufficient" to conclude that the Trump campaign colluded with Russian operatives, that the behavior of the Trump campaign was highly unethical and unpatriotic in their relationship with these operatives from a hostile, foreign country?...............................................Yes or No?
/——-/ You libtards are like the mangy mutt chasing a car. When the car stops at a light, the mutt thinks he caught it but doesn’t know what to do next.

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