Opinion: If Trump is disqualified, prepare for mass ballot-purges, US House picking next president


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Saving democracy, by destroying democracy. What a rosy future we are preparing ourselves for.

George W. Bush, justifying his establishment of the Troubled Assets Relief Program, stated back in 2008 that “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.” We are now seeing the Democrat version of that political non sequitur.

Democrats and some never-Trump Republicans are now arguing that they must — not just can, but must — destroy democracy to save democracy. The holier-than-thou attitude of many on the left prevents them from recognizing the gross hypocrisy and authoritarianism behind their attempts to prevent a Trump second term.

If they really thought they could steal it again they wouldn't be trying to jail Trump... but like Gingrich said today if they pull some shit to remove Trump it will cause a level of anger the DC swamp can't even comprehend.... I wouldn't want to be an elected dem if that happens...
Saving democracy, by destroying democracy. What a rosy future we are preparing ourselves for.

Democrats and some never-Trump Republicans are now arguing that they must — not just can, but must — destroy democracy to save democracy. The holier-than-thou attitude of many on the left prevents them from recognizing the gross hypocrisy and authoritarianism behind their attempts to prevent a Trump second term.
The holier-than-thou attitude of many magaturds prevents them from recognizing the gross hypocrisy and authoritarianism behind their attempts to promote a Trump second term. Saving democracy, by destroying democracy is what I saw Cult45 do. :dunno:

Two sides of the same shitpile. :rolleyes:
Saving democracy, by destroying democracy. What a rosy future we are preparing ourselves for.

The holier-than-thou attitude of many magaturds prevents them from recognizing the gross hypocrisy and authoritarianism behind their attempts to promote a Trump second term. Saving democracy, by destroying democracy is what I saw Cult45 do. :dunno:

Two sides of the same shitpile. :rolleyes:
There is no democracy in getting the courts involved in trying to stop people from even having the choice to vote for Trump and the Constitution isn't served by a judicial Star Chamber. If the SCOTUS allows states to block Trump, you can rest assured there will be more January 6th type incidents since the right is unhinged as is. Both sides are so frothy, I am shocked we have not started seeing political assassinations again. I am not so sure blocking Trump won't be the catalyst that sends the hard-right over the edge.
There is no democracy in getting the courts involved
Why not? We (as a nation) have never been in this position before. This country elected a con man *pResident so fucking corrupt that he is using the legal system to stay out of prison by being still allowed the constitutional freedom to run for the highest office on the planet seemingly unchecked in our courts and media so far. This orange bag 'O shit has been using our legal system as means to punish/bankrupt/stain the reputations of his enemies his whole fucking life! A simple google search on the keywords of this conversation should be enough to inform you of Donald Trump's past.
in trying to stop people from even having the choice to vote for Trump and the Constitution isn't served by a judicial Star Chamber.
I believe if you're smart, the choice is simple. Trump should be disqualified from ever even being able to run for dog catcher, because his political rhetoric caused a violent protest at our US Capitol, attempting to interrupt the peaceful transfer of COC powers. I call it the 'shitty insurrection'. No one seriously thought it would work. He tried to overturn the election because he was too butthurt to realise he lost a fair election. Narcissists are not used to being on the losing end of stuff. :dunno:
If the SCOTUS allows states to block Trump, you can rest assured there will be more January 6th type incidents since the right is unhinged as is.
And I believe we will put these things down eventually, just like we've done with other atrocities in our young history. :113:
Both sides are so frothy, I am shocked we have not started seeing political assassinations again.
We still damn well might. Frothy is a good term. :113: Watch your six.
I am not so sure blocking Trump won't be the catalyst that sends the hard-right over the edge.
It will be magaturds losing another presidential election that throws them right over the edge.
Why not? We (as a nation) have never been in this position before. This country elected a con man *pResident so fucking corrupt that he is using the legal system to stay out of prison by being still allowed the constitutional freedom to run for the highest office on the planet seemingly unchecked in our courts and media so far. This orange bag 'O shit has been using our legal system as means to punish/bankrupt/stain the reputations of his enemies his whole fucking life! A simple google search on the keywords of this conversation should be enough to inform you of Donald Trump's past.

I believe if you're smart, the choice is simple. Trump should be disqualified from ever even being able to run for dog catcher, because his political rhetoric caused a violent protest at our US Capitol, attempting to interrupt the peaceful transfer of COC powers. I call it the 'shitty insurrection'. No one seriously thought it would work. He tried to overturn the election because he was too butthurt to realise he lost a fair election. Narcissists are not used to being on the losing end of stuff. :dunno:

And I believe we will put these things down eventually, just like we've done with other atrocities in our young history. :113:

We still damn well might. Frothy is a good term. :113: Watch your six.

It will be magaturds losing another presidential election that throws them right over the edge.

Why not is because it is a Congressional decision and Trump won their twice already.
That would require courts to agree.
Read the Constitution. In the event nobody reaches 270, it is the House that decides. There is nothing for the courts to consider. This is one of the moments that moron liberals might just f*** around and find out. With absolutely no way to undo the stupidity they unleashed. Go for it!
Vermin democrats have no intention of stopping with ending the presidential vote. They have 126 elections to end.
Read the Constitution. In the event nobody reaches 270, it is the House that decides. There is nothing for the courts to consider. This is one of the moments that moron liberals might just f*** around and find out. With absolutely no way to undo the stupidity they unleashed. Go for it!
There’s no way Biden can be kept off the ballots. That’s where the courts come in. It doesn’t follow that he would necessarily suffer the same fate as Trump.

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