OPINION: Criminal Law 101 - Self-Defense (Rittenhouse versus McMichaels)

That's not what the video shows. The video shows Arbery chasing down Travis and trying to steal his shotgun.

That's why Travis was not arrested at the scene. The police watched the video evidence and saw that it was an open and shut case of self-defense.

Those guys were arrested much later and prosecuted, not because they committed any actual crime, but because the corrupt prosecutor thought he could get some personal political gain by taking them prisoner.

They are clearly not actual criminals, they are political prisoners.
The case at this point is years old...
And where the prosecutor made a decision then, it wasn't the right one.
He could have had a hearing on the matter that only involved witnesses and a judge and called it a day...of course the case would have been annoying and draining...but that's what is best for the public good.
As it was they used the appearance of a shred of doubt to blow up a mountain out of a molehill...

And prosecutorial discretion is getting to be a thing...and needs to be done with more care than ever before. Not like the slime ball in Wisconsin or the "Good ol boy" in Georgia.
Blake did not have a knife..
:rolleyes: You're wrong again, as usual.

According to several witnesses who were actually at the scene, including Blake himself, Blake had a razor knife.

No evidence has been provided during Kyles trial that he provoked anyone.

The end.
Doesn't have too...

Burden of proof is on Kyle in this case... I that state if you use Self Defence you have to prove the self defence...

The trial is a toss up... Judge seems to be siding with Defence a bit... So it is anybodies game...

Will point out that iff this was in any other country the person who put that gun in a 17 year old hands and put in that position would be looking at 5-10 years
Doesn't have too...

Burden of proof is on Kyle in this case... I that state if you use Self Defence you have to prove the self defence...

The trial is a toss up... Judge seems to be siding with Defence a bit... So it is anybodies game...

Will point out that iff this was in any other country the person who put that gun in a 17 year old hands and put in that position would be looking at 5-10 years
The burden of proof of guilt is on the State...not the accused.

They have to prove that Kyle wanted to murder someone...no one specifically but just anyone. That with callous disregard for human life Kyle acted recklessly and provocatively with his actions...all beyond a reasonable doubt.

They haven't proven anything beyond a reasonable doubt except for Grosskreutz is a liar and felon who was guilty of three felonies as admitted to on the witness stand.
Both are clear cut cases of self-defense. And the videos prove it.

They should not have even been prosecuted. They were taken as political prisoners.

Both are obvious cases of malicious prosecution.
McMicheals looks pretty open and shut case... There is no self defence... They chased him down and cornered him... Never self defence....

Kyle is a different case but the trouble he will have is he has to prove it 4 separate occasions... You can't shoot someone because another person actions...
McMicheals looks pretty open and shut case... There is no self defence... They chased him down and cornered him... Never self defence.....
The video of the incident proves you wrong.

Are you posting from prison where you don't have access to the video?
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The police officer said Blake was reaching for a knife when he opened the car door. Interesting problem IMO.
That's not a problem at all. It wouldn't be the first time during this incident when he dropped the knife and reached to pick it back up.
Blake was a family man not a thug.
He was a thug.

I've researched this case. He was an absentee father and a deadbeat dad.

Blake had an open case for sexually assaulting the mother of those children and there was a court protection order against him because he had sexually assaulted her. He went to her home, assaulted her and demanded her money and her car, then shoved his fingers up her pussy without her consent. In other words, he Bidened her.

He was not supposed to contact her or the children without first arranging for a sheriff's deputy to be on the scene to keep the peace when he visited the children.

But of course he didn't do that, because there was a warrant for his arrest regarding the sexual assault charge.

He went there illegally and stole the keys to her car again, so she called 911. He was shot while brandishing a knife, resisting arrest and attempting to steal her car and take the kids. And he didn't even have a drivers license.

The police could not just let him steal the car and kidnap the children. They were obligated to arrest him and he was clearly resisting arrest.
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He didn't bend over and pick anything up crossing the lawn.
The first time he dropped the knife, he dropped it behind the car in the street and picked it back up.

Obviously he's an extremely narcissistic moronic moonbat sociopath with a massively inflated sense of self-entitlement who thinks the law doesn't apply to him. He wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place because she had a protection order against him.

He was a fucking thug. But he isn't going to be assaulting girls and stealing cars anymore because he's fucking paralyzed.
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The first time he dropped the knife, he dropped it behind the car in the street and picked it back up.

Obviously he's an extremely narcissistic moronic moonbat sociopath with a massively inflated sense of self-entitlement who thinks the law doesn't apply to him. He wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place because she had a protection order against him.

He was a fucking thug. But he isn't going to be assaulting girls and stealing cars anymore because he's fucking paralyzed.

Looks like you're right. Why shoot him in the back seven times?


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