OPINION: Criminal Law 101 - Self-Defense (Rittenhouse versus McMichaels)


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I honestly don't understand how so many people who apparently carry weapons are unable to understand that if you point a gun at someone and they respond to this act with violence, particularly non-deadly violence, then you are unable to claim lawfully self-defense.

In other words, you cannot antagonize someone or draw them into taking a swing at you so that you can shoot them and then turn around and claim self-defense even though we see this being allowed over and over again.

There are currently two cases being tried in which the defendant is claiming self-defense. In the Rittenhouse case, he shouldn't have been armed in the first place due to his age, while in the case of the McMichaels they didn't just initiate the confrontation that led to the shooting, they chased Arbery according to the prosecution for 5 minutes before finally cornering him "like a rat" according to one of the defendants.



"Ascertain the four elements required for self-defense.
To successfully claim self-defense, the defendant must prove four elements. First, with exceptions, the defendant must prove that he or she was confronted with an unprovoked attack. Second, the defendant must prove that the threat of injury or death was imminent. Third, the defendant must prove that the degree of force used in self-defense was objectively reasonable under the circumstances. Fourth, the defendant must prove that he or she had an objectively reasonable fear that he or she was going to be injured or killed unless he or she used self-defense. The Model Penal Code defines self-defense in § 3.04(1) as “justifiable when the actor believes that such force is immediately necessary for the purpose of protecting himself against the use of unlawful force by such other person on the present occasion.”


In general, if the defendant initiates an attack against another, the defendant cannot claim self-defense (State v. Williams, 2010). This rule has two exceptions. The defendant can be the initial aggressor and still raise a self-defense claim if the attacked individual responds with excessive force under the circumstances, or if the defendant withdraws from the attack and the attacked individual persists.

Excessive Force Exception

In some jurisdictions, an individual cannot respond to the defendant’s attack using excessive force under the circumstances (State v. Belgard, 2010). For example, an individual cannot use deadly force when the defendant initiates an attack using nondeadly force"

Entire article here: 5.2 Self-Defense | Criminal Law
I honestly don't understand how so many people who apparently carry weapons are unable to understand that if you point a gun at someone and they respond to this act with violence, particularly non-deadly violence, then you are unable to claim lawfully self-defense.

In other words, you cannot antagonize someone or draw them into taking a swing at you so that you can shoot them and then turn around and claim self-defense even though we see this being allowed over and over again.

There are currently two cases being tried in which the defendant is claiming self-defense. In the Rittenhouse case, he shouldn't have been armed in the first place due to his age, while in the case of the McMichaels they didn't just initiate the confrontation that led to the shooting, they chased Arbery according to the prosecution for 5 minutes before finally cornering him "like a rat" according to one of the defendants.

View attachment 562793


"Ascertain the four elements required for self-defense.
To successfully claim self-defense, the defendant must prove four elements. First, with exceptions, the defendant must prove that he or she was confronted with an unprovoked attack. Second, the defendant must prove that the threat of injury or death was imminent. Third, the defendant must prove that the degree of force used in self-defense was objectively reasonable under the circumstances. Fourth, the defendant must prove that he or she had an objectively reasonable fear that he or she was going to be injured or killed unless he or she used self-defense. The Model Penal Code defines self-defense in § 3.04(1) as “justifiable when the actor believes that such force is immediately necessary for the purpose of protecting himself against the use of unlawful force by such other person on the present occasion.”


In general, if the defendant initiates an attack against another, the defendant cannot claim self-defense (State v. Williams, 2010). This rule has two exceptions. The defendant can be the initial aggressor and still raise a self-defense claim if the attacked individual responds with excessive force under the circumstances, or if the defendant withdraws from the attack and the attacked individual persists.

Excessive Force Exception

In some jurisdictions, an individual cannot respond to the defendant’s attack using excessive force under the circumstances (State v. Belgard, 2010). For example, an individual cannot use deadly force when the defendant initiates an attack using nondeadly force"

Entire article here: 5.2 Self-Defense | Criminal Law
I don't understand why "people" don't understand that being 17 years old does not mean that the 17 year old can not use a gun to shoot criminals trying to do him harm.

I also don't understand why "people" don't understand that
Arbery was a druggy and convicted criminal------with no job out casing new build and other areas for theft. I don't understand why idiots don't understand that he was on THC but hadn't taken his prescribed medication to control his violence. Arbery was snagged doing what he habitual did which was commit crimes and then savagely attack those trying to stop him from doing his crimes----he was indeed a rat---who btw---ran toward the mcMichaels, tried to steal their gun............
Kyle was doing that neighborhood a favor. Doing something the town wouldnt. The pedos and pinkos didnt like that.
Good thing he brought that gun or no telling what would have happened to him.
Good thing he brought that gun? Better thing would have been had he kept his underage ass at home.

I can tell you what would have happened to him. Not a damn thing because boys like him without their piece, stay in the background and would never even consider attempting to confront anyone without a deadly weapon.
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Never piss off the judge by trying to back-door his rulings in front of the jury.

If / When you lose the judge you will be fighting an uphill battle the rest of the way.

The experienced prosecutor, who knew better, tried to slip 'evidence' already denied into the trial, got 'cute', and was hammered...several times...by the judge.
I don't understand why "people" don't understand that being 17 years old does not mean that the 17 year old can not use a gun to shoot criminals trying to do him harm.

I also don't understand why "people" don't understand that
Arbery was a druggy and convicted criminal------with no job out casing new build and other areas for theft. I don't understand why idiots don't understand that he was on THC but hadn't taken his prescribed medication to control his violence. Arbery was snagged doing what he habitual did which was commit crimes and then savagely attack those trying to stop him from doing his crimes----he was indeed a rat---who btw---ran toward the mcMichaels, tried to steal their gun............
Well I see the trailer trash has come out.

How about I start a fight with you and when you attempt to defend yourself from me (swing a beer bottled at my head, lunge at me with a knife, pull out a firearm, etc.) after having gotten you to take the bait, I respond by pulling out a weapon you didn't know I had and shoot you? You cool with that? After all I'd just be defending myself from someone who "out of nowhere attacked me" because you 'thought' I was a threat to you, when in fact I was not. At least I wasn't until you forced me to shoot you.

See how that works?
Good thing he brought that gun? Better thing would have been had he kept his underage ass at home.

I can you what would have happened to him. Not a damn thing because boys like him without their piece, stay in the background and would never even consider attempting to confront anyone without a deadly weapon.

Imagine what would have happened if everyone had stayed at home.
Good thing he brought that gun? Better thing would have been had he kept his underage ass at home.

I can you what would have happened to him. Not a damn thing because boys like him without their piece, stay in the background and would never even consider attempting to confront anyone without a deadly weapon.
Had Kyle stayed home the shootings would not have happened.

Had the 3 people he shot stayed at home they would not have been shot.

Had the 3 men not made the conscious decision to attack, chase, assault, stomp, and pull a pistol loaded with hollow points and aimed it at his head they would not have been shot.

Kyle did not 'confront' anyone - the confrontation was forced upon him.

Being armed with only a skateboard,, choosing to chase and attack someone armed with an AR-15 loaded with full metal jacket ammo, getting 2 hits in before being shot and killed, makes you an instant 'Darwin Award' winner.
Had Kyle stayed home the shootings would not have happened.

Had the 3 people he shot stayed at home they would not have been shot.

Had the 3 men not made the conscious decision to attack, chase, assault, stomp, and pull a pistol loaded with hollow points and aimed it at his head they would not have been shot.

Kyle did not 'confront' anyone - the confrontation was forced upon him.

Being armed with only a skateboard,, choosing to chase and attack someone armed with an AR-15 loaded with full metal jacket ammo, getting 2 hits in before being shot and killed, makes you an instant 'Darwin Award' winner.

Rule #1...........

Never bring a knife/skateboard to a gun fight.
Good thing he brought that gun? Better thing would have been had he kept his underage ass at home.

I can tell you what would have happened to him. Not a damn thing because boys like him without their piece, stay in the background and would never even consider attempting to confront anyone without a deadly weapon.
He knew he would be in danger because those people were fucking psychos burning shit down and no telling what else.
He defended that town from those fuckers. I can appreciate that.
Plus he killed a kid fucker. Win win
I honestly don't understand how so many people who apparently carry weapons are unable to understand that if you point a gun at someone and they respond to this act with violence, particularly non-deadly violence, then you are unable to claim lawfully self-defense.

In other words, you cannot antagonize someone or draw them into taking a swing at you so that you can shoot them and then turn around and claim self-defense even though we see this being allowed over and over again.

There are currently two cases being tried in which the defendant is claiming self-defense. In the Rittenhouse case, he shouldn't have been armed in the first place due to his age, while in the case of the McMichaels they didn't just initiate the confrontation that led to the shooting, they chased Arbery according to the prosecution for 5 minutes before finally cornering him "like a rat" according to one of the defendants.

View attachment 562793


"Ascertain the four elements required for self-defense.
To successfully claim self-defense, the defendant must prove four elements. First, with exceptions, the defendant must prove that he or she was confronted with an unprovoked attack. Second, the defendant must prove that the threat of injury or death was imminent. Third, the defendant must prove that the degree of force used in self-defense was objectively reasonable under the circumstances. Fourth, the defendant must prove that he or she had an objectively reasonable fear that he or she was going to be injured or killed unless he or she used self-defense. The Model Penal Code defines self-defense in § 3.04(1) as “justifiable when the actor believes that such force is immediately necessary for the purpose of protecting himself against the use of unlawful force by such other person on the present occasion.”


In general, if the defendant initiates an attack against another, the defendant cannot claim self-defense (State v. Williams, 2010). This rule has two exceptions. The defendant can be the initial aggressor and still raise a self-defense claim if the attacked individual responds with excessive force under the circumstances, or if the defendant withdraws from the attack and the attacked individual persists.

Excessive Force Exception

In some jurisdictions, an individual cannot respond to the defendant’s attack using excessive force under the circumstances (State v. Belgard, 2010). For example, an individual cannot use deadly force when the defendant initiates an attack using nondeadly force"

Entire article here: 5.2 Self-Defense | Criminal Law
I saw the video where they were attacking him. Goddam you people need to be removed from society.
He knew he would be in danger because those people were fucking psychos burning shit down and no telling what else.
He defended that town from those fuckers. I can appreciate that.
Plus he killed a kid fucker. Win win
His life wouldn't have been in danger if he had not intentionally placed himself into a volatile and potentially dangerous situation, in violation of the law I might add.

When you start making exceptions for one person, others will expect exceptions made for them as well. That happened here in Washington state where a guy on death row appealed his sentence citing that he had "only" killed one person and the state was trying to put him to death while Gary Ridgeway, the Green River killer had killed more than 60 people and the state gave him life without the possibility of parole on a plea deal.

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