Opening the way for minor consent.

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent by allowing the child to give consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.


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View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.
If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Where did I say I wouldn't give consent for the vaccination if I know its safe?


If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.
View attachment 420853

Where did I say I wouldn't give consent for the vaccination if I know its safe?



I'll let you know if it kills me. Good luck to ya.
If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.
View attachment 420853

Where did I say I wouldn't give consent for the vaccination if I know its safe?



I'll let you know if it kills me. Good luck to ya.


Oh no!!! You wanted to make accusations let's talk.


View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Have you have watched someone die from Cervical Cancer? I have. My mother died from it. It's a very slow, untreatable disease that kill and it takes years to do it. In the end, it's going to be a very painful few months before death.

HPV Vaccine stops Cervical Cancer dead in it's tracks as long as the person receives it as a teen. Are you aware that there is a large group of parents(?) that refuse that vaccine to their children even when there is history of Cervical Cancer in their family? After a certain age, the vaccine is worthless. What these parents(?) are doing is condemning some of their female children to this type of death in their later years. The Medical Community test to make sure that the vaccine is safe to use before it administers it so the likelyhood of a backlash is almost zero. Yet there a lot of kids not receiving the vaccine.

It isn't just Covid that GA is looking at, it's other life saving vaccines. And I'll bet not one of those parents that refuse to allow their kids to get the HPV Vaccine don't tell their kids that someday they may die one of the most horrid deaths every devised.
If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.
View attachment 420853

Where did I say I wouldn't give consent for the vaccination if I know its safe?



I'll let you know if it kills me. Good luck to ya.

View attachment 420859

Oh no!!! You wanted to make accusations let's talk.



I'm relatively old. Seen Alice hung, beheaded and having sex with a tooth. back when I think he was sponsored by Budwieser. Very cool back in the early 70s, of course I was pretty wasted at these events. o_O
View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Be sure and "elbow" your way to the front of the line so you can get your vaccine for a bio-weapon. Don't worry, fret or become full of indignant anger because I and many others will never acquiesce and why should you be? After all, you dropped trou, bent over and took the are "protected" and don't be alarmed when you feel pressure against your anus when a globalist dick is shoved's probably part of the procedure.

Seriously, it is stupid fucks like you that causes me to never give a flying fuck if a global killing asteroid was hurling towards earth at break-necking speed. Perhaps there needs to be a "do over". I swear by all that is holy that if "da gubermint" told some of you stupid fucks that you could protect your health by digging up your mom and/or dad and "skull fucking" them? Vaseline, shovels and chisels would be as scarce as toilet paper was in February...... SMH.
View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Have you have watched someone die from Cervical Cancer? I have. My mother died from it. It's a very slow, untreatable disease that kill and it takes years to do it. In the end, it's going to be a very painful few months before death.

HPV Vaccine stops Cervical Cancer dead in it's tracks as long as the person receives it as a teen. Are you aware that there is a large group of parents(?) that refuse that vaccine to their children even when there is history of Cervical Cancer in their family? After a certain age, the vaccine is worthless. What these parents(?) are doing is condemning some of their female children to this type of death in their later years. The Medical Community test to make sure that the vaccine is safe to use before it administers it so the likelyhood of a backlash is almost zero. Yet there a lot of kids not receiving the vaccine.

It isn't just Covid that GA is looking at, it's other life saving vaccines. And I'll bet not one of those parents that refuse to allow their kids to get the HPV Vaccine don't tell their kids that someday they may die one of the most horrid deaths every devised.

The parents that wish to have their children vaccinated are free to do so.

Is the CDC, FDA, and other agencies, absolutely certain about the long term effects of the vaccines they've rushed through?

The answer is NO!!! They also assured us that the birth control pill was a harmless drug. Look what happened twenty years later. How many other drugs and other solutions have the health industry pushed on the American people by having the government approve them to find out later that they had long term side effects that were worse than the original problem?

If it takes three to five generations to prove the vaccination doesn't have harmful effects when the death rate is less than the possible consequences of the long term effects I'll take the side of caution even if it means horrible deaths continue.


View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Have you have watched someone die from Cervical Cancer? I have. My mother died from it. It's a very slow, untreatable disease that kill and it takes years to do it. In the end, it's going to be a very painful few months before death.

HPV Vaccine stops Cervical Cancer dead in it's tracks as long as the person receives it as a teen. Are you aware that there is a large group of parents(?) that refuse that vaccine to their children even when there is history of Cervical Cancer in their family? After a certain age, the vaccine is worthless. What these parents(?) are doing is condemning some of their female children to this type of death in their later years. The Medical Community test to make sure that the vaccine is safe to use before it administers it so the likelyhood of a backlash is almost zero. Yet there a lot of kids not receiving the vaccine.

It isn't just Covid that GA is looking at, it's other life saving vaccines. And I'll bet not one of those parents that refuse to allow their kids to get the HPV Vaccine don't tell their kids that someday they may die one of the most horrid deaths every devised.

Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.
You are one stupid sack of shit. The HPV shot sterilized
View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Have you have watched someone die from Cervical Cancer? I have. My mother died from it. It's a very slow, untreatable disease that kill and it takes years to do it. In the end, it's going to be a very painful few months before death.

HPV Vaccine stops Cervical Cancer dead in it's tracks as long as the person receives it as a teen. Are you aware that there is a large group of parents(?) that refuse that vaccine to their children even when there is history of Cervical Cancer in their family? After a certain age, the vaccine is worthless. What these parents(?) are doing is condemning some of their female children to this type of death in their later years. The Medical Community test to make sure that the vaccine is safe to use before it administers it so the likelyhood of a backlash is almost zero. Yet there a lot of kids not receiving the vaccine.

It isn't just Covid that GA is looking at, it's other life saving vaccines. And I'll bet not one of those parents that refuse to allow their kids to get the HPV Vaccine don't tell their kids that someday they may die one of the most horrid deaths every devised.

STFU, Daryl Klunt, you are no medical expert and the CDC isn't government agency and how fucking dare you even suggest that a vaccine from a company that contributes to the corporate entity that is the CDC like Merck? Ask the poor people in India whose children died because of the (snicker) "generosity" of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Worry about your own span that only dabbled their big toe in the shallow end of the Klunt family gene pool before deciding the water was too cold and you will have all you can handle on that little plate of yours
View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Have you have watched someone die from Cervical Cancer? I have. My mother died from it. It's a very slow, untreatable disease that kill and it takes years to do it. In the end, it's going to be a very painful few months before death.

HPV Vaccine stops Cervical Cancer dead in it's tracks as long as the person receives it as a teen. Are you aware that there is a large group of parents(?) that refuse that vaccine to their children even when there is history of Cervical Cancer in their family? After a certain age, the vaccine is worthless. What these parents(?) are doing is condemning some of their female children to this type of death in their later years. The Medical Community test to make sure that the vaccine is safe to use before it administers it so the likelyhood of a backlash is almost zero. Yet there a lot of kids not receiving the vaccine.

It isn't just Covid that GA is looking at, it's other life saving vaccines. And I'll bet not one of those parents that refuse to allow their kids to get the HPV Vaccine don't tell their kids that someday they may die one of the most horrid deaths every devised.

Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.

Not long ago, I got a shot for Pneumonia along with a yearly flu shot. Some of us have a reaction to the that P shot. My arm ended up hurting like hell, I went through therapy at the VA (didn't do any good) and only time made it better. But the results are, I am much less susceptible to Pneumonia which for my age, P would kill me dead. Sometimes you just have to take the bad to get the good.
Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.


I was always sick for several days after receiving the flu shot each year while in the service. My head always felt fuzzy and it was hard to think clearly.

Haven't had the flu shot since leaving and any time the doctor or nurse asks my first response is...

Can you assure me there is no lead or mercury in the shot?

The answer is always...


My response therefore is "No thank you."




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View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Be sure and "elbow" your way to the front of the line so you can get your vaccine for a bio-weapon. Don't worry, fret or become full of indignant anger because I and many others will never acquiesce and why should you be? After all, you dropped trou, bent over and took the are "protected" and don't be alarmed when you feel pressure against your anus when a globalist dick is shoved's probably part of the procedure.

Seriously, it is stupid fucks like you that causes me to never give a flying fuck if a global killing asteroid was hurling towards earth at break-necking speed. Perhaps there needs to be a "do over". I swear by all that is holy that if "da gubermint" told some of you stupid fucks that you could protect your health by digging up your mom and/or dad and "skull fucking" them? Vaseline, shovels and chisels would be as scarce as toilet paper was in February...... SMH.

Don't know where, how or why you got this fear of vaccines. Wish you and yours the best luck with your physical being and state of mind. I had a flu shot last month. Lifeline is sucking out platelets Wednesday. That is two needles, no waiting, except for the hour, forty five it takes. I am getting the over 65 pneumonia shot first or second week of December. No big deal. I am like really really healthy for my age. You should get a grip. I don't care what you do or don't do as long as I am not required to be around you and I can probably avoid that.
Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.

View attachment 420872

I was always sick for several days after receiving the flu shot each year while in the service. My head always felt fuzzy and it was hard to think clearly.

Haven't had the flu shot since leaving and any time the doctor or nurse asks my first response is...

Can you assure me there is no lead or mercury in the shot?

The answer is always...


My response therefore is "No thank you."



I used to think tha tit was unnecessary for me to get that yearly flu shot. I could get the flu, take care of it and it would be gone in a matter of hours or days at best. Not anymore. I started getting the shots and haven't had the flu since. In fact, all I ever get is a little sniffles, OD on Nyquil and it's gone the next day. I can live with that, and I mean live.
Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.

View attachment 420872

I was always sick for several days after receiving the flu shot each year while in the service. My head always felt fuzzy and it was hard to think clearly.

Haven't had the flu shot since leaving and any time the doctor or nurse asks my first response is...

Can you assure me there is no lead or mercury in the shot?

The answer is always...


My response therefore is "No thank you."



I used to think tha tit was unnecessary for me to get that yearly flu shot. I could get the flu, take care of it and it would be gone in a matter of hours or days at best. Not anymore. I started getting the shots and haven't had the flu since. In fact, all I ever get is a little sniffles, OD on Nyquil and it's gone the next day. I can live with that, and I mean live.


I get the sniffles and make my own antibodies without getting the flu shot.


View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Have you have watched someone die from Cervical Cancer? I have. My mother died from it. It's a very slow, untreatable disease that kill and it takes years to do it. In the end, it's going to be a very painful few months before death.

HPV Vaccine stops Cervical Cancer dead in it's tracks as long as the person receives it as a teen. Are you aware that there is a large group of parents(?) that refuse that vaccine to their children even when there is history of Cervical Cancer in their family? After a certain age, the vaccine is worthless. What these parents(?) are doing is condemning some of their female children to this type of death in their later years. The Medical Community test to make sure that the vaccine is safe to use before it administers it so the likelyhood of a backlash is almost zero. Yet there a lot of kids not receiving the vaccine.

It isn't just Covid that GA is looking at, it's other life saving vaccines. And I'll bet not one of those parents that refuse to allow their kids to get the HPV Vaccine don't tell their kids that someday they may die one of the most horrid deaths every devised.

Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.

Not long ago, I got a shot for Pneumonia along with a yearly flu shot. Some of us have a reaction to the that P shot. My arm ended up hurting like hell, I went through therapy at the VA (didn't do any good) and only time made it better. But the results are, I am much less susceptible to Pneumonia which for my age, P would kill me dead. Sometimes you just have to take the bad to get the good.

I usually don't get F & P shots till December (fresher for the ski season), but my primary care wanted me to get the flue shot early this years, but could not give the Pneumonia shot early. Guess Tri-care pays like a slot machine so another visit is like money in the bank. I just started annual pneumonia shots last year at 65. No reaction, but I was in the gym working out 3 days a week last December so I remember working out some minor soreness afterward. Won't be coming back to you state to ski, this season, as I will not fly until I get the Covid vaccine and at 66 and perfect health, unlikely I will qualify for the early rounds.
Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.

View attachment 420872

I was always sick for several days after receiving the flu shot each year while in the service. My head always felt fuzzy and it was hard to think clearly.

Haven't had the flu shot since leaving and any time the doctor or nurse asks my first response is...

Can you assure me there is no lead or mercury in the shot?

The answer is always...


My response therefore is "No thank you."



I used to think tha tit was unnecessary for me to get that yearly flu shot. I could get the flu, take care of it and it would be gone in a matter of hours or days at best. Not anymore. I started getting the shots and haven't had the flu since. In fact, all I ever get is a little sniffles, OD on Nyquil and it's gone the next day. I can live with that, and I mean live.

View attachment 420875

I get the sniffles and make my own antibodies without getting the flu shot.



The sniffles isn't the Flu. could it be that everyone else around you are getting the flue shots and the virus isn't there for you to catch?
View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Have you have watched someone die from Cervical Cancer? I have. My mother died from it. It's a very slow, untreatable disease that kill and it takes years to do it. In the end, it's going to be a very painful few months before death.

HPV Vaccine stops Cervical Cancer dead in it's tracks as long as the person receives it as a teen. Are you aware that there is a large group of parents(?) that refuse that vaccine to their children even when there is history of Cervical Cancer in their family? After a certain age, the vaccine is worthless. What these parents(?) are doing is condemning some of their female children to this type of death in their later years. The Medical Community test to make sure that the vaccine is safe to use before it administers it so the likelyhood of a backlash is almost zero. Yet there a lot of kids not receiving the vaccine.

It isn't just Covid that GA is looking at, it's other life saving vaccines. And I'll bet not one of those parents that refuse to allow their kids to get the HPV Vaccine don't tell their kids that someday they may die one of the most horrid deaths every devised.

Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.

Not long ago, I got a shot for Pneumonia along with a yearly flu shot. Some of us have a reaction to the that P shot. My arm ended up hurting like hell, I went through therapy at the VA (didn't do any good) and only time made it better. But the results are, I am much less susceptible to Pneumonia which for my age, P would kill me dead. Sometimes you just have to take the bad to get the good.

I usually don't get F & P shots till December (fresher for the ski season), but my primary care wanted me to get the flue shot early this years, but could not give the Pneumonia shot early. Guess Tri-care pays like a slot machine so another visit is like money in the bank. I just started annual pneumonia shots last year at 65. No reaction, but I was in the gym working out 3 days a week last December so I remember working out some minor soreness afterward. Won't be coming back to you state to ski, this season, as I will not fly until I get the Covid vaccine and at 66 and perfect health, unlikely I will qualify for the early rounds.

View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Have you have watched someone die from Cervical Cancer? I have. My mother died from it. It's a very slow, untreatable disease that kill and it takes years to do it. In the end, it's going to be a very painful few months before death.

HPV Vaccine stops Cervical Cancer dead in it's tracks as long as the person receives it as a teen. Are you aware that there is a large group of parents(?) that refuse that vaccine to their children even when there is history of Cervical Cancer in their family? After a certain age, the vaccine is worthless. What these parents(?) are doing is condemning some of their female children to this type of death in their later years. The Medical Community test to make sure that the vaccine is safe to use before it administers it so the likelyhood of a backlash is almost zero. Yet there a lot of kids not receiving the vaccine.

It isn't just Covid that GA is looking at, it's other life saving vaccines. And I'll bet not one of those parents that refuse to allow their kids to get the HPV Vaccine don't tell their kids that someday they may die one of the most horrid deaths every devised.

Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.

Not long ago, I got a shot for Pneumonia along with a yearly flu shot. Some of us have a reaction to the that P shot. My arm ended up hurting like hell, I went through therapy at the VA (didn't do any good) and only time made it better. But the results are, I am much less susceptible to Pneumonia which for my age, P would kill me dead. Sometimes you just have to take the bad to get the good.

I usually don't get F & P shots till December (fresher for the ski season), but my primary care wanted me to get the flue shot early this years, but could not give the Pneumonia shot early. Guess Tri-care pays like a slot machine so another visit is like money in the bank. I just started annual pneumonia shots last year at 65. No reaction, but I was in the gym working out 3 days a week last December so I remember working out some minor soreness afterward. Won't be coming back to you state to ski, this season, as I will not fly until I get the Covid vaccine and at 66 and perfect health, unlikely I will qualify for the early rounds.

66? You are a spring chicken. This spring, I plan on taking a train from here to the DC area. Should get some really good reading in on that trip. I have only been on one train in my life (been under a couple) and everyone should take at least one in their lifetime. The cost of a crowded Plane is about the same as a private room on a train. Okay, better have at least 3 days to kill each way. Bring lots of snacks and the Dining Car and Bar both deliver. And it has WIFI.
View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Have you have watched someone die from Cervical Cancer? I have. My mother died from it. It's a very slow, untreatable disease that kill and it takes years to do it. In the end, it's going to be a very painful few months before death.

HPV Vaccine stops Cervical Cancer dead in it's tracks as long as the person receives it as a teen. Are you aware that there is a large group of parents(?) that refuse that vaccine to their children even when there is history of Cervical Cancer in their family? After a certain age, the vaccine is worthless. What these parents(?) are doing is condemning some of their female children to this type of death in their later years. The Medical Community test to make sure that the vaccine is safe to use before it administers it so the likelyhood of a backlash is almost zero. Yet there a lot of kids not receiving the vaccine.

It isn't just Covid that GA is looking at, it's other life saving vaccines. And I'll bet not one of those parents that refuse to allow their kids to get the HPV Vaccine don't tell their kids that someday they may die one of the most horrid deaths every devised.

Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.

Not long ago, I got a shot for Pneumonia along with a yearly flu shot. Some of us have a reaction to the that P shot. My arm ended up hurting like hell, I went through therapy at the VA (didn't do any good) and only time made it better. But the results are, I am much less susceptible to Pneumonia which for my age, P would kill me dead. Sometimes you just have to take the bad to get the good.

I usually don't get F & P shots till December (fresher for the ski season), but my primary care wanted me to get the flue shot early this years, but could not give the Pneumonia shot early. Guess Tri-care pays like a slot machine so another visit is like money in the bank. I just started annual pneumonia shots last year at 65. No reaction, but I was in the gym working out 3 days a week last December so I remember working out some minor soreness afterward. Won't be coming back to you state to ski, this season, as I will not fly until I get the Covid vaccine and at 66 and perfect health, unlikely I will qualify for the early rounds.

View attachment 420839

So Georgia is attempting to make a bill that allows a young person to receive the vaccinations without parental consent...

How is the parent to know that the child was vaccinated without giving consent themselves?

What if there's an adverse reaction to the vaccination and the parent didn't know the vaccine was introduced into the child's body? Who's at fault?

This is a slippery slope and there's much more to this when the state/government says the child can give consent.

How about their being able to be given consent to vote, buy something on a loan, and how about sex???

Are they mature enough to make the decision to join the military or be drafted also in the governments eyes?

Does a child who might only be ten years of age have the ability to make mature decisions?

I say NO!!! And the government should not have that power or give children that power.



If a kid has never had adverse reactions to vaccines they have already taken, what kind of idiot would not let their kid get vaccinated. I read a post on here tonight about a 19 year old wrestler, who's mother said had no underlying conditions and was in good shape going about his wrestling career that came down with symptoms and was dead 48 hours later. It is unusual but it happens. Election is over. That anti-science stuff is stupid and self defeating.

Have you have watched someone die from Cervical Cancer? I have. My mother died from it. It's a very slow, untreatable disease that kill and it takes years to do it. In the end, it's going to be a very painful few months before death.

HPV Vaccine stops Cervical Cancer dead in it's tracks as long as the person receives it as a teen. Are you aware that there is a large group of parents(?) that refuse that vaccine to their children even when there is history of Cervical Cancer in their family? After a certain age, the vaccine is worthless. What these parents(?) are doing is condemning some of their female children to this type of death in their later years. The Medical Community test to make sure that the vaccine is safe to use before it administers it so the likelyhood of a backlash is almost zero. Yet there a lot of kids not receiving the vaccine.

It isn't just Covid that GA is looking at, it's other life saving vaccines. And I'll bet not one of those parents that refuse to allow their kids to get the HPV Vaccine don't tell their kids that someday they may die one of the most horrid deaths every devised.

Never seen it. Sorry to hear it. Like you, (I imagine), I've been stuck with everything under the sun over the course of a career, and think very little of it, just something else to stand in line for. All my kids (including daughter) had ever shot recommended with no ill effects. I do not understand the vaccine nut balls out there, except for the one with a personal or family history of severe reactions to vaccines. Only one I ever had much of reaction to was the black plague shot, the morning before a 12 hour flight. It sucked to be on a plane load of grown men having various reactions to it. Plane smelled like a vomit comet long, long before we landed, but everybody lived and got over it after landing.

Not long ago, I got a shot for Pneumonia along with a yearly flu shot. Some of us have a reaction to the that P shot. My arm ended up hurting like hell, I went through therapy at the VA (didn't do any good) and only time made it better. But the results are, I am much less susceptible to Pneumonia which for my age, P would kill me dead. Sometimes you just have to take the bad to get the good.

I usually don't get F & P shots till December (fresher for the ski season), but my primary care wanted me to get the flue shot early this years, but could not give the Pneumonia shot early. Guess Tri-care pays like a slot machine so another visit is like money in the bank. I just started annual pneumonia shots last year at 65. No reaction, but I was in the gym working out 3 days a week last December so I remember working out some minor soreness afterward. Won't be coming back to you state to ski, this season, as I will not fly until I get the Covid vaccine and at 66 and perfect health, unlikely I will qualify for the early rounds.

66? You are a spring chicken. This spring, I plan on taking a train from here to the DC area. Should get some really good reading in on that trip. I have only been on one train in my life (been under a couple) and everyone should take at least one in their lifetime. The cost of a crowded Plane is about the same as a private room on a train. Okay, better have at least 3 days to kill each way. Bring lots of snacks and the Dining Car and Bar both deliver. And it has WIFI.

Sound cool. Only train in this country I have been on was the first one across Barkley Dam in Kentucky. Besides that just town to town or town to airport in Europe.

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