Opening day numbers for the NFL are way bad.

So the whites make up three times the number of blacks but are killed at a 2:1 rate.

So do you think the average cop decides whether or not to shoot a suspect based on their behavior or skin color?
What do you think? Both may come into play.

I think its purely actions. I doubt race plays a part.

It just so happens that mostly blacks misbehave with police.
Just like whites.

And Mr. Beale laughs at violence against cops and citizens.
Consider the pent-up demand for football after the worst year in modern history for the USA. If you factor that into the opening day DROP of 16% viewership, that number is far worse than it appears. Did you hear the BOOS when players linked arms at the beginning of the game? Do you understand what those BOOS were saying? No, that wasn't White racists saying we hate Black people. It was true football fans saying "Quit lecturing us and play the FUCKING GAME!!!"
Wasn't last yrs down too .....or was that yr before
I heard you QUIT watching years ago?
True or Not?


Recent Hater of the NFL?

Just be clear dude.
I only watched the playoffs in years past
It’s hard to sit through 4 hrs of game.
Now I am even done with the playoffs and maybe the SB

I have many friends...

No one believes that.

Eat a bag of dicks, moron...
I wouldn't steal dinner from you and your biiiiiig truck, 'tough' dog, and jumbo belt buckle.

That's the best you've got?

You're a sorry little fuck, ain't ya'?

Your jealousy is palpable. You still live in Mommy's basement, and you can't afford nice things like a boat, motorcycle, a camper or a truck to haul them.

You probably drive a Prius, just like little bitches do...

I have many friends...

No one believes that.

Eat a bag of dicks, moron...
I wouldn't steal dinner from you and your biiiiiig truck, 'tough' dog, and jumbo belt buckle.

That's the best you've got?

You're a sorry little fuck, ain't ya'?

Your jealousy is palpable. You still live in Mommy's basement, and you can't afford nice things like a boat, motorcycle, a camper or a truck to haul them.

You probably drive a Prius, just like little bitches do...

Water still cold in the pool, George?
Water still cold in the pool, George?

Water in my pool is a balmy 86 degrees.


So, that flaccid little gherkin is just really, really small? That figures. You might need to go buy a second pit bull, tiny.

Look, you like smokin' dick; we get it. But your fascination with male genitalia is mildly concerning. Maybe that'll change if you're ever lucky enough to have sex with a woman.

And you're still just a pathetic, jealous little shithead...
Water still cold in the pool, George?

Water in my pool is a balmy 86 degrees.


So, that flaccid little gherkin is just really, really small? That figures. You might need to go buy a second pit bull, tiny.

Look, you like smokin' dick; we get it. But your fascination with male genitalia is mildly concerning. Maybe that'll change if you're ever lucky enough to have sex with a woman.

And you're still just a pathetic, jealous little shithead...

Maybe bigger tires for your truck will make you feel better.
Water still cold in the pool, George?

Water in my pool is a balmy 86 degrees.


So, that flaccid little gherkin is just really, really small? That figures. You might need to go buy a second pit bull, tiny.

Look, you like smokin' dick; we get it. But your fascination with male genitalia is mildly concerning. Maybe that'll change if you're ever lucky enough to have sex with a woman.

And you're still just a pathetic, jealous little shithead...

Maybe bigger tires for your truck will make you feel better.

I feel great.

You're the one whining about all the nice things you can't have...
Look at this piece of shit with a rapist plastered on his helmet. What a pathetic caver. No respect. And no NFL for me.
The NFL demonstrations are separating those who understand America from those who don't understand that kneeling demonstrates a love for America and her better self.
The NFL has gone to the point of alienating fans in order to appease negroes.

They will reap what they sow...

LOL - nah. They're just alienating racist douchebags. It's all good.


People want to watch sports. People want to watch football.

These inbred negroes, however, ...

OIC - you actually ARE a racist. That must be horrible for you.

Meh, I would be hard-pressed to give a shit about what some dipshit like you has to say about me.

Funny thing is, I never used to feel like this. But once the coloreds started tearing down and defacing monuments and looting and destroying cities, well, yeah. Fuck them They all need to die.

BLM - Be Like Monkeys

These piece of shit thugs are animals. When one of them gets killed, I smile. Remember those two idiot twats who got hit by the car on I-5 in Seattle? And the one died? That was a GREAT day! Could've been twice as good, though, had they both bought the farm.

When negroes threaten to come into whites neighborhoods to take what they want, and what they think they deserve, they're going to be met by good Americans, white and black alike, who've had it with their bullshit, and who will defend what is theirs with extreme violence if need be.

These little cockroaches need to be eradicated...
This last sentence of yours describes the NFL owners to a tee.Lol

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