Open season on our elections

So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
The dumb bitch did more than accept such “intel”... she paid a foreign entity to manufacture some. Fuck off off you hypocritical twat.

"She", her Campaign, paid a law firm to do research, liar.
She laundered Money to Russia to ask Putin to help her Defeat The ORANGE MENACE!


Dopey memes don't cover for your obvious failings.
1st post
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
The dumb bitch did more than accept such “intel”... she paid a foreign entity to manufacture some. Fuck off off you hypocritical twat.

"She", her Campaign, paid a law firm to do research, liar.
Money laundering.

Not money laundering, dope.

Money laundering is cleaning ill gotten money by running it through legitimate businesses.
Not necessarily "ill gotten," but illegitimate money, and paying Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump is definitely illegitimate.

Not illegitimate either, dope. Fusion GPS and Orbis are real, legitimate businesses. No one did anything wrong.
Trump admits he'd take info from foreign countries to help him win elections Now, did he take help, the dirt, from Russia ?? No morals No ethics The man is a walking slime bag Defends son for not calling fbi on russian meeting

Trump says he would accept dirt on political rivals from foreign governments - CNNPolitics

American Presidents of both parties have interfered in the elections and politics of foreign nations for decades. If they can do it, why can’t tgise nations reciprocate?

Besides, All’s Fair in Live and War... and Politics is the ultimate form of Warfare.

If you are ok with a foreign government interfering with democracy in the USA and a president specifically attempting to stop a federal investigation into that, that is you.

As an American I would like Americans to influence our elections, not Russians. But that's me. I can see how Russians against America would see things differently.
If you are ok with a foreign government interfering with democracy in the USA and a president specifically attempting to stop a federal investigation into that, that is you.

As an American I would like Americans to influence our elections, not Russians. But that's me. I can see how Russians against America would see things differently.

I’m an Ultra-Conservative Authoritarian, democracy means nothing to me and the more foreigners interfere, the easier it is to push for the Nationalist and Isolationist policies I believe in.
If you are ok with a foreign government interfering with democracy in the USA and a president specifically attempting to stop a federal investigation into that, that is you.

As an American I would like Americans to influence our elections, not Russians. But that's me. I can see how Russians against America would see things differently.

I’m an Ultra-Conservative Authoritarian, democracy means nothing to me and the more foreigners interfere, the easier it is to push for the Nationalist and Isolationist policies I believe in.

If that's why you oppose democracy that's on you.
5th post
If that's why you oppose democracy that's on you.

I oppose Democracy for two reasons:

1. I believe in only two concepts... Right and Wrong. They were determined thousands of years ago by the first human civilizations and are not male able.

2. I deal with human beings constantly and see how incapable they are of making the Right decision or doing the Right thing.

Therefore the vast majority of human beings should not be allowed to make any level of meaningful decision for themselves.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.

So sad that every conservative here fails to grasp what the Election Commission Chair said yesterday: It is illegal to get information from a foreign government.

I love that she prefaced her statement by saying “I can’t believe I have to say this”.

That conservatives are saying information isn’t a thing of value is like Clinton saying a blow job isn’t sex.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.

So sad that every conservative here fails to grasp what the Election Commission Chair said yesterday: It is illegal to get information from a foreign government.

I love that she prefaced her statement by saying “I can’t believe I have to say this”.

That conservatives are saying information isn’t a thing of value is like Clinton saying a blow job isn’t sex.

Yep, interesting you bring up one Clinton but not the other Clinton that actually paid for information from a foreign government.
Nothing was "laundered" or hidden. Fusion GPS is an American company and Orbis was a Brithish company. They aren't criminal enterprises, dope.

If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
If these outfits are MAKING UP LIES in a dossier to get a fake FISA warrant, they are indeed criminal enterprises.

Remember, INNOCENT Americans like Carter Page were spied on by liberal operatives. And that's a crime
Why do you feel the need to mischaracterize all of this?

Nothing in the dossier has been proven to be "lies" or "made up", liar.

Sure it has, the dossier has Mike Cohen in Prague, something which has never been demonstrated. And where are the DNA blotches from the allegedly ruined mattresses?

I bet Lefty forgot about DNA. If there was one thing The Trump Hating Comey Clan could have did, it was verify DNA from Trump and the two hookers.

My guess is that Hillary just refashioned a story from one of her and Bill's Bisexual Orgies on The Lolita Express, and just inserted Trump's name in to it.

Maybe Trump's DNA is on Adam Schiff's Face. Maybe that is the evidence Adam Schiff was talking about that he still has yet to produce.

I hope he gets hit by a Trump Campaign Bus in 2020.
There is nothing to validate: no booking, no witnesses, not even the names of the prostitutes.

There was a girl who claimed she had tapes but she ran for her life, and the Russians caught her and took her back to Russia.

She hasn't talked to the press since.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.

So sad that every conservative here fails to grasp what the Election Commission Chair said yesterday: It is illegal to get information from a foreign government.

I love that she prefaced her statement by saying “I can’t believe I have to say this”.

That conservatives are saying information isn’t a thing of value is like Clinton saying a blow job isn’t sex.

Yep, interesting you bring up one Clinton but not the other Clinton that actually paid for information from a foreign government.

When you get a gift of information from a foreign government, because you KNOW that Trump doesn't like to pay for anything, but when an enemy gives you a big gift, like helping you win the election, and you gratefully accept that gift and say "Keep 'em coming", at some point they're going to expect you to return the favour. Maybe pick a fight with your NATO partners, or remove sanctions which are harming you're benefactor's economy, or pull your troops out of Syria.

Clinton PAID for information and she didn't know who was getting it or where it was coming from. What hold do the Russians have on her? The Russians gave information to Christopher Steele. They didn't know who he was working for, because HE was working for Fusion GPS.

That you see no difference between these two methods shows how easily YOU can be fooled. Have complex scenarios always confused you?
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.

So sad that every conservative here fails to grasp what the Election Commission Chair said yesterday: It is illegal to get information from a foreign government.

I love that she prefaced her statement by saying “I can’t believe I have to say this”.

That conservatives are saying information isn’t a thing of value is like Clinton saying a blow job isn’t sex.

Yep, interesting you bring up one Clinton but not the other Clinton that actually paid for information from a foreign government.

When you get a gift of information from a foreign government, because you KNOW that Trump doesn't like to pay for anything, but when an enemy gives you a big gift, like helping you win the election, and you gratefully accept that gift and say "Keep 'em coming", at some point they're going to expect you to return the favour. Maybe pick a fight with your NATO partners, or remove sanctions which are harming you're benefactor's economy, or pull your troops out of Syria.

Clinton PAID for information and she didn't know who was getting it or where it was coming from. What hold do the Russians have on her? The Russians gave information to Christopher Steele. They didn't know who he was working for, because HE was working for Fusion GPS.

That you see no difference between these two methods shows how easily YOU can be fooled. Have complex scenarios always confused you?

No kidding, didn't realize ignorance was a viable defense these days. So, what "gift" did Trump receive?
our electorate should be educated enough to understand our Constitution.

They don't teach civics in school any more.

Jesse Jackson leads college students in chants "hey ho hey ho western civ has got to go".

The classics and the Constitution aren't studied in government school in favor of indigenous literature and history books from a marxist point of view.
our electorate should be educated enough to understand our Constitution.

They don't teach civics in school any more.

Jesse Jackson leads college students in chants "hey ho hey ho western civ has got to go".

The classics and the Constitution aren't studied in government school in favor of indigenous literature and history books from a marxist point of view.
it should be a requirement because we may have to quibble about our form of social-ism.
15th post
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.

Actually, the wording is "anything of value", and if opposition research can help you win an election, it is considered to be something of value. It's not illegal to get it from American sources, but to accept something like that from foreign governments is a no no.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.

Actually, the wording is "anything of value", and if opposition research can help you win an election, it is considered to be something of value. It's not illegal to get it from American sources, but to accept something like that from foreign governments is a no no.

Actually, no. Per Mueller's own report, NO judicial decision has been rendered on the "value" of opposition research. So according to Dims, if a foreign government has ironclad proof of wrongdoing by a candidate, it should be ignored. Got it.
Actually, no. Per Mueller's own report, NO judicial decision has been rendered on the "value" of opposition research. So according to Dims, if a foreign government has ironclad proof of wrongdoing by a candidate, it should be ignored. Got it.

Not quite. No judicial decision had been rendered, so Mueller, that treated the uncompensated provision of oppo research as a donation of a thing of value . That doesn't mean there is no value to that research, or that this value would be eminently difficult to determine.

How on earth did you arrive that that demented conclusion that proof of wrongdoing should be ignored? What labyrinthine pretzel led up to it? Really, I'd like to know how it's even possible to get lost in the woodwork in such a manner. Of course, if there is "ironclad proof" of wrongdoing by a candidate, you'd hand it over to the FBI. Would that, eventually, remind you of something? Namely, how folks of integrity handle such a matter?

BTW, and just in case your reading comprehension deficit struck again, Steele's reports are not "ironclad proof" of wrongdoing - they're raw intelligence, at best an informational basis for the start of an investigation.
If that's why you oppose democracy that's on you.

I oppose Democracy for two reasons:

1. I believe in only two concepts... Right and Wrong. They were determined thousands of years ago by the first human civilizations and are not male able.

2. I deal with human beings constantly and see how incapable they are of making the Right decision or doing the Right thing.

Therefore the vast majority of human beings should not be allowed to make any level of meaningful decision for themselves.

I call that species Liberals

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