Open season on our elections

The DNC did NOT go directly to the Ukrainian government. The woman who approached the Ukraines didn't work for either the DNC or the Clinton Campaign.

A bit early for hitting the pipe, isn't it? She worked for the DNC. I saw your alleged distinction yesterday that she was a 1099 versus W2 employee. That doesn't pass the laugh test.
the information on Manafort that the woman got from an employee that worked for the Ukraine Embassy was PUBLIC INFORMATION from a case that anyone, absolutely anyone, could have gotten. It was not some secret document that the Ukranian government sought out or stole to supply the Clinton campaign with help only the intel agencies or higher up government had available to them.


The Ukrainian government was not needed to get the information on Manafort, the Embassy employee was not needed to get the Manafort information, they did not hold anything secret over Clinton's head and expect some secret favor in return, down the road.

UNLIKE the Russian government's systemic help with getting Trump elected....
Russia only helped Clinton and that is a fact. Or do you conveniently forget The "Not My President" and Pussy Hat Marches?

Otherwise there would not have been a Dirty Russian Dossier paid for by Obama Bin Lying and UberCunt Hillary Von Cankles McPutin.

Then you get to are an amateur.....anything he did, was done for Clinton, Obama, and The Podesta Group in conjuntion with Joe Biden's Work in The Ukraine.

Like, how do you fail on a fail, fall down on top of a fail and then you can't get up?

Russia didn't help Clinton. In fact they did the opposite and Putin admitted at the Press Conference in Helsinki that he wanted Trump to be President.
The DNC did NOT go directly to the Ukrainian government. The woman who approached the Ukraines didn't work for either the DNC or the Clinton Campaign.

A bit early for hitting the pipe, isn't it? She worked for the DNC. I saw your alleged distinction yesterday that she was a 1099 versus W2 employee. That doesn't pass the laugh test.
the information on Manafort that the woman got from an employee that worked for the Ukraine Embassy was PUBLIC INFORMATION from a case that anyone, absolutely anyone, could have gotten. It was not some secret document that the Ukranian government sought out or stole to supply the Clinton campaign with help only the intel agencies or higher up government had available to them.


The Ukrainian government was not needed to get the information on Manafort, the Embassy employee was not needed to get the Manafort information, they did not hold anything secret over Clinton's head and expect some secret favor in return, down the road.

UNLIKE the Russian government's systemic help with getting Trump elected....
Russia only helped Clinton and that is a fact. Or do you conveniently forget The "Not My President" and Pussy Hat Marches?

Otherwise there would not have been a Dirty Russian Dossier paid for by Obama Bin Lying and UberCunt Hillary Von Cankles McPutin.

Then you get to are an amateur.....anything he did, was done for Clinton, Obama, and The Podesta Group in conjuntion with Joe Biden's Work in The Ukraine.

Like, how do you fail on a fail, fall down on top of a fail and then you can't get up?

Russia didn't help Clinton. In fact they did the opposite and Putin admitted at the Press Conference in Helsinki that he wanted Trump to be President.
Two Russian espionage agents helped Clinton, shit for brains. Russia also paid Slick $500,000 to do a speech. Plus there are all the Russian "contributions" to CGI.
The DNC did NOT go directly to the Ukrainian government. The woman who approached the Ukraines didn't work for either the DNC or the Clinton Campaign.

A bit early for hitting the pipe, isn't it? She worked for the DNC. I saw your alleged distinction yesterday that she was a 1099 versus W2 employee. That doesn't pass the laugh test.
the information on Manafort that the woman got from an employee that worked for the Ukraine Embassy was PUBLIC INFORMATION from a case that anyone, absolutely anyone, could have gotten. It was not some secret document that the Ukranian government sought out or stole to supply the Clinton campaign with help only the intel agencies or higher up government had available to them.


The Ukrainian government was not needed to get the information on Manafort, the Embassy employee was not needed to get the Manafort information, they did not hold anything secret over Clinton's head and expect some secret favor in return, down the road.

UNLIKE the Russian government's systemic help with getting Trump elected....
Russia only helped Clinton and that is a fact. Or do you conveniently forget The "Not My President" and Pussy Hat Marches?

Otherwise there would not have been a Dirty Russian Dossier paid for by Obama Bin Lying and UberCunt Hillary Von Cankles McPutin.

Then you get to are an amateur.....anything he did, was done for Clinton, Obama, and The Podesta Group in conjuntion with Joe Biden's Work in The Ukraine.

Like, how do you fail on a fail, fall down on top of a fail and then you can't get up?

Russia didn't help Clinton. In fact they did the opposite and Putin admitted at the Press Conference in Helsinki that he wanted Trump to be President.
And Putin also said, he directed his people to support Trump, in that same press conference.... if memory serves me.
The DNC did NOT go directly to the Ukrainian government. The woman who approached the Ukraines didn't work for either the DNC or the Clinton Campaign.

A bit early for hitting the pipe, isn't it? She worked for the DNC. I saw your alleged distinction yesterday that she was a 1099 versus W2 employee. That doesn't pass the laugh test.
the information on Manafort that the woman got from an employee that worked for the Ukraine Embassy was PUBLIC INFORMATION from a case that anyone, absolutely anyone, could have gotten. It was not some secret document that the Ukranian government sought out or stole to supply the Clinton campaign with help only the intel agencies or higher up government had available to them.


The Ukrainian government was not needed to get the information on Manafort, the Embassy employee was not needed to get the Manafort information, they did not hold anything secret over Clinton's head and expect some secret favor in return, down the road.

UNLIKE the Russian government's systemic help with getting Trump elected....
Russia only helped Clinton and that is a fact. Or do you conveniently forget The "Not My President" and Pussy Hat Marches?

Otherwise there would not have been a Dirty Russian Dossier paid for by Obama Bin Lying and UberCunt Hillary Von Cankles McPutin.

Then you get to are an amateur.....anything he did, was done for Clinton, Obama, and The Podesta Group in conjuntion with Joe Biden's Work in The Ukraine.

Like, how do you fail on a fail, fall down on top of a fail and then you can't get up?

Russia didn't help Clinton. In fact they did the opposite and Putin admitted at the Press Conference in Helsinki that he wanted Trump to be President.
And Putin also said, he directed his people to support Trump, in that same press conference.... if memory serves me.
The DNC did NOT go directly to the Ukrainian government. The woman who approached the Ukraines didn't work for either the DNC or the Clinton Campaign.

A bit early for hitting the pipe, isn't it? She worked for the DNC. I saw your alleged distinction yesterday that she was a 1099 versus W2 employee. That doesn't pass the laugh test.
the information on Manafort that the woman got from an employee that worked for the Ukraine Embassy was PUBLIC INFORMATION from a case that anyone, absolutely anyone, could have gotten. It was not some secret document that the Ukranian government sought out or stole to supply the Clinton campaign with help only the intel agencies or higher up government had available to them.


The Ukrainian government was not needed to get the information on Manafort, the Embassy employee was not needed to get the Manafort information, they did not hold anything secret over Clinton's head and expect some secret favor in return, down the road.

I frankly don't care if it was the Kiev phone books. She reached out the Ukranian gvt to get dirt on Manafort. Democrats and the media are birthing kittens at Trump's suggestion that he listen to foreigners if they has opposition research. The hypocrisy can't get much more rank.

UNLIKE the Russian government's systemic help with getting Trump elected....
You funny
Then you clearly do not understand the Law, and the purpose for why it is there, why it is a law.

that's your problem, not mine. :beer:
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
The dumb bitch did more than accept such “intel”... she paid a foreign entity to manufacture some. Fuck off off you hypocritical twat.

"She", her Campaign, paid a law firm to do research, liar.
Money laundering.

Not money laundering, dope.

Money laundering is cleaning ill gotten money by running it through legitimate businesses.
Trump admits he'd take info from foreign countries to help him win elections Now, did he take help, the dirt, from Russia ?? No morals No ethics The man is a walking slime bag Defends son for not calling fbi on russian meeting

Trump says he would accept dirt on political rivals from foreign governments - CNNPolitics


verb (used without object), muck·raked, muck·rak·ing.
to search for and expose real or alleged corruption, scandal, or thelike, especially in politics.
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
The dumb bitch did more than accept such “intel”... she paid a foreign entity to manufacture some. Fuck off off you hypocritical twat.

"She", her Campaign, paid a law firm to do research, liar.
Money laundering.
Clinton Cash Baby

$1.5 Billion to Buy The White House.

Credit Declined


Q. Are you so out of touch with humanity, you need to spend your time trying to get attention by posting hateful and outrageous threads.

You're not alone, and you sure seem to be in league with Mindful and Bripat - also a bit beyond the fringe.
To listen is to accept information given to a campaign by a foreign entity. Information is valuable, knowledge is power.
It's not illegal. It's protected by the First Amendment. Only a Stalinist douche would claim you aren't allowed to listen to certain people talk.

"Loose lips sink ships" This is your goal, isn't it?

What do foreign countries giving information to American politicians have to do with your lame WW II mantra?

I really do pity you, concrete thinking limits your ability to reason. Have someone explain to you what an abstraction is, and how it is an effective tool in making a point.

You are too stupid to understand that your analogy doesn't fit. Hillary is the one who gave away government secrets, not Trump, you dumb asshole.

LOL I really do pity you. Some day you'll learn to stop digging.
Trump admits he'd take info from foreign countries to help him win elections Now, did he take help, the dirt, from Russia ?? No morals No ethics The man is a walking slime bag Defends son for not calling fbi on russian meeting

Trump says he would accept dirt on political rivals from foreign governments - CNNPolitics

American Presidents of both parties have interfered in the elections and politics of foreign nations for decades. If they can do it, why can’t tgise nations reciprocate?

Besides, All’s Fair in Live and War... and Politics is the ultimate form of Warfare.
Trump admits he'd take info from foreign countries to help him win elections Now, did he take help, the dirt, from Russia ?? No morals No ethics The man is a walking slime bag Defends son for not calling fbi on russian meeting

Trump says he would accept dirt on political rivals from foreign governments - CNNPolitics

American Presidents of both parties have interfered in the elections and politics of foreign nations for decades. If they can do it, why can’t tgise nations reciprocate?

Besides, All’s Fair in Live and War... and Politics is the ultimate form of Warfare.


You've never seen the bi-product of war:

American Presidents of both parties have interfered in the elections and politics of foreign nations for decades. If they can do it, why can’t tgise nations reciprocate?

Aw, but they can reciprocate. That doesn't prevent the U.S. from safeguarding her elections against interference, and to punish those citizens who - like Trump and his minions - would assist a foreign nation in their designs.
You've never seen the bi-product of war:
Let's assume they use "war" metaphorically. The byproduct of this war is the Republicans losing their last shred of integrity, and any concern about the experiment in enlightened self-government they may once have had. They would not have stopped screeching to this day had President Obama won with a little assist from Putin in 2008. Today, not one on here finds anything wrong with that, and among federal lawmakers it's Amash - a nitwit who otherwise shouldn't be elected to a village's school board. Body bags are bad. A major party losing it completely... that's a clear and present danger to the Republic.
It's not illegal. It's protected by the First Amendment. Only a Stalinist douche would claim you aren't allowed to listen to certain people talk.

"Loose lips sink ships" This is your goal, isn't it?

What do foreign countries giving information to American politicians have to do with your lame WW II mantra?

I really do pity you, concrete thinking limits your ability to reason. Have someone explain to you what an abstraction is, and how it is an effective tool in making a point.

You are too stupid to understand that your analogy doesn't fit. Hillary is the one who gave away government secrets, not Trump, you dumb asshole.

LOL I really do pity you. Some day you'll learn to stop digging.
American Presidents of both parties have interfered in the elections and politics of foreign nations for decades. If they can do it, why can’t tgise nations reciprocate?

Aw, but they can reciprocate. That doesn't prevent the U.S. from safeguarding her elections against interference, and to punish those citizens who - like Trump and his minions - would assist a foreign nation in their designs.
How did Trump "assist a foreign nation in their [sic] designs?"
So funny that every leftard here can't grasp the simple concept that information is not a monetary contribution. Thus it is not illegal to accept it. I believe their term in 2016 was "opposition research". Every politician in Washington or anywhere else would take any information they could get on their opponent. But the meltdowns here are becoming epic.
BULL SHIT If that was Hillary in the WH saying she'd accept help from foreign countries republican AH's would string her up
The dumb bitch did more than accept such “intel”... she paid a foreign entity to manufacture some. Fuck off off you hypocritical twat.

"She", her Campaign, paid a law firm to do research, liar.
Money laundering.

Not money laundering, dope.

Money laundering is cleaning ill gotten money by running it through legitimate businesses.
Not necessarily "ill gotten," but illegitimate money, and paying Russian spies to dig up dirt on Trump is definitely illegitimate.
Aw, but they can reciprocate. That doesn't prevent the U.S. from safeguarding her elections against interference, and to punish those citizens who - like Trump and his minions - would assist a foreign nation in their designs.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again...

There is no level of act thst I believe to be criminal when the motive behind it is keeping Libs, Democrats and Progressives out of political office and other decision making positions.
Nowhere does the link say they tried to hide anything, dope.
Dope? Really? Is that you're level of discourse?

The campaign and party "routed the money through the law firm Perkins Coie and described the purpose as 'legal services' on their FEC reports rather than research," the CLC said online in announcing the complaint. "By law, campaign and party committees must disclose the reason money is spent and its recipient."

Opposition research is not legal services and by including it the $5 million she paid to Perkins Coie and describing it as "legal services" she's hiding it.

That's from two years ago anyway. Where are we with that "investigation" now?

Still pending.

You need to learn how to quote properly, dope. You've attributed quotes to me that I did not make.

From your link.....

Hillary Clinton campaign lied about the golden shower dossier, watchdog alleges

"Wednesday night, the DNC supplied a response from Graham Wilson, a partner at Perkins Coie, which said both the campaign and party complied with the law.

“This research work was to support the provision of legal services, and payments made by vendors to sub-vendors are not required to be disclosed in circumstances like this," Wilson said. "This complaint fails to even note the Federal Election Commission's affirmation in 2013 of the relevant rule, notes no authority to the contrary, and is patently baseless."

Tell us what the FEC has said about this or is investigating, dope.

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