Op Ed: The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Another fine example of the constant erosion of virtue in society, brought to us by the usual suspects who seem to have a great distaste for naturalism and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


"As a parent and a leftist, I find this assault on parents and nuclear families to be the height of self-serving and self-defeating intellectual masturbation.

A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

He followed that belch into the woke echo chamber with this equally odious one: “There are things you can try to do to minimize the abuse that’s endemic to the parent/child relationship, but it’s always there.”

Sadly, Berlatsky’s buffoonery is not an outlier, as this anti-family mindset is rampant among the woke left. Examples of this absurd agenda being aggressively pushed abound.

Black Lives Matter, the standard bearer for woke, fact-free, emotion-fueled idiocy in 2020, and which has garnered establishment support and millions in corporate donations, not only declare that they want to “abolish police,” but also “abolish the family.”

Flagship left-wing publications like the Nation, Vice, and Jacobin have all in recent months and years dedicated time and energy to the malignant anti-family cause.

In addition, Sophie Lewis, a self-described “feminist thinker,” which she proves is an oxymoron, has made a name for herself attacking the nuclear family in her book ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against the Family’.

Lewis, an Oxford-educated bulls**t artist, uses pretentious language and provocative statements to camouflage her laughably pubescent arguments.''

An example of Lewis’ utopianist jackassery is found in her article, ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, where her “logical” approach to combat the virus is revealed as, “Free all prisoners and detainees now… and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can… pursue laziness for at least the next decade.”

Lewis likes tilting at windmills as evidenced by her desire to “denaturalize the mother-child bond” and to promote “the idea that babies belong to anyone – the idea that the product of gestational labor gets transferred as property to a set of people.”

Lewis further reveals her intellectual obtuseness and foolish anti-family fanaticism by declaring, “even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us… It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’”

Individuals? Perish the thought!

Continued - The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum
A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”
Is Berlatsky a black guy?

Maybe chinese or Eskimo?
Another fine example of the constant erosion of virtue in society, brought to us by the usual suspects who seem to have a great distaste for naturalism and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


"As a parent and a leftist, I find this assault on parents and nuclear families to be the height of self-serving and self-defeating intellectual masturbation.

A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

He followed that belch into the woke echo chamber with this equally odious one: “There are things you can try to do to minimize the abuse that’s endemic to the parent/child relationship, but it’s always there.”

Sadly, Berlatsky’s buffoonery is not an outlier, as this anti-family mindset is rampant among the woke left. Examples of this absurd agenda being aggressively pushed abound.

Black Lives Matter, the standard bearer for woke, fact-free, emotion-fueled idiocy in 2020, and which has garnered establishment support and millions in corporate donations, not only declare that they want to “abolish police,” but also “abolish the family.”

Flagship left-wing publications like the Nation, Vice, and Jacobin have all in recent months and years dedicated time and energy to the malignant anti-family cause.

In addition, Sophie Lewis, a self-described “feminist thinker,” which she proves is an oxymoron, has made a name for herself attacking the nuclear family in her book ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against the Family’.

Lewis, an Oxford-educated bulls**t artist, uses pretentious language and provocative statements to camouflage her laughably pubescent arguments.''

An example of Lewis’ utopianist jackassery is found in her article, ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, where her “logical” approach to combat the virus is revealed as, “Free all prisoners and detainees now… and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can… pursue laziness for at least the next decade.”

Lewis likes tilting at windmills as evidenced by her desire to “denaturalize the mother-child bond” and to promote “the idea that babies belong to anyone – the idea that the product of gestational labor gets transferred as property to a set of people.”

Lewis further reveals her intellectual obtuseness and foolish anti-family fanaticism by declaring, “even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us… It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’”

Individuals? Perish the thought!

Continued - The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum
That is what they said about us kids in the 1970's. They described us as parent hating, Satan worshipping rock-n-roll sex maniacs, long haired hippie freaks who never worked or bathed along with the attempt to also claim since we smoked weed we got the munchies and ate our babies(don't forget how we were ruined by watching TV)......True story...This type of generational gap fuckery is still going on and it is stupid...

You will get farther when you try not to demonize everyone not like yous..I have kids aged 36 to 18 and what you state in the OP is all gender/age gap bullshit..
Is Berlatsky a black guy?

Maybe chinese or Eskimo?

I imagine likely the product of helicopter parenting. Helicoptered kids grow up to be the worst narcissistic little Marxists who often have enraged moments of outburst when their sense of entitlement isn't placated to their satisfaction. They tend to have a very strong need for centrality that has been instilled in them and they expect that it should always be that way for them in life, everyone elses pursuit of happiness be damned. They hate the very notion of the family unit because they know that they are the sour fruit from a fractured one. But it's what they're used to and so they expect everyone else to placate them when they reach adulthood.

I often believe that so many of the so-called 'woke' who are causing so much turmoil in society today are products of the phenomenon. It's a fairly recent phenomenon, having largely evolved in a modern world of convenience. I think a lot of it actually started back in the 80s when they opened up the flood gates to specifically target chidren in advertising. Everything became I want, I want, I want and waaaa, I'm gonna start tearing shit up if I don't get it. And by golly, they got it. Now they're adults and we see they're tearing up and burning down entire cities when their sense of entitlement isn't met to their approval.

They simply cannot cope in a family unit or society itself as an Individual and end up being a problem for everyone around them. It's why they have such a problem with the very concept of Individualism and self-sufficiency, in my view.

These are generally the people who are perfectly content to lobby for everyone to be locked down so they can sit home in the basement and get paid while mom continues to cook their meals and do their laundry, having never achieved the capacity or eve nthe desire to survive on their own within normal society.

More on that here - Why Children of Overprotective Parents Are Slated to Fail in Life

That's a very well-written paper, btw. Rather spot-on.
Last edited:
Another fine example of the constant erosion of virtue in society, brought to us by the usual suspects who seem to have a great distaste for naturalism and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


"As a parent and a leftist, I find this assault on parents and nuclear families to be the height of self-serving and self-defeating intellectual masturbation.

A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

He followed that belch into the woke echo chamber with this equally odious one: “There are things you can try to do to minimize the abuse that’s endemic to the parent/child relationship, but it’s always there.”

Sadly, Berlatsky’s buffoonery is not an outlier, as this anti-family mindset is rampant among the woke left. Examples of this absurd agenda being aggressively pushed abound.

Black Lives Matter, the standard bearer for woke, fact-free, emotion-fueled idiocy in 2020, and which has garnered establishment support and millions in corporate donations, not only declare that they want to “abolish police,” but also “abolish the family.”

Flagship left-wing publications like the Nation, Vice, and Jacobin have all in recent months and years dedicated time and energy to the malignant anti-family cause.

In addition, Sophie Lewis, a self-described “feminist thinker,” which she proves is an oxymoron, has made a name for herself attacking the nuclear family in her book ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against the Family’.

Lewis, an Oxford-educated bulls**t artist, uses pretentious language and provocative statements to camouflage her laughably pubescent arguments.''

An example of Lewis’ utopianist jackassery is found in her article, ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, where her “logical” approach to combat the virus is revealed as, “Free all prisoners and detainees now… and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can… pursue laziness for at least the next decade.”

Lewis likes tilting at windmills as evidenced by her desire to “denaturalize the mother-child bond” and to promote “the idea that babies belong to anyone – the idea that the product of gestational labor gets transferred as property to a set of people.”

Lewis further reveals her intellectual obtuseness and foolish anti-family fanaticism by declaring, “even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us… It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’”

Individuals? Perish the thought!

Continued - The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum
That is what they said about us kids in the 1970's. They described us as parent hating, Satan worshipping rock-n-roll sex maniacs, long haired hippie freaks who never worked or bathed along with the attempt to also claim since we smoked weed we got the munchies and ate our babies(don't forget how we were ruined by watching TV)......True story...This type of generational gap fuckery is still going on and it is stupid...

You will get farther when you try not to demonize everyone not like yous..I have kids aged 36 to 18 and what you state in the OP is all gender/age gap bullshit..
Look everyone

Proof the OP is correct.

Need anymore evidence?
Another fine example of the constant erosion of virtue in society, brought to us by the usual suspects who seem to have a great distaste for naturalism and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


"As a parent and a leftist, I find this assault on parents and nuclear families to be the height of self-serving and self-defeating intellectual masturbation.

A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

He followed that belch into the woke echo chamber with this equally odious one: “There are things you can try to do to minimize the abuse that’s endemic to the parent/child relationship, but it’s always there.”

Sadly, Berlatsky’s buffoonery is not an outlier, as this anti-family mindset is rampant among the woke left. Examples of this absurd agenda being aggressively pushed abound.

Black Lives Matter, the standard bearer for woke, fact-free, emotion-fueled idiocy in 2020, and which has garnered establishment support and millions in corporate donations, not only declare that they want to “abolish police,” but also “abolish the family.”

Flagship left-wing publications like the Nation, Vice, and Jacobin have all in recent months and years dedicated time and energy to the malignant anti-family cause.

In addition, Sophie Lewis, a self-described “feminist thinker,” which she proves is an oxymoron, has made a name for herself attacking the nuclear family in her book ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against the Family’.

Lewis, an Oxford-educated bulls**t artist, uses pretentious language and provocative statements to camouflage her laughably pubescent arguments.''

An example of Lewis’ utopianist jackassery is found in her article, ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, where her “logical” approach to combat the virus is revealed as, “Free all prisoners and detainees now… and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can… pursue laziness for at least the next decade.”

Lewis likes tilting at windmills as evidenced by her desire to “denaturalize the mother-child bond” and to promote “the idea that babies belong to anyone – the idea that the product of gestational labor gets transferred as property to a set of people.”

Lewis further reveals her intellectual obtuseness and foolish anti-family fanaticism by declaring, “even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us… It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’”

Individuals? Perish the thought!

Continued - The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum
That is what they said about us kids in the 1970's. They described us as parent hating, Satan worshipping rock-n-roll sex maniacs, long haired hippie freaks who never worked or bathed along with the attempt to also claim since we smoked weed we got the munchies and ate our babies(don't forget how we were ruined by watching TV)......True story...This type of generational gap fuckery is still going on and it is stupid...

You will get farther when you try not to demonize everyone not like yous..I have kids aged 36 to 18 and what you state in the OP is all gender/age gap bullshit..
Look everyone

Proof the OP is correct.

Need anymore evidence?
Yes, by having a family and kids(4) I have attempted to break up the families of the USA....
It is largely a generational gap....but helicopter parents and participation trophies, and never failing or not learning how to win and lose gracefully...that will haunt us for several generations.
It is largely a generational gap....but helicopter parents and participation trophies, and never failing or not learning how to win and lose gracefully...that will haunt us for several generations.
I never did raise my kids that way when it was going on.....In fact they did without so I could instill some humiliation. Then I took them out and had them do heavy manual labor to motivate their education to learn how to earn money without back breaking work that people like I had to do because I didn't finish my education. It worked...They all passed they are better men than I was.
Another fine example of the constant erosion of virtue in society, brought to us by the usual suspects who seem to have a great distaste for naturalism and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


"As a parent and a leftist, I find this assault on parents and nuclear families to be the height of self-serving and self-defeating intellectual masturbation.

A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

He followed that belch into the woke echo chamber with this equally odious one: “There are things you can try to do to minimize the abuse that’s endemic to the parent/child relationship, but it’s always there.”

Sadly, Berlatsky’s buffoonery is not an outlier, as this anti-family mindset is rampant among the woke left. Examples of this absurd agenda being aggressively pushed abound.

Black Lives Matter, the standard bearer for woke, fact-free, emotion-fueled idiocy in 2020, and which has garnered establishment support and millions in corporate donations, not only declare that they want to “abolish police,” but also “abolish the family.”

Flagship left-wing publications like the Nation, Vice, and Jacobin have all in recent months and years dedicated time and energy to the malignant anti-family cause.

In addition, Sophie Lewis, a self-described “feminist thinker,” which she proves is an oxymoron, has made a name for herself attacking the nuclear family in her book ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against the Family’.

Lewis, an Oxford-educated bulls**t artist, uses pretentious language and provocative statements to camouflage her laughably pubescent arguments.''

An example of Lewis’ utopianist jackassery is found in her article, ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, where her “logical” approach to combat the virus is revealed as, “Free all prisoners and detainees now… and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can… pursue laziness for at least the next decade.”

Lewis likes tilting at windmills as evidenced by her desire to “denaturalize the mother-child bond” and to promote “the idea that babies belong to anyone – the idea that the product of gestational labor gets transferred as property to a set of people.”

Lewis further reveals her intellectual obtuseness and foolish anti-family fanaticism by declaring, “even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us… It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’”

Individuals? Perish the thought!

Continued - The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum
Wow, whoever wrote that is very confused.
Another fine example of the constant erosion of virtue in society, brought to us by the usual suspects who seem to have a great distaste for naturalism and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


"As a parent and a leftist, I find this assault on parents and nuclear families to be the height of self-serving and self-defeating intellectual masturbation.

A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

He followed that belch into the woke echo chamber with this equally odious one: “There are things you can try to do to minimize the abuse that’s endemic to the parent/child relationship, but it’s always there.”

Sadly, Berlatsky’s buffoonery is not an outlier, as this anti-family mindset is rampant among the woke left. Examples of this absurd agenda being aggressively pushed abound.

Black Lives Matter, the standard bearer for woke, fact-free, emotion-fueled idiocy in 2020, and which has garnered establishment support and millions in corporate donations, not only declare that they want to “abolish police,” but also “abolish the family.”

Flagship left-wing publications like the Nation, Vice, and Jacobin have all in recent months and years dedicated time and energy to the malignant anti-family cause.

In addition, Sophie Lewis, a self-described “feminist thinker,” which she proves is an oxymoron, has made a name for herself attacking the nuclear family in her book ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against the Family’.

Lewis, an Oxford-educated bulls**t artist, uses pretentious language and provocative statements to camouflage her laughably pubescent arguments.''

An example of Lewis’ utopianist jackassery is found in her article, ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, where her “logical” approach to combat the virus is revealed as, “Free all prisoners and detainees now… and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can… pursue laziness for at least the next decade.”

Lewis likes tilting at windmills as evidenced by her desire to “denaturalize the mother-child bond” and to promote “the idea that babies belong to anyone – the idea that the product of gestational labor gets transferred as property to a set of people.”

Lewis further reveals her intellectual obtuseness and foolish anti-family fanaticism by declaring, “even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us… It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’”

Individuals? Perish the thought!

Continued - The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum
BLM, Antifa and the "Woke" are losers who not use the opportunities that our country provides them
Another fine example of the constant erosion of virtue in society, brought to us by the usual suspects who seem to have a great distaste for naturalism and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


"As a parent and a leftist, I find this assault on parents and nuclear families to be the height of self-serving and self-defeating intellectual masturbation.

A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

He followed that belch into the woke echo chamber with this equally odious one: “There are things you can try to do to minimize the abuse that’s endemic to the parent/child relationship, but it’s always there.”

Sadly, Berlatsky’s buffoonery is not an outlier, as this anti-family mindset is rampant among the woke left. Examples of this absurd agenda being aggressively pushed abound.

Black Lives Matter, the standard bearer for woke, fact-free, emotion-fueled idiocy in 2020, and which has garnered establishment support and millions in corporate donations, not only declare that they want to “abolish police,” but also “abolish the family.”

Flagship left-wing publications like the Nation, Vice, and Jacobin have all in recent months and years dedicated time and energy to the malignant anti-family cause.

In addition, Sophie Lewis, a self-described “feminist thinker,” which she proves is an oxymoron, has made a name for herself attacking the nuclear family in her book ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against the Family’.

Lewis, an Oxford-educated bulls**t artist, uses pretentious language and provocative statements to camouflage her laughably pubescent arguments.''

An example of Lewis’ utopianist jackassery is found in her article, ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, where her “logical” approach to combat the virus is revealed as, “Free all prisoners and detainees now… and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can… pursue laziness for at least the next decade.”

Lewis likes tilting at windmills as evidenced by her desire to “denaturalize the mother-child bond” and to promote “the idea that babies belong to anyone – the idea that the product of gestational labor gets transferred as property to a set of people.”

Lewis further reveals her intellectual obtuseness and foolish anti-family fanaticism by declaring, “even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us… It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’”

Individuals? Perish the thought!

Continued - The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum
BLM, Antifa and the "Woke" are losers who not use the opportunities that our country provides them
What are you doing to educate them otherwise?
Another fine example of the constant erosion of virtue in society, brought to us by the usual suspects who seem to have a great distaste for naturalism and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


"As a parent and a leftist, I find this assault on parents and nuclear families to be the height of self-serving and self-defeating intellectual masturbation.

A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

He followed that belch into the woke echo chamber with this equally odious one: “There are things you can try to do to minimize the abuse that’s endemic to the parent/child relationship, but it’s always there.”

Sadly, Berlatsky’s buffoonery is not an outlier, as this anti-family mindset is rampant among the woke left. Examples of this absurd agenda being aggressively pushed abound.

Black Lives Matter, the standard bearer for woke, fact-free, emotion-fueled idiocy in 2020, and which has garnered establishment support and millions in corporate donations, not only declare that they want to “abolish police,” but also “abolish the family.”

Flagship left-wing publications like the Nation, Vice, and Jacobin have all in recent months and years dedicated time and energy to the malignant anti-family cause.

In addition, Sophie Lewis, a self-described “feminist thinker,” which she proves is an oxymoron, has made a name for herself attacking the nuclear family in her book ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against the Family’.

Lewis, an Oxford-educated bulls**t artist, uses pretentious language and provocative statements to camouflage her laughably pubescent arguments.''

An example of Lewis’ utopianist jackassery is found in her article, ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, where her “logical” approach to combat the virus is revealed as, “Free all prisoners and detainees now… and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can… pursue laziness for at least the next decade.”

Lewis likes tilting at windmills as evidenced by her desire to “denaturalize the mother-child bond” and to promote “the idea that babies belong to anyone – the idea that the product of gestational labor gets transferred as property to a set of people.”

Lewis further reveals her intellectual obtuseness and foolish anti-family fanaticism by declaring, “even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us… It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’”

Individuals? Perish the thought!

Continued - The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum
That is what they said about us kids in the 1970's. They described us as parent hating, Satan worshipping rock-n-roll sex maniacs, long haired hippie freaks who never worked or bathed along with the attempt to also claim since we smoked weed we got the munchies and ate our babies(don't forget how we were ruined by watching TV)......True story...This type of generational gap fuckery is still going on and it is stupid...

You will get farther when you try not to demonize everyone not like yous..I have kids aged 36 to 18 and what you state in the OP is all gender/age gap bullshit..

yes assboy-----and it was ALL TRUE as it is TODAY. The "woke" generation is NUTHIN' NEW----what is
a bit true is that there are more OLD FOLKS who should know better who are fumbling around for their LOST
YOUTH-------and lots of those old jerks have attained
political power------like bide-away and kamalhump
Another fine example of the constant erosion of virtue in society, brought to us by the usual suspects who seem to have a great distaste for naturalism and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


"As a parent and a leftist, I find this assault on parents and nuclear families to be the height of self-serving and self-defeating intellectual masturbation.

A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

He followed that belch into the woke echo chamber with this equally odious one: “There are things you can try to do to minimize the abuse that’s endemic to the parent/child relationship, but it’s always there.”

Sadly, Berlatsky’s buffoonery is not an outlier, as this anti-family mindset is rampant among the woke left. Examples of this absurd agenda being aggressively pushed abound.

Black Lives Matter, the standard bearer for woke, fact-free, emotion-fueled idiocy in 2020, and which has garnered establishment support and millions in corporate donations, not only declare that they want to “abolish police,” but also “abolish the family.”

Flagship left-wing publications like the Nation, Vice, and Jacobin have all in recent months and years dedicated time and energy to the malignant anti-family cause.

In addition, Sophie Lewis, a self-described “feminist thinker,” which she proves is an oxymoron, has made a name for herself attacking the nuclear family in her book ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against the Family’.

Lewis, an Oxford-educated bulls**t artist, uses pretentious language and provocative statements to camouflage her laughably pubescent arguments.''

An example of Lewis’ utopianist jackassery is found in her article, ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, where her “logical” approach to combat the virus is revealed as, “Free all prisoners and detainees now… and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can… pursue laziness for at least the next decade.”

Lewis likes tilting at windmills as evidenced by her desire to “denaturalize the mother-child bond” and to promote “the idea that babies belong to anyone – the idea that the product of gestational labor gets transferred as property to a set of people.”

Lewis further reveals her intellectual obtuseness and foolish anti-family fanaticism by declaring, “even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us… It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’”

Individuals? Perish the thought!

Continued - The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum
That is what they said about us kids in the 1970's. They described us as parent hating, Satan worshipping rock-n-roll sex maniacs, long haired hippie freaks who never worked or bathed along with the attempt to also claim since we smoked weed we got the munchies and ate our babies(don't forget how we were ruined by watching TV)......True story...This type of generational gap fuckery is still going on and it is stupid...

You will get farther when you try not to demonize everyone not like yous..I have kids aged 36 to 18 and what you state in the OP is all gender/age gap bullshit..

yes assboy-----and it was ALL TRUE as it is TODAY. The "woke" generation is NUTHIN' NEW----what is
a bit true is that there are more OLD FOLKS who should know better who are fumbling around for their LOST
YOUTH-------and lots of those old jerks have attained
political power------like bide-away and kamalhump
Or Trump and his woke theory on his agenda...
Blacks are well on their way to abolishing the family......working wonders isn't it
Whites divorce at 50% what happened to the whites?

what is "white" ??? Even such intellectual LUMINARIES as is Linda Sarsour has openly
stated that before she put a colorful rag on her
head she was "just a white girl from Brooklyn"----
but now WITH THE RAG-----she has BECOME 'black'........ or even better-----A PERSON OF COLOR.
There ain't no "whites"-------even red necks----
aren't "white"------they are NECKS OF COLOR.
In my town-----PERSONS of color------whether by
virtue of speaking spanish or by virtue of the STIGMATA of the NEGROID race-----avoid divorce
almost completely----the old fashioned way-----by
doing what comes naturally without a marriage
Another fine example of the constant erosion of virtue in society, brought to us by the usual suspects who seem to have a great distaste for naturalism and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


"As a parent and a leftist, I find this assault on parents and nuclear families to be the height of self-serving and self-defeating intellectual masturbation.

A perfect example of this mindless mania is a recent tweet from Noah Berlatsky, a pissant provocateur and philosophical poseur who writes for the Guardian and the Atlantic magazine. Berlatsky whined, “parents are tyrants. ‘parent’ is an oppressive class, like rich people or white people.”

He followed that belch into the woke echo chamber with this equally odious one: “There are things you can try to do to minimize the abuse that’s endemic to the parent/child relationship, but it’s always there.”

Sadly, Berlatsky’s buffoonery is not an outlier, as this anti-family mindset is rampant among the woke left. Examples of this absurd agenda being aggressively pushed abound.

Black Lives Matter, the standard bearer for woke, fact-free, emotion-fueled idiocy in 2020, and which has garnered establishment support and millions in corporate donations, not only declare that they want to “abolish police,” but also “abolish the family.”

Flagship left-wing publications like the Nation, Vice, and Jacobin have all in recent months and years dedicated time and energy to the malignant anti-family cause.

In addition, Sophie Lewis, a self-described “feminist thinker,” which she proves is an oxymoron, has made a name for herself attacking the nuclear family in her book ‘Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against the Family’.

Lewis, an Oxford-educated bulls**t artist, uses pretentious language and provocative statements to camouflage her laughably pubescent arguments.''

An example of Lewis’ utopianist jackassery is found in her article, ‘The Coronavirus Crisis Shows It’s Time to Abolish the Family’, where her “logical” approach to combat the virus is revealed as, “Free all prisoners and detainees now… and dismiss all the workers with full pay so they can… pursue laziness for at least the next decade.”

Lewis likes tilting at windmills as evidenced by her desire to “denaturalize the mother-child bond” and to promote “the idea that babies belong to anyone – the idea that the product of gestational labor gets transferred as property to a set of people.”

Lewis further reveals her intellectual obtuseness and foolish anti-family fanaticism by declaring, “even when the private nuclear household poses no direct physical or mental threat to one’s person – no spouse-battering, no child rape, and no queer-bashing – the private family qua mode of social reproduction still, frankly, sucks. It genders, nationalizes and races us… It makes us believe we are ‘individuals.’”

Individuals? Perish the thought!

Continued - The woke left are demonizing parents and want to abolish the family. It’s the intellectual equivalent of a toddler’s tantrum
That is what they said about us kids in the 1970's. They described us as parent hating, Satan worshipping rock-n-roll sex maniacs, long haired hippie freaks who never worked or bathed along with the attempt to also claim since we smoked weed we got the munchies and ate our babies(don't forget how we were ruined by watching TV)......True story...This type of generational gap fuckery is still going on and it is stupid...

You will get farther when you try not to demonize everyone not like yous..I have kids aged 36 to 18 and what you state in the OP is all gender/age gap bullshit..

yes assboy-----and it was ALL TRUE as it is TODAY. The "woke" generation is NUTHIN' NEW----what is
a bit true is that there are more OLD FOLKS who should know better who are fumbling around for their LOST
YOUTH-------and lots of those old jerks have attained
political power------like bide-away and kamalhump
Or Trump and his woke theory on his agenda...

you are PUSHING IT------I never heard trump use the word 'woke'-----or even "person of color" or
"ass of color"

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