OP ED: Corrupting American Elections


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
The American Democratic party suffered a humiliating loss in November of 2016, with three times the money and a lap dog press that openly campaigned for Hillary Clinton, the Democrats still managed to lose and lose big. Not only did they lose the presidency but also both houses of congress.

While rational analysis shows the reasons for the loss to be wide ranging and largely due to the hostility that arrogant progressives have for Americans, the Democrats have blamed their crushing defeat on outside influence by the Russian government. The left decries the influence of a country that is not part of the USA on the election cycle. While the veracity of Democrat claims is extremely lacking, the basic concepts that parties who are not citizens involved in an election should not corrupt a race has validity.

Fast forward to June 20, 2017 and we see another election where outside forces openly worked to corrupt the election process. These forces have no stake in the state of Georgia, but simply hate Donald Trump. The Spending on the Georgia 6th district special election exceeded $50 million, making this the single most expensive congressional race in history.

The Democrat controlled propaganda outlets laughingly called the press widely reported the amount spent. with the intent of portraying this as a fierce battle ground shaping the future of America. What the propaganda outlets such as CNN and the NY Times failed to mention is that this was $45 million spent by the Democrats, with a little under $6 million spent by the Republicans. Further, the money spent by Republicans was from the Georgia Republican party.

Not so with the Democrats. Funding for Democrat Jon Ossoff was virtually non-existent in the state of Georgia, Ossoff failed to raise even $1 million in the state. So where did this massive influx of cash come from? California. The progressives in Hollywood and Silicone Valley decided to buy the election. Names such as Tim Cook of Apple, the usual suspects in Hollywood, Streep, Depp, Damon, et al. The Democrat propaganda wing not only provided free publicity for Ossoff, but also cash. CNN and the NY Times provided cash.

Regardless of the acts of the Russians last year, this is the most egregious instance of outside tampering in an election in the last century. The idea that ultra-wealthy progressives in California can corrupt the elections of Georgia undercuts the integrity of the election process and attempt to steal the right of representation from the people in the 6th district and have representatives appointed by leftist oligarchs in California.

Thank god that the people of Georgia rejected the attempt by California oligarchs to buy their election.
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Well said. Tampering in American elections is only cool if you are ultra-rich Democrats. The silent majority spoke and kicked the Liberal elites to the curb once again. They are demonstrating the definition of insanity, trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
The American Democratic party suffered a humiliating loss in November of 2016, with three times the money and a lap dog press that openly campaigned for Hillary Clinton, the Democrats still managed to lose and lose big. Not only did they lose the presidency but also both houses of congress.

While rational analysis shows the reasons for the loss to be wide ranging and largely due to the hostility that arrogant progressives have for Americans, the Democrats have blamed their crushing defeat on outside influence by the Russian government. The left decries the influence of a country that is not part of the USA on the election cycle. While the veracity of Democrat claims is extremely lacking, the basic concepts that parties who are not citizens involved in an election should not corrupt a race has validity.

Fast forward to June 20, 2017 and we see another election where outside forces openly worked to corrupt the election process. These forces have no stake in the state of Georgia, but simply hate Donald Trump. The Spending on the Georgia 6th district special election exceeded $50 million, making this the most expensive single most expensive congressional race in history.

The Democrat controlled propaganda outlets laughingly called the press widely reported the amount spent. with the intent of portraying this as a fierce battle ground shaping the future of America. What the propaganda outlets such as CNN and the NY Times failed to mention is that this was $45 million spent by the Democrats, with a little under $6 million spent by the Republicans. Further, the money spent by Republicans was from the Georgia Republican party.

Not so with the Democrats. Funding for Democrat Jon Ossoff was virtually non-existent in the state of Georgia, Ossoff failed to raise even $1 million in the state. So where did this massive influx of cash come from? California. The progressives in Hollywood and Silicone Valley decided to buy the election. Names such as Tim Cook of Apple, the usual suspects in Hollywood, Streep, Depp, Damon, et al. The Democrat propaganda wing not only provided free publicity for Ossoff, but also cash. CNN and the NY Times provided cash.

Regardless of the acts of the Russians last year, this is the most egregious instance of outside tampering in an election in the last century. The idea that ultra-wealthy progressives in California can corrupt the elections of Georgia undercuts the integrity of the election process and attempt to steal the right of representation from the people in the 6th district and have representatives appointed by leftist oligarchs in California.

Thank god that the people of Georgia rejected the attempt by California oligarchs to buy their election.

Very nice!

"Thank god that the people of Georgia rejected the attempt by California oligarchs to buy their election."

And, another excellent outcome is the Democrat's circular firing squad.

Liberal simpleton Peter Drier had his weeping published in the Huff Po today...
"Why Did Democrats Ossoff And Parnell Lose Their Congressional Races In Georgia And South Carolina?"
Why Did Democrats Ossoff And Parnell Lose Their Congressional Races In Georgia And South Carolina? | HuffPost

Know who he blamed?????

They accuse Russia of spreading propaganda, yet they did it everyday, trying to influence the elections. It's ok, though since it is American residents.
Not one leftist on the board has the courage to address the attempt by leftist oligarchs to openly buy elections in other states. But not a single one will condemn it either.

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