Oops Avenatti Releases Papers Showing Cohen Recieved $500K From Russian Oligarch After Election

"I have bombshell evidence but instead of introducing in court, I'm going to leak it to the media so I can get back on CNN", said no competent lawyer ever
You are debating with yourself. Congratulations!

Funny thing is, they haven't done a lick of research about him other than what they have seen on Fox News.

Avenatti graduated from Penn. Yes the same Ivy League School Trump brags about all the time. He got his Law Degree from George Washington, not some crappy place like Cohen did. He's also already beaten Trump in court before.

"Avenatti later joined Greene Broillet & Wheeler, a Los Angeles boutique law firm. While there, he handled a number of high-profile cases, including a $10 million defamation case against Paris Hilton,[26] settled an idea-theft lawsuit relating to the show The Apprentice and against producers Mark Burnett and Donald Trump,[27] and a $40 million embezzlement lawsuit involving KPMG.[7][28] "

Michael Avenatti - Wikipedia

Remember when Trump said he doesn't settle suits? Well he did with Avenatti.
And that has what to do with Trump? Oh wait, that judge asked the same thing on Friday. You're not interested in justice, just only in the downfall of someone you oppose politically. That is to say, Trump. You could care less about Cohen.
Do you know the difference between evidence of a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential candidate and justice? That's right, there is none. This is about justice, not some mafia thug.

Conspiracy to collude?????

"Lolololololololo", isn't a rebuttal. It's a surrender to the truth. Thanks!

Trump engaged in jabberwockey jiggerypokery in an effort to conspire to collude to obstruct Hillary from taking her rightful place on the White House throne.

We got him this time! Part 694,351
If Stormys lawyer is leaking this, it's nothing, just squid ink.

He'll go back into sniffing Stormys undies right after this.

Yeah I mean why would a lawyer with a great reputation ruin that and his career to pass along some fake info right?


Even if it's "real" who the fuck cares?? Stormy's panty sniffing lawyer is trying his case in the press because the information is useless in a court.

Flynn has Russian clients!@@@!@@

If you didn't care, you wouldn't be posting. But you are. :eusa_angel:
And that has what to do with Trump? Oh wait, that judge asked the same thing on Friday. You're not interested in justice, just only in the downfall of someone you oppose politically. That is to say, Trump. You could care less about Cohen.
Do you know the difference between evidence of a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential candidate and justice? That's right, there is none. This is about justice, not some mafia thug.

Conspiracy to collude?????

"Lolololololololo", isn't a rebuttal. It's a surrender to the truth. Thanks!

Trump engaged in jabberwockey jiggerypokery in an effort to conspire to collude to obstruct Hillary from taking her rightful place on the White House throne.

We got him this time! Part 694,351
Here come the cowardly off-topic posts boys and girls. They can't take it.
"I have bombshell evidence but instead of introducing in court, I'm going to leak it to the media so I can get back on CNN", said no competent lawyer ever
You are debating with yourself. Congratulations!

Funny thing is, they haven't done a lick of research about him other than what they have seen on Fox News.

Avenatti graduated from Penn. Yes the same Ivy League School Trump brags about all the time. He got his Law Degree from George Washington, not some crappy place like Cohen did. He's also already beaten Trump in court before.

"Avenatti later joined Greene Broillet & Wheeler, a Los Angeles boutique law firm. While there, he handled a number of high-profile cases, including a $10 million defamation case against Paris Hilton,[26] settled an idea-theft lawsuit relating to the show The Apprentice and against producers Mark Burnett and Donald Trump,[27] and a $40 million embezzlement lawsuit involving KPMG.[7][28] "

Michael Avenatti - Wikipedia

Remember when Trump said he doesn't settle suits? Well he did with Avenatti.
Trump's a bull .......
Trump won the primary because he was willing to sink to such low levels to which no other politician would dare to go.

But he came upon a woman who would sink to even lower levels - a porn star!

Russian mob money used to payoff Stormy Daniels. Nice.

Cohen lied again about the number of "clients" he ever had on retainer. Filthy Don can't be too happy at this point. Time for another Hucklefvck Rah Rah Party! :113:

Each time more news comes damaging The Fixer...the closer he is to flipping. Mueller knows well what he is doing. The pressure builds in the trump faithful.

Does Sarah Huckleberry Hound know lying will send her to He'll. If not...maybe her daddy should tell her.
And that has what to do with Trump? Oh wait, that judge asked the same thing on Friday. You're not interested in justice, just only in the downfall of someone you oppose politically. That is to say, Trump. You could care less about Cohen.
Buying stock in Kleenex sounds like a good investment right about now. Trumpflakes are going to need them.
And preparation H.
This was a tweet from Stormy Daniels lawyer. He has no substantiation for his claim and no one, not even NBC, has been able to verify one claim.

This is the mutha of all smears. If a democrat lies go big.
Lemmegetthisstraight, Trump conspired to collude with Putin to obstruct Hillary from taking her rightful place in the Oval Office by having someone from Russia hire Cohen....


We got him this time! Part 701,376
Trump won the primary because he was willing to sink to such low levels to which no other politician would dare to go.

But he came upon a woman who would sink to even lower levels - a porn star!


But he never stuffed a cigar in her vagina while in the Oval Office
Trump won the primary because he was willing to sink to such low levels to which no other politician would dare to go.

But he came upon a woman who would sink to even lower levels - a porn star!


hiLIARy is a porn star?

.......must be scat.
No papers were released. It was a tweet. No one, not even NBC has been able to verify any of these claims. It is a solid smear.
Every day another BOMB SHELL TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP................

dit dit dit dit ...........News at 11...........YAWN.
Uranium None is thoroughly debunked and over with.
No its not...there is an ongoing investigation in the house over it...maybe in your mind its over but not in the minds of American patriots...

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