Ontario Leftists Burning Books

And America's Right are banning books because snowflake!
It turns out that the “f*ck your feelings” crowd actually cares very much about their own feelings.​
In fact, they feel strongly enough about their feelings that they are banning books that might hurt them. So we get stories like this from Pennsylvania:
Last October, the all-White [Central York] school board unanimously banned a list of educational resources that included a children's book about Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai's autobiography and CNN's Sesame Street town hall on racism.
The good news is that the board has now backed off the book ban. But it was, nevertheless, a revealing episode. Will Bunch writes:
The mess in the Central York School District, which includes several suburban townships just north of York, in a county where Donald Trump won 62% of the vote, started after some parents and teachers had hoped to bolster the curriculum around anti-racism in the wake of the George Floyd protest marches in spring 2020. The move backfired when some parents started complaining about the reading list proposed by a committee. “I don’t want my daughter growing up feeling guilty because she’s white,” one parent, Matt Weyant, told a recent school board meeting. Then, panicked school board members imposed “a freeze” on students using the books.​
This, however, pales in comparison to what has been happening in Tennessee, where the Republican governor has signed a new law that mandates that schools cannot teach lessons that make students feel “discomfort, guilt [or] anguish” because of their race or sex.​
The new law has become a flash point in the affluent Franklin district, where an activist mom named Robin Steenman has formed a “Moms for Liberty” group that is objecting to books and lesson plans— especially about the civil rights movement — that she says is “too focused on the country’s segregationist past, making kids feel uncomfortable about race.” Reports Reuters:
Members of Steenman's group pored over the second-grade books, marking up those they found objectionable with highlighters and sticky notes. On June 30, soon after the new law was signed, Steenman sent an 11-page letter outlining potential violations to the Tennessee Department of Education.​
Among the books Moms for Liberty deemed inappropriate are “Martin Luther King Jr. and the March on Washington” and “The Story of Ruby Bridges,” about the Black 6-year-old who integrated a Louisiana public school in 1960.
In their critique of a book on singer Marian Anderson, for example, they wrote:​
Their critique of the book “Martin Luther King, Jr. and the March on Washington” objects to references to the “blasting fire hoses” that had been turned on “children who marched, sang and prayed” during demonstrations.​
Also objectionable: references to “Bull” Connor and the hateful racism that civil rights activists encountered from all-white police forces.​

Biggest fucking hypocrites in the world.
And America's Right are banning books because snowflake!
It turns out that the “f*ck your feelings” crowd actually cares very much about their own feelings.​
In fact, they feel strongly enough about their feelings that they are banning books that might hurt them. So we get stories like this from Pennsylvania:

The good news is that the board has now backed off the book ban. But it was, nevertheless, a revealing episode. Will Bunch writes:

This, however, pales in comparison to what has been happening in Tennessee, where the Republican governor has signed a new law that mandates that schools cannot teach lessons that make students feel “discomfort, guilt [or] anguish” because of their race or sex.​
The new law has become a flash point in the affluent Franklin district, where an activist mom named Robin Steenman has formed a “Moms for Liberty” group that is objecting to books and lesson plans— especially about the civil rights movement — that she says is “too focused on the country’s segregationist past, making kids feel uncomfortable about race.” Reports Reuters:

In their critique of a book on singer Marian Anderson, for example, they wrote:​
Their critique of the book “Martin Luther King, Jr. and the March on Washington” objects to references to the “blasting fire hoses” that had been turned on “children who marched, sang and prayed” during demonstrations.​
Also objectionable: references to “Bull” Connor and the hateful racism that civil rights activists encountered from all-white police forces.​

Biggest fucking hypocrites in the world.
Bull Connor, proud Democrat icon & present-day role model for the party.
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The Left continues to follow the path on NAZI Germany ....

Are you surprised ?



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Shades of Ray Bradbury's "Fareinheit 451". Americans need to be aware of the fact that Canadiens might speak a similar language and promote similar social freedoms they aren't like us. There is no guarantee of freedom of speech in Canada or any other freedoms in the convoluted loyalty they maintain to a British monarchy that hasn't existed for 200 years.


Poet Heinrich Heine wrote 190 years ago.

And America's Right are banning books because snowflake!
It turns out that the “f*ck your feelings” crowd actually cares very much about their own feelings.​
In fact, they feel strongly enough about their feelings that they are banning books that might hurt them. So we get stories like this from Pennsylvania:

The good news is that the board has now backed off the book ban. But it was, nevertheless, a revealing episode. Will Bunch writes:

This, however, pales in comparison to what has been happening in Tennessee, where the Republican governor has signed a new law that mandates that schools cannot teach lessons that make students feel “discomfort, guilt [or] anguish” because of their race or sex.​
The new law has become a flash point in the affluent Franklin district, where an activist mom named Robin Steenman has formed a “Moms for Liberty” group that is objecting to books and lesson plans— especially about the civil rights movement — that she says is “too focused on the country’s segregationist past, making kids feel uncomfortable about race.” Reports Reuters:

In their critique of a book on singer Marian Anderson, for example, they wrote:​
Their critique of the book “Martin Luther King, Jr. and the March on Washington” objects to references to the “blasting fire hoses” that had been turned on “children who marched, sang and prayed” during demonstrations.​
Also objectionable: references to “Bull” Connor and the hateful racism that civil rights activists encountered from all-white police forces.​

Biggest fucking hypocrites in the world.
I noticed they completely ignored this in their hypocritical frenzy.

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