Only Twice Has Impeachment Been Used. Both Politically Motivated


May 23, 2014
Andrew Johnson was trying to keep the Radical Republican kooks taking over the whole government and removing the Constitutional authority of the President. Plus, they were politicizing Reconstruction. He was not removed from office. Clinton was trapped by Starr investigation when asked under oath about an adulterous affair. He did what husbands have done for 1,000 years when busted cheating on their wives. He lied. Public found Clinton impeachment was a example of partisan politics gone too far. His approval was at 60% during impeachment. Many historians agree that had Lincoln not been assassinated the Radical Republicans would have impeached him. Lincoln did not agree with their proposed plan of action. It was after Lincoln’s death that he become defied. I don’t like frivolous impeachment’s. Democrats would be smart to back off such talk. We can’t go around trying to overturn elections because you don’t like the results.
The History Place - Presidential Impeachment Proceedings
Andrew Johnson was trying to keep the Radical Republican kooks taking over the whole government and removing the Constitutional authority of the President. Plus, they were politicizing Reconstruction. He was not removed from office. Clinton was trapped by Starr investigation when asked under oath about an adulterous affair. He did what husbands have done for 1,000 years when busted cheating on their wives. He lied. Public found Clinton impeachment was a example of partisan politics gone too far. His approval was at 60% during impeachment. Many historians agree that had Lincoln not been assassinated the Radical Republicans would have impeached him. Lincoln did not agree with their proposed plan of action. It was after Lincoln’s death that he become defied. I don’t like frivolous impeachment’s. Democrats would be smart to back off such talk. We can’t go around trying to overturn elections because you don’t like the results.
The History Place - Presidential Impeachment Proceedings
It is not that they don't like the results they don't like the man same as when the repubs did it to Clinton...They tried to nail his nutz when he was elected president.
Andrew Johnson was trying to keep the Radical Republican kooks taking over the whole government and removing the Constitutional authority of the President. Plus, they were politicizing Reconstruction. He was not removed from office. Clinton was trapped by Starr investigation when asked under oath about an adulterous affair. He did what husbands have done for 1,000 years when busted cheating on their wives. He lied. Public found Clinton impeachment was a example of partisan politics gone too far. His approval was at 60% during impeachment. Many historians agree that had Lincoln not been assassinated the Radical Republicans would have impeached him. Lincoln did not agree with their proposed plan of action. It was after Lincoln’s death that he become defied. I don’t like frivolous impeachment’s. Democrats would be smart to back off such talk. We can’t go around trying to overturn elections because you don’t like the results.
The History Place - Presidential Impeachment Proceedings
Nixon would have been a true example of why to impeach a President. Crimes committed. I agree with the decision to let him step down and leave it at that, because the country was divided enough at that point. That was a clear example of what impeachment was for.
People forget that Clinton also had a contempt of court charge in Arkansas that cost him almost $100K, was disbarred, and paid out $850K to Paula Jones to make that case go away. This was not just a political witchhunt. Dude was slime.
Andrew Johnson was trying to keep the Radical Republican kooks taking over the whole government and removing the Constitutional authority of the President. Plus, they were politicizing Reconstruction. He was not removed from office. Clinton was trapped by Starr investigation when asked under oath about an adulterous affair. He did what husbands have done for 1,000 years when busted cheating on their wives. He lied. Public found Clinton impeachment was a example of partisan politics gone too far. His approval was at 60% during impeachment. Many historians agree that had Lincoln not been assassinated the Radical Republicans would have impeached him. Lincoln did not agree with their proposed plan of action. It was after Lincoln’s death that he become defied. I don’t like frivolous impeachment’s. Democrats would be smart to back off such talk. We can’t go around trying to overturn elections because you don’t like the results.
The History Place - Presidential Impeachment Proceedings
Nixon would have been a true example of why to impeach a President. Crimes committed. I agree with the decision to let him step down and leave it at that, because the country was divided enough at that point. That was a clear example of what impeachment was for.
Democrats on Capitol Hill are lunatics. I think they want to impeach Nixon in abstentia.
Andrew Johnson was trying to keep the Radical Republican kooks taking over the whole government and removing the Constitutional authority of the President. Plus, they were politicizing Reconstruction. He was not removed from office. Clinton was trapped by Starr investigation when asked under oath about an adulterous affair. He did what husbands have done for 1,000 years when busted cheating on their wives. He lied. Public found Clinton impeachment was a example of partisan politics gone too far. His approval was at 60% during impeachment. Many historians agree that had Lincoln not been assassinated the Radical Republicans would have impeached him. Lincoln did not agree with their proposed plan of action. It was after Lincoln’s death that he become defied. I don’t like frivolous impeachment’s. Democrats would be smart to back off such talk. We can’t go around trying to overturn elections because you don’t like the results.
The History Place - Presidential Impeachment Proceedings

With those two proceedings, there was a single given act that led to the impeachment.

Johnson ignored a congressional law of dubious constitutionality, thus giving congress the opening they needed.

Clinton lied under oath on a specific question, giving congress the opening they needed.

Both cases, even if you think one or either is bullshit, rested on a single defined, given act that could be judged on the merits of the act itself.
Clinton wasn't just "busted cheating on his wife", his wife was his enabler. He molested an intern barely older than his daughter and then started a national dialog about the difference between sex and sodomy. Hillary must have known about Bill's DNA in Monica's dress but she told the world that the Bubba never had a relationship with that woman, Monica. The media bought it because Bill was a good democrat. They even laughed when Hillary established a government run agency designed to ruin the lives of women who were sexually abused by her husband. They called it the "bimbo eruption squad". In an amazing display of chutzpah Bill Clinton decided to bomb Europe to force the surrender of one man and the media bought that one too.
Andrew Johnson was trying to keep the Radical Republican kooks taking over the whole government and removing the Constitutional authority of the President. Plus, they were politicizing Reconstruction. He was not removed from office. Clinton was trapped by Starr investigation when asked under oath about an adulterous affair. He did what husbands have done for 1,000 years when busted cheating on their wives. He lied. Public found Clinton impeachment was a example of partisan politics gone too far. His approval was at 60% during impeachment. Many historians agree that had Lincoln not been assassinated the Radical Republicans would have impeached him. Lincoln did not agree with their proposed plan of action. It was after Lincoln’s death that he become defied. I don’t like frivolous impeachment’s. Democrats would be smart to back off such talk. We can’t go around trying to overturn elections because you don’t like the results.
The History Place - Presidential Impeachment Proceedings
Lincoln was against integration and for repatriation. The Republicans largely weren’t.

Had Lincoln lived he likely would have become a Democrat and destroyed his own former party.
People forget that Clinton also had a contempt of court charge in Arkansas that cost him almost $100K, was disbarred, and paid out $850K to Paula Jones to make that case go away. This was not just a political witchhunt. Dude was slime.
In Olmsted v. United States Justice Louis Brandies said that “by stating that the ends justifies the means” was a threat to our civil liberties. In other words, just because you don’t like the man does not mean he does not have rights. Clinton was and is a scumbag. No doubt about it. He got the contempt charge because he refused to participate in what he perceived as a witch hunt. That is not an admonition of guilt. In a civil suit the plaintiff(s) only have to show a “preponderance” of the evidence that a person had been wronged in some way and deserved “remedy.” By that time of that trial it was already proven that Clinton had lied about numerous affairs. Bottom line was that Clinton was impeached over what should have been a personal marital issue and the fact that he got some slobber jaw from an intern. I never liked that impeachment. Republicans gave Clinton an asterisk next to his name for all of history. Democrats will now do this to Trump. Sorry assed and sad...but true.
Andrew Johnson was trying to keep the Radical Republican kooks taking over the whole government and removing the Constitutional authority of the President. Plus, they were politicizing Reconstruction. He was not removed from office. Clinton was trapped by Starr investigation when asked under oath about an adulterous affair. He did what husbands have done for 1,000 years when busted cheating on their wives. He lied. Public found Clinton impeachment was a example of partisan politics gone too far. His approval was at 60% during impeachment. Many historians agree that had Lincoln not been assassinated the Radical Republicans would have impeached him. Lincoln did not agree with their proposed plan of action. It was after Lincoln’s death that he become defied. I don’t like frivolous impeachment’s. Democrats would be smart to back off such talk. We can’t go around trying to overturn elections because you don’t like the results.
The History Place - Presidential Impeachment Proceedings
Nixon would have been a true example of why to impeach a President. Crimes committed. I agree with the decision to let him step down and leave it at that, because the country was divided enough at that point. That was a clear example of what impeachment was for.
Democrats on Capitol Hill are lunatics. I think they want to impeach Nixon in abstentia.
Everyone on Capitol Hill is acting like a lunatic right now, Bush92. I was really surprised--I so looked forward to the Mueller investigation being over so we could finally talk about something else besides all the bullshit paranoia theories that have grown up beside it. Where it pretty much cleared the President of any serious wrong doing, at least as far as Russia goes, I thought the Republicans would be happy and just do their victory strut in the end zone and then move on. Nope. Now they want to investigate the investigation and the FBI and blah blah blah. Of course, I knew there would be some die hards on the left who would continue to call Trump guilty no matter what, same as we have the Hillary contingent on the right. But I never expected the Congress to be this wingnut crazy.

They need to get to work, imo, and leave all this tom foolishness behind.
The circus we are forced to endure nightly was nothing more than the veiled attempt at a political coup designed and orchestrated by the political elite of the Democratic and liberal Republican Party in conjunction with the entrenched political establishment to thwart the will of the people in preserving their control over the government. It worked, Trump was denied the ability to enact his agenda and promote legislation his political base supported with those responsible left unscathed.
People forget that Clinton also had a contempt of court charge in Arkansas that cost him almost $100K, was disbarred, and paid out $850K to Paula Jones to make that case go away. This was not just a political witchhunt. Dude was slime.
In Olmsted v. United States Justice Louis Brandies said that “by stating that the ends justifies the means” was a threat to our civil liberties. In other words, just because you don’t like the man does not mean he does not have rights. Clinton was and is a scumbag. No doubt about it. He got the contempt charge because he refused to participate in what he perceived as a witch hunt. That is not an admonition of guilt. In a civil suit the plaintiff(s) only have to show a “preponderance” of the evidence that a person had been wronged in some way and deserved “remedy.” By that time of that trial it was already proven that Clinton had lied about numerous affairs. Bottom line was that Clinton was impeached over what should have been a personal marital issue and the fact that he got some slobber jaw from an intern. I never liked that impeachment. Republicans gave Clinton an asterisk next to his name for all of history. Democrats will now do this to Trump. Sorry assed and sad...but true.

Noble retribution? :lame2:
Clinton wasn't just "busted cheating on his wife", his wife was his enabler. He molested an intern barely older than his daughter and then started a national dialog about the difference between sex and sodomy. Hillary must have known about Bill's DNA in Monica's dress but she told the world that the Bubba never had a relationship with that woman, Monica. The media bought it because Bill was a good democrat. They even laughed when Hillary established a government run agency designed to ruin the lives of women who were sexually abused by her husband. They called it the "bimbo eruption squad". In an amazing display of chutzpah Bill Clinton decided to bomb Europe to force the surrender of one man and the media bought that one too.
I agree. 100%. But did it rise to the level of overturning 1996 election? I honestly don’t think so.
People forget that Clinton also had a contempt of court charge in Arkansas that cost him almost $100K, was disbarred, and paid out $850K to Paula Jones to make that case go away. This was not just a political witchhunt. Dude was slime.
In Olmsted v. United States Justice Louis Brandies said that “by stating that the ends justifies the means” was a threat to our civil liberties. In other words, just because you don’t like the man does not mean he does not have rights. Clinton was and is a scumbag. No doubt about it. He got the contempt charge because he refused to participate in what he perceived as a witch hunt. That is not an admonition of guilt. In a civil suit the plaintiff(s) only have to show a “preponderance” of the evidence that a person had been wronged in some way and deserved “remedy.” By that time of that trial it was already proven that Clinton had lied about numerous affairs. Bottom line was that Clinton was impeached over what should have been a personal marital issue and the fact that he got some slobber jaw from an intern. I never liked that impeachment. Republicans gave Clinton an asterisk next to his name for all of history. Democrats will now do this to Trump. Sorry assed and sad...but true.

Noble retribution? :lame2:
I agree. It is lame for the Democrats in the House to do so. I hope but seriously doubt there will be enough Democrats with the integrity to vote “no” on an impeachment resolution.
Clinton wasn't just "busted cheating on his wife", his wife was his enabler. He molested an intern barely older than his daughter and then started a national dialog about the difference between sex and sodomy. Hillary must have known about Bill's DNA in Monica's dress but she told the world that the Bubba never had a relationship with that woman, Monica. The media bought it because Bill was a good democrat. They even laughed when Hillary established a government run agency designed to ruin the lives of women who were sexually abused by her husband. They called it the "bimbo eruption squad". In an amazing display of chutzpah Bill Clinton decided to bomb Europe to force the surrender of one man and the media bought that one too.

Clinton's biggest crime was being one of the most powerful men in the world and risking it over a "Long Island 5"
Lincoln was against integration and for repatriation.

Lincoln was for Lincoln and didn't give a damn about slavery. The real problem with secession was that free ports of entry in the South would threaten tariffs and duties collected at Northern ports.
The circus we are forced to endure nightly was nothing more than the veiled attempt at a political coup designed and orchestrated by the political elite of the Democratic and liberal Republican Party in conjunction with the entrenched political establishment to thwart the will of the people in preserving their control over the government. It worked, Trump was denied the ability to enact his agenda and promote legislation his political base supported with those responsible left unscathed.
100% spot on!

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