Only Pub hater bs and racism is against Obamacare. See Kentucky and the South/ red s

If you wonder why American is so fucked it's because morons like Rdean and FranCoWTF got to pick the president the last 2 cycles
Too bad you have no actual evidence for your zombieness, hater dupe. But thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars EVER, a corrupt meltdown and World Depression, and 5 years of mindless, total governmental disfunction...still better than another corrupt Pub bubble...

Years of solid job growth- now, with no phony Pub crises, a full recovery. Only the USA can begin and end a World Depression...
Franco, thank you for yet again proving you're both unwilling and unable to think yourself.

Although it's not like the issue was in question...

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Thanks for the mindless propaganda DW. Again, BC costs nothing, it SAVES EVERYONE MONEY, including INSURERS.

Dave, you're a Pubtroll, the only kind as far as I can tell. Try a "fact" and get SQUASHED as always...
Unfortunately, too many Republicans feel these people should just go ahead and die. And many of those they want to die are they themselves Republican. Go figure.

If they feel this way about fellow Republicans, is it any wonder they feel this way about the little children seeking asylum here?

you are not the one to comment on this feel that way about 80% of the Country....
At any rate, a few pills are cheaper than kidney failure and intensive care. Processed foods are a disgrace. At least under Dems the facts get out more and even better regulation....

but they are still there right Frankie?.....millions of little kids get up in the morning and pour some milk on their bowl of sugar....Diabetes is at epidemic levels with these overweight kids....but hey....under the Dems we get better the sugar has to have Fructose Corn Syrup added.....
The information is getting out under Dems, but Pubs defend Big Food all the way. Total disfunction since 2/4/2010...

Frankie you are so controlled you are dont hear jack shit about morning breakfast bowls of sugar and the diabetes in the kids these days from the Democrats either......when i went to grade school maybe 1 out of 15-20 kids were look at a grade see a lot more overweight kids....Democrats get the message out.....they dont defend big foods.....bullshit....
The fat girl in the story should lose some weight but she'll never do it the right way: Not eating ice cream and candy, drinking sodas.

No. What the "Health Provider" will say is that there are Medications they can give her for her Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol that are directly related to her porr eating habits. The American Medical Industrial Complex now has an interest in keeping you sick and out of shape so their friends at Big Pharma can put ypu on as many drugs as they can.

A callous and judgmental post, one replete with biases and abject ignorance. Given his history on this forum, one must assume he didn't need a complete brain wash, only a light rinse was necessary.

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