One Year After Coup, Honduras Repression Continues

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Today marks the one-year anniversary of the military coup that overthrew the democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya. A year later, the coup’s repressive legacy continues, with ongoing reports of killings, disappearances, torture, and impunity. We speak with Gerardo Torres, a member of the National Front of Popular Resistance in Honduras.

One Year After Coup, Honduras Repression Continues
Ousted Honduran President Accuses U.S. of Being Behind the 2009 Coup

Former Honduran president Manuel Zelaya has directly accused the United States of being behind the 2009 coup that ousted him a year ago. In a letter released on Monday Zelaya wrote : "What we suspected at the beginning has now been confirmed. The United States was behind the coup." He went on to write "the Honduran people are faithful witnesses to the role that the economic interests of the United States played in this tragic event." The United States is the largest source of foreign investment in Honduras and accounts for much of its trade. Zelaya is currently living in exile in the Dominican Republic. In Honduras thousands of people marked the anniversary of the coup by marching in Tegucigalpa and calling for the return of Zelaya.

David Castillo, supporter of Manuel Zelaya: "We are seeing the resistance is growing every day. The Honduran people have awoken and we have faith this struggle will not last days or a year. We know the people every day, when they see the needs, the economic, political and social crisis in the country, the insecurity and all that, the people have to unite more to the resistance to look for solutions to these problems."

Democracy Now! | Headlines for June 29, 2010

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