One party state


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Woke Politics: The Democrats’ Plan for a Permanent Majority - American Thinker

ith the 2020 election in the rear-view mirror, it is timely to focus on election politics for 2022 and beyond. The first step is pattern recognition: The Democrats are pursuing a multi-prong strategy to cement a permanent majority. To accomplish the goal requires upending the constitutional design. Until the scope of this effort is seen in its entirety, it can proceed in the shadows.

It has six astonishing elements:

  1. Enable Congress to determine who can run for President,
  2. Eliminate the Electoral College without amending the Constitution,
  3. Override the states' constitutionally mandated authority to determine presidential election rules,
  4. Grant statehood to the District of Columbia by statute,
  5. Rewrite the First Amendment to limit political speech, and
  6. Enable open border immigration through executive agreement instead of Congressional action. Taken together, the program represents a comprehensive challenge to representative democracy. It deserves to be understood and debated front and center.
Who Can Run for President?

So long as you are thirty-five, a natural-born citizen and a 14-year resident, it is the birthright of every American to aspire to the nation’s highest elective office. The right extends even to one-term presidents. Notwithstanding the recent acquittal, Democrats claim as a principle that the President, former or sitting, can be disqualified from seeking the presidency if convicted upon impeachment or barred from office under the 14th Amendment for inciting insurrection.

This is dangerous overreach. For impeachment, disqualification by Congress extends only to “any office of honor, trust or profit,” which limits disqualification to offices created or regulated pursuant to federal statute, and hence does not include the President.

Likewise, under the 14th Amendment, the bar from office in relevant part applies to “an officer of the United States,” i.e., appointed officers, as explained by Chief Justice Roberts in a 2010 decision: "The people do not vote for the 'Officers of the United States.'" Rather, ‘officers of the United States’ are appointed exclusively pursuant to Article II, Section 2 procedures. It follows that the President, who is an elected official, is not an ‘officer of the United States.’

Absent an amendment, the Constitution ensures that the people, not Congress, solely determine whom to elect as President. It is a principle that applies to both parties and is a bedrock right in this country. Or used to be.
  1. Override the states' constitutionally mandated authority to determine presidential election rules,
The Constitution simply states that "The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations" (Article I, section 4).
Maybe the GQP wouldn't have to worry about that if it were not so repugnant.

The Democrats are bad enough, but now the GQP is literally dangerous and completely unhinged.

Look in the mirror, folks. Blaming other people will never make you more attractive.
Now that is funny considering what the demrats and GOP establishment types are doing. Want to protect the deep state? Knock yourself out.
If the Republicans...

* ditch Trump
* ditch QAnon
* ditch Cruz and Graham and Paul and Hawley

...then they might have a shot at retaking power sometime in the not-too-distant future.
If the Republicans...

* ditch Trump
* ditch QAnon
* ditch Cruz and Graham and Paul and Hawley

...then they might have a shot at retaking power sometime in the not-too-distant future.
So speaks the deep state lackey.
I think the solution is simple. I believe we live in a country founded on racist beliefs including slavery and treating women as inferior to men. I call it a Patriarchal Racist Republic. One solution is to gather intelligent people of all views and stripes to update our constitution and make it relevant to the times we live in and with provisos, so as times change and evolve the process to amend wont be so arduous. The other solution because we are so divided as a nation is to become 50 countries with their own constitutions and rules and allow people to move to the one they think most represents there beliefs. I'd move to one that was completely secular with no laws impinging on freedom of religion and a womens right to choose. I also would hope that they would tax religions because to me there a business.
Woke Politics: The Democrats’ Plan for a Permanent Majority - American Thinker

ith the 2020 election in the rear-view mirror, it is timely to focus on election politics for 2022 and beyond. The first step is pattern recognition: The Democrats are pursuing a multi-prong strategy to cement a permanent majority. To accomplish the goal requires upending the constitutional design. Until the scope of this effort is seen in its entirety, it can proceed in the shadows.

It has six astonishing elements:

  1. Enable Congress to determine who can run for President,
  2. Eliminate the Electoral College without amending the Constitution,
  3. Override the states' constitutionally mandated authority to determine presidential election rules,
  4. Grant statehood to the District of Columbia by statute,
  5. Rewrite the First Amendment to limit political speech, and
  6. Enable open border immigration through executive agreement instead of Congressional action. Taken together, the program represents a comprehensive challenge to representative democracy. It deserves to be understood and debated front and center.
Who Can Run for President?

So long as you are thirty-five, a natural-born citizen and a 14-year resident, it is the birthright of every American to aspire to the nation’s highest elective office. The right extends even to one-term presidents. Notwithstanding the recent acquittal, Democrats claim as a principle that the President, former or sitting, can be disqualified from seeking the presidency if convicted upon impeachment or barred from office under the 14th Amendment for inciting insurrection.

This is dangerous overreach. For impeachment, disqualification by Congress extends only to “any office of honor, trust or profit,” which limits disqualification to offices created or regulated pursuant to federal statute, and hence does not include the President.

Likewise, under the 14th Amendment, the bar from office in relevant part applies to “an officer of the United States,” i.e., appointed officers, as explained by Chief Justice Roberts in a 2010 decision: "The people do not vote for the 'Officers of the United States.'" Rather, ‘officers of the United States’ are appointed exclusively pursuant to Article II, Section 2 procedures. It follows that the President, who is an elected official, is not an ‘officer of the United States.’

Absent an amendment, the Constitution ensures that the people, not Congress, solely determine whom to elect as President. It is a principle that applies to both parties and is a bedrock right in this country. Or used to be.
I love that last paragraph. "The people, not congress solely determine whom to elect as president"? we just had a president that took it upon himself to first challenge that will of the people in court, making the argument that if we can make the flimsiest case of election fraud. The entire election result should be invalidated. Thereby completely circumventing the will of the people. After that argument was shot down he then took it upon himself to try congress and the vice president to do the same.

So now you cite a blog that had to release a statement that they lied and helped him do it. And claim that DEMOCRATS are a danger to the constitution because they want to bar a president who did that to ever hold office again is planning somehow to disenfranchise "the will of the people"

Ever hear of Franz Kafka? If you haven't I suggest you read him. It should be right up your alley.
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Here's the best solution:

If the Republicans...

* ditch Trump
* ditch QAnon
* ditch Cruz and Graham and Paul and Hawley

...then they might have a shot at retaking power sometime in the not-too-distant future.
So speaks the deep state lackey.
You mean 'so speaks the loyal Union man'? Yes. Guilty as charged. Better than following a cowardly power-mad empty-suit trying to wreck the Union.

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