One of the ten original tea party founders admits to the groups racism.

I knew it all along. Now one of the insiders comes clean and tells all about this group. How anyone could lie about it now is beyond me.

?Tea Party? is over: Ex-activist says racism, hypocrisy killed the movement | theGrio | Page 2

At best, you have one man's opinion, a disgruntled man at that. I'm Tea Party, and I know he is not speaking about me.

Answer this honestly,how many race based jokes have you heard? How many times did you stop it? The same for racist text,emails, facebook post.......etc.?

why dont you answer my question honestly?......or does it only go one way with you?.....
One of the ten founders says the party has a problem with some who are racist etc

We here from defenders "uh uh" instead of "we are working at getting rid of them and doing a good job,"

The actual truth......not what you are going to get from the that the TPM is strictly about smaller government, lower taxes and free markets. Always has been. Just ask any of the fiscally conservative minority members at a TP rally that the media will be turning their cameras away from.

Then you need to turn your cameras on the good folks of the TPM and chastise the bad folks who scared the crap out of voters in 2012. The mainstream will not tolerate such; you know that.

Don't confuse me for Obama. I don't control the media dumbass.
Just as sure as you, Intense. You have a problem with it, so what?

I am solid on my American values, you bet. I don't like the philosophies of the far right reactionaries, doctrinaire libertarianism, and that of the far lefties.

I am glad somebody caught the IRS. You need to highlight that and shut up the stupid ones in your group.

There is one place where we differ. I have issues with encouraging the mob mentality of shutting up people before you hear what they have to say, or stopping others from making up their own minds about what they should hear. The Bible itself gives testimony of Truth being silenced, Prophets punished, and ignored, for faithful witness and speaking the inconvenient truth.There is a pattern to Tyranny, and Soft Tyranny eventually leads to hard tyranny. Silencing something or someone, because the message may be beyond you capacity to reason Today, closed off the possibilities for Tomorrow.See the pattern? We each are entitled to make our own choices Jake, and we each have our own consequences to face for those choices. Let's not confuse challenging Ideas and voice, through reason and voice, with Obstructing voice.
I say you must combat those who hurt your party. You have every right "to shut up" those who are hurting your voice. You do that by outing them and denying they speak for your side.

I defend your right to your beliefs, but you are no more a speaker for the Bible's application to our secular society than I am, so prattle and rattle all you want.
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Phil Russo is a libertarian not a republican.

As am I

What makes me ill is when people like you two who claim to be intelligent, push forth myth and bullshit with an arrogance that masks incredible ignorance and gullibility.

Phil Russo, is a libertarian-leaning, self-described "Goldwater Republican"
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The tea party concerns itself with fiscal matters only.

Yeah, at the beginning, until it got hijacked by the Republicans and the religious right.

And democrats are at war with republicans and the religious right. So stop standing there, get up and FIGHT!

Phil Russo is a libertarian not a republican. He explains himself quite clearly.

you ignorance and bullshit know no bounds Phil Russo, is a libertarian-leaning, self-described "Goldwater Republican"

you lump in the religious right and the GOP. at least you seeded your post with some truth
Just as sure as you, Intense. You have a problem with it, so what?

I am solid on my American values, you bet. I don't like the philosophies of the far right reactionaries, doctrinaire libertarianism, and that of the far lefties.

I am glad somebody caught the IRS. You need to highlight that and shut up the stupid ones in your group.

There is one place where we differ. I have issues with encouraging the mob mentality of shutting up people before you hear what they have to say, or stopping others from making up their own minds about what they should hear. The Bible itself gives testimony of Truth being silenced, Prophets punished, and ignored, for faithful witness and speaking the inconvenient truth.There is a pattern to Tyranny, and Soft Tyranny eventually leads to hard tyranny. Silencing something or someone, because the message may be beyond you capacity to reason Today, closed off the possibilities for Tomorrow.See the pattern? We each are entitled to make our own choices Jake, and we each have our own consequences to face for those choices. Let's not confuse challenging Ideas and voice, through reason and voice, with Obstructing voice.
Thankfully this is a civil matter and not a religious one.:eusa_whistle:
Just as sure as you, Intense. You have a problem with it, so what?

I am solid on my American values, you bet. I don't like the philosophies of the far right reactionaries, doctrinaire libertarianism, and that of the far lefties.

I am glad somebody caught the IRS. You need to highlight that and shut up the stupid ones in your group.

There is one place where we differ. I have issues with encouraging the mob mentality of shutting up people before you hear what they have to say, or stopping others from making up their own minds about what they should hear. The Bible itself gives testimony of Truth being silenced, Prophets punished, and ignored, for faithful witness and speaking the inconvenient truth.There is a pattern to Tyranny, and Soft Tyranny eventually leads to hard tyranny. Silencing something or someone, because the message may be beyond you capacity to reason Today, closed off the possibilities for Tomorrow.See the pattern? We each are entitled to make our own choices Jake, and we each have our own consequences to face for those choices. Let's not confuse challenging Ideas and voice, through reason and voice, with Obstructing voice.
Thankfully this is a civil matter and not a religious one.:eusa_whistle:

And the majority, Intense, have the right to vote down the minority's opinion. No libertarian party is ever going to govern in America's congress or White House.

And, yes, it is good this is civil and not religious.
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From the link:

Hypocrisy and racism are what drove independents who voted Republican in 2010 away from the Tea Party. The same thing has happened with the Libertarians, like me, who were part of the original Tea Party. We have been driven away from the rallies and the meetings because what was supposed to be a movement about fiscal issues has become the activist-wing of the GOP. If you don’t think every Muslim is a terrorist you are not a real Tea Party member. If you think that the U.S. Constitution does not say anything about drugs, and that therefore, under the 9th and 10th Amendments the issue should be left to the states, you are not a real Tea Party member. And when you use the Constitution to prove to them that they are wrong it sends them into fits.

So the lesson here is that if you want to destroy your political enemies and their message, you line up dozens of racists who claim to be part of that group and sit back and wait for the inevitable fall.

Seems to have worked in this case apparently it drove Russo away.

I knew it all along. Now one of the insiders comes clean and tells all about this group. How anyone could lie about it now is beyond me.

?Tea Party? is over: Ex-activist says racism, hypocrisy killed the movement | theGrio | Page 2

As far as I know, the Tea Party isn't dead. This little hit piece is from NBC, who has as of late not had a good track record of telling the truth.

And if they were indeed dead, why would the headline in this CBS article refer to them as "recharged"?

Recharged tea party demands justice in IRS targeting scandal - CBS News

I noticed you didn't address the MAIN theme here. He admits the tea party is racist and he left the group because of it. I don't care if they are dead or recharged. They are racist.

Ah, your "source" also has an article with Vice President Biden stating that he doesn't believe that the Tea Party is racist. Duh?

You guys are playing the race card almost non-stop, Zarius...don't have any OTHER excuse for all the bad things that the Obama Administration are getting exposed doing? Gotta tell ya','re looking pretty pathetic with this nonsense.
Frank, we are not interested in sixty and seventy years ago. And, yes, old son, both parties today (which is what matters) have racist elements, which need to be eliminated.

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