One mother complains and annual Kindergarten trip to see Santa cancelled

One jew in what 30 kids, why did that lady live in a Christian community? Why did that school back down?
Because the Jew lady has the ADL and ACLU behind her.

I am sure those kids were looking forward for a week to go and see Santa, and probably were all excited.

If she felt so strongly against it, why didn't she bring her child to another school , because she wanted to assimilate or just cause trouble, because she didn't want her child to assimilate.

The school was most likely afraid of a lawsuit.
And do you think she would have won? Why do you think that might be? Because the school was wrong, that's why.

No it was harmless outing, but the Freedom From Religion Foundation would of stepped in and a lawsuit would of happened, because the ACLU and ADL are jewish orgs. Its a war on Christianity. Jews are mainly secualar and hate religion and really who can blame them , when you read about the Ultra Orthodox jews.

"read about the ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" <<<ROFLMAO----- I came to
New York City with a three year old child----single mom------I CHOSE to live
in a neighborhood of "ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" despite my utterly secular
upbringing-------because I knew them to be SAFE-------I worked late at nite sometimes------my kid stay safe because I had left the stink of neighborhoods
filled with shit like you. Unfortunately there was an event that brought shit like you
to the area and a kid (about 24 years old) ended up dead------nice boy----very
ULTRA ORTHODOX. The kid lived in the same house in which I lived with my little boy. My kid was nine at that time------the filth of your kind had a profound effect
on him

My kind, and what might that be?
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.

What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.
Last edited:
Perhaps that mother KNEW SOMETHING that we are just learning!

Looks like the walkout went forward.

Parents and their children stage a class walkout to see Santa after a Jewish mother 'waged war on Christmas' and got their public school to cancel the holiday field trip
  • Thirty parents at Sartorette Elementary School in San Jose, California staged a walkout on Friday morning
  • The parents were upset after a Jewish mother named Talia successfully petitioned the school to cancel a visit to Santa Claus
  • The parents took the children on the trip regardless, having the kindergartners skip class for the day
  • Talia claims she had been attacked by some of the parents ever since, and one told her; 'You’re the one who started the war on Christmas'

Read more: Students trip to see Santa cancelled after Jewish mom complains
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
One jew in what 30 kids, why did that lady live in a Christian community? Why did that school back down?
Because the Jew lady has the ADL and ACLU behind her.

I am sure those kids were looking forward for a week to go and see Santa, and probably were all excited.

If she felt so strongly against it, why didn't she bring her child to another school , because she wanted to assimilate or just cause trouble, because she didn't want her child to assimilate.

The school was most likely afraid of a lawsuit.
And do you think she would have won? Why do you think that might be? Because the school was wrong, that's why.

No it was harmless outing, but the Freedom From Religion Foundation would of stepped in and a lawsuit would of happened, because the ACLU and ADL are jewish orgs. Its a war on Christianity. Jews are mainly secualar and hate religion and really who can blame them , when you read about the Ultra Orthodox jews.

"read about the ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" <<<ROFLMAO----- I came to
New York City with a three year old child----single mom------I CHOSE to live
in a neighborhood of "ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" despite my utterly secular
upbringing-------because I knew them to be SAFE-------I worked late at nite sometimes------my kid stay safe because I had left the stink of neighborhoods
filled with shit like you. Unfortunately there was an event that brought shit like you
to the area and a kid (about 24 years old) ended up dead------nice boy----very
ULTRA ORTHODOX. The kid lived in the same house in which I lived with my little boy. My kid was nine at that time------the filth of your kind had a profound effect
on him

My kind, and what might that be?

your kind is the kind of persons who vilify jews and murdered millions for the sake of the filth you were taught----in your case by perverted and greedy catechism whores------all because jews do not swallow the stink and filth THEY SELL. Hernan Cortez murdered Montezuma for the similar reasons with the endorsement of the
very HOLY AND PIOUS , SAINT ISABELLA. He did so with a CLEAR CONSCIENCE and in a "state of grace"
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.

What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.

what about my post "shocks" you? You do not like the allusion to "beer swilling"?? Kids are very influenced by their homes and relatives and tend
to consider that which mom and aunts etc do to be THE NORM for females.
Although My dad drank beer very occasionally-------I never saw a FEMALE drink
the stuff in my house or the homes of relatives or even in the home of my jewish playmate. I actually concluded as a very small child that beer is ONLY FOR MEN--------women drink wine-------or the very occasional "screw driver" ----in times of great stress. <<<the observation of a seven year old. I was so influenced
by that childhood experience-----that I still cannot tolerate the scent of beer-----
I have developed a fondness for vodka -----NEAT!!!!! (no wimp, I) I still cannot
tolerate GIN!!!! AS a amall kid the sight of a WOMAN drinking beer made me
uneasy. Santa did not bother me- -----but I had no intention of asking him for
One jew in what 30 kids, why did that lady live in a Christian community? Why did that school back down?
Because the Jew lady has the ADL and ACLU behind her.

I am sure those kids were looking forward for a week to go and see Santa, and probably were all excited.

If she felt so strongly against it, why didn't she bring her child to another school , because she wanted to assimilate or just cause trouble, because she didn't want her child to assimilate.

The school was most likely afraid of a lawsuit.
And do you think she would have won? Why do you think that might be? Because the school was wrong, that's why.

No it was harmless outing, but the Freedom From Religion Foundation would of stepped in and a lawsuit would of happened, because the ACLU and ADL are jewish orgs. Its a war on Christianity. Jews are mainly secualar and hate religion and really who can blame them , when you read about the Ultra Orthodox jews.

"read about the ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" <<<ROFLMAO----- I came to
New York City with a three year old child----single mom------I CHOSE to live
in a neighborhood of "ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" despite my utterly secular
upbringing-------because I knew them to be SAFE-------I worked late at nite sometimes------my kid stay safe because I had left the stink of neighborhoods
filled with shit like you. Unfortunately there was an event that brought shit like you
to the area and a kid (about 24 years old) ended up dead------nice boy----very
ULTRA ORTHODOX. The kid lived in the same house in which I lived with my little boy. My kid was nine at that time------the filth of your kind had a profound effect
on him

My kind, and what might that be?
Ever notice that the ones that cry racism, intolerant and abuse are always the most abusive toward others?
Looks like the walkout went forward.

Parents and their children stage a class walkout to see Santa after a Jewish mother 'waged war on Christmas' and got their public school to cancel the holiday field trip
  • Thirty parents at Sartorette Elementary School in San Jose, California staged a walkout on Friday morning
  • The parents were upset after a Jewish mother named Talia successfully petitioned the school to cancel a visit to Santa Claus
  • The parents took the children on the trip regardless, having the kindergartners skip class for the day
  • Talia claims she had been attacked by some of the parents ever since, and one told her; 'You’re the one who started the war on Christmas'

Read more: Students trip to see Santa cancelled after Jewish mom complains
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
So her brat was still excluded. Hope she is happy now.

Glad the kids went anyway.
Looks like the walkout went forward.

Parents and their children stage a class walkout to see Santa after a Jewish mother 'waged war on Christmas' and got their public school to cancel the holiday field trip
  • Thirty parents at Sartorette Elementary School in San Jose, California staged a walkout on Friday morning
  • The parents were upset after a Jewish mother named Talia successfully petitioned the school to cancel a visit to Santa Claus
  • The parents took the children on the trip regardless, having the kindergartners skip class for the day
  • Talia claims she had been attacked by some of the parents ever since, and one told her; 'You’re the one who started the war on Christmas'

Read more: Students trip to see Santa cancelled after Jewish mom complains
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
So her brat was still excluded. Hope she is happy now.

Glad the kids went anyway.
No, her kid had a nice very inclusive party with her classmates, as this should have been all along.
In my town JEHOVAH WITNESS people have similar objections For my part the idea of walking a kindergarten class to a local café is REALLY IDIOTIC-----in my kindergarten years-------the FATTEST JANITOR (who happened ---btw ---to be a jew) dressed up in his santa costume-----complete with cotton puff beard stuck on his chin -----AND HO HO HO HO'ed his way thru the kindergarten and first grade
classes and all the kids shouted " HI, MR. TAYLOR" we all had a good time,
protestants, catholics, and jews
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.

What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.

what about my post "shocks" you? You do not like the allusion to "beer swilling"?? Kids are very influenced by their homes and relatives and tend
to consider that which mom and aunts etc do to be THE NORM for females.
Although My dad drank beer very occasionally-------I never saw a FEMALE drink
the stuff in my house or the homes of relatives or even in the home of my jewish playmate. I actually concluded as a very small child that beer is ONLY FOR MEN--------women drink wine-------or the very occasional "screw driver" ----in times of great stress. <<<the observation of a seven year old. I was so influenced
by that childhood experience-----that I still cannot tolerate the scent of beer-----
I have developed a fondness for vodka -----NEAT!!!!! (no wimp, I) I still cannot
tolerate GIN!!!! AS a amall kid the sight of a WOMAN drinking beer made me
uneasy. Santa did not bother me- -----but I had no intention of asking him for
One jew in what 30 kids, why did that lady live in a Christian community? Why did that school back down?
Because the Jew lady has the ADL and ACLU behind her.

I am sure those kids were looking forward for a week to go and see Santa, and probably were all excited.

If she felt so strongly against it, why didn't she bring her child to another school , because she wanted to assimilate or just cause trouble, because she didn't want her child to assimilate.

The school was most likely afraid of a lawsuit.
And do you think she would have won? Why do you think that might be? Because the school was wrong, that's why.

No it was harmless outing, but the Freedom From Religion Foundation would of stepped in and a lawsuit would of happened, because the ACLU and ADL are jewish orgs. Its a war on Christianity. Jews are mainly secualar and hate religion and really who can blame them , when you read about the Ultra Orthodox jews.

"read about the ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" <<<ROFLMAO----- I came to
New York City with a three year old child----single mom------I CHOSE to live
in a neighborhood of "ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" despite my utterly secular
upbringing-------because I knew them to be SAFE-------I worked late at nite sometimes------my kid stay safe because I had left the stink of neighborhoods
filled with shit like you. Unfortunately there was an event that brought shit like you
to the area and a kid (about 24 years old) ended up dead------nice boy----very
ULTRA ORTHODOX. The kid lived in the same house in which I lived with my little boy. My kid was nine at that time------the filth of your kind had a profound effect
on him

My kind, and what might that be?
Ever notice that the ones that cry racism, intolerant and abuse are always the most abusive toward others?

yes----the Nazis in my town hated everyone and they even had "REASONS".
The blacks were "criminals" the persons of south American origin ---aka
SPICS played loud music. the Italians "aka wops or greasers" ----were mafia,
the blacks were some how a "DEFILEMENT" of the white "race" and the JOOS
well-------they were jooos aka "killed jesus who would still be alive today if not
for DA JOOOOS" they FELT oppressed. A playmate of mine refused to
sing the song "GO DOWN MOSES IN SCHOOL"-----'too jewish' (????) I was
very young------and did understand it referred to a bible story but my mom called it a
"NEGRO SPIRITUAL"------which meant in my neighborhood-----"too n^&&e#" if
they had actually KNOWN
All the JW I know won't participate but they don't ruin things for everyone else.

what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.

What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.

what about my post "shocks" you? You do not like the allusion to "beer swilling"?? Kids are very influenced by their homes and relatives and tend
to consider that which mom and aunts etc do to be THE NORM for females.
Although My dad drank beer very occasionally-------I never saw a FEMALE drink
the stuff in my house or the homes of relatives or even in the home of my jewish playmate. I actually concluded as a very small child that beer is ONLY FOR MEN--------women drink wine-------or the very occasional "screw driver" ----in times of great stress. <<<the observation of a seven year old. I was so influenced
by that childhood experience-----that I still cannot tolerate the scent of beer-----
I have developed a fondness for vodka -----NEAT!!!!! (no wimp, I) I still cannot
tolerate GIN!!!! AS a amall kid the sight of a WOMAN drinking beer made me
uneasy. Santa did not bother me- -----but I had no intention of asking him for
And do you think she would have won? Why do you think that might be? Because the school was wrong, that's why.

No it was harmless outing, but the Freedom From Religion Foundation would of stepped in and a lawsuit would of happened, because the ACLU and ADL are jewish orgs. Its a war on Christianity. Jews are mainly secualar and hate religion and really who can blame them , when you read about the Ultra Orthodox jews.

"read about the ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" <<<ROFLMAO----- I came to
New York City with a three year old child----single mom------I CHOSE to live
in a neighborhood of "ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" despite my utterly secular
upbringing-------because I knew them to be SAFE-------I worked late at nite sometimes------my kid stay safe because I had left the stink of neighborhoods
filled with shit like you. Unfortunately there was an event that brought shit like you
to the area and a kid (about 24 years old) ended up dead------nice boy----very
ULTRA ORTHODOX. The kid lived in the same house in which I lived with my little boy. My kid was nine at that time------the filth of your kind had a profound effect
on him

My kind, and what might that be?
Ever notice that the ones that cry racism, intolerant and abuse are always the most abusive toward others?

yes----the Nazis in my town hated everyone and they even had "REASONS".
The blacks were "criminals" the persons of south American origin ---aka
SPICS played loud music. the Italians "aka wops or greasers" ----were mafia,
the blacks were some how a "DEFILEMENT" of the white "race" and the JOOS
well-------they were jooos aka "killed jesus who would still be alive today if not
for DA JOOOOS" they FELT oppressed. A playmate of mine refused to
sing the song "GO DOWN MOSES IN SCHOOL"-----'too jewish' (????) I was
very young------and did understand it referred to a bible story but my mom called it a
"NEGRO SPIRITUAL"------which meant in my neighborhood-----"too n^&&e#" if
they had actually KNOWN
I'm really sorry you witnessed and experienced such things as a child. It sounds truly horrible. And it seems you think we haven't moved on much and that xmas stuff for kindergarten kids is an indication of that? I also didn't realise how much you vehemently despise Christianity, I guess the 'nazis' you refer to were Christians?
what EVIDENCE to you have that this JEWISH MOTHER "RUINED" things FOR EVERYONE ELSE? She probably just wrote to the teacher that she did not want her kid to participate------ie "excuse my child from this activity" You have some information that she DEMANDED that "SANTAS" be removed from department stories and "downtown cafes"?
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.

What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.

what about my post "shocks" you? You do not like the allusion to "beer swilling"?? Kids are very influenced by their homes and relatives and tend
to consider that which mom and aunts etc do to be THE NORM for females.
Although My dad drank beer very occasionally-------I never saw a FEMALE drink
the stuff in my house or the homes of relatives or even in the home of my jewish playmate. I actually concluded as a very small child that beer is ONLY FOR MEN--------women drink wine-------or the very occasional "screw driver" ----in times of great stress. <<<the observation of a seven year old. I was so influenced
by that childhood experience-----that I still cannot tolerate the scent of beer-----
I have developed a fondness for vodka -----NEAT!!!!! (no wimp, I) I still cannot
tolerate GIN!!!! AS a amall kid the sight of a WOMAN drinking beer made me
uneasy. Santa did not bother me- -----but I had no intention of asking him for
No it was harmless outing, but the Freedom From Religion Foundation would of stepped in and a lawsuit would of happened, because the ACLU and ADL are jewish orgs. Its a war on Christianity. Jews are mainly secualar and hate religion and really who can blame them , when you read about the Ultra Orthodox jews.

"read about the ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" <<<ROFLMAO----- I came to
New York City with a three year old child----single mom------I CHOSE to live
in a neighborhood of "ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" despite my utterly secular
upbringing-------because I knew them to be SAFE-------I worked late at nite sometimes------my kid stay safe because I had left the stink of neighborhoods
filled with shit like you. Unfortunately there was an event that brought shit like you
to the area and a kid (about 24 years old) ended up dead------nice boy----very
ULTRA ORTHODOX. The kid lived in the same house in which I lived with my little boy. My kid was nine at that time------the filth of your kind had a profound effect
on him

My kind, and what might that be?
Ever notice that the ones that cry racism, intolerant and abuse are always the most abusive toward others?

yes----the Nazis in my town hated everyone and they even had "REASONS".
The blacks were "criminals" the persons of south American origin ---aka
SPICS played loud music. the Italians "aka wops or greasers" ----were mafia,
the blacks were some how a "DEFILEMENT" of the white "race" and the JOOS
well-------they were jooos aka "killed jesus who would still be alive today if not
for DA JOOOOS" they FELT oppressed. A playmate of mine refused to
sing the song "GO DOWN MOSES IN SCHOOL"-----'too jewish' (????) I was
very young------and did understand it referred to a bible story but my mom called it a
"NEGRO SPIRITUAL"------which meant in my neighborhood-----"too n^&&e#" if
they had actually KNOWN
I'm really sorry you witnessed and experienced such things as a child. It sounds truly horrible. And it seems you think we haven't moved on much and that xmas stuff for kindergarten kids is an indication of that? I also didn't realise how much you vehemently despise Christianity, I guess the 'nazis' you refer to were Christians?

I do not "despise Christianity"------you express a bias. The Nazis to whom I
refer were NAZIS-------you might be aware of the fact that there were some
places in the USA that did harbor populations that expressed quite an affinity with NAZISM------and some notable people included. An interesting factoid is WALT DISNEY had Nazi sympathies ----and CHARLES LINDBERGH was a well known Nazi.
I am probably older than are you -----and was born during a time when----segregation was a NORM------and "restricted" towns and clubs etc etc
were also a norm. These realities seemed very much consistent with Christianity
back then. My town was full of well meaning nice people who simply knew that
blacks were inferior and jews were kinda ---UNSAVED and tended to be
usurers-------and hid money or gold under the mattress. World war II----like the
currently ongoing world war III------was a "jewish machination" but it did
not stop them from going to church on sunday and dropping coins in the
collection plate--------IT ALL SEEMED CONSISTENT to them-----but not to me.
I do call such people Nazis------even though most never murdered nor would
consider doing so. YOU may not call such people "Nazis"
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.

What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.

what about my post "shocks" you? You do not like the allusion to "beer swilling"?? Kids are very influenced by their homes and relatives and tend
to consider that which mom and aunts etc do to be THE NORM for females.
Although My dad drank beer very occasionally-------I never saw a FEMALE drink
the stuff in my house or the homes of relatives or even in the home of my jewish playmate. I actually concluded as a very small child that beer is ONLY FOR MEN--------women drink wine-------or the very occasional "screw driver" ----in times of great stress. <<<the observation of a seven year old. I was so influenced
by that childhood experience-----that I still cannot tolerate the scent of beer-----
I have developed a fondness for vodka -----NEAT!!!!! (no wimp, I) I still cannot
tolerate GIN!!!! AS a amall kid the sight of a WOMAN drinking beer made me
uneasy. Santa did not bother me- -----but I had no intention of asking him for
"read about the ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" <<<ROFLMAO----- I came to
New York City with a three year old child----single mom------I CHOSE to live
in a neighborhood of "ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" despite my utterly secular
upbringing-------because I knew them to be SAFE-------I worked late at nite sometimes------my kid stay safe because I had left the stink of neighborhoods
filled with shit like you. Unfortunately there was an event that brought shit like you
to the area and a kid (about 24 years old) ended up dead------nice boy----very
ULTRA ORTHODOX. The kid lived in the same house in which I lived with my little boy. My kid was nine at that time------the filth of your kind had a profound effect
on him

My kind, and what might that be?
Ever notice that the ones that cry racism, intolerant and abuse are always the most abusive toward others?

yes----the Nazis in my town hated everyone and they even had "REASONS".
The blacks were "criminals" the persons of south American origin ---aka
SPICS played loud music. the Italians "aka wops or greasers" ----were mafia,
the blacks were some how a "DEFILEMENT" of the white "race" and the JOOS
well-------they were jooos aka "killed jesus who would still be alive today if not
for DA JOOOOS" they FELT oppressed. A playmate of mine refused to
sing the song "GO DOWN MOSES IN SCHOOL"-----'too jewish' (????) I was
very young------and did understand it referred to a bible story but my mom called it a
"NEGRO SPIRITUAL"------which meant in my neighborhood-----"too n^&&e#" if
they had actually KNOWN
I'm really sorry you witnessed and experienced such things as a child. It sounds truly horrible. And it seems you think we haven't moved on much and that xmas stuff for kindergarten kids is an indication of that? I also didn't realise how much you vehemently despise Christianity, I guess the 'nazis' you refer to were Christians?

I do not "despise Christianity"------you express a bias. The Nazis to whom I
refer were NAZIS-------you might be aware of the fact that there were some
places in the USA that did harbor populations that expressed quite an affinity with NAZISM------and some notable people included. An interesting factoid is WALT DISNEY had Nazi sympathies ----and CHARLES LINDBERGH was a well known Nazi.
I am probably older than are you -----and was born during a time when----segregation was a NORM------and "restricted" towns and clubs etc etc
were also a norm. These realities seemed very much consistent with Christianity
back then. My town was full of well meaning nice people who simply knew that
blacks were inferior and jews were kinda ---UNSAVED and tended to be
usurers-------and hid money or gold under the mattress. World war II----like the
currently ongoing world war III------was a "jewish machination" but it did
not stop them from going to church on sunday and dropping coins in the
collection plate--------IT ALL SEEMED CONSISTENT to them-----but not to me.
I do call such people Nazis------even though most never murdered nor would
consider doing so. YOU may not call such people "Nazis"
Your posts indicate to me that you despise Christianity, if not, I'd hate to read a post by you regarding something you do despise! I call the people you are referring to racists, bigots and anti-Semites, and I'm sorry you had to endure them.
The child didn't need to sit on Santa's
She contacted the school board and said she didn't like her kid writing letters to the North Pole, dressing as a reindeer and would refuse to let her participate because she was offended and felt they were not practicing "inclusion".

she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.

What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.

what about my post "shocks" you? You do not like the allusion to "beer swilling"?? Kids are very influenced by their homes and relatives and tend
to consider that which mom and aunts etc do to be THE NORM for females.
Although My dad drank beer very occasionally-------I never saw a FEMALE drink
the stuff in my house or the homes of relatives or even in the home of my jewish playmate. I actually concluded as a very small child that beer is ONLY FOR MEN--------women drink wine-------or the very occasional "screw driver" ----in times of great stress. <<<the observation of a seven year old. I was so influenced
by that childhood experience-----that I still cannot tolerate the scent of beer-----
I have developed a fondness for vodka -----NEAT!!!!! (no wimp, I) I still cannot
tolerate GIN!!!! AS a amall kid the sight of a WOMAN drinking beer made me
uneasy. Santa did not bother me- -----but I had no intention of asking him for
"read about the ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" <<<ROFLMAO----- I came to
New York City with a three year old child----single mom------I CHOSE to live
in a neighborhood of "ULTRA ORTHODOX JEWS" despite my utterly secular
upbringing-------because I knew them to be SAFE-------I worked late at nite sometimes------my kid stay safe because I had left the stink of neighborhoods
filled with shit like you. Unfortunately there was an event that brought shit like you
to the area and a kid (about 24 years old) ended up dead------nice boy----very
ULTRA ORTHODOX. The kid lived in the same house in which I lived with my little boy. My kid was nine at that time------the filth of your kind had a profound effect
on him

My kind, and what might that be?
Ever notice that the ones that cry racism, intolerant and abuse are always the most abusive toward others?

yes----the Nazis in my town hated everyone and they even had "REASONS".
The blacks were "criminals" the persons of south American origin ---aka
SPICS played loud music. the Italians "aka wops or greasers" ----were mafia,
the blacks were some how a "DEFILEMENT" of the white "race" and the JOOS
well-------they were jooos aka "killed jesus who would still be alive today if not
for DA JOOOOS" they FELT oppressed. A playmate of mine refused to
sing the song "GO DOWN MOSES IN SCHOOL"-----'too jewish' (????) I was
very young------and did understand it referred to a bible story but my mom called it a
"NEGRO SPIRITUAL"------which meant in my neighborhood-----"too n^&&e#" if
they had actually KNOWN
I'm really sorry you witnessed and experienced such things as a child. It sounds truly horrible. And it seems you think we haven't moved on much and that xmas stuff for kindergarten kids is an indication of that? I also didn't realise how much you vehemently despise Christianity, I guess the 'nazis' you refer to were Christians?

I do not "despise Christianity"------you express a bias. The Nazis to whom I
refer were NAZIS-------you might be aware of the fact that there were some
places in the USA that did harbor populations that expressed quite an affinity with NAZISM------and some notable people included. An interesting factoid is WALT DISNEY had Nazi sympathies ----and CHARLES LINDBERGH was a well known Nazi.
I am probably older than are you -----and was born during a time when----segregation was a NORM------and "restricted" towns and clubs etc etc
were also a norm. These realities seemed very much consistent with Christianity
back then. My town was full of well meaning nice people who simply knew that
blacks were inferior and jews were kinda ---UNSAVED and tended to be
usurers-------and hid money or gold under the mattress. World war II----like the
currently ongoing world war III------was a "jewish machination" but it did
not stop them from going to church on sunday and dropping coins in the
collection plate--------IT ALL SEEMED CONSISTENT to them-----but not to me.
I do call such people Nazis------even though most never murdered nor would
consider doing so. YOU may not call such people "Nazis"

Do you call the people in my signature Nazi's?? What are they??
she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.

What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.

what about my post "shocks" you? You do not like the allusion to "beer swilling"?? Kids are very influenced by their homes and relatives and tend
to consider that which mom and aunts etc do to be THE NORM for females.
Although My dad drank beer very occasionally-------I never saw a FEMALE drink
the stuff in my house or the homes of relatives or even in the home of my jewish playmate. I actually concluded as a very small child that beer is ONLY FOR MEN--------women drink wine-------or the very occasional "screw driver" ----in times of great stress. <<<the observation of a seven year old. I was so influenced
by that childhood experience-----that I still cannot tolerate the scent of beer-----
I have developed a fondness for vodka -----NEAT!!!!! (no wimp, I) I still cannot
tolerate GIN!!!! AS a amall kid the sight of a WOMAN drinking beer made me
uneasy. Santa did not bother me- -----but I had no intention of asking him for
My kind, and what might that be?
Ever notice that the ones that cry racism, intolerant and abuse are always the most abusive toward others?

yes----the Nazis in my town hated everyone and they even had "REASONS".
The blacks were "criminals" the persons of south American origin ---aka
SPICS played loud music. the Italians "aka wops or greasers" ----were mafia,
the blacks were some how a "DEFILEMENT" of the white "race" and the JOOS
well-------they were jooos aka "killed jesus who would still be alive today if not
for DA JOOOOS" they FELT oppressed. A playmate of mine refused to
sing the song "GO DOWN MOSES IN SCHOOL"-----'too jewish' (????) I was
very young------and did understand it referred to a bible story but my mom called it a
"NEGRO SPIRITUAL"------which meant in my neighborhood-----"too n^&&e#" if
they had actually KNOWN
I'm really sorry you witnessed and experienced such things as a child. It sounds truly horrible. And it seems you think we haven't moved on much and that xmas stuff for kindergarten kids is an indication of that? I also didn't realise how much you vehemently despise Christianity, I guess the 'nazis' you refer to were Christians?

I do not "despise Christianity"------you express a bias. The Nazis to whom I
refer were NAZIS-------you might be aware of the fact that there were some
places in the USA that did harbor populations that expressed quite an affinity with NAZISM------and some notable people included. An interesting factoid is WALT DISNEY had Nazi sympathies ----and CHARLES LINDBERGH was a well known Nazi.
I am probably older than are you -----and was born during a time when----segregation was a NORM------and "restricted" towns and clubs etc etc
were also a norm. These realities seemed very much consistent with Christianity
back then. My town was full of well meaning nice people who simply knew that
blacks were inferior and jews were kinda ---UNSAVED and tended to be
usurers-------and hid money or gold under the mattress. World war II----like the
currently ongoing world war III------was a "jewish machination" but it did
not stop them from going to church on sunday and dropping coins in the
collection plate--------IT ALL SEEMED CONSISTENT to them-----but not to me.
I do call such people Nazis------even though most never murdered nor would
consider doing so. YOU may not call such people "Nazis"
Your posts indicate to me that you despise Christianity, if not, I'd hate to read a post by you regarding something you do despise! I call the people you are referring to racists, bigots and anti-Semites, and I'm sorry you had to endure them.

yes-----they are racists, bigots and anti-semites -----just like Nazis. Like Nazis
they did not see themselves as other than very fine and upstanding CHRISTIANS.
I do not see your point at all. Perhaps you do not understand my use of the
term NAZIS----------I just described it------racist, bigot, anti semites. (with various other "anti s " thrown in) This sort of person was very prevalent in the northeast part of the USA where I grew up. I believe that many people are not
even aware of just how INFLUENCE they are by that IDEOLOGY. As to Christianity--------its founders INVENTED NAZISM---------I consider Constantine-----the founder of Nazism to be one of the founders of Christianity. SOME Christian
theologians are so horrified by him------that they decided he as not a "real Christian". Do you consider HERNAN CORTEZ to be a find upstanding
Christian? How about Queen Isabella?. Some people wanted that Nazi whore to be CANONIZED
The child didn't need to sit on Santa's
she did right-----she did not stop anyone from engaging in those idiotic activities----she simply did not want HER kid to be exposed to your filth. I was once a five year old kid in a town with shit like you. I was a very shy kid ------I interacted so well with the Christian neighbors that I got invited to just about every one of the activities of -----"Christians" I had absolutely no education in Judaism other than that which I observed in the homes of other jews and the kind of "lifestyle" which was the livestyle of my relatives. At age five I knew that the santa clause thing and the easter bunny thing was just stuff that very stupid people believed. ------I kept quiet and tolerated it. I will agree that stinking shit like you did not give a damn as to how they were alienating bright kids like me--------I did survive. Marching to SANTA at the age of five or six for a bright kid as I was------would be a very unpleasant experience-------I hated pretending that it made sense. I even attendes sunday school with a Christian playmate-------I was quiet as a mouse during those idiot sessions. I wish my mother had protected me from you filth---imposed on me by beer swilling presbyterian sluts who did the "CHRISTIAN" thing.

What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.

what about my post "shocks" you? You do not like the allusion to "beer swilling"?? Kids are very influenced by their homes and relatives and tend
to consider that which mom and aunts etc do to be THE NORM for females.
Although My dad drank beer very occasionally-------I never saw a FEMALE drink
the stuff in my house or the homes of relatives or even in the home of my jewish playmate. I actually concluded as a very small child that beer is ONLY FOR MEN--------women drink wine-------or the very occasional "screw driver" ----in times of great stress. <<<the observation of a seven year old. I was so influenced
by that childhood experience-----that I still cannot tolerate the scent of beer-----
I have developed a fondness for vodka -----NEAT!!!!! (no wimp, I) I still cannot
tolerate GIN!!!! AS a amall kid the sight of a WOMAN drinking beer made me
uneasy. Santa did not bother me- -----but I had no intention of asking him for
My kind, and what might that be?
Ever notice that the ones that cry racism, intolerant and abuse are always the most abusive toward others?

yes----the Nazis in my town hated everyone and they even had "REASONS".
The blacks were "criminals" the persons of south American origin ---aka
SPICS played loud music. the Italians "aka wops or greasers" ----were mafia,
the blacks were some how a "DEFILEMENT" of the white "race" and the JOOS
well-------they were jooos aka "killed jesus who would still be alive today if not
for DA JOOOOS" they FELT oppressed. A playmate of mine refused to
sing the song "GO DOWN MOSES IN SCHOOL"-----'too jewish' (????) I was
very young------and did understand it referred to a bible story but my mom called it a
"NEGRO SPIRITUAL"------which meant in my neighborhood-----"too n^&&e#" if
they had actually KNOWN
I'm really sorry you witnessed and experienced such things as a child. It sounds truly horrible. And it seems you think we haven't moved on much and that xmas stuff for kindergarten kids is an indication of that? I also didn't realise how much you vehemently despise Christianity, I guess the 'nazis' you refer to were Christians?

I do not "despise Christianity"------you express a bias. The Nazis to whom I
refer were NAZIS-------you might be aware of the fact that there were some
places in the USA that did harbor populations that expressed quite an affinity with NAZISM------and some notable people included. An interesting factoid is WALT DISNEY had Nazi sympathies ----and CHARLES LINDBERGH was a well known Nazi.
I am probably older than are you -----and was born during a time when----segregation was a NORM------and "restricted" towns and clubs etc etc
were also a norm. These realities seemed very much consistent with Christianity
back then. My town was full of well meaning nice people who simply knew that
blacks were inferior and jews were kinda ---UNSAVED and tended to be
usurers-------and hid money or gold under the mattress. World war II----like the
currently ongoing world war III------was a "jewish machination" but it did
not stop them from going to church on sunday and dropping coins in the
collection plate--------IT ALL SEEMED CONSISTENT to them-----but not to me.
I do call such people Nazis------even though most never murdered nor would
consider doing so. YOU may not call such people "Nazis"

Do you call the people in my signature Nazi's?? What are they??

the people you described in your signature would have been RABID COMMUNISTS -----of which there were some persons of jewish ancestry and the overwhelming majority were persons of Christian ancestry-------in Russia ---generally of the eastern orthodox sect. Jews made such indifferent communists
that STALIN decided to get rid of them. Trotsky----or jewish ancestry was so
dangerous to STALIN's form of murderous communism that Stalin had him
murdered. Lots of jews were purged from STALINESQUE communism----
aka eastern orthodox communism
What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.

what about my post "shocks" you? You do not like the allusion to "beer swilling"?? Kids are very influenced by their homes and relatives and tend
to consider that which mom and aunts etc do to be THE NORM for females.
Although My dad drank beer very occasionally-------I never saw a FEMALE drink
the stuff in my house or the homes of relatives or even in the home of my jewish playmate. I actually concluded as a very small child that beer is ONLY FOR MEN--------women drink wine-------or the very occasional "screw driver" ----in times of great stress. <<<the observation of a seven year old. I was so influenced
by that childhood experience-----that I still cannot tolerate the scent of beer-----
I have developed a fondness for vodka -----NEAT!!!!! (no wimp, I) I still cannot
tolerate GIN!!!! AS a amall kid the sight of a WOMAN drinking beer made me
uneasy. Santa did not bother me- -----but I had no intention of asking him for
Ever notice that the ones that cry racism, intolerant and abuse are always the most abusive toward others?

yes----the Nazis in my town hated everyone and they even had "REASONS".
The blacks were "criminals" the persons of south American origin ---aka
SPICS played loud music. the Italians "aka wops or greasers" ----were mafia,
the blacks were some how a "DEFILEMENT" of the white "race" and the JOOS
well-------they were jooos aka "killed jesus who would still be alive today if not
for DA JOOOOS" they FELT oppressed. A playmate of mine refused to
sing the song "GO DOWN MOSES IN SCHOOL"-----'too jewish' (????) I was
very young------and did understand it referred to a bible story but my mom called it a
"NEGRO SPIRITUAL"------which meant in my neighborhood-----"too n^&&e#" if
they had actually KNOWN
I'm really sorry you witnessed and experienced such things as a child. It sounds truly horrible. And it seems you think we haven't moved on much and that xmas stuff for kindergarten kids is an indication of that? I also didn't realise how much you vehemently despise Christianity, I guess the 'nazis' you refer to were Christians?

I do not "despise Christianity"------you express a bias. The Nazis to whom I
refer were NAZIS-------you might be aware of the fact that there were some
places in the USA that did harbor populations that expressed quite an affinity with NAZISM------and some notable people included. An interesting factoid is WALT DISNEY had Nazi sympathies ----and CHARLES LINDBERGH was a well known Nazi.
I am probably older than are you -----and was born during a time when----segregation was a NORM------and "restricted" towns and clubs etc etc
were also a norm. These realities seemed very much consistent with Christianity
back then. My town was full of well meaning nice people who simply knew that
blacks were inferior and jews were kinda ---UNSAVED and tended to be
usurers-------and hid money or gold under the mattress. World war II----like the
currently ongoing world war III------was a "jewish machination" but it did
not stop them from going to church on sunday and dropping coins in the
collection plate--------IT ALL SEEMED CONSISTENT to them-----but not to me.
I do call such people Nazis------even though most never murdered nor would
consider doing so. YOU may not call such people "Nazis"
Your posts indicate to me that you despise Christianity, if not, I'd hate to read a post by you regarding something you do despise! I call the people you are referring to racists, bigots and anti-Semites, and I'm sorry you had to endure them.

yes-----they are racists, bigots and anti-semites -----just like Nazis. Like Nazis
they did not see themselves as other than very fine and upstanding CHRISTIANS.
I do not see your point at all. Perhaps you do not understand my use of the
term NAZIS----------I just described it------racist, bigot, anti semites. (with various other "anti s " thrown in) This sort of person was very prevalent in the northeast part of the USA where I grew up. I believe that many people are not
even aware of just how INFLUENCE they are by that IDEOLOGY. As to Christianity--------its founders INVENTED NAZISM---------I consider Constantine-----the founder of Nazism to be one of the founders of Christianity. SOME Christian
theologians are so horrified by him------that they decided he as not a "real Christian". Do you consider HERNAN CORTEZ to be a find upstanding
Christian? How about Queen Isabella?. Some people wanted that Nazi whore to be CANONIZED
I don't consider mass murderers to be Christians, no, and I don't consider Constantine to be a founder of Chritianity, he shoe horned chrostianity into existing pagan holidays and so on so it would be more accepted in Europe. It is even doubtful that he actually really converted to Christianity himself, possible he did so on his deathbed. I don't really think we're arguing about what a nazi is, and it's what people following their religions do today that concern me, which is why I asked you don't you feel the US has moved on since your childhood experiences. The OT has a fair amount of nastiness in it, I don't hold that against Judaism and Jews today.
The child didn't need to sit on Santa's
What a disgusting post.
I'm very shocked by this. Guess we now know how you really feel.

what about my post "shocks" you? You do not like the allusion to "beer swilling"?? Kids are very influenced by their homes and relatives and tend
to consider that which mom and aunts etc do to be THE NORM for females.
Although My dad drank beer very occasionally-------I never saw a FEMALE drink
the stuff in my house or the homes of relatives or even in the home of my jewish playmate. I actually concluded as a very small child that beer is ONLY FOR MEN--------women drink wine-------or the very occasional "screw driver" ----in times of great stress. <<<the observation of a seven year old. I was so influenced
by that childhood experience-----that I still cannot tolerate the scent of beer-----
I have developed a fondness for vodka -----NEAT!!!!! (no wimp, I) I still cannot
tolerate GIN!!!! AS a amall kid the sight of a WOMAN drinking beer made me
uneasy. Santa did not bother me- -----but I had no intention of asking him for
Ever notice that the ones that cry racism, intolerant and abuse are always the most abusive toward others?

yes----the Nazis in my town hated everyone and they even had "REASONS".
The blacks were "criminals" the persons of south American origin ---aka
SPICS played loud music. the Italians "aka wops or greasers" ----were mafia,
the blacks were some how a "DEFILEMENT" of the white "race" and the JOOS
well-------they were jooos aka "killed jesus who would still be alive today if not
for DA JOOOOS" they FELT oppressed. A playmate of mine refused to
sing the song "GO DOWN MOSES IN SCHOOL"-----'too jewish' (????) I was
very young------and did understand it referred to a bible story but my mom called it a
"NEGRO SPIRITUAL"------which meant in my neighborhood-----"too n^&&e#" if
they had actually KNOWN
I'm really sorry you witnessed and experienced such things as a child. It sounds truly horrible. And it seems you think we haven't moved on much and that xmas stuff for kindergarten kids is an indication of that? I also didn't realise how much you vehemently despise Christianity, I guess the 'nazis' you refer to were Christians?

I do not "despise Christianity"------you express a bias. The Nazis to whom I
refer were NAZIS-------you might be aware of the fact that there were some
places in the USA that did harbor populations that expressed quite an affinity with NAZISM------and some notable people included. An interesting factoid is WALT DISNEY had Nazi sympathies ----and CHARLES LINDBERGH was a well known Nazi.
I am probably older than are you -----and was born during a time when----segregation was a NORM------and "restricted" towns and clubs etc etc
were also a norm. These realities seemed very much consistent with Christianity
back then. My town was full of well meaning nice people who simply knew that
blacks were inferior and jews were kinda ---UNSAVED and tended to be
usurers-------and hid money or gold under the mattress. World war II----like the
currently ongoing world war III------was a "jewish machination" but it did
not stop them from going to church on sunday and dropping coins in the
collection plate--------IT ALL SEEMED CONSISTENT to them-----but not to me.
I do call such people Nazis------even though most never murdered nor would
consider doing so. YOU may not call such people "Nazis"

Do you call the people in my signature Nazi's?? What are they??

the people you described in your signature would have been RABID COMMUNISTS -----of which there were some persons of jewish ancestry and the overwhelming majority were persons of Christian ancestry-------in Russia ---generally of the eastern orthodox sect. Jews made such indifferent communists
that STALIN decided to get rid of them. Trotsky----or jewish ancestry was so
dangerous to STALIN's form of murderous communism that Stalin had him
murdered. Lots of jews were purged from STALINESQUE communism----
aka eastern orthodox communism
The person to whom that sig belongs said Palestinians are the only genuine Israeli's as well as sundry anti-Semitic blatherings. It's on ignore so I can't remember it's name.

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