Once again the BIASED MSM Lies to Americans!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Denver Post wrote this article replete with misinformation specifically about the repeal of ACA.
Texas federal judge rules Affordable Health Care Act unconstitutional

Their article totally misinformed the readers especially and I quote:
"...while an estimated 12 million low-income people are covered through its Medicaid expansion."

The Post and MSM are evidently NOT aware that 14 million people counted by Obama in his"46 million uninsured" statement were eligible BEFORE ACA? They just didn't enroll!
Proof? From the architect of ACA who also said:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass." The MIT economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber estimates that nearly 9 million new Medicaid enrollees were already eligible.

Millions of Obamacare enrollees already had health insurance

Do you understand this gigantic fraud being perpetuated by the MSM?

There never were "46 million uninsured" as
  • 10 million were ILLEGALS...
  • 14 million already eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA and
  • 18 million under age 34 making over $50k and paying their health costs out of pocket as they didn't NEED health insurance!
...the MSM only has articles--vs the amount of information in a book--so, obviously, they can and do put in ONLY the exaggerated/explosive/controversial/etc CRAP
our local news really only has headlines and a sentence or two--pathetic
The Denver Post wrote this article replete with misinformation specifically about the repeal of ACA.
Texas federal judge rules Affordable Health Care Act unconstitutional

Their article totally misinformed the readers especially and I quote:
"...while an estimated 12 million low-income people are covered through its Medicaid expansion."

The Post and MSM are evidently NOT aware that 14 million people counted by Obama in his"46 million uninsured" statement were eligible BEFORE ACA? They just didn't enroll!
Proof? From the architect of ACA who also said:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass." The MIT economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber estimates that nearly 9 million new Medicaid enrollees were already eligible.

Millions of Obamacare enrollees already had health insurance

Do you understand this gigantic fraud being perpetuated by the MSM?

There never were "46 million uninsured" as
  • 10 million were ILLEGALS...
  • 14 million already eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA and
  • 18 million under age 34 making over $50k and paying their health costs out of pocket as they didn't NEED health insurance!
View attachment 234780

The entire 2012 election campaign was fought over Obamacare, and Obama won in a landslide. The 2018 Mid-terms were fought, in large part, to prevent the repeal and destruction of Obamacare, and Republicans lost in a landslide.

No matter how much Republicans lie about Obamacare, no matter how much they undercut its basic requirements, Americans are still chosing Obamacare over ANYTHING Republicans have proposed. Even Republicans tried to run on the provisions of the ACA, even as they continue to try to undo it. They failed miserably.
The Denver Post wrote this article replete with misinformation specifically about the repeal of ACA.
Texas federal judge rules Affordable Health Care Act unconstitutional

Their article totally misinformed the readers especially and I quote:
"...while an estimated 12 million low-income people are covered through its Medicaid expansion."

The Post and MSM are evidently NOT aware that 14 million people counted by Obama in his"46 million uninsured" statement were eligible BEFORE ACA? They just didn't enroll!
Proof? From the architect of ACA who also said:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass." The MIT economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber estimates that nearly 9 million new Medicaid enrollees were already eligible.

Millions of Obamacare enrollees already had health insurance

Do you understand this gigantic fraud being perpetuated by the MSM?

There never were "46 million uninsured" as
  • 10 million were ILLEGALS...
  • 14 million already eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA and
  • 18 million under age 34 making over $50k and paying their health costs out of pocket as they didn't NEED health insurance!
View attachment 234780

The entire 2012 election campaign was fought over Obamacare, and Obama won in a landslide. The 2018 Mid-terms were fought, in large part, to prevent the repeal and destruction of Obamacare, and Republicans lost in a landslide.

No matter how much Republicans lie about Obamacare, no matter how much they undercut its basic requirements, Americans are still chosing Obamacare over ANYTHING Republicans have proposed. Even Republicans tried to run on the provisions of the ACA, even as they continue to try to undo it. They failed miserably.

And so YOU admit that Obama LIED when he said there were 46 million uninsured. That lie has been repeated by the biased complicit MSM and it has literal cost lives due to
people believing those lies.
Once again Gruber the architect of ACA TOLD us it was your stupidity to allowed this to pass!
Gruber tells us that 9 million of the NEW ACA were really eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid so why did it take a disruptive force like ACA?
Politifact.org called Obama "sloppy" when he included 10 million illegals in the "46 million figure"!

So why are we the rational, logical Americans have to suffer for your stupidity?
The entire 2012 election campaign was fought over Obamacare, and Obama won in a landslide.

And when the American people found out Obama lied his ass off about Obamacare Dem's were obliterated in 2014. I laughed when in 2014 Dem's screamed at Obama to take the blame for his lies, their constituents were livid and ripping them a new one back home. Obama went on TV and took the blame to no avail, Dem's lost the Senate. Then in 2016 Americans threw Obama and Obamacare under the bus by electing Trump! :eusa_dance:
The entire 2012 election campaign was fought over Obamacare, and Obama won in a landslide.

And when the American people found out Obama lied his ass off about Obamacare Dem's were obliterated in 2014. I laughed when in 2014 Dem's screamed at Obama to take the blame for his lies, their constituents were livid and ripping them a new one back home. Obama went on TV and took the blame to no avail, Dem's lost the Senate. Then in 2016 Americans threw Obama and Obamacare under the bus by electing Trump! :eusa_dance:

That's a wonderful fairy tale but it's not what happened at all. The ACA was structured so that you didn't have to change doctors, but the medical establishment didn't like the lower payouts of the ACA and doctors refused to accept the policies.

The entire 2012 election was fought on Obamacare, and Obama won in a landslide. Obamacare wasn't even a factor in the 2016 elections, but it was a HUGE issue in 2018, land Democrats won in a landslide. Obamacare is far more popular that Donald Trump.
The entire 2012 election campaign was fought over Obamacare, and Obama won in a landslide.

And when the American people found out Obama lied his ass off about Obamacare Dem's were obliterated in 2014. I laughed when in 2014 Dem's screamed at Obama to take the blame for his lies, their constituents were livid and ripping them a new one back home. Obama went on TV and took the blame to no avail, Dem's lost the Senate. Then in 2016 Americans threw Obama and Obamacare under the bus by electing Trump! :eusa_dance:

That's a wonderful fairy tale but it's not what happened at all. The ACA was structured so that you didn't have to change doctors, but the medical establishment didn't like the lower payouts of the ACA and doctors refused to accept the policies.

The entire 2012 election was fought on Obamacare, and Obama won in a landslide. Obamacare wasn't even a factor in the 2016 elections, but it was a HUGE issue in 2018, land Democrats won in a landslide. Obamacare is far more popular that Donald Trump.

NO it is NOT! The MSM of which the vast majority of Americans don't believe keeps pushing it but we that were never the part of Americans that were as the
Architect of ACA Gruber said"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

The MSM keeps pushing the lies like Obama's 46 million uninsured when 10 million were illegals, 14 million were eligible BEFORE ACA for Medicaid they just didn't enroll and
18 million that never wanted or needed health insurance.
People like you NEVER ever address these points!
The entire 2012 election campaign was fought over Obamacare, and Obama won in a landslide.

And when the American people found out Obama lied his ass off about Obamacare Dem's were obliterated in 2014. I laughed when in 2014 Dem's screamed at Obama to take the blame for his lies, their constituents were livid and ripping them a new one back home. Obama went on TV and took the blame to no avail, Dem's lost the Senate. Then in 2016 Americans threw Obama and Obamacare under the bus by electing Trump! :eusa_dance:

That's a wonderful fairy tale but it's not what happened at all. The ACA was structured so that you didn't have to change doctors, but the medical establishment didn't like the lower payouts of the ACA and doctors refused to accept the policies.

The entire 2012 election was fought on Obamacare, and Obama won in a landslide. Obamacare wasn't even a factor in the 2016 elections, but it was a HUGE issue in 2018, land Democrats won in a landslide. Obamacare is far more popular that Donald Trump.

And you maybe right about the doctors not caring for ACA...BECAUSE ACA had NO tort reform!
Read the facts about what thousands of doctors surveyed reported as the #1 WASTE they DO in healthcare!
This is reality and PLEASE don't confuse this with nonsense complaints about "malpractice insurance" costs. Has nothing to do with that.
This is simply insurance companies paying claims that should never have been submitted!
$1 TRILLION a year!
...a wonderful fairy tale but it's not what happened at all. The ACA was structured so that you didn't have to change doctor... ...Obamacare is far more popular that Donald Trump.
Obamacare was promised to cut medical care costs, but what actually happened was that from the day it was signed into law until Jan. 2017 real medical care prices rose---

---and since then med prices steadily fell as Obamacare was dismantled.
...a wonderful fairy tale but it's not what happened at all. The ACA was structured so that you didn't have to change doctor... ...Obamacare is far more popular that Donald Trump.
Obamacare was promised to cut medical care costs, but what actually happened was that from the day it was signed into law until Jan. 2017 real medical care prices rose---

---and since then med prices steadily fell as Obamacare was dismantled.

Their spin is that it would have grown 1000000000000000% more than that rate without Obamacare.

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