On Yemen, Ft. Hood, Abdulmutallab.......


Aug 6, 2009
I hope he is dead and wonder what took so long.

An American-born radical Islamist, believed to have links to the Fort Hood gunman accused of killing 13 colleagues last month, may have been among 30 militant leaders killed when Yemeni aircraft bombed suspected al-Qaeda hideouts.

Anwar al-Awlaki, who reportedly corresponded by e-mail with Major Nidal Malik Hasan before the shooting at the Texan base, was thought to have been attending an al-Qaeda meeting in Rafadh when the airstrikes took place on Thursday. At least 34 members of the terror organisation were killed, according to the Yemeni Embassy in Washington. A similar number were killed in a raid last week.

In Sanaa, 25 suspected al-Qaeda members were also arrested for allegedly planning suicide bombings at the British Embassy and foreign schools.

It is thought that the airstrike also killed Naser Abdel-Karim al-Wahishi, the leader of al-Qaeda’s operations in Saudi Arabia, where numerous attacks have been carried out. The Yemeni Embassy said that Mr al-Wahishi’s deputy was also thought to have been killed, but the identities have not yet been confirmed. The brother of Mr al-Awlaki and a friend said that he was not among those killed, but would not say if he had been at the meeting.

The thing is, this guy is/was an American, spewing his hatred and a cookbook for disenfranchised terrorism on the interwebs and quite effectively selling his brand of "jihad" to native weirdos here and in Britain. He speaks English just like the rest of us, knows all sorts of things about how we operate and wasn't shy about spreading that info to the world via the net. He has boasted since Ft. Hood he was having email exchanges with Hassan.

Now how incompetent is our Gov't for not assassinating this guy, bugging his site or shutting it down long before now? They certainly are all up in our grills for pinching mp3s, but they just let this guy operate with impunity? Don't we have hackers we can deploy? This guy should have had a bullet in his brain and been caught dead fondling a young boy and a pound of bacon a long time ago.
another snippet and link:

If it is confirmed that he was among the dead the attack would be a blow for al-Qaeda, which has been gathering forces in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, where it tried to assassinate the prince in charge of counter-terrorism efforts.

Mr al-Awlaki, an imam, was born in New Mexico and studied in Colorado before moving to Yemen in 2002. He is said to have exchanged e-mails with Major Hasan. The major was shot by a police officer and charged with 13 counts of murder after the worst attack on a US army base.

Friend of Fort Hood gunman 'killed in attack on Yemen hideout' - Times Online
New policy in place...we no longer whack bad guys. We let them operate and hope their bombs don't go off or we let them shoot the place up and hope they take us to their leaders.
Isn't assassination illegal? I mean Navy Seals can't even punch a guy in the mouth, so I don't think the loony left would approve. I am certain they would have rather given each of them their Miranda rights and bring them back to the US for a taxpayer funded trial. That's how we win a war, right? Errrrr!
If anything, Obama has ramped up the policy. We have more killer drones in Pakistan, we are more openly helping Yemen and using drones over there too. These assholes are on the Saudi's back porch and things are getting tense. The recent suicide attacks in Afghanistan are said to be in retaliation for the drone attacks and for indigenous villagers freezing the militants out.
My understanding from stories released yesterday is that Anwar al-Awlaki was not at the location of the bombing. We will get him next time
You've been duped....if anyone asks for shelter in Waziristan they are given it. The only ones who are being "frozen out" is the Pakistani Army. Those drones have killed more civilians the past year than at any time in the entire conflict yet the media and the anti war types have their traps zipped shut for some reason.
Drones terrorize the terrorists...

I like it

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