We have become a nation of pussies & nancy boys!
If you buy a hot cup of coffee from McDonalds and spill it on your lap, you can sue and be awarded millions. If someone says something mean to you, you can sue them for hate speech. If someone desecrates a mosque, they will be arrested & charged for a hate crime- though if you protest and throw rocks through a Christian church's window, that's just free speech. If you slip on some ice outside of someones house, you can sue & possibly end up owning their house. If someone tells a female she "looks nice today," she can sue for sexual harassment- unless he is a pro-abortion president, then he can rape her with impunity. If a cop isn't gentle enough when arresting a violent, resisting-arrest criminal, HE, not the criminal, will be tried & convicted. If a lame musician or actor spews venomous hatred for America and their fans stop buying their product- thus using THEIR free speech- the former fan will be accused of being a censorship Nazi. If someone goes on a killing spree, they will be acquitted because they were beat as a child, not loved enough, didn't get the postal job they wanted, or that they just ate one too many Twinkies.
And NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW, when terrorists blow up buildings, vague memos are not deciphered by a team of psychics, or a few bad soldiers make some terrorist thugs pose naked, WE MUST HAVE AN APOLOGY FROM SOMEONE.....unless, of course, you are a liberal Democrat like Clinton.
Yes, what happened in the Abu Graib prison was disgusting & reprehensible, but NOT because I feel sorrow for those prisoners. If these prisoners were just common Iraqi criminals, then yes, my heart goes out to them to a great extent. However, if they are terrorist insurgents, thugs who systematically killed our boys, then that treatment was too good for them and what they deserved was extreme torture and summary execution......just without a camera around. My horror was 2 fold:
1)That we have a few soldiers who are so dense that they are willing to gleefully humiliate prisoners, KNOWING that this action, if ever unearthed, would lead to more of our soldiers being tortured & killed.
2) They have given terrorist organizations & news outlets like Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Al Jazeera, and CNN {OOPS!} actual fodder to further their war against America.
That said, though the bad U.S. apples might have done more than just humiliate a few of those prisoners, please pause and compare the outrage & moral outcry by the LMM over this as opposed to several of our people being killed, mutilated, burned, dragged through the streets of Fallujah, and their partial corpses hung from a bridge. Yes, they reported it, but where was the blood-curdling cry?
I predicted and was right when I said the terrorist-sympathizing, America-hating LMM would seize upon this to further denigrate this country, our soldiers, and President Bush; First it was abuse, then torture, and I am sure the word "atrocities" will be coming any day, now. This coming on the heels of Richard Clarke's book-promoting, movie deal-sealing apology to the 9/11 families. So, this brings me to my point: In the Woodstock mood sweeping the nation, I have come to the conclusion that the LMM are right. They hound Rummy to apologize for the behavior of these few bad apples, claiming that he & America are responsible for the "culture" which promotes this abuse. They attempt to bully Condy into apologizing for not being Sister Cleo or Sylvia Brown, foreseeing 9/11 in every detail. They badger President Bush into apologizing for....for.....HELL, EVERYTHING UNDER THE FUC&ING SUN! Yeah, I know that their recent disturbing, yet hilarious obesession with trying to get Bush to apologize is only fueled by their desire for a gotcha moment, but it has to be addressed and addressed NOW! Well, President Bush & his administration need not step up to the plate, for I will speak for them and ALL other Republicans:
Dear Liberals,
Speaking on behalf of President Bush & ALL Republicans, I would like to apologize & say that I am sorry. I am sorry we exposed the high-level Soviet spies in both the Roosevelt & Truman administrations. I apologize for our exposing the fact that John F. Kennedy was a supply sider. I am sorry that Nixon covered up Watergate, even though we exposed that FDR threw innocent Americans into Japanese internment camps; Truman lost China; JFK lost Cuba, exacerbated the Cold War, used- with RFK- the IRS to audit his enemies, got us into Vietnam, and ordered J. Edgar Hoover to bug Martin Luther King's rooms & cars, gathering all the dirt to use against him. I am sorry that we exposed the fact that Teddy Kennedy let Mary Jo Kopechne drown, waiting over eights hours to report it to the authorities, not to mention he had time to huddle with his political advisors for HOURS before taking said action. I am sorry that Johnson carried on the aforementioned ILLEGAL policies against American citizens, got us into a war which he wouldn't allow us to win, and that his actions made Nixon look like an altar boy. I am sorry that we spread the word about how Carter destroyed America's credibility and embraced every dictator he could find. I am sorry that Reagan broadened the white AND black middle class by creating nearly 20 million jobs[ a lot like Newt Gingrich, NOT Clinton, did in the 90s], that he gave America its dignity back, and defeated your beloved Soviet Union, thus leaving The Evil Empire on the ash heap of history. I am sorry that Reagan didn't appease the communist monster responsible for tens & tens & tens of millions of deaths. I am sorry that we are so reckless as to illustrate how Clinton disgraced the "Oral" Office, gutted our military & CIA, dodged scandal after scandal, raped Junita Broaddrick, and refused to take military action against Al Qaeda or the Taliban after numerous terrorist attacks on us. I apologize for pointing out that he even refused to have bin Laden handed over to us. I AM SORRY!
As for President Bush.......
I apologize that he has delivered us from the Clinton recession and saw our economy through the tech bubble burst, corporate scandals, 9/11, and two wars. I am sorry that Bush & we Republicans believe that our money is OUR money, and that late-term abortions are first-degree murder. I am sorry that Bush & we Republicans have the nerve to actually use John Kerry's anti-American actions, voting record, & his own words against him. I am sorry that Rummy actually wants to WIN a war and not just doom us to failure. I am sorry that Condy was not a psychic. I am sorry that Ashcroft has adopted the same laws used against the mafia to fight the terrorists. I am sorry that Bush prays to the Lord before sending our troops into harms way, this instead of hugging a tree. I am sorry that he loves his wife and isn't into getting blowjobs from young interns. I am sorry that we have exposed how groups like NOW, NARAL, PETA, the NAACP, and the ACLU have become radicalized and fight to destroy the lives of ALL Americans, especially those whom they purport to represent. I am sorry Bush & we Republicans don't try to empathize and try to understand the feelings & motives of the 9/11 highjackers. I am sorry that we castigate & vilify the French for being back-stabbing cowards. I am sorry that we despise the UN, France, Germany, & Russia for bilking the oil-for-fraud program, thus punishing the Iraqi people and, at the same time, tipping their filthy, corrupt hand as to why they so vehemently objected to our action to depose Saddam. I am sorry that Bush does not get permission from the UN before protecting us. I am sorry that Bush actually carried out the Clinton policy of regime change; Bush should NEVER have been so naive as to believe that liberals actually believed that words, after time, should lead to action. I am so sorry that Bush didn't wait ANOTHER 17 Resolutions and 12 years before supporting action against Saddam. I am so sorry that Bush, the evil Christian, waged war against the peaceful tribal nomads of the Taliban, ONLY because he hates other cultures.
I am SOOOOOO sorry that President Bush has the audacity to free 50 million people from tyranny, spread freedom throughout the world, hold North Korea accountable- unlike Clinton's willingness to blindly trust Kim Jong Il- respect the sanctity of INNOCENT life, keep us safe, and that he is determined to win the war on terror. I AM SORRY!
Furthermore, I would like to apologize if you didn't get that job you wanted. I am sorry, also, if you DID get the job but now hate it. I am sorry that your spouse or significant other refuses to give you the remote control. I want to apologize if that damn milk makes your Frosted Flakes all friggin' soggy. I am sorry that your bath towel stinks & needs a good wash. I'm sorry that your car is in the shop. I am sorry that, once again, you jacked off & overshot the Kleenex. I am sorry if your neighbor plays his/her music too loudly. I am sorry that your ulcer acts up every time you have a drink. I am sorry that you have that nasty lil' hangnail which hurts so much. I'm sorry that you stubbed your big toe. I am sorry that your tap water tastes funny. I am sorry.......Well, I apologize and I am sorry for EVERYTHING that is wrong with both the world AND your life.
So, I guess all the problems have been solved, and we now have a clean slate, right?
Gee, I feel all better.....how 'bout YOU?
If you buy a hot cup of coffee from McDonalds and spill it on your lap, you can sue and be awarded millions. If someone says something mean to you, you can sue them for hate speech. If someone desecrates a mosque, they will be arrested & charged for a hate crime- though if you protest and throw rocks through a Christian church's window, that's just free speech. If you slip on some ice outside of someones house, you can sue & possibly end up owning their house. If someone tells a female she "looks nice today," she can sue for sexual harassment- unless he is a pro-abortion president, then he can rape her with impunity. If a cop isn't gentle enough when arresting a violent, resisting-arrest criminal, HE, not the criminal, will be tried & convicted. If a lame musician or actor spews venomous hatred for America and their fans stop buying their product- thus using THEIR free speech- the former fan will be accused of being a censorship Nazi. If someone goes on a killing spree, they will be acquitted because they were beat as a child, not loved enough, didn't get the postal job they wanted, or that they just ate one too many Twinkies.
And NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW, when terrorists blow up buildings, vague memos are not deciphered by a team of psychics, or a few bad soldiers make some terrorist thugs pose naked, WE MUST HAVE AN APOLOGY FROM SOMEONE.....unless, of course, you are a liberal Democrat like Clinton.
Yes, what happened in the Abu Graib prison was disgusting & reprehensible, but NOT because I feel sorrow for those prisoners. If these prisoners were just common Iraqi criminals, then yes, my heart goes out to them to a great extent. However, if they are terrorist insurgents, thugs who systematically killed our boys, then that treatment was too good for them and what they deserved was extreme torture and summary execution......just without a camera around. My horror was 2 fold:
1)That we have a few soldiers who are so dense that they are willing to gleefully humiliate prisoners, KNOWING that this action, if ever unearthed, would lead to more of our soldiers being tortured & killed.
2) They have given terrorist organizations & news outlets like Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Al Jazeera, and CNN {OOPS!} actual fodder to further their war against America.
That said, though the bad U.S. apples might have done more than just humiliate a few of those prisoners, please pause and compare the outrage & moral outcry by the LMM over this as opposed to several of our people being killed, mutilated, burned, dragged through the streets of Fallujah, and their partial corpses hung from a bridge. Yes, they reported it, but where was the blood-curdling cry?
I predicted and was right when I said the terrorist-sympathizing, America-hating LMM would seize upon this to further denigrate this country, our soldiers, and President Bush; First it was abuse, then torture, and I am sure the word "atrocities" will be coming any day, now. This coming on the heels of Richard Clarke's book-promoting, movie deal-sealing apology to the 9/11 families. So, this brings me to my point: In the Woodstock mood sweeping the nation, I have come to the conclusion that the LMM are right. They hound Rummy to apologize for the behavior of these few bad apples, claiming that he & America are responsible for the "culture" which promotes this abuse. They attempt to bully Condy into apologizing for not being Sister Cleo or Sylvia Brown, foreseeing 9/11 in every detail. They badger President Bush into apologizing for....for.....HELL, EVERYTHING UNDER THE FUC&ING SUN! Yeah, I know that their recent disturbing, yet hilarious obesession with trying to get Bush to apologize is only fueled by their desire for a gotcha moment, but it has to be addressed and addressed NOW! Well, President Bush & his administration need not step up to the plate, for I will speak for them and ALL other Republicans:
Dear Liberals,
Speaking on behalf of President Bush & ALL Republicans, I would like to apologize & say that I am sorry. I am sorry we exposed the high-level Soviet spies in both the Roosevelt & Truman administrations. I apologize for our exposing the fact that John F. Kennedy was a supply sider. I am sorry that Nixon covered up Watergate, even though we exposed that FDR threw innocent Americans into Japanese internment camps; Truman lost China; JFK lost Cuba, exacerbated the Cold War, used- with RFK- the IRS to audit his enemies, got us into Vietnam, and ordered J. Edgar Hoover to bug Martin Luther King's rooms & cars, gathering all the dirt to use against him. I am sorry that we exposed the fact that Teddy Kennedy let Mary Jo Kopechne drown, waiting over eights hours to report it to the authorities, not to mention he had time to huddle with his political advisors for HOURS before taking said action. I am sorry that Johnson carried on the aforementioned ILLEGAL policies against American citizens, got us into a war which he wouldn't allow us to win, and that his actions made Nixon look like an altar boy. I am sorry that we spread the word about how Carter destroyed America's credibility and embraced every dictator he could find. I am sorry that Reagan broadened the white AND black middle class by creating nearly 20 million jobs[ a lot like Newt Gingrich, NOT Clinton, did in the 90s], that he gave America its dignity back, and defeated your beloved Soviet Union, thus leaving The Evil Empire on the ash heap of history. I am sorry that Reagan didn't appease the communist monster responsible for tens & tens & tens of millions of deaths. I am sorry that we are so reckless as to illustrate how Clinton disgraced the "Oral" Office, gutted our military & CIA, dodged scandal after scandal, raped Junita Broaddrick, and refused to take military action against Al Qaeda or the Taliban after numerous terrorist attacks on us. I apologize for pointing out that he even refused to have bin Laden handed over to us. I AM SORRY!
As for President Bush.......
I apologize that he has delivered us from the Clinton recession and saw our economy through the tech bubble burst, corporate scandals, 9/11, and two wars. I am sorry that Bush & we Republicans believe that our money is OUR money, and that late-term abortions are first-degree murder. I am sorry that Bush & we Republicans have the nerve to actually use John Kerry's anti-American actions, voting record, & his own words against him. I am sorry that Rummy actually wants to WIN a war and not just doom us to failure. I am sorry that Condy was not a psychic. I am sorry that Ashcroft has adopted the same laws used against the mafia to fight the terrorists. I am sorry that Bush prays to the Lord before sending our troops into harms way, this instead of hugging a tree. I am sorry that he loves his wife and isn't into getting blowjobs from young interns. I am sorry that we have exposed how groups like NOW, NARAL, PETA, the NAACP, and the ACLU have become radicalized and fight to destroy the lives of ALL Americans, especially those whom they purport to represent. I am sorry Bush & we Republicans don't try to empathize and try to understand the feelings & motives of the 9/11 highjackers. I am sorry that we castigate & vilify the French for being back-stabbing cowards. I am sorry that we despise the UN, France, Germany, & Russia for bilking the oil-for-fraud program, thus punishing the Iraqi people and, at the same time, tipping their filthy, corrupt hand as to why they so vehemently objected to our action to depose Saddam. I am sorry that Bush does not get permission from the UN before protecting us. I am sorry that Bush actually carried out the Clinton policy of regime change; Bush should NEVER have been so naive as to believe that liberals actually believed that words, after time, should lead to action. I am so sorry that Bush didn't wait ANOTHER 17 Resolutions and 12 years before supporting action against Saddam. I am so sorry that Bush, the evil Christian, waged war against the peaceful tribal nomads of the Taliban, ONLY because he hates other cultures.
I am SOOOOOO sorry that President Bush has the audacity to free 50 million people from tyranny, spread freedom throughout the world, hold North Korea accountable- unlike Clinton's willingness to blindly trust Kim Jong Il- respect the sanctity of INNOCENT life, keep us safe, and that he is determined to win the war on terror. I AM SORRY!
Furthermore, I would like to apologize if you didn't get that job you wanted. I am sorry, also, if you DID get the job but now hate it. I am sorry that your spouse or significant other refuses to give you the remote control. I want to apologize if that damn milk makes your Frosted Flakes all friggin' soggy. I am sorry that your bath towel stinks & needs a good wash. I'm sorry that your car is in the shop. I am sorry that, once again, you jacked off & overshot the Kleenex. I am sorry if your neighbor plays his/her music too loudly. I am sorry that your ulcer acts up every time you have a drink. I am sorry that you have that nasty lil' hangnail which hurts so much. I'm sorry that you stubbed your big toe. I am sorry that your tap water tastes funny. I am sorry.......Well, I apologize and I am sorry for EVERYTHING that is wrong with both the world AND your life.
So, I guess all the problems have been solved, and we now have a clean slate, right?
Gee, I feel all better.....how 'bout YOU?