OMG- President Obama took a photo, and SHOOK A HAND!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
You guys,.......OH...MY....GAWD!!!

Our president took a picture...imagine that, some people wanted a photo with the President of the US......and, he SHOOK A HAND!!

That's it. We are going to surrender to Cuba now. I mean, how dare he shake a hand of a foreign leader who we disagree with? I mean, sure, John McCain shook hands with Ghaddafi. And the relationship with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, with the Middle East guys, uh-hum, Saddam......well, forget all that folks.

What is important now is that our president just surrendered to Cuba, and is spending his presidency taking photos.

How soon should he be impeached?

How much longer can America survive?
What on earth are you babbling about and why should we care about the President shaking someone's hand? Was the hand growing out of his back or something?
The president is probably in a little trouble with his wife for flirting with the white lady, but other than that, which is none of our business, he did no harm in Africa...which is not at all the case when he is in country and at work.

That's when we have a problem, because he is killing us with lies and misgovernment.

I wish he would flirt with white ladies and play golf for the next 3 would be better for the country...but it doesn't look like his wife is going to put up with it.
What on earth are you babbling about and why should we care about the President shaking someone's hand? Was the hand growing out of his back or something?

I was watching Fox. And they showed him shaking hands with the leader of CUBA!!!! And they told me how awful it was for America!! And maybe we're surrendering!!


I don't wanna speak Spanish and dance the salsa. Why is Obama destroying America!!??
The photog that took the pic sez he's sorry he took it. Moochelle looks terribly angry. I wonder if Comrade Barack's gonna be sportin' a black eye or an arm in a cast in a sling when he gets offa Marine One after his return from South Africa. Controllin' Air Force One's likely gonna be a bit of a problem for the pilots during their trans Atlantic return flight. Moochelles liable to be bouncin Barry off the walls so often the pilots and other passengers are gonna think they had non stop turbulence all during the flight across 'The Pond' "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
Moochelle shouldn't get so bent outta shape anyway, the Danish PM, Ms Helle, ain't Comrade Barack's type o guy. He likes his posteriors furry, not smooth like a baby's skin. He's probably intensely engrossed in his image in the pic. Mebbe he saw something oh his face he liked that he's never seen before. Maybe the camera automatically cropped his ears. I'm sure it wasn't the horns.
Don't forget that he took a picture with the Danish PM! Never miss a good opportunity to be outraged! Otherwise how will Rush and Hannity get through their shows? :laugh:

I KNOW!!! He's a communist!!!!

I mean............sure, we sent millions of America's young men over their to fight and die in part on behalf of the Danish in WW2.

But taking pictures with them!!!?????

WHY is he destroying America!!!??
He took a picture of himself during a funeral like he was a teenage girl at a Mcdonalds with her BFFs. That is not how a head of state acts.

You may think a handshake with a Castro is no big deal, but i bet Cubans all over America think differently. They hate the Castro Brothers with a flaming passion that burns with the heat of a thousand suns, so imagine their reaction when President Dickhead shakes the hand of one of them.
He took a picture of himself during a funeral like he was a teenage girl at a Mcdonalds with her BFFs. That is not how a head of state acts.

You may think a handshake with a Castro is no big deal, but i bet Cubans all over America think differently. They hate the Castro Brothers with a flaming passion that burns with the heat of a thousand suns, so imagine their reaction when President Dickhead shakes the hand of one of them.

Probably the same way as some felt when John McCain shook hands with Ghaddafi. Or the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld folks got cozy with Saddam and Bin Laden in the 80's.

Or, maybe how oppressed Saudi Arabian women, and their relatives here, felt when Bush held hands, not shook, but held hands with Saudi royalty?

As for the pic.....who is to say how a head of state should act? Bill Clinton? George Bush?
He took a picture of himself during a funeral like he was a teenage girl at a Mcdonalds with her BFFs. That is not how a head of state acts.

You may think a handshake with a Castro is no big deal, but i bet Cubans all over America think differently. They hate the Castro Brothers with a flaming passion that burns with the heat of a thousand suns, so imagine their reaction when President Dickhead shakes the hand of one of them.

That's what happens when the libturds rule 'Murica!!! Better freshen up on your espanol before the libberhoids line you up against the wall amigos!

Get those Cubans out of my 'Murica!!! :evil::evil::evil:
'Murica is over.

Hes gonna let them there Cube-ins come here and takes ma guns. He'll probly take a selfie with Putin on my front porch when he comes n takes ma guns.

I bet he bans football and apple pie next. Hes ruinin' 'Murica.
He took a picture of himself during a funeral like he was a teenage girl at a Mcdonalds with her BFFs. That is not how a head of state acts.

You may think a handshake with a Castro is no big deal, but i bet Cubans all over America think differently. They hate the Castro Brothers with a flaming passion that burns with the heat of a thousand suns, so imagine their reaction when President Dickhead shakes the hand of one of them.

That was the funeral? Really? 93,000 people in a stadium singing and no body in a casket anywhere. Some funeral!

But I agree, when on foreign soil show some dignity. And learn how to navigate a Chinese stadium steps without help:

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'Murica is over.

Hes gonna let them there Cube-ins come here and takes ma guns. He'll probly take a selfie with Putin on my front porch when he comes n takes ma guns.

I bet he bans football and apple pie next. Hes ruinin' 'Murica.

Hey get it right...that would be roonin' 'Murica.
If President Bush shook hands with dictator and took a selfie while at the funeral of a man considered a great hero the left would have reacted how? Neither the handshake or the pic is by any means a big deal but please spare us all the phony liberal outrage over the rights reaction to it when you all know you be saying the same stuff if it was a Republican President remember how much of a big deal all you lefties made of this.

I rest my case.
He took a picture of himself during a funeral like he was a teenage girl at a Mcdonalds with her BFFs. That is not how a head of state acts.

You may think a handshake with a Castro is no big deal, but i bet Cubans all over America think differently. They hate the Castro Brothers with a flaming passion that burns with the heat of a thousand suns, so imagine their reaction when President Dickhead shakes the hand of one of them.

That was the funeral? Really? 93,000 people in a stadium singing and no body in a casket anywhere. Some funeral!

You're right, it wasn't a funeral. WHy? Because that was a FEMA CAMP TRIAL RUN!!!

That's right. Hes using the Mandela as a ploy. He's got undercover FEMA agents using it to see how they can round up 93,000 gun owning, red meat eating Merricans into a stadium.

ANd they're gonna use the Dallas Cowboys stadium, because they are "Americas Team" and he hates America!
He took a picture of himself during a funeral like he was a teenage girl at a Mcdonalds with her BFFs. That is not how a head of state acts.

You may think a handshake with a Castro is no big deal, but i bet Cubans all over America think differently. They hate the Castro Brothers with a flaming passion that burns with the heat of a thousand suns, so imagine their reaction when President Dickhead shakes the hand of one of them.

That was the funeral? Really? 93,000 people in a stadium singing and no body in a casket anywhere. Some funeral!

Just a bunch of potsmoking libmonkeys having a pity party over some racist commy. Gimme back my 'Muricaaaaa democraps!!!!!!!!!!11!1!!!11!!111!!!111111111
If President Bush shook hands with dictator and took a selfie while at the funeral of a man considered a great hero the left would have reacted how? Neither the handshake or the pic is by any means a big deal but please spare us all the phony liberal outrage over the rights reaction to it when you all know you be saying the same stuff if it was a Republican President remember how much of a big deal all you lefties made of this.

I rest my case.

Hey, it gets better than that:

If President Bush shook hands with dictator and took a selfie while at the funeral of a man considered a great hero the left would have reacted how? Neither the handshake or the pic is by any means a big deal but please spare us all the phony liberal outrage over the rights reaction to it when you all know you be saying the same stuff if it was a Republican President remember how much of a big deal all you lefties made of this.

I rest my case.

Ah, my point exactly!!! That both sides are fucked up, and Fox/MSNBC are just bullshit pushers.

I told the GOP to fuck off and don't vote for either of them.

One day the rest of the right wing might too. But, for now, Fox is still convincing them Cuba is going to take over because Obama did an impromptu hand shake.
If President Bush shook hands with dictator and took a selfie while at the funeral of a man considered a great hero the left would have reacted how? Neither the handshake or the pic is by any means a big deal but please spare us all the phony liberal outrage over the rights reaction to it when you all know you be saying the same stuff if it was a Republican President remember how much of a big deal all you lefties made of this.

I rest my case.

Hey, it gets better than that:

That much like the handshake and selfie from Obama was trivial yet the partisan left reacted to it the same way the partisan right is with this Obama stuff.
If President Bush shook hands with dictator and took a selfie while at the funeral of a man considered a great hero the left would have reacted how? Neither the handshake or the pic is by any means a big deal but please spare us all the phony liberal outrage over the rights reaction to it when you all know you be saying the same stuff if it was a Republican President remember how much of a big deal all you lefties made of this.

I rest my case.

Ah, my point exactly!!! That both sides are fucked up, and Fox/MSNBC are just bullshit pushers.

I told the GOP to fuck off and don't vote for either of them.

One day the rest of the right wing might too. But, for now, Fox is still convincing them Cuba is going to take over because Obama did an impromptu hand shake.
Uh and what was the left saying about the above pic at that time? I seem to remember a lot of stuff like Bush was bought and owned by the Saudi's and he was doing his maters bidding.

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