OMG: Obama Admin just ORDERED the US Marine Corp to make boot camp coed!! Not a joke.

Not remotely what the story was about

Really? Because the story I read was about the USMC being told to make enlisted boot camp fully coed and gender neutral.

Have someone read it to you next time. For others here is the story.

""As we achieve full integration of the force ... this is an opportunity to update the position titles and descriptions themselves to demonstrate through this language that women are included in these MOSs," Mabus wrote. "Please review the position titles throughout the Marine Corps and ensure that they are gender-integrated as well, removing 'man' from the titles and provide a report to me as soon as is practicable and no later than April 1, 2016."
This was a good part too.
"While male and female Marine officer candidates have trained together for years, the service remains the only military branch to segregate its enlisted trainees."
Not remotely what the story was about

Really? Because the story I read was about the USMC being told to make enlisted boot camp fully coed and gender neutral.

Have someone read it to you next time. For others here is the story.

""As we achieve full integration of the force ... this is an opportunity to update the position titles and descriptions themselves to demonstrate through this language that women are included in these MOSs," Mabus wrote. "Please review the position titles throughout the Marine Corps and ensure that they are gender-integrated as well, removing 'man' from the titles and provide a report to me as soon as is practicable and no later than April 1, 2016."

Big difference than the OP's, amazing how things get twisted... How did changing a name turn into turning Coed?
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....

If men and women must work together, why should they train separately?
Pushback from when the Marines said putting women in combat arms was a bad idea. They didn't support the narrative, so they must pay the price.

If the Marine leadership had any integrity, everyone in the Marine Corps with a star on his shoulder should resign. This isn't about making the country safer or about making the military be able to do its job more effectively or about protecting the troops and is entirely about The Feels and pandering.

Yep. It's payback time for military and police. Obama and his followers are trying to do as much damage as they can.
damage? how so?

As I said....out of respect...I'll let former Marines say how this will affect the Corps. And's pronounced "core" not "corpse". Don't need to be a former Marine to know that.
but you said it would cause damage. i quoted you. so how so?

It will. The Marine Corp has said so itself.
no, they haven't.
If men and women must work together, why should they train separately?
Obviously you have not been in an infantry training if you have to axe such a stupid question.

I have not been to infantry training. I do, however, have enough of a background in optimizing work performance to realize that all manners of factors, some foreseen and others not, can affect how people in groups work together to accomplish a given outcome.

Given the nature of military combat, if there be a factor related to gender differences that militate for comrades in arms' understanding them and exploiting or eliminating them, as need be by a situation, it'd be a good thing to discover that during training rather than "wing it" in the heat of battle.

So, I disagree that it's a stupid question. We can all see, however, that you responded to the inquiry with a stupid answer.
If men and women must work together, why should they train separately?
Obviously you have not been in an infantry training if you have to axe such a stupid question.

I have not been to infantry training. I do, however, have enough of a background in optimizing work performance to realize that all manners of factors, some foreseen and others not, can affect how people in groups work together to accomplish a given outcome.

Given the nature of military combat, if there be a factor related to gender differences that militate for comrades in arms' understanding them and exploiting or eliminating them, as need be by a situation, it'd be a good thing to discover that during training rather than "wing it" in the heat of battle.

So, I disagree that it's a stupid question. We can all see, however, that you responded to the inquiry with a stupid answer.

I think the Marines are saying women don't belong in infantry.
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....
One has to wonder what the primary mission of the military is according our president? Is it a team building self esteem endeavor? Where there are group hugs everyone can look at each other and say “I’m Ok, you’re Ok?”

Does this a-hole in the oval office care even one iota about our national security? Can anyone be that much of a devil or an idiot? He has to be taking orders from some anti-God international cabal?

And the media doesn’t care one bit. They will not criticize anything this fool does.
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....
One has to wonder what the primary mission of the military is according our president? Is it a team building self esteem endeavor? Where there are group hugs everyone can look at each other and say “I’m Ok, you’re Ok?”

Does this a-hole in the oval office care even one iota about our national security? Can anyone be that much of a devil or an idiot? He has to be taking orders from some anti-God international cabal?

And the media doesn’t care one bit. They will not criticize anything this fool does.

Yep. I'm holding off most comments on this since I wasn't in the military. Military guys....especially infantry types...can tell us if this is smart or not.

I was a police officer and SOME women made good cops. Most were below average on the street. A few were ok. They were good in the detective role. SWAT team didn't ban women, just never had one pass the PT and shooting tryout.
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....
One has to wonder what the primary mission of the military is according our president? Is it a team building self esteem endeavor? Where there are group hugs everyone can look at each other and say “I’m Ok, you’re Ok?”

Does this a-hole in the oval office care even one iota about our national security? Can anyone be that much of a devil or an idiot? He has to be taking orders from some anti-God international cabal?

And the media doesn’t care one bit. They will not criticize anything this fool does.

Yep. I'm holding off most comments on this since I wasn't in the military. Military guys....especially infantry types...can tell us if this is smart or not.

I was a police officer and SOME women made good cops. Most were below average on the street. A few were ok. They were good in the detective role. SWAT team didn't ban women, just never had one pass the PT and shooting tryout.
No one is arguing that there may be some good having females in combat roles. They are arguing that such an endeavor also creates many terrible issues. And the good does not outweigh the bad.
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....
What could possibly go wrong?

God created male and female and Satan and his followers must eliminate that distinction.
If men and women must work together, why should they train separately?
Obviously you have not been in an infantry training if you have to axe such a stupid question.

I have not been to infantry training. I do, however, have enough of a background in optimizing work performance to realize that all manners of factors, some foreseen and others not, can affect how people in groups work together to accomplish a given outcome.

Given the nature of military combat, if there be a factor related to gender differences that militate for comrades in arms' understanding them and exploiting or eliminating them, as need be by a situation, it'd be a good thing to discover that during training rather than "wing it" in the heat of battle.

So, I disagree that it's a stupid question. We can all see, however, that you responded to the inquiry with a stupid answer.

I think the Marines are saying women don't belong in infantry.

Well, they may indeed be saying that; however, their commanders and political masters have determined otherwise, so it's rather pointless that they do.

Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do & die.
-- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "The Charge of the Light Brigade"
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....
One has to wonder what the primary mission of the military is according our president? Is it a team building self esteem endeavor? Where there are group hugs everyone can look at each other and say “I’m Ok, you’re Ok?”

Does this a-hole in the oval office care even one iota about our national security? Can anyone be that much of a devil or an idiot? He has to be taking orders from some anti-God international cabal?

And the media doesn’t care one bit. They will not criticize anything this fool does.

Yep. I'm holding off most comments on this since I wasn't in the military. Military guys....especially infantry types...can tell us if this is smart
how could they? how would they know?
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....

I gather this is as accurate as your claim yesterday that your grandfather can't sell you his rifle anymore either, right?
Bill Clinton tried it and the Marines managed to dodge the bullet but not the name calling by the gender neutral idiots in the administration. If the Marines can hold out until Barry Hussein fades away they might survive.
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....

they did not obey him…they will now be punished.
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....

they did not obey him…they will now be punished.
who is being punished, and how so?
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....

they did not obey him…they will now be punished.
who is being punished, and how so?

The men who will have to reduce their training standards to make it possible for women to keep up with the men….that means they will be less prepared for combat….
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral

Well folks....the hits keep coming. The Marine Corp will now have to turn Parris Island into a "gender neutral / coed" training grounds.

That's right. No male / female separation. 100% coed. The old Parris Island of the movies is gonna be gone. No more male / female separation. Fully coed huh.

I was never a Marine so out of respect.....I'll let any former Marines on here judge this doozy....

they did not obey him…they will now be punished.
who is being punished, and how so?

The men who will have to reduce their training standards
would have been easier to just say 'nobody'

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