Olive Branch Operation

This agreement does not make Syria and Turkey friends

Of course not, Syria and Turkey won't friends yet a long time. Just now they have a "common" problem with Kurds.

Russia is in bed with Turkey. But while there are many things I consider unacceptable for an ally, it is still way better than this: 'IS' supply channels through Turkey | All media content | DW | 26.11.2014
And yes, S-400 is being sold to Nato´s Turkey but can the Russians be sure Erdogan won´t use it as small present when crawling back to Washington?
Yes, Erdogan can betray at any time, and this "alliance" is nothing more than temporary.
Syrian Kurds are Syrian nationals, most of them. Some are refugees, but they can become Syrians if they want.

they seem to want to be KURDS----and the Yazidis want to be
Yazidis. -------they do not want to be arab Baathist pigs. My sense is that the KURDS can tolerate a yazidi minority
Poor Assad fans...
We've deteriorated to cartoons now?

Come back when You can compose a sentence.
sheeesh-------nutty Nazi erdogan is marching into syria

Stupid west...Kurds have a right to self-determination and an army to oppose genocidal maniacs exactly like Jews:cranky:

Did I deny that? I am a very ardent SUPPORTER OF KURDISTAN-----from Turkey, thru Syria, Thru Iraq and even
thru Iran. Do not blame "west" Most of my fellow
westerners do not have the vaguest idea what KURD means.
SHEEEEEEHS is you a kurd?
Because it´s Zionist agenda. That´s everything.

what is a Zionist agenda , blei, baby? Kurdistan? It is
probably true that lots of jews know "kurd" more than do
our WASPY neighbors. I knew about the Armenian genocide when I was about seven years old-----my mom told me.
Later on I discovered that none of my Waspy friends had any
idea that it had taken place. ------JOOOOS IS GENOCIDE
CONSCIOUS. Baathists are genocidal against Kurds
This is a nice pic:

But behind the scenes:
"Kurdish oil is exported through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, of which about one third of shipments were headed to Israel. Many industry experts suggested that upon arrival in Israel, the oil is both stored in containers and re-sold abroad.
These industry officials also suggested the Kurds may be selling the oil to Israel at a discounted price, but Kurdish authorities have denied this claim outright."
Report: Israel imports 77% of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan

But the main agenda for Israel is to divide Syria, Iraq, maybe even Iran and Turkey and thus reduce their strength.
Not even a rumor about it in Israel, and we live on the borders seeing everything.

You've just turned into an Erdogan apologizer...
As long as Assad has no opposition he has no problem with ethnic tensions...come Vlad come Erdogan they'll do the job.
Stupid west...Kurds have a right to self-determination and an army to oppose genocidal maniacs exactly like Jews:cranky:

Did I deny that? I am a very ardent SUPPORTER OF KURDISTAN-----from Turkey, thru Syria, Thru Iraq and even
thru Iran. Do not blame "west" Most of my fellow
westerners do not have the vaguest idea what KURD means.
SHEEEEEEHS is you a kurd?
Because it´s Zionist agenda. That´s everything.

what is a Zionist agenda , blei, baby? Kurdistan? It is
probably true that lots of jews know "kurd" more than do
our WASPY neighbors. I knew about the Armenian genocide when I was about seven years old-----my mom told me.
Later on I discovered that none of my Waspy friends had any
idea that it had taken place. ------JOOOOS IS GENOCIDE
CONSCIOUS. Baathists are genocidal against Kurds
This is a nice pic:

But behind the scenes:
"Kurdish oil is exported through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, of which about one third of shipments were headed to Israel. Many industry experts suggested that upon arrival in Israel, the oil is both stored in containers and re-sold abroad.
These industry officials also suggested the Kurds may be selling the oil to Israel at a discounted price, but Kurdish authorities have denied this claim outright."
Report: Israel imports 77% of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan

But the main agenda for Israel is to divide Syria, Iraq, maybe even Iran and Turkey and thus reduce their strength.
Not even a rumor about it in Israel, and we live on the borders seeing everything.

You've just turned into an Erdogan apologizer...
As long as Assad has no opposition he has no problem with ethnic tensions...come Vlad come Erdogan they'll do the job.
Just an Israeli source, blitz bulb.
This agreement does not make Syria and Turkey friends

Of course not, Syria and Turkey won't friends yet a long time. Just now they have a "common" problem with Kurds.

Russia is in bed with Turkey. But while there are many things I consider unacceptable for an ally, it is still way better than this: 'IS' supply channels through Turkey | All media content | DW | 26.11.2014
And yes, S-400 is being sold to Nato´s Turkey but can the Russians be sure Erdogan won´t use it as small present when crawling back to Washington?
Yes, Erdogan can betray at any time, and this "alliance" is nothing more than temporary.
Syrian Kurds are Syrian nationals, most of them. Some are refugees, but they can become Syrians if they want.

Oh shut da...You Baathi ass licker

Assad couldn't care less about the Kurds as long as they are not in the opposition.
When people start marching with a portrait of the guy like in N. Korea You gotta ask Yourself a couple questions.

He just published a notice for his "fellow Syrian national" who might wanna come back, to remind them of the old ways:

The site was launched on March 15 to mark the seventh anniversary of the Civil War
The huge reservoir includes 250,000 women

In the database you can enter a name and see if someone is required for questioning.

Check your name in Syrian regime's wanted list: 1.5 million people wanted

"The Ministry for National Reconciliation, he says, was established three and a half years ago. It brought to a successful conclusion 50 reconciliation projects before the Russian diplomatic and military operations started on September 30, 2015. The most celebrated of these resulted 18 months ago in 10,000 terrorists abandoning the old city of Homs (which they had devastated) without firing a shot. Today, another 50 such projects are in the works.

The purpose of reconciliation is to save Syrian lives and to shorten the war.

I ask what a reconciliation project looks like.

The minister replies that the strategy is to separate the foreign fighters from Syrian fighters. So what the ministry does is to communicate with influential local people and select some of them to form a local committee of reconciliation to act in its own name, formally independent of the Syrian government. The committee makes contact with the fighters and their leaders. It offers them a deal. It will provide safe passage out of a “rebel-held” area for those fighters who aren't interested in laying down their arms and receiving amnesty. For those Syrian fighters who lay down their arms and accept amnesty, the committee promises that security records will be cleared and jobs will be found. For those who wish to remain in arms, they are invited to join the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and can even form their own units.

Eight hundred former Syrian mercenaries switched sides and joined the SAA in Latakia Province alone. President Assad granted blanket amnesties eight times in the last five years for a total of about 20,000 former Syrian mercenaries.

But reconciliation is a lifetime project. Such bitter animosities among communities, formerly living in peace together for hundreds of years in pre-war Syria, have been created by the crimes of the foreign-backed terrorist mercenaries that many great gaps have been torn in the formerly pluralistic fabric of Syrian society. As a result, the project of reconciliation will be needed for a long time to prevent problems in the future.

As for refugees, the issue is even more complicated. There are internal and external refugees. And the Syrian government insists that it is not the cause of either type of refugees. Rather, the refugee problem is the direct consequence of five years of war of aggression waged against Syria by the West and Arabian monarchs.

The Syrian government doesn't know how many Syrians actually left the country because many people fled in panic of the terrorists without time even to take their documents. On the other hand, some neighboring countries are deliberately inflating the number of Syrian refugees within their borders to leverage their political power and to get funding from aid agencies and foreign governments."

Amid foreign imposed war, Syrian government works for reconciliation
Did I deny that? I am a very ardent SUPPORTER OF KURDISTAN-----from Turkey, thru Syria, Thru Iraq and even
thru Iran. Do not blame "west" Most of my fellow
westerners do not have the vaguest idea what KURD means.
SHEEEEEEHS is you a kurd?
Because it´s Zionist agenda. That´s everything.

what is a Zionist agenda , blei, baby? Kurdistan? It is
probably true that lots of jews know "kurd" more than do
our WASPY neighbors. I knew about the Armenian genocide when I was about seven years old-----my mom told me.
Later on I discovered that none of my Waspy friends had any
idea that it had taken place. ------JOOOOS IS GENOCIDE
CONSCIOUS. Baathists are genocidal against Kurds
This is a nice pic:

But behind the scenes:
"Kurdish oil is exported through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, of which about one third of shipments were headed to Israel. Many industry experts suggested that upon arrival in Israel, the oil is both stored in containers and re-sold abroad.
These industry officials also suggested the Kurds may be selling the oil to Israel at a discounted price, but Kurdish authorities have denied this claim outright."
Report: Israel imports 77% of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan

But the main agenda for Israel is to divide Syria, Iraq, maybe even Iran and Turkey and thus reduce their strength.
Did I deny that? I am a very ardent SUPPORTER OF KURDISTAN-----from Turkey, thru Syria, Thru Iraq and even
thru Iran. Do not blame "west" Most of my fellow
westerners do not have the vaguest idea what KURD means.
SHEEEEEEHS is you a kurd?
Because it´s Zionist agenda. That´s everything.

what is a Zionist agenda , blei, baby? Kurdistan? It is
probably true that lots of jews know "kurd" more than do
our WASPY neighbors. I knew about the Armenian genocide when I was about seven years old-----my mom told me.
Later on I discovered that none of my Waspy friends had any
idea that it had taken place. ------JOOOOS IS GENOCIDE
CONSCIOUS. Baathists are genocidal against Kurds
This is a nice pic:

But behind the scenes:
"Kurdish oil is exported through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, of which about one third of shipments were headed to Israel. Many industry experts suggested that upon arrival in Israel, the oil is both stored in containers and re-sold abroad.
These industry officials also suggested the Kurds may be selling the oil to Israel at a discounted price, but Kurdish authorities have denied this claim outright."
Report: Israel imports 77% of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan

But the main agenda for Israel is to divide Syria, Iraq, maybe even Iran and Turkey and thus reduce their strength.

yes---of course. Israel even has a plan to destroy Pakistan.
I learned all about that from West Pakistanis in 1971 when
THE MOSSAD fomented the Pakistani civil war and sent WAR PLANES in to fight the west Pakistani army which is why west Pakistan was "FORCED" to murder east bengalis
Yinon Plan - Wikipedia

WTF You're ok with what Erdogan is doing because of a single article from the 80's :bang3:

How does it always turn into "because of Israel"? A cat farts in Cairo and it's Mossad fault.

Kurds deserve a right to govern and protect themselves from both Assad and Erdogan.
They deserved it before Assads came to their 40+ year rule, and even before Syria was established by the allied powers.
Last edited:
Because it´s Zionist agenda. That´s everything.

what is a Zionist agenda , blei, baby? Kurdistan? It is
probably true that lots of jews know "kurd" more than do
our WASPY neighbors. I knew about the Armenian genocide when I was about seven years old-----my mom told me.
Later on I discovered that none of my Waspy friends had any
idea that it had taken place. ------JOOOOS IS GENOCIDE
CONSCIOUS. Baathists are genocidal against Kurds
This is a nice pic:

But behind the scenes:
"Kurdish oil is exported through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, of which about one third of shipments were headed to Israel. Many industry experts suggested that upon arrival in Israel, the oil is both stored in containers and re-sold abroad.
These industry officials also suggested the Kurds may be selling the oil to Israel at a discounted price, but Kurdish authorities have denied this claim outright."
Report: Israel imports 77% of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan

But the main agenda for Israel is to divide Syria, Iraq, maybe even Iran and Turkey and thus reduce their strength.
Because it´s Zionist agenda. That´s everything.

what is a Zionist agenda , blei, baby? Kurdistan? It is
probably true that lots of jews know "kurd" more than do
our WASPY neighbors. I knew about the Armenian genocide when I was about seven years old-----my mom told me.
Later on I discovered that none of my Waspy friends had any
idea that it had taken place. ------JOOOOS IS GENOCIDE
CONSCIOUS. Baathists are genocidal against Kurds
This is a nice pic:

But behind the scenes:
"Kurdish oil is exported through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, of which about one third of shipments were headed to Israel. Many industry experts suggested that upon arrival in Israel, the oil is both stored in containers and re-sold abroad.
These industry officials also suggested the Kurds may be selling the oil to Israel at a discounted price, but Kurdish authorities have denied this claim outright."
Report: Israel imports 77% of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan

But the main agenda for Israel is to divide Syria, Iraq, maybe even Iran and Turkey and thus reduce their strength.

yes---of course. Israel even has a plan to destroy Pakistan.
I learned all about that from West Pakistanis in 1971 when
THE MOSSAD fomented the Pakistani civil war and sent WAR PLANES in to fight the west Pakistani army which is why west Pakistan was "FORCED" to murder east bengalis
Yinon Plan - Wikipedia

WTF You're ok with what Erdogan is doing because of a single article from the 80's :bang3:

How does it always turn into "because of Israel"? A cat farts in Cairo and it's Mossad fault.

Kurds deserve a right to govern and protect themselves from both Assad and Erdogan.
Where did I say its ok? Are you really reading here? Or are just being activated when the term "Israel" appears somewhere?
what is a Zionist agenda , blei, baby? Kurdistan? It is
probably true that lots of jews know "kurd" more than do
our WASPY neighbors. I knew about the Armenian genocide when I was about seven years old-----my mom told me.
Later on I discovered that none of my Waspy friends had any
idea that it had taken place. ------JOOOOS IS GENOCIDE
CONSCIOUS. Baathists are genocidal against Kurds
This is a nice pic:

But behind the scenes:
"Kurdish oil is exported through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, of which about one third of shipments were headed to Israel. Many industry experts suggested that upon arrival in Israel, the oil is both stored in containers and re-sold abroad.
These industry officials also suggested the Kurds may be selling the oil to Israel at a discounted price, but Kurdish authorities have denied this claim outright."
Report: Israel imports 77% of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan

But the main agenda for Israel is to divide Syria, Iraq, maybe even Iran and Turkey and thus reduce their strength.
what is a Zionist agenda , blei, baby? Kurdistan? It is
probably true that lots of jews know "kurd" more than do
our WASPY neighbors. I knew about the Armenian genocide when I was about seven years old-----my mom told me.
Later on I discovered that none of my Waspy friends had any
idea that it had taken place. ------JOOOOS IS GENOCIDE
CONSCIOUS. Baathists are genocidal against Kurds
This is a nice pic:

But behind the scenes:
"Kurdish oil is exported through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, of which about one third of shipments were headed to Israel. Many industry experts suggested that upon arrival in Israel, the oil is both stored in containers and re-sold abroad.
These industry officials also suggested the Kurds may be selling the oil to Israel at a discounted price, but Kurdish authorities have denied this claim outright."
Report: Israel imports 77% of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan

But the main agenda for Israel is to divide Syria, Iraq, maybe even Iran and Turkey and thus reduce their strength.

yes---of course. Israel even has a plan to destroy Pakistan.
I learned all about that from West Pakistanis in 1971 when
THE MOSSAD fomented the Pakistani civil war and sent WAR PLANES in to fight the west Pakistani army which is why west Pakistan was "FORCED" to murder east bengalis
Yinon Plan - Wikipedia

WTF You're ok with what Erdogan is doing because of a single article from the 80's :bang3:

How does it always turn into "because of Israel"? A cat farts in Cairo and it's Mossad fault.

Kurds deserve a right to govern and protect themselves from both Assad and Erdogan.
Where did I say its ok? Are you really reading here? Or are just being activated when the term "Israel" appears somewhere?

You brought Israel into the picture.

I came here to discuss Kurds and their right to protect themselves from Assads and Erdogans alike.

If they decide to be Syrians, they know what's best for them - but then again if Syria wan't a sectarian society it wouldn't suffer from so much revolutions...just like the one that brought the Assads to power.

Assad will chicken out in front of Erdogan, barely holds the country... he couldn't care less about Kurds.
Last edited:
This agreement does not make Syria and Turkey friends

Of course not, Syria and Turkey won't friends yet a long time. Just now they have a "common" problem with Kurds.

Russia is in bed with Turkey. But while there are many things I consider unacceptable for an ally, it is still way better than this: 'IS' supply channels through Turkey | All media content | DW | 26.11.2014
And yes, S-400 is being sold to Nato´s Turkey but can the Russians be sure Erdogan won´t use it as small present when crawling back to Washington?
Yes, Erdogan can betray at any time, and this "alliance" is nothing more than temporary.
Syrian Kurds are Syrian nationals, most of them. Some are refugees, but they can become Syrians if they want.

Oh shut da...You Baathi ass licker

Assad couldn't care less about the Kurds as long as they are not in the opposition.
When people start marching with a portrait of the guy like in N. Korea You gotta ask Yourself a couple questions.

He just published a notice for his "fellow Syrian national" who might wanna come back, to remind them of the old ways:

The site was launched on March 15 to mark the seventh anniversary of the Civil War
The huge reservoir includes 250,000 women

In the database you can enter a name and see if someone is required for questioning.

Check your name in Syrian regime's wanted list: 1.5 million people wanted

"The Ministry for National Reconciliation, he says, was established three and a half years ago. It brought to a successful conclusion 50 reconciliation projects before the Russian diplomatic and military operations started on September 30, 2015. The most celebrated of these resulted 18 months ago in 10,000 terrorists abandoning the old city of Homs (which they had devastated) without firing a shot. Today, another 50 such projects are in the works.

The purpose of reconciliation is to save Syrian lives and to shorten the war.

I ask what a reconciliation project looks like.

The minister replies that the strategy is to separate the foreign fighters from Syrian fighters. So what the ministry does is to communicate with influential local people and select some of them to form a local committee of reconciliation to act in its own name, formally independent of the Syrian government. The committee makes contact with the fighters and their leaders. It offers them a deal. It will provide safe passage out of a “rebel-held” area for those fighters who aren't interested in laying down their arms and receiving amnesty. For those Syrian fighters who lay down their arms and accept amnesty, the committee promises that security records will be cleared and jobs will be found. For those who wish to remain in arms, they are invited to join the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and can even form their own units.

Eight hundred former Syrian mercenaries switched sides and joined the SAA in Latakia Province alone. President Assad granted blanket amnesties eight times in the last five years for a total of about 20,000 former Syrian mercenaries.

But reconciliation is a lifetime project. Such bitter animosities among communities, formerly living in peace together for hundreds of years in pre-war Syria, have been created by the crimes of the foreign-backed terrorist mercenaries that many great gaps have been torn in the formerly pluralistic fabric of Syrian society. As a result, the project of reconciliation will be needed for a long time to prevent problems in the future.

As for refugees, the issue is even more complicated. There are internal and external refugees. And the Syrian government insists that it is not the cause of either type of refugees. Rather, the refugee problem is the direct consequence of five years of war of aggression waged against Syria by the West and Arabian monarchs.

The Syrian government doesn't know how many Syrians actually left the country because many people fled in panic of the terrorists without time even to take their documents. On the other hand, some neighboring countries are deliberately inflating the number of Syrian refugees within their borders to leverage their political power and to get funding from aid agencies and foreign governments."

Amid foreign imposed war, Syrian government works for reconciliation

More like Assad posting lists of wanted Syrians abroad - signals for another "pipe cleaning" and a permanent refugee status scheme for those in Europe and US. Easier to rule a country with fewer people.

Another reason for Kurds to free themselves from that madness.
Last edited:
This is a nice pic:

But behind the scenes:
"Kurdish oil is exported through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, of which about one third of shipments were headed to Israel. Many industry experts suggested that upon arrival in Israel, the oil is both stored in containers and re-sold abroad.
These industry officials also suggested the Kurds may be selling the oil to Israel at a discounted price, but Kurdish authorities have denied this claim outright."
Report: Israel imports 77% of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan

But the main agenda for Israel is to divide Syria, Iraq, maybe even Iran and Turkey and thus reduce their strength.
This is a nice pic:

But behind the scenes:
"Kurdish oil is exported through the Turkish port of Ceyhan, of which about one third of shipments were headed to Israel. Many industry experts suggested that upon arrival in Israel, the oil is both stored in containers and re-sold abroad.
These industry officials also suggested the Kurds may be selling the oil to Israel at a discounted price, but Kurdish authorities have denied this claim outright."
Report: Israel imports 77% of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan

But the main agenda for Israel is to divide Syria, Iraq, maybe even Iran and Turkey and thus reduce their strength.

yes---of course. Israel even has a plan to destroy Pakistan.
I learned all about that from West Pakistanis in 1971 when
THE MOSSAD fomented the Pakistani civil war and sent WAR PLANES in to fight the west Pakistani army which is why west Pakistan was "FORCED" to murder east bengalis
Yinon Plan - Wikipedia

WTF You're ok with what Erdogan is doing because of a single article from the 80's :bang3:

How does it always turn into "because of Israel"? A cat farts in Cairo and it's Mossad fault.

Kurds deserve a right to govern and protect themselves from both Assad and Erdogan.
Where did I say its ok? Are you really reading here? Or are just being activated when the term "Israel" appears somewhere?

You brought Israel into the picture.

I came here to discuss Kurds and their right to protect themselves from Assads and Erdogans alike.

If they decide to be Syrians, they know what's best for them - but then again if Syria wan't a sectarian society it wouldn't suffer from so much revolutions...just like the one that brought the Assads to power.

Assad will chicken out in front of Erdogan, barely holds the country... he couldn't care less about Kurds.
You couldn´t. We can see no threads, no whining and moaning about the Kurds being expelled from Afrin. Because Uncle Sam couldn´t care less. You are just parroting Israel/US governments. We can see it when you demand a Kurdistan but deny a Palestine, hypocrites.
yes---of course. Israel even has a plan to destroy Pakistan.
I learned all about that from West Pakistanis in 1971 when
THE MOSSAD fomented the Pakistani civil war and sent WAR PLANES in to fight the west Pakistani army which is why west Pakistan was "FORCED" to murder east bengalis
Yinon Plan - Wikipedia

WTF You're ok with what Erdogan is doing because of a single article from the 80's :bang3:

How does it always turn into "because of Israel"? A cat farts in Cairo and it's Mossad fault.

Kurds deserve a right to govern and protect themselves from both Assad and Erdogan.
Where did I say its ok? Are you really reading here? Or are just being activated when the term "Israel" appears somewhere?

You brought Israel into the picture.

I came here to discuss Kurds and their right to protect themselves from Assads and Erdogans alike.

If they decide to be Syrians, they know what's best for them - but then again if Syria wan't a sectarian society it wouldn't suffer from so much revolutions...just like the one that brought the Assads to power.

Assad will chicken out in front of Erdogan, barely holds the country... he couldn't care less about Kurds.
You couldn´t. We can see no threads, no whining and moaning about the Kurds being expelled from Afrin. Because Uncle Sam couldn´t care less. You are just parroting Israel/US governments. We can see it when you demand a Kurdistan but deny a Palestine, hypocrites.

Because there's no point in talking to Islamist hmars and Baathi kalbs about anything but their beloved dictators ...

All You do by conflating Israel with Kurds is helping their enemies' rhetorics.
If Kurds decide Assad is not an enemy, the why is he still chickening out, waiting for Vlad to do the job?

WTF You're ok with what Erdogan is doing because of a single article from the 80's :bang3:

How does it always turn into "because of Israel"? A cat farts in Cairo and it's Mossad fault.

Kurds deserve a right to govern and protect themselves from both Assad and Erdogan.
Where did I say its ok? Are you really reading here? Or are just being activated when the term "Israel" appears somewhere?

You brought Israel into the picture.

I came here to discuss Kurds and their right to protect themselves from Assads and Erdogans alike.

If they decide to be Syrians, they know what's best for them - but then again if Syria wan't a sectarian society it wouldn't suffer from so much revolutions...just like the one that brought the Assads to power.

Assad will chicken out in front of Erdogan, barely holds the country... he couldn't care less about Kurds.
You couldn´t. We can see no threads, no whining and moaning about the Kurds being expelled from Afrin. Because Uncle Sam couldn´t care less. You are just parroting Israel/US governments. We can see it when you demand a Kurdistan but deny a Palestine, hypocrites.

Because there's no point in talking to Islamist hmars and Baathi kalbs about anything but their beloved dictators ...

All You do by conflating Israel with Kurds is helping their enemies' rhetorics.
Assad is one.
Assad is the great President whose approval rate is more than your two Presidents´ combined. Erdogan "chicked out" and requested German asylum in his plane, when the Russians saved his ass so he can continue his filthy and bloody game. He weakened his army for several reasons and can only go for some poor Kurds who were dropped by Washington and Moscow. And this only with terrorists doing the actual job.
WTF You're ok with what Erdogan is doing because of a single article from the 80's :bang3:

How does it always turn into "because of Israel"? A cat farts in Cairo and it's Mossad fault.

Kurds deserve a right to govern and protect themselves from both Assad and Erdogan.
Where did I say its ok? Are you really reading here? Or are just being activated when the term "Israel" appears somewhere?

You brought Israel into the picture.

I came here to discuss Kurds and their right to protect themselves from Assads and Erdogans alike.

If they decide to be Syrians, they know what's best for them - but then again if Syria wan't a sectarian society it wouldn't suffer from so much revolutions...just like the one that brought the Assads to power.

Assad will chicken out in front of Erdogan, barely holds the country... he couldn't care less about Kurds.
You couldn´t. We can see no threads, no whining and moaning about the Kurds being expelled from Afrin. Because Uncle Sam couldn´t care less. You are just parroting Israel/US governments. We can see it when you demand a Kurdistan but deny a Palestine, hypocrites.

Because there's no point in talking to Islamist hmars and Baathi kalbs about anything but their beloved dictators ...

All You do by conflating Israel with Kurds is helping their enemies' rhetorics.
Assad is one.
Assad is the great President whose approval rate is more ...

"Assad is the Great President...":hands:

Sounds EXACTLY like:


Last edited:
Where did I say its ok? Are you really reading here? Or are just being activated when the term "Israel" appears somewhere?

You brought Israel into the picture.

I came here to discuss Kurds and their right to protect themselves from Assads and Erdogans alike.

If they decide to be Syrians, they know what's best for them - but then again if Syria wan't a sectarian society it wouldn't suffer from so much revolutions...just like the one that brought the Assads to power.

Assad will chicken out in front of Erdogan, barely holds the country... he couldn't care less about Kurds.
You couldn´t. We can see no threads, no whining and moaning about the Kurds being expelled from Afrin. Because Uncle Sam couldn´t care less. You are just parroting Israel/US governments. We can see it when you demand a Kurdistan but deny a Palestine, hypocrites.

Because there's no point in talking to Islamist hmars and Baathi kalbs about anything but their beloved dictators ...

All You do by conflating Israel with Kurds is helping their enemies' rhetorics.
Assad is one.
Assad is the great President whose approval rate is more ...

Sounds EXACTLY like:


Oh, who´s that? Oh yes, your ally.
You brought Israel into the picture.

I came here to discuss Kurds and their right to protect themselves from Assads and Erdogans alike.

If they decide to be Syrians, they know what's best for them - but then again if Syria wan't a sectarian society it wouldn't suffer from so much revolutions...just like the one that brought the Assads to power.

Assad will chicken out in front of Erdogan, barely holds the country... he couldn't care less about Kurds.
You couldn´t. We can see no threads, no whining and moaning about the Kurds being expelled from Afrin. Because Uncle Sam couldn´t care less. You are just parroting Israel/US governments. We can see it when you demand a Kurdistan but deny a Palestine, hypocrites.

Because there's no point in talking to Islamist hmars and Baathi kalbs about anything but their beloved dictators ...

All You do by conflating Israel with Kurds is helping their enemies' rhetorics.
Assad is one.
Assad is the great President whose approval rate is more ...

Sounds EXACTLY like:


Oh, who´s that? Oh yes, your ally.

What?! Do You read the bs You write?

You couldn´t. We can see no threads, no whining and moaning about the Kurds being expelled from Afrin. Because Uncle Sam couldn´t care less. You are just parroting Israel/US governments. We can see it when you demand a Kurdistan but deny a Palestine, hypocrites.

Because there's no point in talking to Islamist hmars and Baathi kalbs about anything but their beloved dictators ...

All You do by conflating Israel with Kurds is helping their enemies' rhetorics.
Assad is one.
Assad is the great President whose approval rate is more ...

Sounds EXACTLY like:


Oh, who´s that? Oh yes, your ally.

What?! Do You read the bs You write?

For your information: you posted a picture of Stalin.
Because there's no point in talking to Islamist hmars and Baathi kalbs about anything but their beloved dictators ...

All You do by conflating Israel with Kurds is helping their enemies' rhetorics.
Assad is one.
Assad is the great President whose approval rate is more ...

Sounds EXACTLY like:


Oh, who´s that? Oh yes, your ally.

What?! Do You read the bs You write?

For your information: you posted a picture of Stalin.

:eusa_doh:go open a thread in the I/P forum.
You're wrong, the soviets immediately turned into fierce enemies once they realized Israel was not to become a communist state., supported the Baathi kalbs in Syria.

The propaganda that was used in Syria under Assads, even before the current war is nothing new:

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And if You thought Assads and Erdogan come from a different deck - reconsider.
However the Sultan is far from reaching Assad's record of "prolonging democracy":


WTF You're ok with what Erdogan is doing because of a single article from the 80's :bang3:

How does it always turn into "because of Israel"? A cat farts in Cairo and it's Mossad fault.

Kurds deserve a right to govern and protect themselves from both Assad and Erdogan.
Where did I say its ok? Are you really reading here? Or are just being activated when the term "Israel" appears somewhere?

You brought Israel into the picture.

I came here to discuss Kurds and their right to protect themselves from Assads and Erdogans alike.

If they decide to be Syrians, they know what's best for them - but then again if Syria wan't a sectarian society it wouldn't suffer from so much revolutions...just like the one that brought the Assads to power.

Assad will chicken out in front of Erdogan, barely holds the country... he couldn't care less about Kurds.
You couldn´t. We can see no threads, no whining and moaning about the Kurds being expelled from Afrin. Because Uncle Sam couldn´t care less. You are just parroting Israel/US governments. We can see it when you demand a Kurdistan but deny a Palestine, hypocrites.

Because there's no point in talking to Islamist hmars and Baathi kalbs about anything but their beloved dictators ...

All You do by conflating Israel with Kurds is helping their enemies' rhetorics.
If Kurds decide Assad is not an enemy, the why is he still chickening out, waiting for Vlad to do the job?

SHEEESH----sorry. I slipped
Assad is the great President whose approval rate is more ...

Sounds EXACTLY like:


Oh, who´s that? Oh yes, your ally.

What?! Do You read the bs You write?

For your information: you posted a picture of Stalin.

:eusa_doh:go open a thread in the I/P forum.
You're wrong, the soviets immediately turned into fierce enemies once they realized Israel was not to become a communist state., supported the Baathi kalbs in Syria.

The propaganda that was used in Syria under Assads, even before the current war is nothing new:


You mean leaders like Netanyahu and Trump have no public support.
WTF You're ok with what Erdogan is doing because of a single article from the 80's :bang3:

How does it always turn into "because of Israel"? A cat farts in Cairo and it's Mossad fault.

Kurds deserve a right to govern and protect themselves from both Assad and Erdogan.
Where did I say its ok? Are you really reading here? Or are just being activated when the term "Israel" appears somewhere?

You brought Israel into the picture.

I came here to discuss Kurds and their right to protect themselves from Assads and Erdogans alike.

If they decide to be Syrians, they know what's best for them - but then again if Syria wan't a sectarian society it wouldn't suffer from so much revolutions...just like the one that brought the Assads to power.

Assad will chicken out in front of Erdogan, barely holds the country... he couldn't care less about Kurds.
You couldn´t. We can see no threads, no whining and moaning about the Kurds being expelled from Afrin. Because Uncle Sam couldn´t care less. You are just parroting Israel/US governments. We can see it when you demand a Kurdistan but deny a Palestine, hypocrites.

Because there's no point in talking to Islamist hmars and Baathi kalbs about anything but their beloved dictators ...

All You do by conflating Israel with Kurds is helping their enemies' rhetorics.
If Kurds decide Assad is not an enemy, the why is he still chickening out, waiting for Vlad to do the job?

SHEEESH----sorry. I slipped

Thank You for bringing the other voice in ME conversations.
Appreciate it.

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